THE MICHAIGAN IDAILY MYSTERY Sff lIDS iHere Is Judge Who Will Rule IFIVE MEN TO COHMPETE ~ ~ ~I [T II P01 0In Oil Lease Cancellation Plea. R IfFtiHI~ . : 11D~DI~a~l Englisht tPhy sicistAlldla 'NilAppin~its 1Debaters a 11lipha Nil. debating society, app AL ~IIU~d.J1WIILIIUTo Instruct Here re the mere for its freshman deb; -1,1t a n at a closed ieeting last n dIL LL Ilull, IJULV - Human Remains -oi Said to, be B~ones; of Cat and Gold Chest Old Heating sy-stem ('ONARACTOR1, OWEYER, ADMJ!" rr.r, ra*'f1 llEUtFW11't(' I VAl'T'RI)Ai 1 After a day of statements and coun- ter-statements, the mystery of the old Ahouse on..Willamns street seems to be as far .fromi a complete solution as ever. Early yesterday morning W, Madi- somn Nelson, president. of the Ulniver- sity Housing corporation, present own- ers of the, property on wh.ich theI hous'e stands, flatly d1enied the truth c" vasrious statements quoted in the' ~Thursday morning isse of The Daily He miaintained that the skeleton foundj wais that of a cat and that the "trea- sure bcx" was a part of the heating system. Late last- evening in an interview with a Daily reporter Mr. Leever made the following statement: "We did find somethings of value in the house. - I" won't tell you whether it vas mo~ney or not but I will say that it Itw.-, valuable, and we are keeping Sit until the legal heir can establish Sa definite claim to it. I told Torn 0'- Blrien that the story had no _ groundsi but he deserves no more considera- Stion than you fellows. H1owever, I amn positive that what we found does not Sbelong to the Knights or their heirs What we found was not in the portion of the house that Mr. Knight rmdl reoe-led. We are attempting to find the owner, or his heirs, of the stuff we found. I won't tell you any more, We' don't want to hurt anybody's proper-I ty. We bought~ the house ;from the University Housing corp oration andl our business is to wreck it and not spread any bunk aboult ghosts". In regard to the skeleton found in the house Mr. Leever contradictedl his son's statement of yesterday andj said that it was the skeleton of an animal of some sort. This afternoon both Mr. IKeever and his son reaffirm- iQd the fac ts they made public yester- (-ay, but would make no furtner state- ments concerning the matter. t I I 3 ,{ , E c E i S I [ t I' ; 3 I # I ' 1 Tel ;I r-, aimis and causesofteesrofPyisad en of the Five studtenits will (.o{l)(e h 0f ,in isrimnttwreth so' la(cu . ity I1('the iversity of. l[;k[l rsor-ilnntoweretheManche:ster, Eng~lnd, and a Nobel cloc:k tonight in universiy ITlullin j cic',overed by Prof. William A Term' w hner, will be a special lvc-; the thirty-fourth annual Universi ity Pratyeo(f the history depar.tmient in turein ph11l)}ysics at the Un liversity (h:ir-, Oratorical contest. First prize will' l , lecture last night in Alunmni T( ltt.'-'c',]I;'SIl1C s i, 'te- moial hall,- at a me-ting of 11 Circa- n h oigSme esoi lie the Chica go A lumini medial and thie h a annoluncd ySteraybyPrf., Pala Gray testimlonial of $ 10 0, See-o Maan. . Randall of the phy. ics department The risorgimiento was originally the Deny.gwl onuttoCos and( prize consists in $IN). name of a newspaper founded ini 1847 frfu ekfnJl 5t u T'he following mein, all of thl,, et-; by Cavour, but it spread until it inl- g;t 8. These courses will be in th~e erans of past Univertity ora:toiical eluded eeyhn leading to the final _ie'tl iii which be recgnr d a c ompetitions CT various sort., will unification of Italy, according to Pro- .shg uhoiy,"restal tdruta Ss peak on theb , e ;l s usgn -:d aft.,' fessor Prayer. and R cent X-Ra y iTiieoi yes", their names: WlimS1: ,rjer, 4, "Is He, gave pictures of the leaders of, .[t_ w ten years ago thai. e1w, t-iuiunPicmSa uzio ?"J7 p hUSi:-,-Ioveirnft---Mazziiil, Garibaldi award'i '(ed theNoe liiZCin'hy Rosenth al, '2,, "In Th'?ousadVictor Emmnanuel, and Cavour: He for epoch makIling ;researches involv- M tiles Away;" N. ;;. Johns:on:, '24, On .I '(l iht'e efforts, of these :men from n the use cot X -ralys ;,n the stuldy of Immortality;" A. E. Sawvyer, '2t!, "The 182 3?until .1860, the, period, of the ri-ryaltutre Mlodern Church Conflict,;" ai i1 hF"so: g- ento,. in which- Italy w-as mod- _______________________ '. ackstrom, '24, "Within the (h+o.,ld into a single state. IJ. K. Dnnn, '24, president of' the Or-;~)a UO I~L ~1. atorical association, will i c.eside and f n tn an~uCet-ral TinMe SIuW ict), f~j~IiIII~ BN ILRIILLIEflILeave Chaz.her of Cummeicc the following faculty i-en havle con LeaIlIays IVzldW VII"Week NaysMS155 1y&N se.nted to act as judges : Prof. T. ELI 6.45 a. m. 64 s Rtankin of the rhetoric d1epa;rtmnenit ' f2-0 .fMl.4 I Prof. E. lD. Dickinson of the law TO rn BY inHO U R' ,A .m. - 4J'T, i . m Ito ' .chool, Prof. C. E. Griffin ot th-, eco- es:X6 din v~< oli; d rtent rf iIl.i.I) ~si chiefly what the tele- hard of the ~~~~~~~~philosophy dep~artmemntpoelr n hwtl S~le flU~~ ~ ofh.J~ge0 the econollti(~ c- e ceves it, John Mills of th e Bell Sys- partincnt. The ccn test will be open(:iilbrtre fDtotlcue RI6WROTrD .C to the puiblic. la.,t .iht in Natural Science auditor-Chrpdsan -I :, under the auspieS of the De- "Jimmnie the wakler" sells anything ftr)it-Aun Ai bor section of the Amer- O3 :rthopedisr ist Pan quickly.---Adv. I( :t Jujstitte of Electrical Engineers. >_:..,,__ Lin, '7, .ll. Line, '2i, Ho .\etzct,'27 ad H. L. Selnieier. '2 1