A6F 4br
flit r tg n
XXXIV. No. 96
All students in the literary col-
lege who are forced to make
changes in elections or are desir-4
S us to because of some good rea-
l son may (10 so between 5 and' 121
o'clock and 2 and 5 o'clock today
in the Registrar's office in Uni-
versity hail. Changes may also
be made at the same hours to-
morrow. All last semester's
grades will be mailed from the '
Registrar's office today as was l
announced at the first of the t
week. Some of the grade slips
will probably not be mailed ;e- t
fore tonight and so the entire lot '
will not be delivered before td-
morrow's mail.
Nation-Wide Referendum On Question
Will Be Conducted By
e -
Student Council To Select Candidates
From Tryout, and Place Them
on Spring Ballot
Egyptian Opposition Causes
Closing Of King Tut's Tomb
Luxor, Feb. 13.--(By A. P.)-Theytors jealous of their newspaper con-
crisis which broke with dramatic sud- tract, and the government jealous of
denness today between Howard Carter its rights, there has been a whole ser-
and he gyptan ovenmen an ~ ies of bickering mainly on this ques-
salted in the closing of Tutankhamen's
tomb undoubtedly had its origin in a not find serious expression until to-
(~fltact ~ 1.-.3Iday.
contract signed by th latic Lord Car- Pending a solution of the difficulty
narvon securing the sole right of de- {watheni, of the department of an-
scriptive articles and ,pictares of the tiquities will take over the immediate
discovery in the tonm to s.London
Also Flays iPublic for Insufficient
Remuneration of Its
lent Marion L. Burton, in del-
the principal address of the
terday before the tenth an-
ghway engineering conference
here this week, deplored the
tendency in politics of not
,he public real service. t
American people can only get
m n in public service when
tplitics out of politics," he
"The issues before the coun-
be treated as issues, and not
rsonal manner as at present.
,t the duty of the public ser-
ive the people what they want
make them want what theyI
in a
It is
Flays Public For Low Salaries
President Burton flayed the public
ALso for its action in not giving enough
financial remuneration to its servants,1
hence in not securing the best men;
Eor its action of replacing good men at j
short intervals, because they are toor
good, and for unjust criticism of
good men, especially by minorities,
rhe price asked of a public servant!
a too great, he maintained.
He sees salvation for the nation
n that her primary thought is not
what she is, but what she hopes to
be. He further demanded a greater
policy of public-mindedness from
every individual, in private or public
life, for the good of civilization.
Today's meetings of the conferenceF
vill conclude with a banquet at the
Union at 6 o'clock, at which time
bean Mortimer E. Cooley, of the Col-
eges of Engineering and Architecture
will act as toastmaster. Following
,e speaking program, a' ,business
neeting of the Michigan asociation-j
f road commisioners and engineers,
vill be held, with F. E. Beard, pres-
dent, in the chair.
Chicagoan Speaks Tonight
Speakers tonight will include: J.j
R. Howard, president of the National
Transportation Institute of Chicago;
vho will talk on "The Transportationj
>roblem and its Relation to the Farm-
r;" and George M. Graham, chair-
nan of the traffic planning committee
if the National Automobile chamber
f commerce, who is to speak. on
Educatioii, Punishment, and Traffic
Sessions are scheduled for this
horning and afternoon also. G. C.l
Dillman will preside during the fore-
ioon and Frank F. Rodgers, state'
iighway commissioner, in the after-
loon. Speakers in the mornling will
nclude C. C. Lattimer, county engin-
er of Franklin county, Ohio; Mr.
lodgers, and representatives of the
ounty highway department.
Conference Ends Tonight
Irving W. Patterson, chief engineer
if the Rhode Island state road board,
vill speak in the afternoon and also
Villiam R. Connell, engineering ex-
cutive of the Pennsylvania State
ighway department. The conference
vill conclude with the meeting tonight
.nd more than 400 are estimated to1
ave been in attendance during the
our-day gathering.
At the morning gathering yesterday
Prof. John I-. Bateman, of the high-
vay engineering department, presid-
d, while several speeches and dis-
Four Men Rob "n-A Fuel Company
of $100 and Flee
In Auto
At 5:40 o'clock yesterday afternoon
three heavily-armed men entered the
P offices of the Ann-A Fuel company, 214
E. Madison street, and holding off the
occupants at the threat of shooting.
took what has been estimated at more
than $100 from the cash drawer. The
robbers then fled.
It was just before darkness set in
and shortly before 6 o'clock yesterdayI
that an Essex coach drew up a short
distance from the headquarters of the
coal company. Four men left the auto
and three of them entered the office
with revolvers drawn. The fourth re-
mained on guard outside. After they
had taken all the money in the drawer
the four jumped into the car and afterI
a few seconds diqappeared' in tri
direction of Detroit. The Ann Arborl
police were immediately notified and
officers sent out succeeded in trailing
the bandits as far as Wayne, it is be-.
lieved. Here all trace was lost. Police,
in all nearby cities, including Detroltu
have been notified to be on the watch
for the marauders.
Local police officials state that four
armed men, believed to be the same
ones, committed a daring hold-up at
noon yesterday in Flint and clues are
being traced down from that source as
What is characterized as a nation-
wide student referendum on prohi-'
bition, to solicit the vote of every uni-
versity man and women and faculty
member in America, has virtually been
decided upon by college papers of the
country. The Michigan Daily will
act for the colleges of this state; ap-
pointments have been made to other,
large papers to handle the work in
other states.
The Yale News is originator of the
idea, which hastalready been triedt
Iwith success in the east, and will act
as national teller. It is planned to
announce the result In all the dailies
in. the country simultaneously on
March 25. The colleges which will be
asked to conduct votes in the state of
Michigan are: Adrian, Hillsdale,
Hope, Kalamazoo, M. A. C., Michigan'
ICollege of Mines, Albion and Alma..
The supporters of 'the plan back
their assertions of the importance of
such a vote by po:nting out that the
college students of today are the vot-
'ers and leaders of tomorrow. The
Idea alreadydhas the support of many I
prominent politicians at Washington. I
For these reasons it is felt that the
small efforts made so far should be
supplemented by a more inclusive
scheme to ascertain just how the stu-
dents and faculty of the United States
feel on the eighteenth amendment andj
the Volstead Act.
Th results of the vote conducted by
Toased Rolls recently will be counted
in the total for the University unless
The Da ly receives word that any
voter feels that the new wording ofI
the propositions affects his previous
a'nswer. The three questions, to be
found ready for use in the ballot on
page four today, cover, first, the re-
peal or retention of the present stat-r
utes, and second, the alteration to
permit the sale of light wines anid
beers. It is requested that readers
vote on. one of these propositions on-
ly.e etIts wiIIbe announced pobf
ably daily and the final total for thee
University given within 15 days. it isc
expected. Ballots should be address-.
ed to the Editorial Department of The1
Michigan Daily.I
Selection of next year's Varsity
cheerleader by an all campus ballot
to be taken at the time of the regular
spring election was passed upon by
the Student council at their regular
meeting last night at the Union. The
motion stated that candidates will be
chosen by the council this spring from
a group of tryouts and will be placed
upon the regular campus ballot for the
vote of the entire student body.
According to John W. Kelly, '24L I
president of the Student council, this
action was taken by the council for
the following reasons: "While realiz-.
ing the selection of men for office by
a campus vote is not always the most!
satisfactory way, the council still feels
that in the case of electing a cheer-
leader, the chief objection to a selec-
tion by a campus vote- unfamiliarity;1
by the campus with the candidate and
his qualifications-would be elimin-
Calls Immigration Exclusion Against
Japanese Inconsistent With
TI4e Egyptian government, which
maintained that its rights cver thel
tomb are incontestable, has been seri-l
ously embarrassed by request from i
merican ana Britth ntx:-par.i-s in I
behalf of their correspondents at Lux-
or for facilities in de'3cribing the dis-
coveries, facilities which the excava-
tors licenses granted by the depart-
ment of antiquity in behalf of the'
Egyptian government.1
Consequently between the excava- I
guardianship of the tomb from Mr.
Carter's native foremen. If no solu-
tion is found there are indications that
the Egyptian government will take
over the tomb and have the work of
exploration completed by the depart-
ment of antiquities.
Before the announcement from
Howard Carter that owing to the re-
strictions and discourtesies on the
part of the public works department
and its antiquity sections he would
close the tomb, several newspaper!
men were admitted into the tomb.
F. A .Vanderup umimoned to Ex
Charges Agali t Former
Washington, Feb. 13.-(By A.
Developments in the oil scandal
led over each other so rapidly
and went so far afield that when
came the national capital had no
fcovered from the shock.
Bainbridge Colby,ha former
tary of state, and one time law
ner ofr President Wilson for a
period, was mentioned ininform;
brought to the committee in co
tion with the vast array of .am
retained by various oil interests.
Garfreld is Brought In
James R. Garfield, secretary of
interior under President Roos
was considered for appointmen
one of the government attorneys
investigation showed that Mr. Ga
had had legal connec.ion with
Doheny interests in Mexico.
Ground work for a sweeping inv
gation ot the administration 01
torney General Daugherty, partici
ly his failure to act in the oil sca
and on other matters was laid
solution. presented by Senator Wl
er, Democrat, Mtontana. Steps
taken by the oil committee toq
tion, probably tomorrow, Oscar Si
counsel for the Standard Oil corm
of California regarding his state
3any Students To Consult With Deanf
H umphreysAboutI
Decided to make the position
of Varsity cheerleadervatcampus
Ielection position to be voted upon
I on the regular spring election
I ballot.
j A committee of seven students
was appointed from the campus
at large to investigate and advise
the council on the feasibility of
the student body participating in
the nation-wide EuropeanStu-
dent Relief campaign.
S'The council passed a motion to
petition the deans that a student1
convocation be held in the near
future -to be addressed by Presi-
dent Marion L. Burton.
"The S
to .gbs4'v
ers all yi
would be
"It is t(
tem will
London, Feb. 13.-(By A. P.)-In or-
der to help them in their- work, certain
London magistrates ; will attend lec-,
tures on lunacy four days a week,.
commencing in March. The course'
has been organized by the central as-
sociation of mental welfare and, after
their lessons in the morning, the mag-
istrates will visit certified institutions
for defectives, prisons and remand
Sir I4eslie Scott, chairman of the
welfare association, says it has been
felt thatsoei such practical course
might be of interest and help to magis-
tratbs in a part of their work, to which
so much attention has recently been
drawn. At present a magistrate can
override an expert opinion which de-
cides that a person is a mental defec-
tive. "We have arranged to bring the
two together, in order that they will
the better understand the others' point
of view.
-iLeaaer sl
men to tr
The Day'S'News AtI in the p
I__f S S Cap o position."
The C,+pi~l iA come
S council 1
dent body
Diplomatic relations . between the of the E
United States and Honduras were sev- of th
ered by the state department. paign th
major uni
The house passed a senate bill ex- ommaitte
tending the life ofethe war finance cor- in this and
poration.,I some mea
Senator Ralston, Democrat, Indiana cooperate
I of the coi
in his first senate speech suggested ou wi
that all incomes under $5,000 be ex- grounpcwil
empt from taxation. . co ..
House Democrats in party caucus lows: E.
IsatycauusI H. D. Ho
bound themselves to support the tax The Dail
reduction plan put forward by Rep- hManage
resentative Garner, Democrat, Texas '25L, Pre
Senator Robinson, Demqcrat, Ar- Clark, Pro
kansas, predicted public opinion would iaptAsso
force President Coolidge to remove captain-e
every official concerned with the naval WHelen J.
oil leases. the Wom
A moti
Frank A. Vanderlip, New York fin- council, t
ancier, was summoned for examina- student c
tion by the senate oil committee about (future to
remarks relating to the sale of "a cer- ' Marion L
tain Marion newspaper."-
Advised by administration le der NS
that the senate will not confirm either
Silas Strawn or Atlee Pomerene as, TAf
special counsel, President Coolidgeap- IVV
parently is preparing to withdraw theiry
nomination. Dr. Er
Attorney-general Daugherty submit- ectrical e
ted a detailed report to President Cool- and cons
idge upon department of justice act- eral elec
ivities relating to war fraud cases. ady, deli
tudent body is in a position
e the work of th,' cheer.ead-
ear, and at the election time
in a position to register an
t choice for Varsity cheer-,
o be hoped that this new sys-
add prestige to the cheer-
uad and thus encourage more
ryout in the future than have
ast for this really important
mittee was appointed by the
rom the campus at large to
te the feasibility for the stu-
y to take a part in the work
uropean Student Relief cam-
at is being waged in all the
versities of the country. This
e will talk with faculty mem-
others who have been active
ork as to the practicability of
ans whereby Michigan could
with the other institutions
Lntry in this campaign. This
ll report its findings to the
mmittee appointed is as fol-
R. Isbell, '26L, chairman
oey, '24, Managing Editor of
y, L. H. Favrot, '24, Business
of The Daily, T. J. Lynch.
esident of the Union, H. C
esident of the Student Christ-
ciation, Herbert Steger, '25
lect 1924 football team, and
Delbridge, '24, president of
an's League.
on was also passed by the
o petition the deans that a
onvention be held in the near
be addressed by President
. Burton.
nst J. Berg, professor of el-
ngineering at Union college
ulting engineer of the Gen-
tric company of Schenect-
vered the first of his series
University lectures in the
One hundred and eighty-nine stu-
dents in the literary college have been
instructed to see Assistant Dean Wil-
bur R. Humphreys to show cause why
they should be allowed to continue in
the University, it was announced from
the registrar's office yesterday. InI
addition, 40 students who were tool
low for possible continuation in their
courses are not to return this semest-k
Of the 189 wavering on dismissal,
only S are women students, it was
said. This fact is considered signifi-
cant. inas11puch as more, than a thirdj
of the student body are women. Whose
who succeed in convincing the offici-
alp that they should be allowed to
stay in school will be placed on pro-!
bation and debarred from further par-
ticipation in campus activities.'
So that those who are going to-
leave school may know of it at the
earliest moment, notifications of ser-1
ious delinquency have been rushed
out early and will probably have all
been received by this morning. a
Homer C Hockett professor of his-
tory at Ohio State university, is in Ann:
Arbor taking over the courses which 1
ordinarily were conducted by Prof. U.
B. Philiips, who is now teaching at the
northern brancn of the University of
California, at Berkeley. Professor
Flockett has made a life long study of'
history, and with Professor Phillips
Washington, Feb. 13.--(By AP)-,
Sections of the immigration restriction1
measure pending in the house would
operate to exclude Japanese from the'
country and such exclusion would be
"inconsistent" with treaty obligations
with Japan, Secretary Hughes con-'
tended in letter to Chairman Johnson'
of the House immigration committee
made public today at the state depart-
"I am unable to perceive that the
exclusion provision is necessary and
I must strongly urge upon you the!
advisablity in he interests of our in-!
ternational relations of it," Secretary
Hughes said.
"The Japanese government has al-1
ready brought the matter to the at-,
tention of the department and there,
is the deepest interest in the attitude I
of Congress with respect to this sub-7
ject," the letter added.
Secretary Hughes called attention
to the existing understanding between
the two governments, under which'
Japan undertakes to prevent immigra-
tion of laborers to the United States
adding that the Japanese government 1
in this connection now regulates im-
migration to territory ,contiguous to
the United States with the object of'
preventing the departure from Japan#
of persons who are likely to obtainI
surreptious entry into thistcountry.
If a provision making certificates
necessary for immigrants coming intoI
the United States were made appli-
cable to Japanese, secretary Hughes
said, it would be possible to obtainI
active cooperation of the Japanese I
government and arrangement could,
be perfected "envolving a doublecon-
trol over the Japanese quota of less 'I
than 250 a year" which could enter
the country.
that his and other oil companies
frained from bidding on the Fall
leases because they considered
leasing policy to be without autho
in law.
Expect Deuby, Daugherty to Reti:
Some senators professed to have
inite information that both Secret
Denby and Attorney General. Dau
erty soon would retire from the c
net, but there were no outward
velopments either at the White he
or the navy or justice departmenti
indicate that the resignation of eli
was impending.
The injection of President Hardir
name into the oil muddle create
sensation of scarcely less mnagnit
than did E. L. Doheny's unexpec
testimony of two weeks ago that
had made an unpaid loan of $100
to Albert B. Fall. News of the spe
delivered by Mr. Vanderlip last ni
at Ossining, New York, asking for
vestigation of the source of the $5.
000 paid to Mr. Harding for The c
just before his death traveled 1
wildfire through the senate el
rooms and throughout official Wi
cussions were offered upon the ques- -
tion of gravel roads. Bituminous sum-
face treatments for those roads wvere I NOINAO
discussed at the afternoon gathering, llpo o e nn' e
Moving pictures of road machinery FOR 1TAUTO HRACE
and hgway construction mnethods ''"
Indianapolis, Feb. 13.-(By AP)-
Launch Giant LUner The starting line at the track of the
B Las.tUMinnetonka Indianapolis motor speedway, where
Belfast, Feb. 13.-Thelithe annual 500 mile international
(Atlantic Transport Co.), 625 feet s
long, wihromfo 2 frt-lssIseepstakes automobile race is held
ng, with room for 322 first-classevery May 30, has been moved into
Ztassengers, has been launched. She he back stretch- about 200 feet The
was q student under Prof. F. J.''urn-
er, formerly of the University of Wis-M
consin, who is now teaching at Har-
vard. He spent a year at Indiana un-t
iversity, and from there went to theO
University of Wisconsin, where he re-
mained five years, taking his A.B. andTr
Ph.D. degrees from that institution. Tracing the development of modern
Since his graduation he has taught in poetry, and describing he various in- f
several different summer sessions fluences which have led the ar through
sthral dift uymendr essns the stages of its growth, Harriet
thr'u ghout the country, and for the Monroe, edi.tor of "Poetry" gave the i
past 15 years has been professor of second lecture yesterday on the Whim-
history at Ohio State university. sies lecture course and through the t
Professor Hackett has made a spe- reading of the best works of some of
cial study of the westward movements the modern poets brought the art inr
and the relations of these movements. its development to the place which}
to the social, political, and economic! its holds in literature today.1
conditions of the world, and is consid- Among the poets whose works she l
ered an authority in the study of con- read were Edwin Arlington Robinson,
stitutional history. He expects to re- I Carl Sanberg, Edgar Lee Masters, and
turn to Ohio State university with the the greatest of the modern women
completion of his work here in June. poets, Sara Teasedale and Edna St.
Vincent Millet. She also read someI
some of her own work, and though
Miss Monroe is probably more famous
as the editor of "Poetry", a magazine'
established by her in Chicago some
OOODT ,twelve years ago through which she
T U IU UU has done much to recognize and en-1
courage the writing of poetry, she is
Announcement that the Regents are well known for her own writing, andy
contemplating the demolition of the has contributed much to modern poet-
big chimney, located just north of ry.
Decide to Call Lenroot
There were hurried conferencesti
tween Chairman Lenroot andoth(
members of the oil committee witha
apparently unanimous agreement th
Vanderhip should be summoned ,in
It was scarely an hour after the it
terance of Mr. Vanderlip had been cc
firmed before Chairman Lenroot h
affixed his signature to a subpoen fi
hte New York banker. Avoiding t
slow process of formal service Sem
tor Lenroot had the Senate seargent
arms communicate by telephone wi
Mr. Vanderlip who expressed read
ness to appear before the commiti
tomorrow morning. The New Ye
financier will be questioned not or
with reference to his statement abc
the sale of the Marion Star, but a]:
about his charge that the oil comm
tee did not go further in investigatit
Fall because the former secretary w
ready to "peach" and what he wou
have said would have gone into "hi
Joseph H. Maddock, star tackle
Yost's point-a-minute team of '04, a
assistant football coach at Michig
in 1921-22 has been elected head coa
at Oregon University, filling the va
ancy made by the resignation of Coa
Shy Huntington. While at Michlga
Maddock was given a berth on Wa
ter Camp's All-Western team.
him Coach Yost says, "Maddock
one of the greatest tackles I ha
ever known. I consider him an e
cellent coach with fine enthusias
1 nda r~cnnliv_ ndec as; n
ill ply between London and New
Is the first thing most people
like to do last. It is decidedly
unnecessary when It comes to hav-
ing your wants satisfied. If there
judges' stand, which also has accom-
modations 'for the newspaper report-
ers, also has been moved and set far-
ther back from the edge of the track.
Although only one automobile race
a year is held at the speedway, a corps
of workmen is given year-around,
employment to keep the place in con-
dition. While the next contest is four
months away, much of the routine in
connection with it already is being
handled. The finishing line on the
track was moved back for the accom-
modation of the fans sitting along the
gfrah rpa lfniOos ling wa
of three
Chicago, Feb. 13.-(By A. P.)-Pro-1
motion of the interests of the. Ameri-
can public school, centering in a theme
of recent developmerts and next for-
ward steps in public education, is the
general aim of the meeting of 14 al-
lied departments and organizations of
east physics lecture room yesterday.
His subject was. "Heaviside's Oper-,
ators and Their Application in Engin-
eering and Physics." This same topic
one which is of interest to students{
of mathematics, engineering and phy-
sics, will be treated in the remaining.
two speeches by Dr. Berg, which will
be given at 4 o'clock this afternoon
and at a similar hour tomorrow.
Dr. Berg also gave what his listen-
ers characterized as an exceedingly
interesting talk last night on the sub-
the Engineering building threatens
to put a temporary halt to the activi-
ties of, radio , telephone broadcasting
Station WCBC. The large antennae
over which all radio communications
1 arc,,nnnt and rniva'nu c otto nhi nt
Geology Society
Initiates F z v ei