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March 13, 1924 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1924-03-13

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--- I-._...,_ ...._.MI ...C1.L. JC t---

L f-111u d

Fs Volstead!



Frauds His job

" t"Fdent nm-ral;;, ranners, rand sclioL
j~asipare not wiorse 110W than in tihe
,,tL in the (,p:i(n of Regisrar Ar-
"t ,r (. f1?1l. "1 do not believe in the
confetion whlich is held by 1many
1111 students hv deteriorateod in
t} ,e respects", he declared et-
A , k p p r ' ' f i Jh o a r s h ip st a n d .
i,,shty)'b cmnlainz~g te total en-
'911nt J.gures an4(l r~rrespofldng
riumnber of delipnquent5 in four differ-
ent year~s, 1895, '1901, 1714, and 1924.
that the scholarship is on about the
samne standard.
In 1805 when [the total enrollment
Nvas 1,437 in the literary college, in-
("'uding 300 engineers wvho were then
included in that college, 4.2. percent
of' the total student body was on the
declinguient list. Nine years later, in
1901, the p)ercentage of delinquents
-ws 4.1 percent. Th'e enrollment war
then 1,.391, the engineering students
haiving; been qrganlzed into a separate
college that year,
In 19 4't~e 1 f ,o °.cliiciintsin
eluidedl 17.~3 p ecent of a -student bodyf
W 2.614. MItouglp this percentage is
(-onls (era )y reotr thli that of 1904.
.Dr. 1I'al l eee thait the difference1
is not realysn(~fi1nt because, of the
faict th t in, 17121 the. present gradi'ng
;ysie : ua ah loted and. niachinery,
in that; xa- y, becan or effective in
Afterth ia ,e etr pof this year,
1.8.9 perceii the student body was
~placed on the delinquency list out -of
a total enrollmneut of ),200. Dr. fHal
points out Clhat this percentage is
jabout'the same as ten years ago.
Bert: use of these facts, he concludes
'that scholarship has not 'gone downl
~any. In regard to the other two
~points, morals and manners, Dr. Hall{
-ays that he has consulted with older
.Ann Arbor citizens who have been in
~personal contact with students rnd
have had an opportunity to observe
them closely and that these men have
~expressed themselves as of the opin-
ion that the general condition is "just
~about the same."
"It is a human tendency to see the1
~'Gole Age' hbe il ndsaid Dr,. TI {ll,
t"int I r~eally believe tbat we picture1
the present timie Worse than it is.""
Statistics- slowing thern-ber --of
5t[fd ehts Who i V'rt -sent' home nac--
count; f (,6rslip),thb number who
woce °~res#f l zndfto1returin, and alsc,
the numtber on wNarning-n probion
out by Dr. 4Hal.4
In 1895 there were three students or
.2 percent sent home, 26 or 1.8 percent
placed on probation, and 32 or 2.2c
po. ceint warned. In 1904_.six or .4 .
percent wvere ',sent boom'~,-30 or 2.1
percent plac(I()n pobti~on,=and 22
or 1.5) pericent on the warned list.
Following, the change in the grad-
ing system. in 17 t4l47 or 1.7 perc:ent
were asked toleae, 1.0 or 3 told not
to return. 2 41 or 9.2 placed on pro-
bat~on, and 156 or 5.9 percent warned.
This year 1683 or 3.2 percent was
sent home. 22 or .4 requested not to
re turn, 1146 or 10.5 placed on pro-
bation, andl 252 or 4.3 percent 'blaced
n warning.
lFrankfort. Mar. 12 -Baroness Math-

"What the Telephone Transmits and
IHow We Hear It" is the title of the
lecture which John Mills of the West-
ern E'lec tric company will deliver to-
night at 8 o'clock in Natural Science
:auditorium. Mr. Mills is well known
from his books, "Within tihe Atom,'
"Radio Communication," and "Letter,.
of a Radio Engineer to His Son." The
lecture tonight will be non-technical
and of interest to psychologists and
physiologists as well as to membersI
of the 'Detroit-Ann Arbor section of
the American Institute of Electrical
Engineers under wAhose auspices it is
being given._I
Three reels of moving pictures, re-'
cently ,made in New Fork under Mill's
technical, direction, show the prinei-'
lies underlying the telephonic investi-
gation of speech and audition which
has been going on for some time in
the laboratories of the Bell Telephone
system. There are animated movies
showing the operation of the voice
mechanism, of the ear, and of the
transmitter and receiver. Then there
are graphs which are animated to
show the most recent results in the
analysis of speech and the measure-
men of the sensitivity of the human1

NW STREET NEP lion 17C. ., lr lyuut IN",
ThO lurcll ase of a, new -motor i-
up ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~l stetsepri en otmlt I~mhe oblievt, thatf cyni: isn is
e' by the IBoard 0)l. Public;wrs.: ai anlae.Sarah Slocu11, ,a
Next week 11: . A. B301, street comiis-;"'Ap('rnos, Kj1"to b p) I I oy lK r
siofln,. . H.Atwell andl Tits 1lutz- 0' py0 Mabel 011 .. :I lip e > :
Eoel, miembewrs of the board will visit! Q i syfo n caint;;wi
facb oes in Chicago), Cleveland and:\ ~ pKea; W 1. 1 rod s' -1
U t icer, N. Y., in Order to look over the w in t i.'1I he housen for inci' ! t11)' ,L
different types of street sweepers and' ed t rice; and E nt her .N rin: a )I"
sel(,Ot1thc best, hene ;fe',ant fr hr vpk:ai,
AtM a recent meeting of the hoard,
t Ca tile of street sign, nmadle iQlanii(The reatest d'itlitcultf a;ll Etl );-
all'hu nalley was seletedt,1:1 .; Ike 1parts of elderlySp1)pl1
thec samnles s uhmitte~d. A Ona ~P(Jt ei igiigteryuh
<) cOhw ;; decided on orders will ho'
plai cd forfdelivery late in the s)IrMw eigIe wt.S vmbhi n l
'ota h e in vl eh lce la riaesilyugmn n
".! 1;,I l~. ,.ti _ n 'v11~einhV VI F I I n'a t'la nne w th al h r ig it

hey are nything else. A mmixtil
'_. 'fin isa 1 a lak scall!.used l:n tj
<<c r(-rmind us that the aceth
, a.;~ j'lacoin Spain. heal, J
Ivk ra ~ ~ nme wa orlttk
fr !11th(c, tofc0 ratesdid ore
IkVender Makes
W , f t>>. ndents ho drc i. 'ov r
'_ougep, pade :oyr how to act X11 V
em'I'uy.lite fountalin Jpenili9
a I on ~c nt yiimalid int1Inap


4 "r

Ire X; )Vells
President Coolidgehado edtt
there is need of anasitn toue

Duy? to an error, The Daily pubP,.Ite,
tP- rr. n- of the number of people 't
t I(iEthe Union Fair as 9,200 ye. ten- l

0. J. Kvale1
_Rep. 0. J. Kvale, Farmer-Laborite,'
who defeated Andrew J. Volstead for
re-election to congress from Minneso-;1
a because Volstead wasn't dry'enough
sic! ), is urging passage in the house i
of an amendment to the Volstead act !,
which.lie declares will sop up the
country completely. Tubie am endmuent14
provides for the making of ownership
of liquor under any circumstances il-
The $15,000flin 0ba t W NCdl was't
exhibited by thle Aeronautical society,
at the Union Faair last week--end ,will_
be moved today from the Field house
and p~ut into a permanent l)ositon' in
the basement of the south wing of the
E+ast Engineering building, the quart-
er's of the aeronautical engineering deC-
p artment.
The ;plane, a donation of R. F. Bak-
er, '25E, andl'Milton Wigund, of Grand
:Rapids, will be used as a model for
Ohe design classes. -It is 25 feet long'
and h i,- a wing spread of 50 feet
Due to this it may be impossible to'-
mount but one wing.
D~ifficulty is expect'd by Prof. F. V
Pawlowski, of the aeronautical en-
gilieering department, in bringing the,
plaice into the basement as it must be"
done" through the elevator shaft. The
boat will not be used, for any practical
flights although it can reach a speed'
of-75 miles per hotur and. develops 1501
horse powecr. It is of thbe° two passen-
ger type. -bit h
The machine, wliich %vasbul y te
;donors in (,rand Rtapis, has bee~n
.fow by themin inthat city forth-e part!t
"Jimmie the adtaker" sells anythingj

general whose whole timercan b-l (k]a- while the amounlt received from I
given to land fraud cases, and Ira i Iohns wa, $4,600. The correctI
Wells has been named to takte u t n iuher of p)eople attonding was 4.6001
this task. Mr. Wells served as districot v h i e a mount, -eal ised was half of
attorney under Fe. Mont 1Reily when the: this or $2,300i.
the latte1r was governor of P~orto Mico!
Cairo; Mar. 12. --Many American t and
DAILY CLASS IIFI :5 hIING B;x r!tishl tourists are held upl in Egypt

aid t t n;1 _ ;:1 is Still a pret t ni i b ,, ' ii t, a ('")1veieb It V w~i .
girl. s~ifipams osat (lllnaz
li, wiie and lace'd it on the ircuj
, llhere is lttally ~jlackin, ex cept ,fr, ;hitH eki e pc ordr
a c t e r s! ) a r!l'ou g A e i c Aa i i it. r a i ! i l c iveiii o l u e e:o u
to heiseves orto heandtece hatx. 'er ~r te mt sunof f a cen7t.

Mr. Mills is in town as a mnember oiff1.rI.'a -11 iliI'aeiiciy1005wtcidsut
the Bell System delegation which is O ITE1VSM~T cttansrie
- (iscuissing employment with seniors in
engineering, business administration: F11111tt1'1 1 1 llil iltEt1 6t 1Q111illll1fl1111i0
andl other departments. K -.
Town, South Africa, has sent' 47,000-
francs worth of French bonds as a ~r1
gift to the French government in pro- ..WIll 116W
test against speci llators. It is planned
to cancel the, bonds and place them; in'sCOTE3FRT-I=O GEM N-
a miuseum. -
At onei=n
+ c o APRIL 3rd and 4tCh
send down ANN ARBOR,MCH
Sof Oh Henryl The -
- this ide froast beef)
-wa . ,8411 roa ' 'K.W. Cor. l3th St.
'Heniy rodwy
ry",~i 211
fff~1tIfliif ~lte 4fftlixsi~~llfll 11MIffflf'lfl~flll.f


flowAb'~t aN~xv--T

*~~ Sair bIus,
Tooth. Brush

Flair Brush'i
Bath Bri'
Hand Brush


Drop in at any one

-of he three most up-to~-ate

inAnn Ayb'~r-

drug stores
-, V -
~' I,,-'


} 3&'fr

the "all,,ins IKld'c "a4rcs

-'1 *- ~ -.- , --- - .-. -- -

4h $err~l t her.irered traemark of the Willi1am.
eon cand~~tPU., Geew .,a. N. Willamsebn, Pros,







I "Evcr-Ihing for the Student"

lda Rothschild, widow of Baron Wil-
liam Karl Rothschild and oldest fam-'
ily of the German banking family ofj
ttfr name, died Sunday at the family!
castleI in Grunbeing. She was 92 years
Pat.oni~e Daily Advertiprs-Adv..
R'f 1 with

_ t

Save a dollar on your clean'-
ing and pressing! By getting
one of our cash cards. which
gives you $6 worth of wo rk
for only $5. Better work, too,
than you'll find elsewhere in




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A $4,000,000 corporation with 250 branch offices offers Profitable
emplovnment to college students. You will be backed by one of
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Central Timte (Slow Time)4
Tmave Chamrber_ of Commercej
Week tDays Sundays
6:45 a. i. 6:45 a. m.
z a:45 P. ' .45 p.M.'
A~ tELLI OTT, 11,oprietor
Pho~ne gab-M Adrian, Mich.




-Don't Miss
"The Sweetest


LL: W. -Slack, '25, Head Oreganizer
Lyndon Studio or 579-M
,John DeTar, '25.:."...........619-R
RZ. H. Davis, '26L........2368-M
H. E. FiTfsche, '24.........28634J
J. A. Avery, '25L... .......... ...189
D}..-I.h Kie'25 ................2970-J
V. J. Francisco. ........... Lyndon Studio
R. C. Woodhouse, '27L..........1612J

Perry M. Hayden, '25, Head Organizc r
Mchig-an. Daily or 2738
Jack Eastwood, '25.......2878-R
John Elliott, '26....... .....YApsi 785-W
Seth Hubbard, '24 .......1,612-R
Millard Pilyor, '24........ .....1680-R
Elmer Salzman; '25... ....2726-M
Clark Stevens, '24 .............I .680-R
Ross L. Taylor, '24.... ...... 2308-M





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