DAI a - - : ..J COLUMN IAT 3PeMW White House Is PlayingPolitisCrs, Walsh Charges a ERTISING DAILY CLASSIFIED RATES Cbiarged at the rate of 12c per reading line for one or two insertions, 11c per reading line for three or more insertfone. White space charged for at same rates. Classifeds charged only to those having phones. Asx about c ntracts for classified advertising. 10c per reading line for one or two insertions, 9e per reading line for three or more insertions, cash in advance. Minimum, 3 lines per insertion. Classified Coluun Closes at It o'Clock Noon, Saturday. " .3mmEthte-Ad Taker'. buy the apparatus and make the mov- ies an' established custom. The ma- chines will be paid for in three month- ly installments, to be taken from the proceeds of the church collections. The fact that Sunday evening at- tendance at the other prominent Ann Arbor churches has not fallen off seems to indicate that the visual ser- mon is attracting a class of people that never went to the spoken serv- ices. St. Andrew's Episcopal churci showed the usual good attendance ant a large crowd heard Reverend Wester- man speak at the First Methodist church. I, * 6 "mom What i~s FOR SALE Real Bargains 1 Oakland Coupe 1 1923 Ford Coupe 2 5 passenger Olds touring These cars can be bought at a very low price. Call Mr. Marshall, Phone '1368. FOR SALE-Strictly modern home, 7 rooms. 5 blocks south of campus, 50 ft lot, double garage. Owner leav- ing city. Write Daily, Box No. 6. TWO MAY FESTIVAL $3.00 coupons for $1.50 each. Call Behm, 1926. OSTEOPATRIC PHYSICIANS DR. V. S. MILLS Osteopathic Physician 1616 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Phone 321 F-1. FOUNTAIN PEN INK INK is the life blood of your Foun- tain Pen. One filling of vicious ink will spoil the flow of your pen per- manently. Take no chances, get a. bottle of our special formula Diamond Writing Fluid. We guarantee it the hest. RIDER'S PEN SHOP 302 State St. LO8T OBLONG JADE RING in white gold setting. Reward, call 1463-M. MAN'S TAN SWEATER-in balcony of Field House Saturday night. Re- ward. Call 489. PAIR OF heavy unlined buckskin gloves in Michigan Union Sunday morning. Finder please phone Hal- ley, 543. WANTED TO EXCHANGE 2 or 4 Junior Girls' Play ttckets, Wed- nesday evenings, $1.50 for same number for Saturday afternoon. all Univ. 153-M, Monday.. FOR RENT STUDENTS' FRONT single room on second floor at 702 appan Ave. In- structor, nurse or business woman preferred. Phone 1547-M. OR FOR SALE-7 room house on Ferdon Road. Furnished or unfur- nished. Garage. Tel. 1979-M. SUITE of three large, light rooms for two men. One half block from Un- ion. Present occupants with to move to fraternity house. Very at- tractive price. Phone 2106-I1 at once. GROCERIES FANCY APPLES, Fruit, Cookies, Grennans Cakes at College Grocery, 516 East Williams. Open Sundays and Evenings. TYPEWRITER REPAIRIIG TYPEWRITERS of the best standard makes $15.00 up. Easy terms if desired. Renting, cleaningand repairing a specialty. Largest stock in Ann Arbor. 0. D. MORRILL 17 Nickels' Arcade IDealer: L. C. Smith & Corona type-, writers. Typewriters supplies, Rub- ber stamps, Rubber key caps; ribbons, carbon paper, etc. MISCELLANEOUS RUGS SHAMPOOED or dust cleaned. Ann Arbor Carpet Cleaning Works. Phone 50. SHOES REPAIRED while you wait, Full soles a specialty. O. G. Andres 222 S. State. TYPEWRITING TYPEWRITING and MIMEOGRAPHII promptly and neatly done. Theses, students notes and college work a specialty. O. D. MORRILL The Typewriter & Stationery Store 17 Nickels' Arcade Good Senator Thomas J. Walsh Not content with the stand the pres- ident has taken in the oil land lease probe, Senator Thomas J. Walsh, Dem- ocrat, charges the White House with "playing politics" in the matter. Tea- pot Dome, the leasing of which is being investigated, is in his home state, Wyoming. CHURCH MTION PICTURE SERVICEBOSPPUA The motion picture church service, recently established by the local Con- gregational church, is an established success. The church was again crowd- ed at the third picture-parable show- ing Sunday night, the Rotary club be- ing especially honored. The time has expired for which the Z-nith projecting machines were rent-' ed, and the church has decided to Master- pen (230 drops capacity) Helps you think. A poor pen con- sumes your thot. Can you afford lost efficiency? Sold and Serviced by Rider Himself PENS 302 State St. Masterpenmakers In the first place, for a definition, Gfood Advertising is consistent adver- Advertising? =. I- 1, 5= i5- Sw I' w- A= 1= 1= w- 5-' tising. - F - . ,. ., 0 ( d It is consecutive. This means that the copy must be so written that one advertisement will follow another in sequence. * , -~__ It is interest creating. This means that the reader will be in such a posi- tion, placed by previous advertising, that he will easily distinguish it from others and see what the merchant has Fi I '23k Ensian Call G. R. Douglass, one 1.. --- SI] I S II ALE ROO\-Located between in, Liberty, Huron and State. ith private-family if possible. Re- v Box 7._ SESONDIAND Portable Typewriter -4 st be in excellent condition. Call 212-M._Ask for Mr. Paige. T1- (TWO) Law Students'that were- (king at a room at 438 Maynard. P tase call. WA. NTED-One 1922 Michiganensian. ate of repair unimportant. Call wson, 184. )LL MAKES. Agency Woodstock and Oliver typewriters, Sundstrand add- ing machine, Line-a-Time copy holders, rubber, stamps, ribbons, cushion keys, type cleaners and sup- plies. Machines rented. ANN ARBOR TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE. Phone 866, downtown 516 E. Williams. MUSICAL VICTOR RECORDS of the Great Art- ists and all the latest popular rec- ords on sale. Complete stock at Schaeberle and Sons. 110 S. Main St. TAILOR PANTS TO MATCR YOUR COAT AND VEST. Chas. Doukas, 901 N. University. COSMETIC SERVICE Superfluous FACIAL HAIRS Removed (Permanently by j ELECTROLYSiS ELECTRO-COSMETIC SERVICE 224 Nickels Arcade Phone 1167-R *i'' to say. z It is the -trutth- -the greatest mI s- take 'a merchan t can possibly make Is' ll misquotgin the qualities of his ier- chandise. .4 .' * FOUNTAIN PENS A NEAT job of Gold Leaf embossing. on your Fountain Pen. 25 cents at RIDER'S PEN SHOP 302 State St It is the presentation of the sales WANTED HELP BE A 'NEWSPAPER Correspondent with the Heacock Plan and earn a good income while learning; we show you how; begin actual work at once; all or spare time; experience unnecessary; no canvassing; send for particulars. Newswriters Train- ;ug Bureau, Buffalo, N. Y. STNOGRAPHERS wishing positions diring the summer months of July, August, and September should apply' als soon as possible at the Secer- tary's Office. THREE WAITERS Without 8:00's. Phone 1744-J or apply at Freeman's 803 E. Washington. FOUND PEARL BRACELET-Saturday night. Idlentification necessary. Call 1070- S. 1118 So. University. NOTICE JQhn P. Trojanowski who for 18 years had been the proprietor of The Ideal Barber Shop is now with his, brother, Julian R. Trojanowski at the U. Of M. Barber shop 1110 S. Univer- sity. Both Brothers will be pleased to meet their old and new friends. INSTRUCTION LESSONS GIVEN in Mah Jong. Phone 2406. talk in .a clear, concie manner with proper display. * SSTARR COMMONWEALTH GIVES HOME TO GIRLS (Continued from Page Three) dent and general manager of the Com- monwealth for Girls. Miss Clarke has taken several girls into her own home until the buildings are ready for oc- cupancy. The new school is to be located on the shore of Cedar lake, two and a half miles from Chelsea. The hous- ing will be taken care of on the cot- tage plan. There will be eight girls in a cottage with a "mother'.' in charge of each. Springfield, Mo., Mar. 10.-The 1924 class in the field course in geography expectto visit Alaska this summer, if :e rates by rail and steamer are low enough to allow. Lincoln, Nebraska, Mar. 10.-For the third consecutive year Kansas un- iversity won the Missouri Valley bas- ketball championship. "Jimmie the adtaker" sells anything quickly.-Adv. It is persUasive and suggestive. It. is an introducton or invitation to in. quire further. It is sane advertising S The im Michigan ---------- OUR BANKS I1 Daily Are prepared to Help"You Solve Any of Your Financial Problems Phoneg 9601 ' j