THE MICHIGAN DAILY 1. , 0 - i...iwmw ie .....:.. _-------- ----LL SI FIE THisd COLUMN CLOSES AT 3 P.M. W A S H T E N A W Section. A nine room Colonial home; four rooms and breakfast room- first floor; bour bedroms, two baths,.second; Basement, fisinshed with very large room with fireplace, bedroom. Garage. Lot 86x160. Trees and shrubs. Detailed information gladly given ADVERTISING REAA ESTATE FRATERNITIES AND SORORITIES STOP-LOOK-READ WE HAVE for sale a very desirable property, for either fraternity or sorority. Will accommodate 25 or more, located within four blocks of campus on a very good street. Brick veneer house nearly new, oak floors and finished thruout., Large lot. Can handle with small down pay- ment with easy terms. Shown by appointment. FOR RENT r singleor double. 12 Church st. Phone WO OR THREE rooms furnished fora house keeping. Every convenience attractive front room, first floor. Double or single, also single room second floor. Phone 2863-W. 923 ICELY FURNISHED suite blocks from campus. Few roomers. 115 N. Thayer. two other M APARTMENT, corner Law- e and State Sts. Second floor, .nished. Call 1713-M. 5 PACKARD, one double room students at $2.50 each. Call I FRATERNITY CLERKS, IS up. Execlient salary. Exam, Ann Arbor, March 8. For, government positions in your state. House two locks from campus. Price $22,000. Terms. Experience unnecessary. For fullI particulars, write R. Terry (former A building site for fraternity on Washtenaw Ave. Close in; 100x140 ft. Civil Service Examiner) 731 Bans- In established fraternity district. ter Bldg. Washington D. C. BE A NEWSPAPER CorrespondentP R,AL OSE & RICHARDS, Inc. with the Heacock Plan and earn aI641-4 First Nat'lBank Bdg Tel, 2072. good income while learning; we! show you how; begin actual work at LOW PRICED HOMFES WANTED _ once; allfor spare time; experience- unnecessary; no canvassing; send $6750 A MODERN HOUSE SUITABLE FOR for particulars. Newswriters Train- A SORORITY. PLEASE LET US I Buys new six room house .in good KO ing Bureau, Buffalo, N. Y. south side location $1500 down.KNOW WHAT YOU HAVE. CALL T ~$7x0 Ji CARL MALCOLM, 1713-M. THE ALUMINUM Cooking Utensil S Six rooms, east of campus, easy WARM GARAGE. Call 1331-R be- Company, manufacturers of "Wear- terms, good income. tween seven ad eight P. M. Ever", has put some 20,000 men $82504 throum nversities adcollege 6 rooms south of campus. Only STUDENT ROOMMATE wanted. In- Thacte mpany igplese tan $1000 necessary. quire 119 N. Thayer. . nouee the ollowing repres$nta- $8700 VEGETARIAN BOARD near campus. tive wh, wll xjlin he ork 6 rooms, goods house, nearly new, Levwoda 2-W Appointments can be made by call- price reduced to limit. Terms Leave word at 1225-W ing between 7 and 8 in the evening. ed 10~A OOMAE'orasecndyer n Tfjalmar S. Hansen, 555 S. Division, $bluen A ROOMMATE for a second year en- Phone 2520-M. Howard A. Sheri- a ubehs nexeetcndtn gineer in a desirable location. 423 Phoe 220M. loardA.Shei-earning over 11 per cent of' price S. Division. clan, 223 S. Ingalls, Phone 2758-J. asked. Robert C. Winter, 714 Haven Ave, I Pobe C. Wintr, 71 HavngAi, Also a 9 room house that is a good . FOUNTAIN PENSI Phone 685-J. Arnold S. Gingrich, house and earns $100 a month besides. 810 Dewey. Easy terms on both houses. Fountain Pens and Pencil insur-1 ARCADE CAFETERIA needs student L. D. Carr & .3j. Trmmnell ance. Have your name embossed on help for coming semester. Sched- 17 A. A. Savings Bank Bldg. 1 them. Price 25 cents. ules necessary when applying. Phone 441-F-1 O. D. MORRILL -17 Nickels Arcade 2 LIVE WIRE students to make big .NUSIAL The Typewriter & Stationery Store. PO)IMERING & BLAES 506 First National Bank Ann Arbor, Michigan Phone 3091 TYPEWRITER REPAIRING ALL MAKES. Agency Woodstock and Oliver typewriters, Sundstrand add- ing machine, Line-a-Time copy holders, rubber stamps, ribbons, cushion keys, type cleaners and sup- plies. Machines rented.- ANN ARBOR TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE. Phone 866, downtown TAILOR RORACE CLAVEAIJ Cleaning, and Pressing 1221 S. University. SPECIAL PORTABLE and standard typewriters, new and second hand. $25up. S. A. Moran, 711 N. Univ. Room 2, 2d floor. WILL TAKE $11,000 tis month for nearly new, well located, 8 room Brick house. C. A. Witham, 1236 Volland., APPLES JOHNATHONS, STEEL Reds, Banana Apples and Rome Beauties. COLLEGE GROCERY 12 ft coasting bob. New last season. Reasonable, Call Eckert 1682. BOARD BEST BOARD and superior service. Orchestra. Tables for girls. Rea- sonable rates. Varsity Lodge Din- ing Hall, 611 Church Street.- VALENTINE Give Candy for Your Valentine BLIGHTY 709 N. University NOTICE Exclusive collegiate styles for young women. Needlework of allj kinds. Experienced workmanship.: MRS. R. T. REAM 411 Thompson. Phone 2768-W. Read the W Getsek " 4Master- pn"1 raow Smd You will have pen satisfaction for the rest of your life. SOLD AND SER- VICED BY THE MAKER HIMSELF PAN -I T E Dj r A LARGE front suite, well furnished, will accommodate two or three men at 1220 Prospect, Call 2019-M. ROOM FOR FOUR more men at Var- sity Lodge in large, well lighted and heated suites. Board if desired. Resanable rates. 611 Church St. A LARGE DOUBLE room, block and a half from campus. Neat, warm and newly furnished. Quiet house, sleeping porch, $4.00 each per week. 719 Oakland., Phone 981-R. SINGLE ROOM. Steam heat. 311 Thompson. TWO SINGLE ROOMS at 110 N. Thay- er. Call 2583-R.. WARM, pleasant rooms. Ver'y reas- onable. 509 S. Division. Phone 293-M. A ROOMMATE, by first year student, pleasant environment, nice family, rent reasonable, 808 E. Ann. PhoneI ..694-J. TYPEWRITERS, portable and stand- ard. Good machines. S. A. Moran, 711 N. Univ. Room 2, 2d floor. WELL FURNISHED room, 438 May- nard. Phone 3126-R: SINGLE OR DOUBLE room in pri- vate home. 1221 S. State Street.; Phone 3337-J.I A VERY WARM well furnished double room one block south of campus, $3.50 each. 721 Monroe St. Phone 3019-R. TWO SINGLE rooms at 613 Hill, first house off State. Use of piano. Phone 1660-J. FURNISHED ROOMS for two students who want quiet place to study or ideal place for married couple. Phone 3472-M. after 11. WELL FURNISHED double room for men; 422 Hamilton Pl. Phone 2121- PLEASANT FRONT suite, single bed, Also roommate wanted. 715 E.' Huron St. 3 LARGE well lighted, warm, com- fortable double rooms suited for 2 or 3 students. Phone 3186-M. 618 Packard. TWO LARGE well lighted . double rooms. Will rent one single with. lavoratory connection. Two bocks from campus, steam heated, shower baths. 536 Thompson St. 3r. BUSINESS TRAINING New term is opening at HAMILTON BUSINESS COLLEGE State at Williams .yr An $1.00 Suits Cleaned and Pressed This week only WANTED HELP EXPERIENCED architectural drafts- man. Reply by letter only. Cuth- ertaned Cuthbert Architects and Engineers,,327 East Huron... Oil State St. I nmah res of pours ifucsl yropuroad. money during spare time. Call at 200 E. Huron ask for "Chick". LIVE, ENERGETIC, salesman. Easi- est selling specialty on the market. C. Wood, 904-R. STUDENTS FOR summer work. In- terviews by appoinment only. Phone 2 18-R, 1005 Packard. GOLD BRACELET BETWEEN K. of C. AN .) Ii WSCHIOOL. CALL 1081. REWARD. AT THE FACULTY Women's tea at the Unioh last Thursday, a pair of golashes were exchanged for a, smaller pair. Call 3406-M. PROBABLY AT J-Hop, Deke pin name on back, R. G. Lathrop, "O" '93. Re- ward if returned to Deke house 1912 Geddes Ave. GOLD FOUNTAIN pen stub. Initials S. C. M. Reward. Call Selma Mueller, 627. TYPEWRITING T YP EW R I T E R S of all makes Sold, rented cleaned exchanged and repaired. 0. ). MORIRHLL 17 Nickels Arcade The Typewriter & Stationery Store. Your these and notes will beI promptly and neatly TYPEWRITTEN at BUSINESS SERVICE CO., over "M" Lunch, 322 South State Street. Typewrirng and m.meographing promptly and neatly done. Theses, student notes and college work a specialty for fifteen years The Typewriter & Stationery Store. - .D. MORRILL, X17 Nickels Arcade STUDENT desiring lessons in Span- ish to perpare for exams call 1104. - - KEEP PHYSICALLY ft by- the daily use of Walter Camp's Daily Dozen on Records. Complete outfits sold by Schaeberle.& Son., MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS at - BARGAIN PRICES Mandolin... ...........$13.50. Ukulele................. $:5-0 Tenor 'Banjo.............$2;50' Guitar ....................$16.00 Pay as you play. UNIVERSITY MUSIC HOUSE 601-05 E. Williars St. Phone 1799 Daily Want Ads always bring goo results. A NEAT Job of Gold Leaf embossing on your Fountain Pen. 25 cents at RIDER'S PEN SHOP 302 State St REMEMBER THAT WE are the only penmakers in Ann Arbor. We haveI the tools, machinery, parts, and skill to do your pen repairing as it should be done. RIDER'S PEN SHOP 302 State St. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS DR. W. S. MILLS Osteopathic Physicianl 1616 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Phone 321 F-1. HERMAN, THE TAILOR 802 S. State- Phone% 3341-M. COSMETIC SERVICE Superfluous FACIAL HAIRS Removed Permanently by ELECTROLYSIS I ELECTRO-COSMETIC SERVICE 224 Nickel's Arcade By Appointment only Phone 1167-R. 3-6 ,p ,m FOR SALE NOTICE TO Fraternity or Sorority, One hundred thirty two feet build- ing frontage on Oswego, paved street, between Hill andGeddes, no better location could be found,, see this at once. Herman Fokke. Phone 312-M. Oxfords FRANK BROS. 5th Avenue Boot Shop NEW YORK Exhibit at Wild & Co. TODAY-WEDNESDAY-THURSDAY I Sport S :,VIIIIIIIIU IU'I2lllll1111l IIIII IIIII1ItIIIIIIIIII~ I~ lllIII~ III~ ~II~ IIIIIIII11I t11 IIiIIU111IlI ~ lltlltilllII t1'tI I E!1 -~~~~ TO T E L S O.2 Have you picked your "atviy yt _- Ifntala hePesbidn _I^ _2 ans o n Diy a toepai h ppruiteh MY 2s' Miciga Dalafer.Uuu 1= YOANWRKI HEED'PS x 1 . AdverisingCircuatio -c PulcainSevc AconsCotat a ASKFOvTE USNeS ANGE w= w= _ . he- . Make Yout College Paper Write your "copy" on a Remington Portable. Clean, legible copy will catch the editor. Use the. machine also for your everyday work and personal correspondence. You will be surprised how much time and labor it will save. Compact-fits in a case only four inches high. Convenient-you can use it on your lap, if you wish, for it carries its table on its back. Compete-with four-row keyboard, like the big machines, and other ;big machine" conveniences. Price, complete with case, $60. Easy payment terms if desired Remington