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March 12, 1924 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1924-03-12

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i Moslem faith, and during which the


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ciblied = R6y roring excet SMo lay1
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d to the use for uhlicaton of all news
atcies 'credited to it or not oterie s .,
ited in this paper pnrU the local nes ah
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potg ranzted by 'fid Asstar; tot-
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wt Editor................Robt. B. ),rr
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yEditir .i..._....G. Garinouse
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1. Aes A. II. Connte e
A. iiilin lron . . iske
ry 4r Clark P. M Wagner
ats Editor..............alph N. Ber
tmetn's Editor........r.oa libbard
Ida du.azu...Editor.. FL..t L wen
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UV Einstein Herman Wise
azdrew Pr pper
G. Bae4 3 4a nt'- el
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ias Kendall N.' l .tal
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n-e --
AU.hougli' if 'is litti' realized, G
ists here at the University hospital'
dcpk t w en t 'thiut is Orastanding in
tportance uc se o the kind of
rkii thu 1... C u; ofic ll
own as e social service depart
(nt of the niversity hospital, it is
verthIles~s of e en greater worth to
e public than its name would sig-
y -Here are engaged a small group
selected men from the University
ho have been active in teaching
asses, directing manual-training
>rk, and in raising in general the
>rale of the youngsters with whom
ey come into contact. It is a use-
I and precious work that is being
rred on by this small number of
diyiduals who are willingly giving
their time and ability in order to
ake the lives of others a bit more
erful and interesting. Therefore

is deserving of notice and of actual
The field because of additional re,
onsibilities and wider ranges of
>rk is now in a position to be great-
extended. But in order to under-
ke any such plans it is of the ut-
)st importance that a number of
n offer their services as leaders.
The S. C. A. has issued a call for
n, experienced or inexperienced,
to can devote one or two hours a
ek to the work .of teaching and
iding these youngsters. Here is af-
ded a splendid opportunity. The
,tre of the work is pleasant and1
ves an individual the chance of serv-
g his community in a fashion that
worthy of the highest praise Par-
;ularly to the students in the Schooll
Education will this work be of an
raluable nature for, future pur-
When the youthful and determined-
progressive Turkish republic at
.gora promulgated a decree depos-
a and banishing Abdul Medjid, Ca-f
rh or religious leader of the whole
>hammedan faith, abolishing the Ca-
hate, and confiscating all the enor-
us wealth which accrues to this of-
e, it performed an act which left
world aghast-and left more than
.)_000.000 Mroms.withouit av. ri

interests of the faith have almost in-
variably come first, the country of the
Bosphorus at last stands on its own
feet politically. The world is ask-
ing what the result will be. Will the
little country, shorn of its religious
prestige, sink to the status of a third-
rate power? Or will it, by means of
i , control of the Bosphorus and its
freedom from religious fetters, be aule
to command a new position of power
and respect among nations? Time,
1 lone can settle the question.
A review of the part which the Cal-
iphate has played In Turkish politics
ddring the past few years makes evi-
dent the enormous consequences which
must follow the new republic's ac-
tion. Time and again it has brought
the mnfluence of such enrormous bod-
isas the Moslems in India and' those
in Afghanistan to the support of -a
country which the forces of the pro-,
gressive infidels of Europe were threa-
tening with extinction.





(From the Christian Science Monitor)
For days the campus has been agog. When Bulgaria signed the Treaty of
Who, asks each man of his neighbor Neuilly, she was given to understand
just before he dozes off in lecture, is that her sovereignty would be fully
going to win the cup awarded by the protected by that treaty and by the
Butterfleld Interests? And each neigh- League of Nations. But when the rep-
bor would make answer, I don't know, resentatives of the great power ap-
Cowles is still - deliberating. j pended their signatures to that instru-
The neighbor is wrong. We have ment they left Greater Serbia out of
ii ot been deliberating at all. We have account-or, rather, one of the great
been waiting for the other judges to powers did take Greater Serbia coin-
make their decisions on the best pletely into account for her own pur-
booth., so that there ;will begno mixup. poses. Bulgaria is carrying out,
after the results were announced last I scrupulously and prccisely, every pro-f
night, however, Cowles began to de- vision of the Treaty of Neuilly, begin-
liberate in earnest, you may be sure. ning with the reparational feature,
And after about an hour's delibera- with which she is complying on the'
Lion, he came to the conclusion that days designated and to the full amount
all thnthkind hPa tr ine to. win I if d



.. l

aul ne oon s ao Ueen yn gU il
At the treaty of Lausanne the in- his cup, and not the gaudy mugs pre-
fluence of the 70,000,000 Moslem sub- sented by Wolify's and Wahr's. In
jects in India gave Turkey a hand truth, the competition for the cup of
with which she beat Europe at her the Butterfield Interests was disgust-
own game. ingly keen: Think of the Great Egres-
And now, after wringing all pos- sum, that crafty gype; think of the
sible advantage from the prestige obscene police court, dragging in cus-
which the Caliph's religious power has tomers against their will; think of
given her, this brave little republic dancing Claribel, who turned out to
has turned around and denied it ab- be a garter snake; reflect on the rank-
solutely. It has found that the weight1 ness of the Style Show, which proved1
of the Caliphate was burdensome, and to be three or four mediocre-looking
that it was a block which was hinI l.ads dressed in costumes not even me-
dering the foreward march of its newi
diocre; consider the vile -Medicine
principles of progressive government. Show, which was free on the outside
And it has found that the new Cal- y
only; think of King Tut's Tomb, which
iph, who had been iarbitrarily ap- was nothing at all.
pJiflted upon the abdication of the last And then think of the hordes of
Sultan, was not so pliable in its hands gambling gypes: the ring the duck
as had been expected, It has found proposition, which the ducks had re-
that the Caliphate and the non-relig- I hearsed through painful hours Thurs-
ions Angora government cannot live day night; consider the Ring the Peg
in the same house together. concession, in which the rings were
So it -has calmly turned the Caliph- hauled from the pegs by powerful
ate out, leaving the vast body of some magnets, even after they had settled
3.00,000,000 Moslems to blunder about over the peg; consider-but why con-
without a prophet. It will be inter- sider? Everyone, it was plain, wanted
esting to watch this country in its the same prize-the Butterfield Cup.
efforts to find itself anew. But we proceeded ,very logically.
What was the worst general feature
AN ANNUAL FAIR of the Fair? The noise. Who made
the noise? The barkers, inside and
School spirit, esprit de corps as the- ---A

But that does not deter Serbia from
gross interference in the internal life
of Bulgaria whenever it suits her pur-
pose to do so. The nature of the pre-
text is an entirely secondary matter.
Whenever Bulgaria does anything that

Limiteds: 6 a. m., 9:10 a. m. and
every two hours to 9:10 D. m.
Express: 7 a. m., 8 a. m. and er-y I
two hours to 8 p. m.
Locals: 7 a. m., 8:55 a. m. and
every two hours to 8:56, p. mn.,
11 p. M To Ypsilanti only, 11A
p. m., 12:25 a. m. and 1:15 a. m.
Limiteds: 8:47 a. m. and every two
hours to 8:47 p. m.
Express (making local stops): 9:50
a. m. and every two hours to 9:501
p. ,.
Locals: 7:50 a. mn., 12:10 a. m.

0 .i


Rea the Wa-nt A ds


French have put it, the common feel-
ing of cooperation and morale that
are essential for the success of ,any
organization whether it be an army
or a iniversity, needs all the encour-
agement >ossible at Michigan. In the
old days it was, a simple thing for ev-
,y student to know everybody else, at
least by sight. Joe's, the Orient and
i hpI -,were common stamping
ds li the comparatively fev
s nts could gat er together. An at-
here of god fe lowship and
an spirit prevailed.
Today the task is not soimple. Be-
ors; the completion of th Yost field
use, the largest buildingon the cam-
pas could hold oily one half of the
nti restudent body. The University
a grown. The curriculuini in the
1'arious schools and colleges offer such
a variety of courses that we find men
l r;;uing a wvide divergency of inter-
F,6ts. Between them is th one mutual
bond of Michigan. If this is not en-
couraged they will graduate in their
separate groups instead of as one
Michigan class.
The question is, how can we furth-
er the feeling of unity that should ex-!
ist between the members of a class
and of a student body. Traditions help
it to establish stability. Events that
take place year after year give com-
moon experiences to .all undergradu-
ates. Also such events as the Un-
ion Fair will develop the esprit de
corps by uniting the campus for one
cause. If the. Fair was to become a
traditional affair there -would be one-
more link in the chain of college me-
mories that mean so much to a grad-
Oxford and Cambridge have theirI
traditions. They have grown up with
the moss covered buildings through
six hundred years of history. Michi-
gan is now rebuilding her campus.
The traditions that spring up around
it should be of the right kind. Why
not make the Union Fair one of
T wenty-Fdive JYears
Ago At Michigan
From the files of the U. of I. Daily,
March 12, 1899.
The Freshmen trimmed the Sopho-
mores to the tune of 36 to 27 points
in the annual Fresh-Sopli meet in Wa-
terman Gymnasium Saturday after-
noon. About 800 spectators witnessed
the meet, including a large number of
young ladies from the two classes re-
Manager jConnie Mack of the Mil-
waukee Ball Club has signed for the
coming season outfielders McGinnis
and Davies and pitcher Iehr, mem-
bers of the U. of M. baseball team.
Preidehnt Vain Derheek of ithe DA.-

outside the concessions. And what
was the greatest noise-making device
at the Fair, even surpassing the Mox-
ie-vendors and the untiring imnpresar-
ios of the Great Labryinth, who beatu
a board unceasingly 'with baseball
bats. The inotorcycle at - the Motor-
drome. And there weretwo motor-
cycles. One inside and one outside.,
It Was advertised as a race. "Some-
one mnay fall -ofZMiny minute and be'
killed," read the sign. And from with-
in cane the fetching sund of explod- -
ing cylinders. And what was inside?
A motorcycle on a stand, and a couple
of buddies running around on Kiddie
Kars1. . . .
We take great pleasure in awarding
this handsome cup, the gift of The
Butterfield Interests, to Theta Xi fra-
ternity, proprietors of the Motor-
drome. * * *
There were once three brothers nam-
ad Jascha, Toscha, and Mischa. They
lived in a little house near the edge
of the Black Forest, not far from the
main road to Schwarzburg. Every
lay they rose at five, ate breakfast,
and then drew straws to see which1
one was to hunt in the forest, which
to be a robber on the road, and which
was to stay home and feed the cat.
This drawing of straws was always
rather an excitng business, because
no one wanted to stay home and feed
the cat, whereas all three of the broth-
ers liked very much to hold up wealthy
burghers who travelled the main
Well, one morning Jascha, who was
the boldest of them all, drew the cat
,.after a straight week of brigandage.
He was in a rage. His brothers, after
having taunted him with his luck,
gathered together the things they
would need for the day, and left him
with a final "ya-a".
He sat all morning chewing the
corner of his red mustache and evolv-
ing a plan of revenge.
Finally he got up with an ugly
snarl, rearranged his mustache, and
fed the cat. "I," said Jascha, "will
make those fellows sorry they ever
left me at home with this wretched
animal. I shall pour the Bourbon I
got from that Friar yesterday into
his mlik. When they come, the cat
will be as drunk gas punch."
And so the wicked fellow poured in
the wine, and then, hitching up his
belt, sat down to a game of snap with
himself, for snap was at that time a
favorite game in these parts.
When he had won 35 kronen from
himself, he went to see how the cat
was faring-and lo! There was no
cat! -And no Bourbon! He was ov-
ercome. He sat on the floor and wept
copiously for an hour. Then he went
out to find his charge. Walking into
the fields he called "Come to papa,
catty watty"-,but there was no an-
swer.. . . . I
He had searched for perhaps half!
an hour when he suddenly discovered,
behind a hillock, his two brothers,
each mugging a nifty nymph. A third

Serbia can twist into a menace to
herself, the swashbuckling in Bel-
grade begins. The pretext may be the!
overturning of an intolerable govern-
ment, or it may be the suppression of
a revolution directed from abroad.
The rattling of the saber is immedi-
ately heard from the Greater Serbian
capital. Just now, Bulgaria having
obligated herself to pay over to Serbia
a quarter of a billion in addition to
the Serbian share in the general re-
parations, Serbia is making - difficul-
ties with the Macedonian question as
a pretext. Recently, Bulgaria so far
renounced the sovereignty assured her
by the Treaty of Neuilly that she pro-'
hibited the holding of a meeting by
Macedonian refugees, called to pro-
test against the destruction of their
nationality by Serbia in violation of
the Treaty of Neuilly and of the ver-j
dict of twelve centuries of history.
.She forbade it because Serbia eith-
er expressly informed her or intimat-
ed that the holding of the meeting
would be followed by dire punish'-
ment for Bulgaria. And there was ev-
ery means at Sofia, a few kilometers
from the Serbian frontier, of know-
ing just what Serbia contemplated in
the event of noncompliance with her
wishes of repression. The Btlgarians
know perfectly well that Greater Ser-
bia is armed to the teeth, while they
themselves are stripped of arms un-
der the provisions of the Treaty of
. Similarily, she is knuckling under
in every instance, either under direct
menace from g1lgrade or under the
terror insp redTby the knowledge that
a pretext is the thing that Greater
Serbia is awaiting. The presence in
Sofia of a Serbian army is an event-
uality that every Sofian has in mind
when he or she retires at night.
- It would interest the peoples of
long-suffering~Eur ope, and of sympa-
thetic America, to know whether the
Treaty of Neuilly is a measure of ter-
rorism or of peace. Is a nation that
is loyally living up to its utmost pro-
visions to be protected in its rights,
or is it to be left to the mercy of an
implacable foe, which regards the very
existence of Bulgaria as an unfor-
givable offense?


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23 1 21 ;2 523 2
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;; itil11t alliltllIflitilltfli l~ a:

''onigut: the panish Olub presents
"Donna Clarines" by the Quinteros in
Sarah Caswell Angell Hall at 8 o'-
Professor Hollister will present a
bill of four one-act plays tomorrow ev-
ening in University Hall auditorium
as the first of a series of five produc-
The cast of Lady Gregory's "The
Spreading of the News" will include
Alva Johnson as Bartley Fallon, Wil-
liam Viola as the Magistrate, Joan-
na Dewitt as Mrs. Fallon, Barre Hill
as Jack Smith, Stanley Knapp as
Shawn Early, Robert Jones as Tim
Casey, Angus Babcock as JamesERyan,
Helen Martin as Mrs. Tarpey, Ernes-
tine Roe as Mrs. Tully, and David
Bramble as the Policeman.
In "The Sunny Morning" by the
Quinteros Ellura Harvey will play the
part of Donna Laura, Edward Gibson
the part of Don Ganzalo, Crosy Reese,
Juanito, and Ruth Sauer, Petra... ''
The next number, "Mrs. Harrison"
by John Masefield, includes Stanton
Ellot as Harrison, Lillian McEachearn
as Mrs. Harrison, Earle Fingerle as
Tom Constable, and that veteran ham
actor, Robert Henderson, as the Par-
Unfortunately the Tchekoff play, "A
Marriage Proposal", has characters
with impossible, unpronouncable Rus-
sia names. Giving you about half their

The success of the Arcade
is really not so amazing,
for it's only natural that
people eat where they get
best foods at lowest costs

- _A ... 7 1 .p_

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