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March 15, 1924 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1924-03-15

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VOL. XXXIV. No. 122







As Latest MimesProduction Ni PRom IN TO DEFN

Philadelphian Spent Eight Years In,
Italy; Member of Metropolitan
Opera Company
Theodore Harrison, of Chicago, has
been engaged as head of the voice de-
partment of the University School off
Music, according to the announcementr
made by the Board of Directors of
the School. He Will succeed William
Wheeler, who with Mrs. Wheeler, is
resigning at the end of this semester
to establish a studio elsewhere.
Mr. Harrison was a member of the
School of Music faculty five years
ago,, since which time he has been
singing and teaching in Chicago and
the vicinity. He has won great dis-
Unction in that section, as soloist at
the Evanston Methodist church, and
with the Apollo club, the Mendel-
ssohn club, the Swedish Choral soe-
icty, and at the Evanston Northwes-
tern Festival.
During his career as a teacher he
has had under his guidance scores of
professional musicians who are pur-
suing succesfil careers either as
public performers or as teachers in
high class music schools throughout
the country. Prominent among his
students may be mentioned Orazio
Davelli and Chase Sikee, goth of
whom have made enviable successes!
in opera in Italy.
Mr. Harrison was originally a
Philadelphian, but after studying
there, hie spent eight years abroad..
principally in Italy where he studied
under Lombardi and Carobbi and ap-j
peared in opera for three years. His
concert appearances include engage-
ments with leading societies and un-
der distinguished conductors in miny
European cities.
After many successes abroad he re-
turned to America in 1913, toured
through the south with Mie. Marie
Rappold of the Metropolitan opera1
company and Mme Metzgar of the
Hamburg opera. and appeared as solo-
ist with the Minneapolis orchestra.,
Ife was then made head of the voice
department in the School of Music
here, where he remained for five
years, resigning in 1919 to accept the{
musical directorship of the Lyceum
Arts Conservatory of Chicago. He has
filled festival engagements in many
large American cities, and appeared
with several of the largest orchestras
of the country.
A feature of his work in Ann Arbor
will be the conducting of classes in,
musical interpretations, in addition to
private' lessons. He will begin his
new duties with the opening of college
in September.

By lilton A. Peterson and although a few slips occurred
Last ni ht, "The Sweetest Kiss" here and there, one could refrain'
played to i crowded house, and many from looking forward to their next
are the compliments that are to be appearance. Better dancers have been
paid to the production. In spite of a seen in past Operas, but I doubt if
few unfinished spots, mainly in the there are any so mirth-provoking.
make-up, the show was put across in The book and music, written by
a manner not to be equalled by any- Edward Meiss and Myron Chon, both
thing outside of the Opera. The play, '23 and writers of "In and Out," are
and it is worthy of it, will be repeated very good. The music is tuneful and
tonight. Full value is guaranteed to!I will linger for some time after the
all who see it, for not a long face last final curtain has been rung down.
night left the show. "Dreams Come True," "Winning Com-
Charles F. Preece, '27, as Peggy binations," "Kandy Kiss," and "Maize
Marshall is to be given credit for her and Blue Maid." were the outstanding
(his) good work. As an "amazin' numbers.
maize and blue maid" with a husky A familiar song in "Michigan
voice, he could not but be successful. Nights," featured in the 1923 Opera.
Howard Kennedy, '25. as Mark Antony was quite welcome. Everyone in the
Figg and Walter McCarthy, '26D, as cast does his bit in the singing, some-
Henry Cameron were quite impressive thing unusual in a musical comedy.
as chubby alumni of this noble insti- Quite astonishing was the fact that
tution. David Touff, '25, Edith Perk- their voices surpassed those of "Cot-
ins, also, did good work. ton Stockings." To some this will
The choruses are not to be slighted. not mean much, but the fact remains
They were the backbone of the show that such is the truth.

Winner to Represent ichigan buring
Nortbern Oratorical
Meet in may
Speaking on the subect "Is Hunan
Progress a Delusion?", William
Schrier, '24, was awarded first honors
in the thirty fourth annual University'
Oratorical contest held last night in
'University Hall. Schrler, as winner
of this contest will receive a medal
presented by Chicago alumni, the Paxl
Gray testimonial award of $100, and
will represent the University in tho
j Northern Oratorical League contestj
which will be held in Ann Arbor n1u
Second honors were accorded Frank
H. Backstrom, '24, whose subect was
"Within the Shadow," and homorable
mention was made of Albert E. Saw-
yer, '26, for his presentation of "A
Layman's View of the Modern Church
Conflict." Other' speakers on the
evening's program were J.' J. Rosen-
thal, '25. who spoke on "Three ThouM-
and Miles Away", and N. B. 'John-
son, '24. whose subect was "An Im-
Schrier, in winning the contest con-
trasted the various stages of man's.
development up to the present day,
ending by showing that the advance of
civilization will be frustrated if wars
and dissensions among nations are
allowed to arise. As a remedy, he ad-
vocated the furtherance of the inter-
national court of ustice.
Backstrom, awarded second honors.
portrayed the dangers of the narcotic
menace in the United States. He pro-

Money Collections for Whiskey With-
Drawals Brought to Light by
Senaite Committee
Washington, March 14.(-By A. P.)
--More sensations-the most lurid of
the lot yet developed-came today in-
to the records of the senate commit-
tee investigating the case of attorney
general Daugherty. As usual, they-
were fired off with machine gun vel-
ocity. Preston B. Means, former in-'
vestigator for the department of just-
ice and men of many adventures who
described his present business as "an-
swering indictment" testified that he
was the "money carrier" for Jesse M.
Smith and various dealseimplying cor-
He told a startling tale of collec-
tions of money for Smith and some'
ranging from $5,000 'to $100,000 and
before he finished had brough Secre- ]
tary Mellon's name into a story aboutf
permits for Whiskey withdrawals and
said he had once investigated at-
torney general Daugherty himself for
President Coolidge.
Means was careful to say that the
charges against the attorney general
which he investigated then, he found'
to be without any foundation in fact.
He also disclaimed that in his testi-
mony today about Smith alleged mon-
ey collections, he had any knowledge
of the attorney general being in-
volved or receiving any of the money
collected for Smith or one W. P. Un,
derwood, whom he named in that con-
Senator 'Wheeler was uncertain to-
night whether he would resume thel
stand tomorrow or whether Roxie
Stinson, divorced wife of Smith for
whom Means, was substituted today
because Miss Stinson was ill, would
continue her testimony.
Washington. March 14.--Protected
by rule forbidding amendment andl
limiting debate the soldier bonus bill
will be brought before the house for
a vote next Tuesday.M
Under this arrangement, agreed
upon in the house .today a two-thirds


Elaborate Floral Piece with Class
Nunmerals, Palms, Roses, Make
Up Decorations
By Bay A. Bllington
The sophomores had their annual
party last night. Three hundred of
them packed the ballroom of the Union
to capacity and froiced through the
evening that marked their annual so-
cial event of the school year, the 1926
Soph Prom.
It was a gala crowd that streamed
upon the floor for the opening strains
of the first dance; Gay gowns of
the women. and the sober black dress
of the men blended pleasingly as the
couples drifted abo t' during the few
moments before th beginning of the
grand march and . e official opening
of the ball. ,
Upon William Coleman, '25E, fell
the honor of leading this grand march
with Marion Brittson of Owosso as
his partner. Miss Brittson was
gowned in a somber orange with old
gold lace draped upon it and wearing
gold corsage.
With the strains of "The Victors"
dying, that Ahmous song that has
marked football games and class
marches since times long passed, the
orchetra pounced upon the notes of
the first dance and the joy of the
Prom was one. Roy Bargy's orchest-
ra of Detroit played at the Prom.
They are the group of musicians that
were the leading orchestra at the J-
Hop of this year and that have made
themselves known throughout the
country for their ability as dance art-
The ballroom of the Union was
transformed for the affair. At one end,
the.. walls :were, covered 'with white
flowers, charmingly interwoven, and-
with the numerals of 1926 in red em-
blazoned from.them. Palms:and huge
boquets of roses surrounded the.room.
At the end opposite the symbol of the
Blasss a block ."M," made up of rows
of light, shone from a bankof flowers.'
Washington, March 14.--Agreement
between the United States and Canad-
ian government has been reached un-
der which they will create both na-
tional commissions to cooperate with
the joint Engineering board in plan-
ning the proposed St. Lawrence-Great
Lakes deeper waterway project.
The American commission, named
tonight by President Coolidge will be I
headed by Secretary 'Hoover and in-
cluded William C. Gregg, former pres-
ident of the New Yor merchants as-
sociationl; James E. Davidson of Bay
City, Michigan; James G. Goodrich.
former governor of Indiana; James
I. Howard, of Chicago, former presi-
dent of the American farm bureau
federation; James B: Foonam, of the
American federation of Labor, Steven.
B. Davis, Washington attorn.ey;,
Charles G. Craig, of Duluth. Minne-
sota, and an additional number to be
chosen from the commerdial con-
munity of the New England states.
Paris, March 14.-The reparations

'Capt. Hattendorf, Relke, Hubbard,
and Whitman Are Stars In
Running Events
Michigan's Varisty track team will
defend its Conference track title to-
night at the fourteenth annual indoor
track and field meet to be held in
Patten gymnasium, Evanston.
With her title at stake the Wolver-
ine squad, composed of twenty-one
athletes will be driven to the limit
to win. Illinois and Iowa, both of
which have made strong showings in
the early season meets are favored to
finish among the first three and to
cdown them practically every man on
Michigan's team will have to take,
points, especially in consideration of
the fact that the Indian squad made
a much better showing than the Wol-
verines at Illinois relays two weeks
Michigan will rule the favorite in
several events and upon the showings
in several events will. rest the chanc-
es of victory in the meet. Reinke,
Captain Hattendorf, an'd Freyberg are
sexpected to show up well in the 1-2
mile while Wittman, winner of the
Illinois relays dash, should lead the
field in his event. Hubbard, deprived
of an opportunity to show in his fav-
orite event, the broad jump, because
it will not be on the list of events, can
be depended upon to do something in
the hurdles although the opposing
Reinke and Bowen have a good
chance to come through in the mile,
as have Davis, Hicks, and Callahan
in the two mile. Macllven and
Smith are probable point takers in
the high jump, while Brooker can be
relied upon to- give Brownell of Illin-
ois -a good fight in the pole vault.
Doyle may place in the shot put.
Opposed to the Michigan stars will
be a large -number of outstanding
-figures in the track world. Ayres
Illinois in the dash, Fessenden of the
same team in the 440, Schildauer in
the. shot put, Kinsey, world's record
holder in- the h rdles, in his favorite
event, and Brownell in the pole vault
are some of the, athletes who will
help to take points for Illinois and
at the same time take them froii
Michigan, while' Brookins, Coulter,
Phelps and Bguber will be sure point
winners for Iowa. A large number of
other brilliant performers will be
likely to gain a scattering of points
for the weaker teams.l
The Day's News At
The Capitol
The house decided to vote next
Tuesday'on the soldiers bonus bill.
Secretary Work proposed legislation
to encourage new reclamation pro-
Inquiry into operations of the bur-
"au of internal revenue' would be drop-
.ped before the senate committee.
Western live stock producers ask-
ed the interstate commerce commis-
sion for low freight 'rates.
The senate adopted a resolution
broadening the power of the Daugh-
erty investigating committee.
The senate oil committee postponed
its hearing until next Tuesday on ac-
Aount of the illness of Senator Walsh.

Will Broadcast
Tonight's Meet,
Special toa The Daily
Chicago, =arch 14.-Results of the
Big Ten Conference indoor track meet
to be concluded at Northwestern uni-
versity tonight, will be broadcasted
from radio station WJAZ, located in
the Ed'gewater Beach hotel,. Chicago.
The Zenith-Edgewater Beach station
transmits at 448 meters wave length
and is rated as one of the most pow-
erful stations in the world.



Says Co-education Is H
Industry Stressed As
Of A Real 1'

Honesty, decency, chival
Bank Officials Declare That hiuge Sum respect and industry were pr
vas Not Deposited With "The Marks of a Man" by
Them i Marion L. Burton speaking
vocation of the University
terday morning in Hill at
EFFORTS TO FIND SKELETON An audience which occupi
CISTERN UN SUCCESSFULavailable seat listened intent
president's remarks, several
Although statements made by prin- terrupting them with applau
cipals in the Williams street mystery these five fundamental qua
case establish as a fact that some- promtedsbyuamcnsiderati
thing of value was found in the house tain things in the life of the U
now demolished,"no trace of the "trea- which he regards a evil .i
s cent occurences which he c
sure" has been found: A canvass of ized as being "about as raw
all Ann Arbor banks yesterday failed thing I have encountered h
to reveal the present location of the !years of administrative exp
find. The cistern in the back yard of He exhorted the students to
the house under investigation was 'of their responsibility to the
dragged twice during the day but all sity and decried the preva
efforts to bring forth the skeleton, laziness, vulgarity, lack of
supposed to have been cast into it, straint and individuality ar
were unsuccessful. ' students. He made it clear
Officials at all local banks declare' welcomes intelligent cirticisi
that no such amount of money had versity policies and condit
been left in their custody, although aluie" fins deploed thei
one official asserted that if, as Fred facilities for self-expression
Leever, wrecking contractor, said, the facilt.iufrepression
box was full of gold coins and re- by certai unrepresentative
quired ,one man to carry it, the lication," the president del
amount might well have been in the would reject every paragra
neighborhood of $100,000. every article which was ba
Mr. Leever, in a statement made sex appeal. We are suffer
Thursday night, said that any man an excess of this sort of thini
who woild take such an amount of are plenty of other magazin
money to a bank under such condi- that it continues to flourish
tions would be "foolish." are some violations of the pr
Mrs. Adelaide Knight Clark, daugh- decency which real men wil
ter of J. W. Knight, owner of the erate. Wit and humor need
house for more than 30 years, re- profane nor our conversati
sponding to a telegram sent her by a A real man is instinctively
friend, stated that the house had been !ly filth and obscenity. Andty
remodelled by her father ,when hehave oudtheredn t
came into possession of it in 1871 and hick srolditurnd eit
every real ma an ev'
that there had been a built-in safe in woman."'
her father's study. Also that there 'i resident Burton assailed
was a fireplace in this study which called "yoth movement' poi
was not being used and which was that those who pretend to ha
later bricked tip. . en off the tram els of co
It Is said, however, that Mr. Knight have really created another
was very ill at one period during his I themselves more convention
ownership of the house and might the one they have left. "T
possibly have secreted payments on condition in which a ,man
mortgages while he was too ill to take without suppression .or res
them to the bank, and forgotten them. barbarism, he said, "and
It is considered significant that at Michigan we intend to be c
this time the unstable condition o f He championed the Puritan
American currency would probably i that'disparagement of it is ba
have necessitated payments in gold. a total misconception of its
(and. adding that, despite th
intellectuals", no one need
j he will become a Puritan in
and age.
(Continued on Page T



duced arguments that the drug evil
riiraiiHr0 in America, and that immediate dras-
tic action must be taken to extermin-
ate it.
Various phases of the church and
8500 ELINQUENT CASES. its problems were presented by Albert
Sawyer, who received honorable
Washington, March 14.-More than mention.
8500 income tax return cases for 1917 Announcement was inadie during the
still are awaiting settlement in the evening of the Atkinson Memorial
contest which will be held during the,
internal revenue' bireau the dselect second week of May. This contest
senate committee Investigatngewastold will be for extemporaneous speeches,
oay by tommissioner Davis H. Blair.I and prizes of $50 for first place, a gold
About 8000 of the cases of ;seven medal for second place, and $25 for
years ago have been audited, Mr. Blair Thedges for te conte .
said and are awaiting settlement butIThe .udges for the contest last night
the rest have not even been audited. were Prof. J. A. Taylor of 'the Uni-
He predicted however, the bureau versity, of North Dakota, Prof. E. D.
would be current within another ; Dickinson of the law department,
woud bProf. P. B. Blanshard of the philoso-
Commissioner Blair and several of phy department, Prof. C. E. Griffin
his ssisantswerebefoe th coi- and G. E. Biggs of the economics de-
his assistants were before the con partment. J. K. Dunn, '24, president
mission practically all day giving evi-
denc s s o he pr esenty atus ofn the of the Oratorical association, presided
dneas to the present status of h at the contest.
government income tax operation
Professor Thomas J. Adams, of Yale
was present as an expert advisor to Revenue Bill
the committee and conducted much #
of the questioning. Reduction Due
Forty-nine students graduate from' Washington, March 14.-Enactment
the agricultural short course at the
University of Wisconsin, March 14. of the provision in the revenue bill
Four of the students are from Illinois. for a 25 per cent cut in income taxes
all the others are from Badger com- payable 'this year before second in-
m___t_ _o._ stahlments are due June 15, regardless
I f thea e o f the~ 1'easurei itself a-


(t p

Action ona Student Council disci-
pline petition will not be taken in time
to allow the members to hold hearings
in several cases now before the Uni-
versity officials, it was believed last
The petition presented to Dean Joso-
ph A. Bursley by the Student Council
asks that they be given the power to
hold preliminary hearings in student:
discipline cases which come under
the jurisdiction of the Univers'ty disci-
pline committee or the Senate com-
mittee to student affairs. This peti-
tion will not be acted upon by Univer-
sity authorities this week, according
to opinions voiced late last night.
This will mean that. favorable action
would coine too late to make hearings
in the present cases possible. In a
statement made by Dean Joseph A.
Bursley last night he asserted that no
further move could be made at the
present time.


vote will be necessary for passing,
but proponents of the measure 'tonight
predicted approval of the measure.
Advocates of a full cash payment op-,
tion forms the principal opposition to
the bill as now drawn but after a
protest on the floor today against con-
sideration of the measure under lim-
iting rules this group said no organ-
ized effort to obstruct the measure
Cwas to be expected.
The bill provides for paid up 20
year endowment life insurance policy
and cash payment to veterans of not
more than $50.
' Columbus. Ohio. March 14.--The

! '

experts who have been studying Ger- I
many's financial and economic posi-; Curtis. D. Wilbur, of California, wash
tion appeared to have encountersed nominated to be secretary of the
otnalerin sugetionwith uter navy and Hugh Stinson to be minister;
obstacles suggestion with their to Switzerland.
plan of drafts for the gold banks of _Swzrn
issue in Germany which are likely to Senator Shifstead, farmer labor,
delay completion of their report to Minnesota, introduced a resolution
the reparations commission it was an- asking what the state department
nounced tonight. knew of the new French loan.
A Gaston B. Means, of the Daugherty
IIA~H Sq'1t IY7 1'R iinvestigating committee. a startling
"THANK YOU. MADAM" NEWS .tale, of corruption which he said had
j existed in the department of justice.
"Thank You Madam!" Yes. 1F
I madam, you will find the com- An agreement was announced be-
Splete personell of the Junior . tween the Washington and Ottawa.
Girls' play, from scene shifters government for appointment of nat-
to usherettes and leading in the Iional provisions to assist the joint
second section of tomorrow's engineering board in planning for the
Daily.J' St. Lawrence Great Lake Deeper
The Junior Girls' play was pre- Waterway project.
I sented to the general public for -
E "-. F.. f im l ct ve r A1-4 o . .

Norman, Okla.,March 14 .-
W. Reaves, acting dean in the
sity of Oklahoma, thoroughly
with Stephen Leacock on 'cc
tion. Dr. Reaves was quoted
ing the following recently:
"AIlter flour years in a n
school and after having siste
cated in a school for girls on]
what I was told about wha
learned, and what I learned m
think students study harder wl
men and women are separate
tendency in a coeducational
is to fritter away. time ente'
each other.'
"This 'no studying attitude'
the fault of the age, as is soi
thought," he continued, "it is t
of the co-educational institutio
'Planes To Start
r On World Fl
Santa Monica, Cal., Marc
Three cruiser ariplanes will
here at seven A. M. Monday
start of the United States
around the world flight it w
I nounced' today by Major Fr
L. Fardin, commander of the
The fourth airplane will star
in the week, its delivery by the
facturer here having been de

War Elephant Dies
In' Prussian Zoo 1
Berlin, March 14.-Mary, perhaps
the only elephant in the world who
"did her bit" in the great war, died
recently at the Berlin zoo where she
had been a resident the best part of
35 years. Death was due to a com-
plication of diseases brought on, it
was thought by experts, by an im-
proper diet. Children this winter
have been feeding her horse chest-

"Honesty, Decency, Chivalry,
Self-Resnpet and Tndustry." They

peared assured tonight.
Senator Harrison, Democrat, Missis-
sippi, today predicted passage of thel
provision as a separate resolution
'whether the revenue bill becomes a
law or not," joining house leader who

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