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February 13, 1924 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1924-02-13

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A _ _ __ -

".11 61 fa i the Vulletin it constructive otico to all members of
he U1irity. Copy received by tbo Aseaut t the P~.ept until
1:3 p.m.(1:30U a.m. Satnr,'av
rolume 4 " WEDNESDAY', FEBRIUARYill1, 12. ; umer 2u
Thre will ,be a conference of the Deans on Wednesday, February 13,
b'd ocock in the President's Office. X. L. Brton.
Te 1 ealth tervice dispensary will be open regularly Sunday morning
nif 11 to '12. It is deired that th'.s hour be used for such conditions as
no bei,4 tte ted to during the regular hours of week days.
Warren F. Forsythe
X11' 86tn a !nts
uenta who have made a change of address should report their new lo-
ont tatffice of the Dean of Students, Room ,Universty Hal.
' J. A. Burney
cutv B B66, Gaduate School:
There milt be a; meeting of the Executive Board of the Graduate School
4Thirday, I1ebruary<14, at 4:00 p. m. Alfred H. Lloyd.
GRilea' "eelwshipsand Scholarships:j
Ari-catioaas for graduate fellowships in the University of Michigan
1 2025 .huld ble submitted not later than March 1. Information may
sbeiMur4at the office of the Graduate School, Room 9, U. H-. Students
4i g irti~on about fellowships for study at other American Universi-
o r arad xn4y apply at the same office. Alfred . Lloyd.
Old Vila Ga rdens of Italy by Mr. Robert N. Cram of Harvard Uniersity.
Th lis lecture will lie given In. Alumni Memorial Hall, Firday, Februaryf
at $ . ii., It will be illustrated by autochrome slides.
Aubrey Tealdi. 1
>'koils frrhie In Nsatural Sene:
'ltticel is. here, given that all applications or nominations for the Sois
04 for eseitch. In 1Natural Science (including Medicine) should be mxade
he onie: f the{ Gaduate School, where detailed information as to con-
ns and procedure can be had, not later than March 1, 1924.
Alfred It. Lloyd.
fuetors of Flreslinrsin ]Rhetoric:
The staff will meet in the Rhetoric Library Wednesday afternoon, Feb-r
ry 13, at 4o'clock. Please bring election cards. T. E. Rankin.
Iversity Lecture:
Dr. Ernst J. Berg, Professor of Electrical Engineering in Union Collegj
lConsulting Engineer of the General Electric Company of Schenectady,
~r Yovk ill deliver three lectures upon "Heaviside's Operators and their
ication in Engineering and Physics," These lectures will be given ink
East~l Physics Lecture room at 4 P. M., Wednesday, Thursday and Fri- i
',elruary'13,.14 and 15. The subject is one of great interest to students
athmat infs, phtyics and engineering,
At : P.D44, Wednesday, Feb 13, in the West Physics lecture room, Dr.
' ill give a talk upon his personal relations with Dr. Steinmetz. This
wtbe of interest to the general public. Benj. F. Bailey.
hieel tCoUl -Freslnau ,Assembly;
n'r3ll be no Assembly for the Freshmen of the Engineering College
W dnsay'Feb,.13. The first mee ng will be held on the 20th. All
shr bof th Engineering College are expected to attend 'these weekly
tiblies"at 11 'clock on Wednesday unless excused. E. )I. Bragg.
Tb ~t4 Dpartment will meet for luncheon at the Union on Thurs-
',,;b * ary' 14, at. 12:10 o'clock. W. R,~ Humphrey'.
lah tudet in this course must secure by Friday, February 15 at 8:00
ga t Oemie6try"' by Alexander Smith, "Laboratory Manual of General
4 1i ,F y ale -and two $5 chemical laboratory coupon tickets, the
lt ir 0 t'treasurer's Office, in order that he or she may be
ly t cry itt effect at once all directions as to the beginning work of
6u'&e. D. M .Lichty.
SOto 1, Child Hygiene (Hygiene 6) will be held in the University
;h School, Room 121, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 8 o'clock.
90001,om ' 1, sa~me course, will be held in the Natural Science Building,
)w '21, Monday. Wednesday and Friday at 1 o'clock.
Barbra H. Bartlett, Professor of Public Health Nursing.
ri tnt*~erng 4t
' le Zr tf eting in this course will be held at 1 o'clock on Friday, Feb-
r# in the highway Laboratory,' East :Engineering Building.
J. H. Bateman
norfs 40-Coot Accounting:
No'te,;books will be returned from 3 to 3:30 Wednesday, February 13. I
1. I sea
xcaton V1II-1:j

Introductory ,Hygiene will meet Monday and Wednesday at 10 in Vduca-.
al Laboratory, Tappan Hall1. Margaret Camneront.
icaton 171:
Education 174, Observation and Special Methods in Mathematics, Wed-
day and F'riday, 2 p. m. This course will meet in Room 109, Tappan Hall.
L. C. Karpiiiski.r
Rt. Schorling.
The first. meeting of the class in The Methods of Comparative Literature
1be held Wednesday, February 13, in room 406, Library.
0. J1 Campbell.
+nel 8:
French 58 will deal with the ideas to be found in the work of the great
h cdntury writers. Those interested consult with Prof. Rovillain.
Eugene E. Rovillain.
)logy 3:I
Since enrollments in the College of Engineering did not close unt l Mon-
evening, the work will -begin with the second lecture period, Friday at
o'clock. The place of meeting is the Natural Science Auditorium.
W. H. Hobbs.
All students desiring to elect any advanced course with nie are request-
to meet in Room G-223, Natural Science Building, Wednesday, at 5

ir. E. 32-Automobie Testing:
Meeting of all students electing this work Thursday, February 13th,
5:00 p. n. Room!~ 229.
X.IE. 83--advanced Testing and Research
Meeting of all students electing this work Friday, February 14th, 5:00
p. m. Room 229.
Complete instructions and semester arrangements at this time.
AV. E. Lay.
Al. E. 3 Lecture Sections A. and B:
The lecture sections will meet this week in Room 411 instead of Room
348, on account of the Convention of Highway Engineers.
ll. C. Ander onm.

thd ez~r Ic: 'sctos "
.;tudenAts in Mr. Johnson'ssetinsat8and 9 o'jcc, Tu. in. and Sr.,
Ewill meet in Itoni 121 University High School Buildling.
T." E F u kim,.
Ther-e will be a meeting of all teachers of Spanish in the College of
Lt~'atr',SWCCC.and the Arts, in Room 205 S. WV., at 4 P. M. on Thurs-
d cay-, Feb. 11. 1flea:se bring statistics of First Semester classes.
Charles P. W~agner.

I ctor Analysis:


Will nmeet at 4:00 P. M. Wednesday in Room 20 East Hall to arrange
rs. Vincent C. Poor.

Ph] Sigma:
The regular meeting of Phi Sigma will be held on Wednesday, Febrliary
13th, in room 224Z N. S. at 7:30 p. m.
Mr. Carl R. Brown will talk on the Physiology of Color Vision.
L. ILWagner.
Political ScIence 1:
Th's course will meet Tuesday. February 19, Room 348 Engineering
Building. There will be no meeting Thursday, February :14.
J. R. Hayden.
}Poblic Speaking:
An extra section of Shakespearean Reading is now open for students
desiring to elect) this course. It will meet at 9 o'clock Mon. Wed. and Fri.,
Room 214, Universty iHigh School Building. My 9 o'clock section of Public
jSpeaking 1 will meet Wed. Feb. 13 in Room 302 instead. of Room 214 as orig-
inally announced. . .E. E. Fileicman.
Russian Literature:
Course 3, Section 1, at 9 o'clock, will recite in Morris Hall (Catholic
Chapel). C. L. Meader.
fiRussiani Litedature:
j Course 10, Interrelations of Russian and Western« European Literatilres,
'will meet today (Wednesday) at 5 o'clock in room 105 Mason Hall to or-
ganize. C. IL. Meader.
ISpaznish ('onversatiomi 21:
This course, open to students who have completed Spanish 20 with a
tradle of B, is a repetition of the course given dluring the Frst Semester.
It will meet for the first time on Wednesday, Feb. f3 at 3 p. in., in Room
201 S. W. Charles P. Wagner.

lTipilightl Organ Recital:
'tHr. .Palmer Christian. University organist, and head of the organ de-
partmnent of the University School of Music, will play the following numbers
at thr Twilight Organ Recital in Hill Auditorium., Wednesday afternoon,
Fr r u ary 13, at 4:15 o'clock.
Fanta~ia in G minor (Bach) ; Gavotte (Martini) ; Prelude to La. Damois-
elle Blue (Debussy); Sonata in D minor (Rogers) ; Piece Heroique (Franck):;
IDreams (Stoughton). Charles A. Bink, Secretary.
I Unjilversity of :1 icluigani Band:
Regular rehearsal tonight at 7 o'clock. Capes should be turned in to-
nig.ht. By order of the Director, Williami Graulich,,;fir. Asst. Mg1,r.
R I. 0. T. C. Forialion for :3:00 P. 1. Today
Officers and Seniors at Infantry Office.
Scophoniores and Freshman of "A" Company at Room 330 West Engin-
eering Building.
B land practice at Morris Hall.
Win. 111 Carpenter, P. M. S. & T.1

rooni 306,. Union.
7 :1,-De.1olay meets in Harris hill.
64:1.--Electrit-al engineer staff dinner,
room 319, Union.
6:30--Arnie and Navy club dinner in
I: :Q-Freshiman (ghrls' (glee club try
milts in roomi 106. School of Music.
7:I0O-GI'ee club meets in Union read.
rig room.
7 :t-Ciiumltr of Commnerce meets In
r ;oom 302, Union.
:;( 440-Gn and Blade meets In room
3014, Union.
shRI Els wrrtH BADGER SQUKi'
(Continued from Page Sig)
comipetition this semester, and shiouh
t ~olster up the squad 'considerably
Coach Barss expects two tong]
gaines with the Wisconsin sextet
IThe Badgers boast one of the best de
fensive combinations that has beej
encountered by the 'Michigan puck
sters this year. Cat )aiat Johnsoni
an especially good inan at chcckinm
the rushes of the opposltio~n, and Uh
Wolver~eS will hiav(. to perfect a [as
offense it they are +o break througl
and score a victory. Barss' men are la
Imore capable on defensive tactics any
combination play than was the cas
xvh~n he a aers slaved1in Ann iAx

Read The Daily "CIA, sified" Columns
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

----- i: ii--Extension department of tihe S. l bor, but it -kill require all that
C. A. meets in Lane hall. W Xolverines can offer to break thro
'1'! " f+ OING ON '6:00--Sigmna Gamma Epsilon meets in the Wisconsin back wall if the4
Sroom 302, Union. geres employ the same style of;
WHAT'S0GOING____ 6 :OOiMhigam road contractors meet as 'ai evidyesn'itesecondg
inU nion._of as ew a ryevieasn ei e s ec n
WEDNE SI) AT 1 Ganmma Epsiloni ditmer, !.
3219, Unaion. ,iaelncP 11 ~ 31-23 Tiii.policeman and 27 native religious
7:00-Varsiiy band practices in bandil atics were killed in a riot near V
4:i0-cnbbuird amnd Blade club meets! headquarters. vredlen following an attempt of 41
in second floor of Old Engineering 70-orestry club meets ini rownm atics to proclaim a new kingdor
Shp.214, Natural Science building. Munt Gedehi. The rioters finally
4:061-C ercie 1 :raicais lectumre. Ro (bert,.
V. Fnney Suject, "es Aen-7:1-l igliland Park club meets in; subdued.
cains en France," in French. room 306, Union. Iaihi
7::34-U. S. N. R. F. mesets in hnbl
4 '1 Orgimm recital Ini Hill auditor- ! lBlankenimrg, Thuringia, Feb. 1
room, Waterman gymnasium. The Bible conference went on rc
_______________________ 7:30-Sigma Alpha Beta mneets in as of opinion that Germany migh,
room 319, Union. pect no relief of mankind and had
7::30-Student council meets :ft Un- turn to the Deity.
7:30-Round-Up club meets in room kea th an A
325, RUnion.an
17~:30-ligidand Park club meets in





WA H lt'S




_______________________________ 'a









EFFECTIVE January z,
192a4, the name of this.
Company was changed to
Michigan Bell Telephone
The Michigan Bell "Tele-
phone Company is a Michi-.
gan corporation, organized in
Michigan for the 'purpose of
furnishing Michigan people
with Universal 'Telephone
Change of name was made,
in order to identify this Corn
pany in name with the Bell
system, of which it is a part.
Through the Company's
association in the Bell
System, telephone users in-
Michigan are assured the


highest standard of
Bell Service.

W. H. Hobbs.

s ervice-.
. -
>k ,.".



course will meet in Room 102, University High School, M. W. F. at
A. S. Alton.
:deb 11a:
class will meet in Room 306 M. H.
Norman Anning.
. _ cn r.,..:..si 1,.a . a$








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