- 1 111 1 ll.a 11VL'aA L! A.+ Y S., RESCUEL :, WFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Published every morning except Monday' luring the University y-ar by the Board in ontrol of Student Publications. Members of Western Conference Editorial lesociatiofl.- -- - -I The Associated Press is exclusi-el en- rled to the use for republication of all news ispatches credited to it or not otherwise redited in this paper and the local news oub fshed therei. Entered at the postoflice at Ann Arba , Michigan, as second class matter, Special rate f postage granted by Third Assistant Post- naster .eneral. Subscription by carrier, $35; by mail Offies: Ann Arbor Press Buihing, May; ard Steet. Phrees : Editorial, 24:4 and 1764t, Busi tes, 96o. Signed communications. not exceeding ioo ords, will be published in C Daily at ie eiseretion of the Editor. bpon requtst, he identity of comiun cant - will be :arded as confidential. EDITORIAL STAFF TelophTones, 414 and 176-M AANAGING EDITOR MARRY D. 110EY --* News Editor................Robt. B. Virr Kditoria' Board Chairman.... R. C. Moria.ty! ity Editor.............J. G. Garlingtaouse Night Editorsl s. H. Ailes A. A. Conncoe t. A. t3illingron I. E. Viske harry C. Clark P. M. Wagner Spota Editor.............Ralph N. Byers 4tomen's Editfr............Winona Hibbard unday Magazine Editor......F. L. 'Tilden Music Editor.............Ruth A -lowel 0.qsistant City Editor....Kenneth C. Kellr )irector Michigan News Bureau..R. G. Ramsay Elitorial Board Disasters and accidents are not un-I common, but none seem to be so well standardized as the mine explosion. "Deadly gas," "charred bodies," "de- pendent families," "entombed men"; are all stock phrases in the report of a mine explosion. The words carry a peculiarly sin- ister emotion. Death naturally repels us, but to lbe buried alive and to suffer a lingering death under such circum- stances as entombed miners die is doubly repelling. The life of a miner under the best possible conditions can scarcely be considered as a desirable one. His work takes him into the damp rock. The light he works by is the murky glow of his safety lamp. The most1 rugged muscles tire under the heavy labor that covers the body with a mucky sweat. And with all this he still must jeopardize his life. It is a deplorable state of affairs and the pity is that it remains unimproved. With explosions occuring every few months -each one exacting as its toll scores and hundreds of lives to say nothing of the property loss--one would think that mine executives would be making herculanean efforts to minimize the danger. The results are puny. Care- less ventilation still leaves deadly gases to hover in unused portions of the mine. Careless patroling of the mine does not discover these gases. Part of the newspaper story of the recent disaster at Castle Gate, Utah, reads as follows: "The company of- ficials say that the rescue parties are well organized now and are pushing ahead with all possible speed. If "prevention parties" were organized with as great an efficacy, "rescue part- ies" might, in a large degree, be abol- ished. OASTED THE SEASON IS4OVER- With the address of the Honorable Roy Chapman Andrews, who "thrilled his hearers for two hours with his ac- counts of the evolution of his revolu- tionary theories in anthropology (rc- port by the Michigan Daily), th e1923-I 24 Oratorical Association series of lec- I tures drew to a successful close. In J-Hop extra phraseology, the sound of his voice died away across the plat- form, and the lecture was but a happy memory. Our connection with the Oratorical Association during the season just closed was most pleasant, and on our part, rather dishonorable. We began by razzing them early in the fall, and presently we were rewarded by the gift of a complete series of tickets, with the request that we keep up the good publicity. From that' day to this, we have never mentioned the good old associa- tion. We only used one of the tickets --the rest are mouldering away in the little hope chest. . . . And ever and anon the little fellow that gave us the tickets would come around and ask us rather pathetically why we didn't crash through. We feel abash- ed. e * ~* * * ,, EDITORIAL COMMENT THE SO.CALLED COLLEGE MAN (From The Chicago Maroon) City editors and budding novelists have always evidenced a peculiar in- terestin the college youth. They have, in their inspection of under-! ALWAYS THE BETTER GRADE GRAHAM'S I graduate life, looked only for the col- orful and the bizarre; and they have recorded, in their metropolitan dailies and first novels the intriguing rather than the nornial, the sensational rather than the representative. And from their often distorted accounts of essentially irrevalent university act iv- ities, there has grown up in each gen- eration a conception of undergraduate life which is curious in the extreme. Three decades ago, in the bull-dog; pipe-and-sweater, Stover-at-Yale, pe- riod, the beaux idol of collegiate lit- erature was the brawny, ingenious youth who rated wonderful in foot-4 ball, great in track, fair in baseball snd from there down in Latin. his- tory and math; the earnest young man who regarded policemen and cab- bies as his special victims and who came to college with the sincere pur- pose of never being caught. This was your dad and mine. Of late, aping Fitzgerald more than Fitzgerald ever aped life, rewrite men have treated the undergraduate as a smooth-haired, impr.actical, mildly in- effectual person interested chiefly in football, minor poets, women and gin. Now from William Allen White andl the Emporia, Kansas, Gazette comes a new interpretation of the University man. He is, according to the well known editor, a brass-lunged, leather- necked snob, "and there is more in the same key." Perhaps this bit of copy will inaug- tirated a new epoch, perhaps the edi- torial conception of college life is due for a change. But the change, while welcome, will not bring the college nan of fiction, journalistic or other- vise, nearer actually. He will remain in the same category as the musical comedy Englishman and the Portfolio professor, an amusing phenomenon. TTLIIM [A[RE $yKM S- BOTH ENDS OF THE DIAGONA L WALK ... - . 4 Ai Einstein Herman Wise Andrew Propper Assistants - G. Baeteke rrma Bicknell rman Boxer rgaret IBonine len Brown nadette Cote W. D~auis rold Ehrlich P. Henry ily Hine uning Houseworth ruth" Kamn Has Kendall eph Krugcr zabeth Lieberman R. S. Mansneld E. C. M nck Verena Moran Harold Moore Carl Ohlmacher Hyde Perce Regina Reichmaav Edmarie Schraudcr C. A. Stevens W. If S'oncuwaa i"3. R. Sone Marie Reed N. I2. Vial W. ). Walthuour I BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 960 BUSINESS MANAGER LAURENCE H. FAVROT Advertising ..................E. L. Durne Advertising.......... .Perry M. ayden Adertising .... ...........W. Ro".Ser Advertising................W. K Scherer ccots..... ........... .L. Hae Circulation............C. Purdy Vubcation ...............Lawrence Pierce K Assistants -. W. Campbell M. L. Irelandaka dernte" Captan H-arold A. Mark, Chas. .hampion Byron Parke. lohn Conlin H. E. Rose Louis M. Dexter A. J. Seidman oseph J. Finn Geo. A. Stracke David A. Fox Will Weise : nuren Haight I.tF White N. Z. Bolland R. C. Winter A-~~ THURSDAY, MARCH 13, 1924 ight Editor,'PHILIP M. WAGNER DENBT'S HOMECOMING aAs a member of the President's cab- Iiget and as Secretary of the Navy in 4rticular Mr. Edwin Denby is no uore. His resignation caused by the e4nsistent demands of the Senate and doSouse of Representatives became ef- fictive on Monday of this week. Just to what extent Mr. Denby is guilty of mistreatment of office is a, matter that is really very little known. That he did do several athings that lacked a fine. and matue sense of judgment is certain however. When in the mictst of the fire Mr. Denby as- sorted with boldness that he would do everything all over again in the self- same faahionwere he to begin at the beginning once more, he most certain- ly did not realize the extnt of such a sttement. Had he realized he would p obably not eav made his decara- tLion so sweeping. There was in truth no display of strength 'manifested in saying such-a thing and to judge from tMe consequences of it it was not a profitable utterance. - But mistakes Must be made in order to benefit. Over n 'retroit the home of the frmer Secretary of the Navy, several Grganizations have informed Mr. Den- by of their absolute confidence in him. MIore than that they have planned to tive him a royal greeting upon his ar- rival from Washington. All this is as t should be, for after all to condemn a man on what evidence was furn- shed in the case of Mr. Denby is really acting in a most hasty manner. Much' more time should be consumed and a great deal more of far-reaching evi- lence should be considered before a man of Mr. Denby's kind be condemn- d. This of course not having been] lJne, it is a very nice thing that Mr. Denby's friends are doing what they are doing. everyone will quite agree to the act that at all times did Mr. Denby aet with the highest amount of sin- erity. At no time was his integrity ot be questioned, nor the strength of u s good-will. Even his most ardent opponents concede the point that of naliclous intent Mr. Denby was at no .me .guilty. Of course they concede ;his for it was after all the truth. Mr. Denby himself too is to be ad- nired for the way in which he bears KNOW THE UNIVERSITY' University students know who Na-1 poleon was, many of them can discuss Einstein's theory of relativity, some even know the location of the princi- pal cities of Europe. But a senior recently couldn't inform a stranger as to the location of Sarah Caswell An- gell hall. Dozens of Michigan stu- dents have never heard of the Stearn's Music collection, literally thousands do not know who is president of thej Student Christian association, and not one in a hundred can tell the name of' the Engineering arch. Students - who do not know their' campus are missing a great source of education and interest. Knowledge of the campus is intellectually instruct- ive. 'The student who hasn't visited the art galleries of Alumni Memorial hall, who" has not seen the Stearn's Music collection in Hill auditorium, or who does- not know of the instructive exhibits in the Zoological Museuni is missing some real treats. Knowledge of the campus enlarges one's interests. The student who does- n't know the names of the prominent students an4 professors, who isn't I acquainted with the principal organ- izations of the University, who does ' not even know the location of the main buildings,--such a student, it1 .is evident, can be only luke-warm in his enthusiasm for Michigan. And he imparts only a luke-warm impression on outsiders who may be interested in the University. The next time somebody wishes to locate Sarah Caswell Angell hall ev- cry student on the campus should be E able to tell him. The next time the art collection is mentioned or some s other campus feature discussed every j student should be able to show an in- terest which comes with knowledge of the University. - The other day a lad comes up to us and says read this, and - hands us a manuscript. Now .we don't know whether to run it, put it in our M Book, or send it home to the little mater. But after all, Caligula used o run self-laudatory poems written by other people, so we might as well Besides, it's over five inches long, and ve-ry well put. Ode to Jason Cowles Dear Jason, of the Daily column, The master of his stuff- How can you keep from being solemn' With correspondents rough? DETROIT UNITED UNE EAST BOUND Limiteds: 6 a. n., 9:10 a. in. and every two hours to 9:10 D., m. Express: 7 a. m., 8 a. 'm. and e y two hours to 8 p. i. Locals: 7 a. in., 8:55 a. an. and every two hours to 8:56 p. m., 11 p. m. To Ypsilactl only, 11.4, p. n., 12:25 a. in. and 1:15 a. m. WEST BOUND Limiteds: 8:47 a. m. and every two hours to 8:47 p. m. Express (making local stops): 9:5u a. m. and every two hours to 9:501 p. in. Locals: 7:50 a. m., 12:10 a. m. I 2 3 4 5 6 7 S 9 10 11 12 13 14 , i6 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 '7 28 ' 34Q 31I SPRING h ATS READY Save a Dollar or More at Our Store - high Class Work in Cleaiing and Reblocking FACTORY HAT STORE 617 Packard St. Phion-e 1790 (Where D. U. R. Stops at State) Read the Want Ads Europe, Orient, Etc. 1 To get the better reservations. It will be vary necessary that you arran your pans soon. 8 ;'E - L In g List Rates; :St, ,Cabinor 3rd Class ALL STEANSHIP LINES, TOURS AND CRUISES A small dpoi secures apa.ceea' 'Jiy M0lon'ir E. G. KUJEBLER E:, *, Huro:n St., P6.1384 Licensed and Bonded Stcarsht lnsurance Aeni WE WRITE ALL KINDS OF INSURANC The Fish Building, New York City CAR1ULRE & HASTINGS Architects "Designing in Masses" They tell you where to go-~ And you say simply, "Well- For those that don't like what I They can go to Hell." THE new architecture transcends detail and expresses the component solids of the great buildings of today and tomorrow. Gigantic profiles are reared against the sky-true expression of structural facts' has now come into its own in architectural design, linking architect and engineer ever more closely together. Certainly modern invention-modern engineering skill and organization, will prove more than equal to the demands ofthe architecture of the future sow "It's not so hot to pound out type And do it- every day; Sometimes I have to crib and swipe What otlier authors say. You college guys just ought to take My column for a week- Just try to dig around and rake - The stuff you say is Greek. OT IS 'ELEVATOR COMP Offices in all Principal Cities of the World A N Y _. tou'll And You'll And die before your readers do- leave the stuff alone- leave all printing and be blue cry while others moan." J. D. L. * * * For the. Coitest My dear Mr. Cowles; Knowing that the word to be se- lected in your present contest should lbe as meaningless as a co-ed, I sub- mit the simple term "Beetle" which I think very proper. You can readily see the possibilities of "Wow! Look at the complexion on that Beetle!" By using the least bit of imagination one could quickly derive many applica- tions and usages. Sincerely, The Duke of Hungry Point Among the verbal contributions are: 1. Switch 2. Squealj 3. Squeak 4. Grunt As is evident, the last three are from the same contestant. * * * Ann Arbor is to have the swellest Chamber of Conimerce on the face of the jolly old earth, bar none even in Constantinople.. They are having a campaign, and they hit all the faculty members, as well as students they think will help the town. We'll join if there aren't any dues and you get a pin. Mr. Jason Cowles Twenty-Five Years Ago At Michig an f -- -. -. - From the Files of the U. of M. Daily, March 13, 1890. The report contained in yesterday's Free Press to the effect that Michigan will not play Chicago this year was branded as unfounded by Manager Baird today. The best of relations exists between the two schools and the Wolverines are expected to play Tonight: the classes in Play Pro- duction present Four One-Act Plays in University Hall at F o'clock. "THE-SWEETEST KISS," which the [ Mimes is to present tomorrow and Saturday evening in their theatre, as seriously considered as a possible Union Opera at one time, but -a finally ruled out because it did not offer sufficient opportunity for elabor- ate scenic and costume effects, which have recently become so vital an ile- ment in Mr.. Shuter's annual priduc- tion. On the other hand, "The Sweet- a est Kiss" should adapt itself admirably to the more intimate atmosphere 'of the Mimes Theatre. The songs and lyrics of the play are reported to be especially catching aad of the best whistling variety. Tihe book also provides opportunities for adequate settings in its two scen ,s and for the inclusion-of seeral sTec- ialty dances.{ ;hecentire production is undr1 I direction of .Iohn Pro.mae , who i fjd ing Mr. Shuter's plac during his ;I sence, while Lionel Ames and Hi-oward Welsh have charge of the dancing. The other committees include Robert Hummer as Stage Manager, Ronald Halgrim as House Manager (and in- sistent press-agent), John Plain as; Chairman of Costumes, and Lymen Savage as Electrician. THE JUNIOR GIRL'S PLAY, a'.ang with many other innovations, will have; its music orchestrated for the first time in its history by George S. HirstI of Brooklyn, New York, who orches- trated the score for "Cotton Stockigs and is now conducting the orchestra for Mitzi in "The Magic Ring." A trained orchestra composed of adl- vanced students of the School of Music and well-known players on the campus has been practicing with the choruses for the past few weeks. The person- nel lists Lucile Bellamy as director' Frank Stiles, Dorothy Alban, GertrudeI Friederick, and Pauline Kaiser, vio-, lirts; Walter Battles, 'cello; Wilfred Wilson, bass viol; Benjamin Boyce. flute; Clarence Tappan. clarinet; L. R. Preston and L. E. Cooper, trumpets, Donald Bullock, trombone; Merle Un- derwood, drum; Vivian North, piano. The Junior Girl's Play has always been recognized for its exceotional songs, and it is expected that this year's production will present new successes of the popular caliber of "Castles, Fairy Castles," "Reputa- tions," and similar pieces. E. L. I -- ') (1~{ A ark, V :t Why.. When millions now attain so much by fighting film on teeth d - - --..,. '... Start Today Then watch and see what changes this test can bring to teeth. They will amaze and delight you. methods. One disintegrates the film at all stages of formation. One removes it without harmful scour- ing. These methods have proved ef- fective in many tests. A new-type tooth paste has been created to apply them daily.. The name is Pepsodent. Leading dentists the world,over have long advised its use. Now careful people of some 50 nations emnploy this modern method. Results you see and feel v~Ai - - At xyour soy -sWe 6k y a testSee coupon Stagg's men on Thanksgiving day asj JhaFAIR TRACK ATHLETE WITH usual, .e said. BROKEN ANKLE, BREAKS ARM \ Prof. Cooley will deliver a lecture Chicago, March 12.-Helen Fil- this week before the Engineering So- j key, 15, holder of seven world's ciety. The subject will be announced records and four American rec- Slat ords for girls in runs, sprints, ! rjumps and hurdles, who broke 1 her right ankle two weeks ago, \ Dr. G. Carl Huber, assistant pro- Monday broke her left arm when \ fessor of anatomy and histology, has she fell downstairs, while she \ recently made an- important physio- was trying to descend on crut- 1 logical discovery on which he has ches. been working for some time. It has long been supposed by standard books j on anatomy that there are no nerves The taxi-cab will soon become ex- governing the blood vessels to the -pensive enough to thrive in Ann Ar- brain. Dr. Huber has shown that lior unless the town fathers keep their there are such nerves. The discovery eyes open. is expected to have great clinical im- portance in the curing of headaches. The man wrapped up in himself is -- amply justified in being dissatisfied The spring baseball schedule has with his surroundings. Careful people, the world over, use a new teeth cleaning method. You.see the results in whiter teeth in every circle now.-, It means new beauty, new safety, new delights. It means to children new protection against troubles you have suffered, Let this free test prove the bene- fits it brings. Film mars beauty That cloud on teeth is film. At first the film is viscous. You can feel it now. Soon it discolors, forming those dingy coats. No ordinary tooth paste effec- tively combats it, so the coats may long remain. Film holds food substance which ferments and forms acid. It holds the acid in contact with the teeth to cause decay. Germs breed by millions in it. They, with tartar, are the chief cause of pyorrhea. Such troubles are almost univer- sal with people who don't fight.- film. Easy to combat Now that film is easy to combat. Dental science has found two Pepsodent brings conspicuous results. It does more than fight film. It multiplies the alkalinity of the saliva, to better neutralize mouth acids. It multiplies the starch digestant in saliva, to better digest starch deposits on teeth. These combined effects bring a new conception of clean teeth. Present the coupon for a 10-Day Tube. Note how clean the teeth feel after using. Mark the absence of the viscous film. See how teeth become whiter as the film-coats disappear. The results of the ten-day test will delight and convince you. Cut out coupon now. Protect the Enamel Pepsodent disintegrates the film, then removes it with an agent far softer than enamel. Never use'a film combatant which contains harsh grit. 1571 . 10-DAY TUBE FREE ! At your store this week I Insert your name and address, then present this coupon is week to any store named below. You will be presented I rith a 10-Day Tube of Pepsodent. If you live out of town, mail coupon to The Pepsodent s oropany, 1104 So. Wabash Avenue, Chicago, and tube will ae sent by mail. ; 'our Name ........... ....... ,.. . ....... ..... I I Address............................................. '. ." "." " ". ." "'" ''. '.. ".' ." .' " .rsn~nnnt a'