Tl-- tic wWM ., TI FTC %~~1-~LN L Regains Power 0 COLUMN CLOSES AT 3 P.M. k_ ADVERTISING DAILY CLASSIFIED RATES Charged at the rate of 12c per reading line for one or two insertions, 11c per reading line for three er more insertions. White space charged for at same rates. Classifieds charged only to those having phones. Ask about c-,ntracts for classified advertising. 20c per reading line for one or two insertions, 9c per reading line for three or more insertions, cash in advance. Minimum, 3 lines per insertion. Classirld Colunn Closes at I o'Clock Noon, Saturday. "13mm -the-Ad..Taker" FCR SALE SOPH PROM Ticket. Call Elden 1866. 3 MAY FESTIVAL coupons, $5.00 plus cost of ad. Call Moule, 1540-\. SOPH PROM TICKET with invitations $3. Phone 1521-R. LOST MAN'S TAN SWEATER-in .balcony of Field House Saturday night. Re- ward. Call 489. BLUE BRACELET SATURDAY night on either State or Madison. Call 2911., BELT TO BROWN Norfolk suit. Call Apted, 319. WANTED HELP BE A NEWSPAPER Correspondent with the Heacock Plan and earn a good income while learning; we show you how; begin actual work at once; all or spare time; experience unnecessary; no canvassing; send for particulars. Newswriters Train- ing Bureau, Buffalo, N. Y. MONEY TO FINISH S41HOOL THIS SPRING $40.40 Spring Vacation Cali 23-J and We Will Tell You How . B. ABBOTT B. .J. CHICKI *M S .D vii iiaGeorge Theunis jLess than a, week after his ministry was overthrown, :Georges- Theunis was asked by the king of the Belgians to form a new cabinet. Theunis stepped out after the defeat of his government by a coalition of Socialist and Catholic groups against the Franco-Belgian ec- onomic convention. Other leaders de- clined the invitation to assume the re- sponsibilities of premier, and the kingj had to call on Theunis again. interesting meet is expected. Entries are being accepted at the Intramural office for the eyent. "Jiminie tlie adtaker" sells anything quickly.-Ad!. -a. Master- pen (2;o drops capacily) Helps you think. A poor pen con- sumes your thot. Can you afford lost efficiency? Sold and Oerviced by Rider Himself pas ITED o q 302 State St. Masterpenmakers 0 Good What is I Advertising? $2.00 AND NO questions asked for re- turn of Botany lab. book. Call Kamin, 2310-M. COIN PURSE containing money, on Division or Liberty St. Call 3062 or 418 N. Division A FRATERNITY PIN. Call 1164. $10 Reward to finder. FOUND# PEARL BRACELET-Saturday night. Identification necessary. Call 1070- J. 1118 So. University. WANTEI SINGLE ROOM-Located between Main, Liberty, Huron and State. With private family if possible. Re- ply Box -7. FURNISHED HOUSE for 17 men for next year. Box No. L. J. Mich. Daily. A PARTLY FURNISHED house for next year, large enough for twenty five mnen. Address Box No. S. AN I 'URANCE SOLICITOR. Reply statihg phone number for appoint- mei. Write Box No. 4, Michigan -Daia. ROOMM ATE BY STUDENT living op- pos U. of M. Hospital. 1110 Cat ine. Call 2022-H. FOR RENT OR F R SALE-7 room house- n Fenrn Road. Furnished or :unfur nisl'd. Garage. Tel. 197-M. 6 RO IS Modern. One block from cmus.Call 2438 days or E617- LARGE FRONT ROOM and smaller rooh 1for girls. 821 E. Huron St. Phone 1521-R. i. NOTICE John P. Trojanowski -who for 18 years had been the proprietor of The Ideal Barber Shop is .;now with his brother, Julian H. Trojanowski at the U. of M. Barber shop 1110 S. Univer- sity. Both Brothers will be pleased to meet their old and new friends. EXCHANGE-SINCE Union Fair, I have had someone's bass drum in- stead of my own. Wish to rectify this. Please call 751-W. FOUNTAIN PEN INK INK is the life blood of your Foun- tain P4n. One filling of vicious ink will spoil the flow of your pen per- manently. Take no chances, get a bottle of our special formula Diamond Writing Fluid. We guarantee it the best.- RIDER'S PEN SHOP 302 State St. COSMETIC SERVICE Superfluous FACIAL HAIRS Removed Permanently by ELECTROLYSIS ELECTRO-COSMETIC SERVICE By appointment only Phone 1167-R. MISCELLANEOtS RUGS SHAMPOOED or dust cleaned. Ann Arbor Carpet Cleaning Works. Phone 50. MUSICAL VICTOR RECORDS of the Great Art- ists and all the latest popular ree-! ords on sale. Complete stock at Schaeberle and Sons. 110 S. Main St. INSTRUCTION LESSONS GIVEN in Mah Jong. Phone] 2406, FOUNTAIN PENS A NEAT job of Gold Leaf embossingi on your Fountain Pen. 25 cents at RIDER'S PEN SHOP t 302 State St In the first place, for a definition, Good Advertising is consistent adver- tising. It is consecutive. This means that the copy must be so written that one advertisement will follow another i OPPORTUNITY FOR TWO MEN to make good money in spare time and Saturday. Call 2230-, between 6 and 7 p. m. for appointment. TYPEWRITER UEPAII ING I ,1 The Tea- Pot . , TYPEWRITERS of the best standard makes $15.00 up. Easy terms if desired. Renting, cleaning and repairing a specialty. Largest stock in Ann Arbor. Dealr: 17 Nickels' Arcade Dealer: L. C. Smith & Corona type- writers. Typewriters supplies, Rub- ber stamps, Rubber key caps, ribbons, carbon paper, etc. TYPEWRITING TYPEWRITING and MIMEOGRAPH promptly and neatly done. Theses, students notes and college work a specialty. 0. D. MORRILL The Typewriter & Stationery Store 17 Nickels' Arcade ALL MAKE. Agency Noodstock and Oliver typewriters, Sundstrand add- ing achine, Line-a-Tine copy holders, -rubber stamps, ribbons, eushio keys, type cleaners and sup- ples. Machines rented. ANN ARBOR TYPEWRITER rXCHANGE Phone 866, downtown 516tE. Williams, Notices ( Continued fromn Pae Three) Caswel Angell hall unless otherwise stated. Mortarboard members are notified ofa meeting of especial importance called for 7:30 .o'clock today, at Helen Newberry residence. The Women's Educational .club will entertain at a bridge and mah jongg party from 7:30 to 9 o'clock today at the Sigma Kappa house, 822 Oak- land avenue. Come and get acquaint- ed. - Tryouts for the purpose of selecting Athena's representatives in the debate between Athena and Portia, will be held next Tuesday. All freshmen mem- bers of the society are eligible to try out. The topic for debate is, "Re-- solved, That a uniform marriage and divorce law should be enacted by the United States." The Girls' Mandolin club will meet at 5 o'clock today in Newberry hall. 1 Women who want their hygiene lecture notes may obtain the blue books today and tomorrow at Barbour gymnasium. Intramural Items (Continued from Page Six) o'clock, next Tuesday night. Phi Sig- ma Kappa led the field in the trials. Entries are now being accepted for the annual all-campus indoor track meet, the preliminaries of which will be held at 7 o'clock, March 24. The finals will be held March 26. Dead- lines for all entrants have been set for 5 o'clock, March 22. The following events will comprise the evening's program: 50 yard dash. 440 yard dash, half mile run, mile run, 65 yard high hurdles, 65 yard low hurdles, shot put, running broad jump, running high jump. Freshmen wrestlers will display their wares in the first annual fresh- man wrestling meet in the near fu- ture. There is much promising mater- ial among the fresh matmen and an has been boiling at Washington BUT It has caused no more comment in its own sphere startling growth of this little shop. sequence. than the * DROP "UP" AND SEriE us. Ober Arcade Theatre., "um-Jr Setter impressions f"; ' It is interest creating. This means that the reader will be in such a osi- tion, placed by previous advertising, that he will easily distinguish it from others and see what the merchant has 1'I I w to say- * I.. It is the truth---the greatest mis- take a merchant can possibly make is nlsquoting the qualities of his mer- chandise. It is the presentation of the sales talk in a clear, concise manner with proper display. * It s persuasive and suggestive. It is an introduction or invitation to in- If - - I I i u * Itis Bane advertising. * The Mich-igan Dlly REAL ESTATE. Phone 960 1. !1U a