T HE WEATHER PROBABLY SNOW; COQ- TINUJED COLD.r Y Mfjr qtnn I. :4Iait1k LEAS1 WESTERN CO E IilTUMIAL A* VOL. XXXIV. No. 119 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 12, 1924 EIGHT PAGES PRICE, FIVE UNION FAIR SHOWS 365500 RECEIPTS; PROFITiOF $3,000 COMPLETION OF SWIMiWING POOL MUST NECESSARILY BE DELAYED AWARD SEVEN CUPS FOR BOOTHS AN D FEATURES Phi Beta P1 and Alpha Tan Omega Win First and Second Prizes Respectively Andrews Thrills Hearers With Tales Of Asiatic Explorations Thrilling his hearers with a first- hand description of his expedition in- to the most impenetrable parts of Asia Roy Chapman Andrews, famous ex- plorer and naturalist, in his lecture last night in Hill auditorium conjur- edup a vision of millions of years ago and of the life that existed on earth at that time. His subject was "Searching for the Prehistoric Man." Carrying his listeners from the very start of his journey with a descript- ion of the vast equipment employed,I SMr. Andrews, with the aid ofsa con- tinuous succession of movies and slides, transported the audience right along with him as he made the dis- coveries which have revolutionized the Mongolia, according to the eminent naturalist, presents two great diffi- culties to explorers. First, its prob- lem of transportation; second, the weather. As one of Mr. Andrews' as- sociates phrased it, "It is winter in jMongolia 11 months of the year and late autumn for one month." The temperature often hovers around 40 below zero. "Despite the fact that we were I warned that no fossils would ever be found in inner Mongolia," said Mr. Andrews, "We finally opened up the largest and richest fossil fields in the entire world. "Perhaps the most spectacular of our discoveries was that of the giant baluchithenium, the largest mammal that ever appeared on the earth, so far as present investigations reveal." Mr. Andrews then gave his hearers a few of the details of fossil gather- ing. "In the first place," he said, "you can't find fossils in vulcanite rock. Sedimentary rocks are needed. "These animals become covered by a sedimentary layer of mineral matter. Gradually this mineral matter takes the place of the animal tissue of the bones, resulting in petrification." (Continued on Page Two) Total gate receipts and returns from 'theories of zoological prehistoric the concessions and sideshows of the times. Union Fair showed a profit of approx- The expedition consisted of 26 men, imately $3,000, according to figures with 5 autos, a fleet of camels, 9 tents,I made public last night. More than 'and supplies and provisions to last for, $6,500 was realized in admissions and 6 nonths. These autos, Mr. Andrews from the booths at the Fair, but the said, were the first that were everl $3,500 expenses involved brings the used to negotiate the rugged moun- total profit to the figure named. tains, treacherous deserts and rocky It will be impossible to start work plains of Mongolia. Everyone told on the swimming pool with this am- them the cars would never last, yet ount of money, according to Homer they came out of the terrific test in Heath, manager of the Union. At excellent condition and Mr. Andrews least $5,000 was needed to award the plans to use them in his next at- contracts while $18,000 will be need- tempt. ed to complete the pool. The money realized from the Fair will be kept in reserve until enough can be obtained' actually to let the contracts. Bablusky's Show Wins M -H'gg P 9 Prizes to the booths and features of the Fair were also announced yes-0 terday, following a meeting of thel judges appointed to choose the win- I ners. The Sid Millard cup for the Meiji University Baseball Squad To{ booth having the- most entertaining, Vi ~e1uig(oinneet 4 Visit Here During Ct1mmenPIcemIent; original and profitable display, wasEU. awarded to the Phi Beta Pi fraternity. Exact Date Undecided Babinsky's Wonder Show, the booth: operated by this fraternity, proved to ORIENTAL NINE TOOK LAST' be one of the most popular at the YEAR'SJAPANESE PENNANT Fair. The second prize under this head, a Michigan's Varsity baseball nine cup presented by Claude Drake, was will meet the diamond representatives, awarded to the Alpha Tau Omega fra- I of Meiji university of Japan in the an- ternlty for the sideshow "Hell." Thenalcmeeetwekwog e Delta ;Chi fraternity won the Hackley nual commencement week two-game Butler cup for the best float in the series, it was announced least night. parade. Their float was labelled, "The The tentative dates for the two three ways of getting through col- games are June 13 and 14, according lege." The second prize for parade Fielding H. Yost, Director of Tn- flcoats, a cup donated by the Lai e dtoFedn1.YsDicorf n- tercollegiate Athletics. The visiting ~rdware company, was awarded to team will also engage the baseball the Delta Upsilon fraternity for their team of the University sf Illinois. float, "Washington crossing the diag- The Miji university team fought onal." TeMiiuiest emfuh Bernard Stone,- '27, who did the their way. to the championship of, Bernar Stone'27, wo did ThJapans last season and boast .an ex- tight-rope walking, won the prize for .atanast son nd bo 'he an the best circus or vaudeville act pre-ake an e ne. T he s~ntd, acup onaed b theCali is to make an extended tour of the sented, a cup donated by the Calkns- United States playing games with thei Fletcher drug storgs. The cup for themostrepresentativecollegeteams best clown, donated by Wahr's Book- the West, meeting the Wolverinesa in store, was given to John Spanagel the West meet the Wole s '25.. he lph Ta 'Oegafraer-the way to meet the principal, teams '25E. The Alpha Tau Omega frater- in the East. nity also won the Majestic and Ar- the East. cade cup for the best animal. Their1, h omnee~tgmshv l cade up fr th bes anial. heirways held their .plac~e as part of the contribution to the Fair was the cow. wag ld theice as prtiof the It as mposibe t anoune te lregular commencement exercises. The It was impossible to announce the Wolverines played two games with winner of the cups for the concessions the University of Washington team making the most money last nigh-t. Due ls er pitn vni h w- to the time involved in counting the last year, splitting even in the two- tickets from each booth it will prob- game series. In 1921 the. Michigan nine ably be impossible to announce the l mJtpth , te Wasedasunivitg, winners of these prizes for everal oapan, the Waseda squad having days. A first prize cup was donated captured the Japanese title the year previous. r, , > " I r t i i DAUGHERTY PROBE FINDINGS CONTINUE Mortimer Summoned by Committee Seeking Facts in Attorney- General's Case BROOKHART DECLARES STOCK DEALS WILL BE EXAMINED Washington, D. C., March 11-(By A. P.)-Exploration into new fields of testimony for development of the in-! estigation of Attorney-General Dau- gherty were made today by the spe-i cial senate committee. Among the new finds were said to- kbe the veteran's bureau case, and al- I so reports of stock market situations to high government officials. Atten-i tion which was attracted toward the. former was vindicated by the issu- iance of a subpoena for Elias H. Mor- timel, star witness against forh'ier1 Director Forbes in. the Veteran's bur- eau case before the senate ii1'estigat ing committee 'and also the Chicago grand ju-ry. Senators'on the Daugh-' drty investigating committee declined, to indicate the nature of the testimony accepted from Mr. Morlimer. That reported stock market deals of officials were also to come before the committee, was told by Senator Brookhart, Republican, Iowa, chair- man of the Daugherty committee. He said the committee had hoped to re- 'ceive letters from informants sug- gesting courses which might disclose stock gambling by high officials. "These leads will be followed," said Senator Brookhart, fand we expect to receive evidence that will establish I such dealings." FRAYER TALS TOIMORROW" Prof. William A. Frayer of the his- tory department will give a lecture on "The Italian Risorgimento" at 8 o'-. clock tomorrow night in Room D, Alumni Memorial hall. This will be the fourth of a series of lectures on various aspects of Ital- ian life and history being presented under the auspices of Il Circlo Itali- ano. The lectures already given Wer4 delivered by Professors Boak, Winter, and Slosson. and the concluding num- bers will be by Professors Tealdi, Reinhart and De Filippis. Professor{ Frayer's subject covers one of thel most interesting periods of modern history. ~HELMET CREWS AI1L COOLIODE UGOES The Day's News At REDUCTIONOFTAX The Capitol S1IThe death of Rafael Gutierrez, pres- ident of Honduras, was reported to- day, the state department announced. UNFAVORABLE REACTION GREETS President Collidge asked congress PRESIDENT'S REQUEST IN to adopt a resolution reducing by 25 CONGRESS percent income taxes payable March 15 CHAIRMAN GREEN SEES An application for a pardon for Ed- NO HOPE FOR MEASURE ward A. Rumby, former editor of the New York Mail, was refused by Presi- House Adjourns Before Considering dent Coolidge. President's Message Devoted The senate defeated an amendment to Revenue Bill to the farm relief bill to appropriate Washington, March 11-(By A.P.)- $25,000,000 to loan to farmers. President Coolidge made requests of , . congress today to adopt immediately President Coolidge directed pro- a resolution making a reduction of 25 hibition Commissioner Haynes to in- a rsoltio main a edutio of25vestigate charges by Rear-Admiral per cent in personal income taxes pay- Charles B. Plunkett, that Washington able this year to be carried in the is the wettest city in the United States. revenue bill. That suggestion met i ts y h t wvith an unencouraging response. I The house voted to leave to the de- This reaction was especially pro- j partment of justice the present investi- nounced in the house where such leg- t islation would have to originate and Cation of charges developed before a I where leaders yesterday turned down dChica o grand ury inolving the on- an attempt to obtain such action. 'tr es The President urged through a President Coolidge will be guided message to congress, that the propos- by advice of the special oil conference ed cut be made effective before Sat- concerning E. L. Dohney's offer to urday, when first installments on the continue to construct work at Pearl taxes must be paid. Chairman Green harbor, it was said at the White' bf the house ways and means commit- House. tee, which would first have to con- sider the proposed resolution, declar- ed tonight that "at this late date it isW absolutely impossible to pass the 25 per cent reduction to be paid on tax- Bsoth."and Representative Long-i PUBLICATIONOF LETTERS" worth, Republican leader, argued that, as a unanimous agreement would besBy necessary to .place the resolution be- Washington, March 11-(By A.P) fore the house for action, a previous -Mrs. Woodrow Wilson has decided effort to kill the provision entirely as to avail herself of her legal rights to carried in the revenue bill appeared to; check publication of selections from foreclose any possibility of obtainings suhargreet her late husband's letters and manu- The message of the president was (scripts until she can tell in what man- not read to the house until late to- ner they shall be given to the pub-c day, and the house adjourned with- lie.I out considering it on the floor. It is Mrs.tWilson's intention as ex-I --______________ecutrix of the war president's estate either to have his letters assembledt 6 LEISS DEPLORES HATE and published by someone who willi act on her authority, or to gather them into a collection and make it avail-d able to the public, probably by depos- A NO JEALfOIISIN [IE uting it1in some national institutiont such as the Library of Congress. Speaking before the regular meet-~ log of the Institute of Religious Ed- 'inder the auspices of the S.C.A. Rev. LMAE T Henry G. Gleiss, general, superintend- If considered one 'of the foremost lead- I ers in religious activity in the coun-s Ar h A try, gave an -address -on "The Chaff- Voters of Ann Arbor at the April l ti-yof the Race Problem". Theielections will decide whether or not' meeting was one of a series of week- South Main street will be paved. At: meetffis ow assimilar nature.k the same time the citizens will con-; 'y affairs of a sim arsndat ar-.sider the questions of raising the pav-f "In the past several years, and r ing bond limit from $300,000 to $500'-' ticularly during the last summer I000 and the sanitary sewer bond lim- I months, when I happened to be mak- 000frnd $hesanitr$seebo, it - ing an extensive tour of the European it from $80,000 to $300,00, ity was an- countries, I had indelably impressed nounced by the city engineer yester- upon me the importance of this race Tday. problem," said Reverend Gleiss. "At The city engineer's office has exten- almost every frontier that I was forc- sv ln u o ee ulig t ed tost earyIwas very thoroughly is planned to build sanitary sewers to I dtopass, I asvythrghythe aniount of $37,000 and storm sewers searched, as if I were a suspicious to the amount of $47,000.r character. The conditions in all oft Europe today are such that all strang- ers are looked upon with hatred, and until this atmosphere of fear and jeal-E ouisy is done away with we .will con- 1'i 4Lf tinue to .have the. same problems The Institute of Religious Educa- tion has secured as its next speaker, E Prof. Robert M. Wenley, of the phil- Especial emphasis is to be placed on osophy department. Professor Wen- the regular meeting of the Naval re- ley has not as yet selected the sub serve force to be heldin the R. . T. ect for his address.i C. drll hall tonight, because some of ject fo the members have been lax in attend-!1 ance. Drastic action is to be taken in the cases of the men who fail to come i EKRAAIT'WILL' to the regular meetings so it is essen- tial that all members attend. Iflffl~I~ flhIMAIeT ~ Drill competition is being planned ADDESS J OUNRIIITtL with the R. 0. T. C. and athletic eventsi are scheduled between the two units. The regular lectures will be given and Tom II. Keene, editor o; The Elk- all new men wishing to sign up may hart Daily Truth, of Elkhart, Ind.,I come at this time will be the speaker at an open meet- ing of the Student Press club of the University to be held Tuesday, March CSETS flTE On 18 at The Green Tree Inn, it was an- flJJVU u nounced at the informal business M meeting andi discussion of the club last night. 11 ILIkJUIIULWIIU Tb. L'11.1 r. 7-1 y1 Trnu h io nnn ii _ i Cooley Suggested As SenatorNominee Dean Mortimer Cooley Democratic voters of the sixth ward of this city endorsed Dean Mortimer E. Cooley of the Engineering college as nominee for United States senator from Michigan at a meeting held last night when resolutions were passed urging that his name be brought be- fore the state conveition to be held in Flint, May 5. HOUSE DISCUSSES. POLICY ON BON~US Veteran's Bureai 'Will Handle Life Insurance Policies of Soldiers' SENATORS IN FAVOR OF FIFTY YEAR ENDOWMENT1 Washngton, D. C., March 11-(By A.- P.)-Decision to place administrationt of the new soldiers' bonus bill for1 paid up life insurance policies in the hands of the Veteran's bureau rather! than private concerns, was reached to- day by a sub-committee of the housec ways and means committee, who are drafting the bill.. While no decision was reached as to the form of these insurance poli-' cies, or the basis on which they should be drafted, special attention was di- rected by Senators Blanchard, New.t Jersey, Andrews, Massachusetts, and Fish, New York,:and these provide for' the endowments to run from forty to fifty years. Two of the schemes would. base the value of' the policies on the( adjusted service credit provided in the bill passed last session--$1 a day for home service and $1.25 for overseas1 service, plus 25 percent credit. Mr. Fish suggested policies valued at $400 for each six months service with a maximum of $1,600. Campus Rowdies Clamor In Vain' Those blood-curdling cat-calls, stamping feet, and determined hoots that greeted a badly projected film n a. local picture house Monday night' were all in vain, the manager reveal- ed to a representative of The Daily. For a moment the interesting thread of the tale was broken when a section of the lower half of the picture ap- peared on the top of the screen, during the performance Monday night. There was an immediate uproar with shout- ed demands to the operators to fix the film. In a second the picture ap- peared righted on the screen. But this was not due to their noise, the manager asserted, as the operat- ors work within a 4-inch reenforced concrete room through which absol- utely no outside sound will penetrate. The way they detect such difficulties is generally by the sound of the film in the machine, as they are generally to busy winding up old film to watch the screen. They can also be reached, he told the reporter, from out in front in the box-office by means of a telephone line. "Some students will be a little sur- prised," he said, "when they hear that all their efforts have absolutely no effect on the men at the machines," PRESIDENT OF HONDURAISI IDIES AFTER LONS ILLIESSI LENROOT RESIGN LAD TOU CONTIN OIL INVESIGAI NORTH DAKOTA SENATOR CHOSEN CHAIRMAN OF COfMITTEE ON TEA POT DOME RETIREMENT IS RESULT OF NERVOUS COLLAPSE Condition Not Serious, But Rest Re- quired Before Return to Washington Washington, D. C., March 11-(By A.P.)-Retirement of Senator Irvie Lentoot of Wisconsin as chairman and member of the oil committee oversha- dowed 'any other development today. He will be succeeded as chairman by Senator Edwin Ladd, of North Dako- ta, a Republican identified with the LaFollette group, who has been praa- tically in charge of the committee since the departure of Seator Len- root for North Carolina a week ago to recuperate from an attack of nervous exhaustion. Telegram Mystery Explained- Senator Lenroot's letter of resigna- tion was made public after the inves- tigation had cleared up the remain- ing mystery of the celebrated McLean telegram by a grilling cross examin- ation of John F. Major, one of the agents of the Washington publisher. Before questioning Major for the third time the committee examined in sec- ret session another batch, of tele- grams including those from Three Rivers, N. M., home town of Albert B. Fall, former secrtar of the interior and author of the oil leases. Commit- teemen said the new messages threw little light on the oil ques- tion, although some of them "might be relavent." Senator Jenroot's retirement from the committee was not wholly unex- pected as he gave warning of it 'in the senate two weeks ago during a debate in which he came under at- tack from the Democratic side fo si- iting Fall here with SenatorSmt, of Utah, another Republican of the oil committee, before the forner inter- for secretary missled the - committee with his statement that lie obtained $100,000 from Ettward B. McLean. ' ..-Suffering Ill Health At that time 'Senator benroot told the senate he' would be" glad to 'be relieved of the duty of chairmin and declared that if the ivestigation con- tinued indefinitely he would have to ask to be relieved., His health at that time was poor and a short time after- wards he went to Southern Pine for a rest. Southern Pine, N. C., Mar. 1-(By A.P.)-Senator Lenroot, of Wiscon- sin, confirmed late today dispatches from Washington that he had resign- ed as chairman' and member of the public land committee which is con- ducting the .oil inquiry. Senator Lenroot had impressed up- on him the necessity of "being very quiet", and refraining from official du- ties which might bring serious 'con- sequence to himself. "My condition is not serious," the senator said. He declared his condition had shown "considerable. improvement" since he' came here. "I want to go back 'to Washington the first of next week but I will not know whether that will be permitted by my .physicians until Sat- urday," he said. 1EMOENT ILL DELIVER ILLUSTUR1DLUCTUIRE Newton S. Bement of the Romance language department will deliver an illustrated lecture at 4:15 o'clock this afternoon in the West Physics lecture room on "Paris ,and Its Monuments". The lecture is given in addition to the regular series presented under the auspices of Le Cercle Francais, and will be delivered in English. The lec- ture is free to the public. by Charles W. Graham, and a second prize cup given by Carl Bay, will be ! given to the winners in this compet- ition. 9,200 Attended Of the money taken in at the Fair $4,600 was realized in gate admis- sions. With the tickets selling at 501 cents apiece, this means that 9,200' people were present at the Fair. More; than 74,000 tickets for the sideshows [ were sold. These tickets were sold at five cents apiece and were used for admission to all booths and conces-, sions. In spealcing of the Fair yesterday ? John D. Briscoe, '24E, general chair- man, expressed his thanks to all of the fraternities and groups that had aid- ed in conducting the affair. "It was only through the work of the mem- bers of these groups that the Fair was what it was," he said. "The attractive- ness of the sideshows sand concessions made the undertaking a real fair." Thomas Lynch, '25L, president of the Union, said also that in his opin- ion the Fair accomplished its greatest good in bringing the students togeth- er. "Although we did not have the number of students that we wished present," he stated, "We did have sev- eral thousand. It is the one time this' year that they have had a chance to be together with the exception of the football games, and this offers an even better opportunity." TRIPLE The Classified Column is three times as large this year as it was last year. The results are over three times as satisfactory. It Gee Will Play This A fternoon" Russell Gee of Ypsilanti Normal conservatory,,will appear as guest so- loist at the Twilight organ recital at 4:15 o'clock this afternoon in' Hill auditorium, in place of Palmer Chris- tian, University organist.. Mr. Gee is a young organist of un- usual ability who has appeared in pub- lic many times with great success.! His numerous friends and acquaint- ances as well as music lovers in gen- I eral, both in Ann Arbor and Ypsilan- ti, are expected to insure a large au- dience. He will play the following program: Cantabile-Franck. Theme with variations-Noble. Fantasia in G minor-Bach. Cantilene-Wolstenholme. Gavotte-Pastorale-Durand. Harmonies du Soir, Clair de Lune,' La Nuit-Yarg-Elert. I bU~~rUII RUHL U TO FINDSURVIVORS Castle Gate, Utah, Ma 11.-Helmet crews tonight penetrated the last of Under the auspices o fthe Cosmo- the lower workings of the Utah Fuel politan club an "International Ex- company mine number two without change" will be held at 7:30 o'clock finding traces of any living miners of Friday night at Lane hall. At this .the 173 entombed by Saturday's ex- meeting, students from the various# plosion.f foreign countries repreesnted in the 100 bodies have been discovered leav- University will speak. ing 73 to be accounted for. Some re- The program will include an ad- port that they have uncovered a num- dress by N. -M. Malik, '27M, who will her of the victims in an entry way. speak on the subject "India's Contrite bution to the World". M. C. Lanzai, St. Paul, Minn., Mar. 11.-Various grad., wil speak on "Common Exper- groups in political harmony in the Far ences of the Oriental Woman in the West will hold.a convention in Minne- The Elkhart Daily T1rutht is consd- ered one of the most successful smaller newspapers in this section of the country, and it is expected thati Mr. Keene will speak on some phase of newspaper work as he has seen it through his experience as the editor of the Daily Truth. Matinee Dance To Be Held Saturday A matinee dance for guests in the city to attend the Soph Prom and for any other'students who care to at- I Chicago, March 11.-The University of Chicago twentieth annual inter- scholastic track and field meet, open to high schools of the nation, will be held at Stagg Field, May 31, it was announced tonight. Dr. Jose Luis Carrera, former r search asssistant in the pathologic laboratory at the University for tv years, has recently been appoint chief of the skin department of t Municipal Health board of Buena Aires. Bloomington, ,Indiana, March 11 Straight "A" records were made 24 students in their work last semi ter. SENIOR ENUINEERS MAY PAY DUES TOMORROW Extend French Credit Tegucigalta, Mar. 11.-(By AP)- New York, March. 11-(By A.P.)- General Rafael Lopez, Gutierrez, for- Negotiations for a larger credit to the mer president of Honduras, who, since French government estimated at $50,- the expiration of his term February 000,000 for the purpose of stabilizing 1 has been ill, died today. French exchange are under way with Cabinet officers of General Gutier- American bankers but have not been rez, presided over by Dr. Guez, have definitely concluded, it was authorita-; -,ma al l n* no0+0+.-