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March 15, 1924 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1924-03-15

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______________ THE MICHIGAN DAILY _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

. .

A every morning except Monday
University yerar by the Board in
fStudent Publications.M

have the combined actions of admin-
istrative and faculty bodies for the
past three 11on1ths.





Significant as are the influences of
the two political parties now, in con-

S of Western Conference Editorial trot of our country's policies, theres

,sociated Press is exclusi' cly en-
the ute for republicationi of all news
scredited to it or not other wise
n this paper andl the local news pub-
at the postoffice at Ann Arbo-,
as secon~d class matter. Special rate
e granted by Third Assist~ant Post-

nevertheless exists *perhaps even as
{great a significan ce in the definite an-
nouncement of the formation of a
third party. With only slight doevia-1
tUons it has alwvays been so far as
party politics of any importance are

Thus did the city of Detroit greet I
its returned hero, Edwin Denby, as he 1
bounced. off the jolly old train in his1
home city. In an impassioned speech
to' the C. of C. or something he said;

r .y 6 ..,,..

by carrier, $3.50; by merit, concerned, purely a matter of Reptil-

"-s: Anu Arbor Press Builuing, May-
nee: Editorial, 24.4 and 176-1%A; Bllsi
ed coimunications, not ciceedi11gq .oo
will be. published in Tie Dai ly at
scretion of the Editor. Up~on zequest,
lentity of communicant;. will bt -.o
las confidential.
Leepones, 2414 and 171-Y
Editor.. ........Rbbt. B. 1,rr
ial Board Chairman.... R C. Moriaty
Editor...... ....- G. Garlinghtouse
Tight Editors
Ailes A. . Corinu-le
Billinglou 1. ;ii. Fiske
C. Clark P. M. Wagner
Editor.... . ........ Ralph N. B ers
n' Editor.........Wi'ina THiblard
yMagazine Editor..... E. L. 'l'ad~enl
Editor.........Ruth A Ho~vell
Mt CitV Editor.. Kenneth C. Kell,,r
or ITichigan iNcw , Bureau. .R. G. Ramnsay
E iitorial Board
ilnstein Herma~n Wise

lican versus Democrat and Democrat
versus Republican depending upon
t'he particular issue' at hand. Now
however'with another competitor in'
the field, a competitor that promises
to exert no little amount of influence,
the general political aspect 'will of
necessity have to undergo a change or
two. TChe color of the sky will have
to be retouched somewhat for, so to,
speak, it is rather ominous.
For some time definite political or-,
ganization in the United States 'has
been on the downgrade. The gross
maltreatment of office by high officials
and the general disruption existent
among the two parties themselves
have, in the main accounted for this.
Both the 'Republicans and the De-110
crats will have to be on their toes
now, more than ever before, if they
are to maintain aniy sort of political.
leadership. Each must effect radical
changes In their organization for at

he had done nothing to he ashamed of,
unless providing for the better defense
of his country could be so interpreted.
He has suffered also, has Edwin.
Sally is miy coed friend;
I'm a coed too.
Sally's eyes are slow, pale, green-
M4y t-wo eyes are blue.
Sally is an ashen blond;
I am tinged with red.
S ally is to tall and straight
She tops me by a head.
Sally's nose is fine and long-
Mine snubs up a bit:
Sally looks just like a. queen,
And she has great wit.
Yet there is a riddle here
To which I find no key.
Every time we pass hint by,
H-e always looks-at me'.
Rover Boys' Vengeane INN 10

(The Daily Illini)
"There is nothing on the camIpus
capable of greater development and at
present more obviously mismanaged
than the Michigan Union" laments a.
contributor to the Michigan Chime-z.
"Our herds of conservative. peace-lov-
ing morons whom the institution sup-
posedly serves grumble and turn their
backs on the situation, while the three
men in most direct charge continue,
to be served in the Union dining roomI
and mnanlcurecl in the Union barber-,
To what extent his wail is applicaible
to conditions rin our own Union is ha rd
to 'say. Perhaps his characterizationl
of the students served by the union is
just. Our own student body is nior
inclined to grumble about "dirty poli-
tics" or "crooked work" and let it go>
at that. The author does present a
sharp contrast to the excitement ofi
union elections at Illinois when he be-
moans the "lack of interest ozi the
part of the students in the selection of
a president." Election of an illinris
Unio president is an event assuming4
the proportions of a labor strike or a
race riot,
In regard to certain facilities offered
by the union the writer says:, "it
# mould reason well that if the prices
were just slightly lower' than those
asked at other places there would tend
to be a feeling of 'let's go to, the
Union,, it's, cheaper and better," and
the Union would profit financially in
the end, as well as more nearly fulfill
its 'purpose.
Such a policy has obviously never
b een followed by Illinois Union.' Stu-
jdents are confronted witch the slogan :
"It's your Union. Support : T. here t
is little inducement to attend 13radley
and Blue Goose dances from the stand-j
point of prices, nor ally advantag>e to
be gained by buying books from the
Union instead of any other look store.?
The Union oaught to lie successful
from this co-operative :standpoint as
well as, from every other.




Liinlteds: 6 a. mn., 9:10 a. mn. and
every two hours to 9110 p. m.
Express: 7'a. in., 8 a. mn. and every
two hours to 8 p. mA.
Locals: 7 a.in., 8:55 a. mn. and~
every two hours to 8:56 p. in.,
11 p. mn. Tv Ypsilarat! only, 11:46
p. mn., 12:25 a. in. and 1:15 a. mn.
ILi miteds: 8:47 a. mn. and every two
hours to 8:47 p. mn.
Expess(snaking local stops);: 9:6U,
a. mn. and every two hours to 9:50
[ ci:7:50 a. mn., 12 :1f) a. mn.


f I'

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You can get a Diamond= Ring, Watch, Chest of Silver
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Andrew Prappes
k4 R: S. lMansn'eld
nell E. C. Flack
xer dermna M~oran,
onine Ilarold Aloore
In Carl OhlmaCher-
Cote Hyde ePci ce
s Regina RciChMiAnu1
libl Ed~marie Schraudcr
y C. A. Stevens
WNNI. LLS'oncciia'i
ulseworth ii. R Stone:
imn Alarie Reed
ll N. R. 'P l: I
Lr W. J. Waitilour

eth L.iebermzant
Telepbone 90
tiig. .E. L. Dunnr
ising ...............Ferry M. Hlayden
isng........ ..* oesez
ising ................ W. l( Scherer
ation .. C. Purdy.
atton.... ...........-sw!'zCne l 'erCe"
.Campbell M. L. Ireland
Caplan Harold A. Miarka
Champion Ityron Parke4
o"nlin 11. E. Rfose
M.P xter A..Seidman -
A. ni - Ovv A. jWie
Hbllarii -R. C. Winter
,ATURDML, MARCH 15, 1924
Editor-A. 1.- CON14ABLE, JR.
nldards of conduct g-row out of
rou thoughit throug h the contri-
ns'o individuals,. Th~e more thor-
ly these individuals are educaited.
igher should be their standards.
yet, President Burton, speaking]
Convocation yesterday morn-i
led the standards of the Univer-
;tudents as regards all the char-
stics which make a man. Surely
either the several cases in refer-
were isolated and apart from the
, or the University is failing, in

theo 'pre,;nt nmoment they are both in j Wheln Silas Marner had strewn his
the midst of a sorry state of affairs. piercing glance about the dingy cell
The third party which is to meet in where huddled the three .hapless cap-
paint Paul at a national convent:on titres. he turned on his heel arrogantly,.
early in June numbers already amng followed, by his, craven cr'ony Lopezr
its netbers 'many prominent lmmnpassed by the opten door.
and women includinig members of { "Perrns, carrambas," he snarled,
Congr ess. Whole organizations whose Nndalusca, who laughed shortly as he
iiumbers run up into many figures "htay solonmente muerto para tales
have pledged themselves en' masse, ell iuitos!."
and they promise some interesting act- The Rovers, stunned by this sudden
lvity in the near future. The West, outburst, gazed at each other in tepid
particularly the farm folk, are in sym- silence. "There is," mourned Prof.
patty w~ith the new movement for 'Snodgrass, "nothing we can do."
these have suffered unduly at the A knock at the door brought them
hands of both the Republican and .ll to their feet., but their quick, ap-
Democrat administrations. They as a prehension was soon allayed when
matter of fact are I'ea~ly for any kind they raw an old mian, wearing a knee-
of political change. length beard; .bearing a tray of steam-
it is to be expected of coutrse that ' ingi victuals. Dick Rover started.
the thirdIpamty Mill be mtade i tip mno;t~- "F~ather!" hie exclaimed, clasping
ly of liberals. This is in the very nay- the 014~ man in his arms.
titre of things quite natural, Yet. th-st, "Th'is can't be father," cried Toni in-,
are by no means to be considered, aas, credulously, "father had a goatee."
radicals for such they really are not. "It might be," rejoined Sani, "for
Antd fprthter, ~ it,,seems to be the opiniion ihe didn't have his razor with him."
of mmany that once havinb establisher) The, old man gazed about with a be-
s -efiite~ platform th~is party -will adti wildered ai1r. "I Can't recall," hed
to itself~ many of the semi-conservative drooledl hazily. "I lost my memory'
element or even memibers of the -t o alter Silas Marner threw me over-
piroinent existing political parties. board from- the, Bathtub IV in the
These are the individuals .who are d: = "jRover Boys on High" and separated -
gusted and whio have grown weary mt ne from my loving sons, Dick, Toni,1
the repeated and consistent nonenti- and Sam Roover."
ties of theiPr repective parties. They "Try to remember," urged Dick anx-
too like the farm folk are eager for aiiosly. A look of pain crossed the

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Weekc Da'is Sundays
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14.SN_ ELLIOTT, Proprietor
Photic 026-24IAdrian, Mitt.

a QU
a s act


K 8.50

] r . Mi.llin St. ;n

(Continu~ed from Page One)
In presenting this type of play,
Mimres hias legit an' old policy. It. has
been an old and estahblisherdfaqt ;to
present a few trite high school play:,,
each season 'durin the absence of
- Mr. Shuter.
'The Swoetest Kiss" bas beec,11 put
on ith nbo outside hellp. a1;( the
people, in, charlge of the direction and,
the dancing should1 be given a "l crt'dit
due. John B'romley, '25, as General
Director has handledl well ani extremie-
-~ lfl 31 ;1

As sure as is fate_ there will conic
this new party. It has been budding
[kracnieal-tm n a o.definitely ripened. That it can do no!
less than its predecessors have doteI
is certain. That it will do much more
is the mrore probable case.

ancient's face. "I remember the
startling suddenness of it all, now-


presence of the evils cited by
resident are known to exist, but
any cases are found, during thne
l er to ~ indicate that the evils
ere abnormalities in the student
It is more likely that the cases
Ire only outgrowths of the group
le on hionesty, decency, chivalry,
spect, and industry. The life of
udent is continually open to the
stion of his fellows and ques-
of morals and of life are de-
sub-consciously in most cases
e conventional attitudes of the
ular environments.,
he environment is at fault, if a
part of the student body is
ig its life on false standards,
obleni is one for the administra-
fT the University, as well as the
is, to seriously consider. In ac-J
g the responsibility of punish-I
of students for offenses against
al code in which the student
not apparently share, the Uni-
y creates; for it:;elf the obliga-
f' teaching thle principle: Of that
code to the students. In failing
this;, the University admlinistra-
F; jointly responsible with the
1ual offendler andl the student
as a whole for any infraction;s
mnoral code.
problem which immnediately
however, is the method to be
ed in this education., The Con-
on is one of the elementary steps
hind it is a wide field for wvork
s kind. Even the. Convocation,
,er, cannot achieve any lasting
twhen it occurs but once or
a year and, in suite of faculty

Twenty-Five Years
Ago A t Michigan
From Ole files ")f the Vl<. of 31. leiily,
The class of '01 will have a social
at the Barbour gynasium Friday eve-
ning. All members of the class are
urged to come, whether they dance or.
not. Come and get aoquaintod.



the dizzying fal-. from wsickening - y UitricuZILju.-
heights into the nklnown, unexplored
labyrinthl of the jungle. Yes, it is all "TH3ANK YOU, 'MADAM," the tweet-
ieth annual Junior Girl's play, is the
clear now. And you are my dlear(resitoon ofhemtracl
sons? f-How strange." changes since the play began when,.
Needless to say, the Rovers were 'h eaeCmiteo tdn f
somehatdisappointed with the lack fairs gave its official per-mission last
of enthusiasm on their father's part, ya ooe h rdcint h
but happy in the reunion they set t (:t pnCe-rdcint h
abou th bes mehodof dvouingI general public. The permission was
abou the es mthd f evurngreally given to the rien students since
the . t* .fl nfl.fl 1n'J Oc O l UAwhich IVwr

Tenth nniversorry
{, S hici<ai hr )gan at the lUpper
- 1'oomi, Saturda.y Evening~ March-
All "VIlliersity Men" C ordi~lhly
I,, Taking tile C'ountry by Storm
A complete set in bright
colors, 144 tiles, 116 count-
crs, 8 'racks, 2 dice, book
of riles and instructions;
any one can learn the game
in ten minutes. It's very
fascinating. All in attrac- I
tive box, sent prepaid on
receipt of $1.00. (Canada
25c extra.)
-Table Covers
Very attractive. black sat-
een Mall Jong Table Cover,
with colored dragon de-
si gns, adjustable to any
size card table. 16 counter
pockets, striking. colored
stitched edges.. Extraor-
dlinariy value. Special price
We will 'send prepaid one complete.
Mah-Jong set and table cover as
described above on receipt of $2.50.
Ill West 68th St. New Fork

a am 4


Y3 t7et d ~the World" f
I 'i S the way a JOHN HAN~CQCK saleman described .;
his work, He is a college graduate and. in five s.
years has put himself at the very top of his 1
4business. He never yet has called upon a pros- b
Wj pect w ithout a previous appointment. The best life ?k
insurance salesmen today work, on thait p lan, making &
"4 it a business of dignity, such as any worthy and ambi" t
.V tious college graduate can find satisfying to his mental t"
needs, and highly remunerative as well. t
The mani above quoted is the John Hancock's
youngest general agent. This shows what college
9 graduates of the right type can do in this business,
how they can build up earning power and at- the '"A
If same time provide f ra accumulated co p t nefr hey as oc m .
Graduation is a vital period in your life and you
& Aency Department)"
ti Sixty-one years in business. Now insuring One Billion Seven Hundred P
Million Doldzrs in pol icies on 3,2.50,000 dives

the Ueaipa ag ;au leis waica were

spread before them.
"The cursed Marner," blazed Dick.
"He has. left u~s here to starve, for
we have no fork with which, to eat
the exquisite boiled asparagus butts."
"What," exclaimed the others in uI-
son., "And , they are so tem pting too."-A d a g o m p ll s r d it w y
Iover their set faces as the day died out
of the skay. Silas Marner ha.d again
struck a blow at the vital supports of

A petition was started Mtonday at a
1meeting of the graduate and under-
graduate students seeking the face-
' ulty's permission to'establish a chap- I
ter, of Phi Beta Kappa, eligibility to
which is based upon four years' schol-
arship. The petition is being well re-
ceived, most of the literary students
seeming to be of the opinion that such
a society will be of grea.t benefit to
the University.
Prof. Francis Kelsey is in New York
tilending a meeting of the Board of
control of the American 'school at
Athens. Prof. Kelsey is vice-president E
of the board.
Mrs. Stanford, of Leland Staimfordi
university, is arranging for- many im-
p~rovemnenits in time University now thtt
her estate is settled up and out of tHie
courts. The most Important amonig
these- will be a muemorial chapeltot
Icost niot less than. $100,088; a meinor-
iail arch 85 feet wide and 40 feet highi
tob.erected between two buildings of
the "quad,", and also two large build -
ings for the scientific departments.

a .
: ..
k -

their loved expedition.


the Iloi ers Starve to Deatli g
htow :Prof. Siiodgratss saves the

Oh Mister Jason Georgie Cowles
-Than which no name is sweeter-
I pray in weepy, whining howls:
Whence came your ear for meter?
I write a purple rondelet,
Maph-ap a tender sonnet,
jIntended for my mignonette,
But hell, you frown upon It!
And so may darts are never. shot,
My song of love Is -deafened=
IYou hurt the game an awful lot-
And say if you're so darn smiart, findj
a rhynme for -deafened, will
V"e lilkc dhis business of singing
r-ound5. 'The Glee Club or some organ-
at the.c Convocation. You know, this

the faculty had been allowed to attend
for many years.
The chief object on to openin,- the Ij
Iplay to the public was made by p>rom-
inent facul1ty memubers whlo feared that
the fanciful, imaginative qualit(y wrim111:h
had distinguished their per forrauc
from other cam ~pus proti lcti of5Cito
Union Opera in pai-ticula~r, woutld vani-
ish, in an effort to, popiularize the
undertaking. ."Jane Climbs a Mount-
ain," given by the class of 1924, was
presented to the public yas an experi-
moent and seemed to elicit praise from
all sources. It was. still fanciful with
that touch of amateuris hness which.
women playing the parts of mnen nec-I
essarily give.{
In spite of the -success of "Jane}
Climbs a Mountain," however, and the
evident proof that University wren arc
interested in the undertaking, rumors
of doubt weire still heard among the
more skeptical. They generally; re-
volved around the argunment that
while one production could not erase
the influence of the previous eighteen
years, time would surely show this
cheapening effect. I
"Thank~ You, Madam," therefore,1
would seem' to bear the responsibility
of proving definitely that public pre-
sentation results in an even better
production than when thie play Was
given solely for the enjoyment of theI
University women.
"LIC'T'IIIN", the rrtcrt successful
play in tme history of thle Ameirican
theatre--ilfsuccess is tot1e judgedl byvI


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Stedily increasing sales
each succeeding year
plainly indicate the uni-
versity moan's approval of
John Ward Men's Shoes.
A variety of lasts, patterns
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need wit be shown by
C. P. Lathrop at




M1on., JMarch 17
Tues, March 18

ization didk it very sweetly yesierday { the length of the Broadw'vay run-will
song about be presented this evening at the Whit-
Flashes up ! ney theatre with Thomas Jefferson
Flashes up andi Bessie Bacon in the leading roles.
' Flashes Lill.



!1 I[

ever you want, get.it

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