:4I itll
VOL. XXXIV. No. 118
Madden Amendment Ca'Is for Replace.
ment of Gotgas Plant; Dams
Leased for 100U Years
Washington, D. C., March 10.-(By
A. P.)-The tiouse today passed the
McKenzie bill providing acceptance
for Henry Ford's offer for Muscle
Shoals. Efforts to make drastic!
Delighted Audience Thrills
To Appeal Of Madame Zeisler
Speaks Tonight
Presenting a program of tremend- tacks the
otis range and wide appeal, a program amazing.
ranging from works as early as Bach delicate ai
and the Italian Scarlatti to works as, command o
intensely modern as the two bits of! as one of t
Otterstroem, dedicated to the artist, The Bac
Madame Mannie Bloomfield Zeisler ap- Minor was
peared here last night and played be- ique andgi
fore a delighted audience in Patten- konnig, an
gill auditorium.jI ous compo
Madame Zeisler is hailed rightly as immense e
one of the greatest of living women it approach
pianists. The pupil of Leschetisky, in, alwaysi
she has been before the public for I found her a
many years, and few mhavebeen able tion of his
Ito surpass her achievements on theI and above
key board. Age which might ,seem to Op. 53, so
have dulled her power of tone, deci- marked th
sion of expression, musical conception, the inevita
or the dramatic force, has served only Liebestraur
to ripen her great musical intelligence always doe
and feeling into mellowed art. I She is a
The ease with which she undertakes sents her v
the most florid passages of her work i teripretation
most stupendous task, is
Her fine phrasing, rhythm.
Lrtistry and above all, her
of her instrument marks her
the masters of the piano.
Ai Tocatta and Fugue in D
played with splendid tech-{
reat power; Schubert's Erl-
most gruelling and tremend-
osition was attacked with
ffectiveness, her playing of
hing the marvellous. Chop-
the test of a pianist's work
at her best. Her interpreta-
Etudes, one of his sonatas,
all his splendid Polonaise,
full of thrilling climaxes,
o heights of artistry; ano
ble, but eternally beautiful
me of Liszt appealed as it
brilliant player and pre-
work with freshness of in-
n and delicate feeling that
even among those of first
R. G. R.I
Sinclair Interests Announce Intention
To Oppose Government
Annulment Suitsr
Geology Department Arranging
taimnnt for wuest Dhlriny
stay HereF
Former Secretwuy Leaves for Detroit1
Wednesday; Recommissioned
Reserve Officer
changes in the measure were defeated is remarkable in a woman' of her age
and it goes to the senate practically and the vigour with which she at-
as reported by the house military com-
utittee. Mr. Ford had informed the
committee he would accept the termsi
of the McKenzie bill.
The vote was the first action by
either the house or the senate on the
Detroit manufacturer's bid for the
government waste power and nitratef
project on the Tennessee river which Repiblican Leaders IDeelde Ends Can.-
has been pending for more than two not be Obtaied Before
years. The bill directs the secretary iarchli 1
of war to sell the nitrate plants num- I S A GA IN-PLACEST A
ber one and two and Waco quarry to RiULT AGIoNINPSEAE TANS
Ford and to lease dams two and three EE
including power stations to him for 1' Washington, Mar. 10.-(By A.P.)--
100 years. The movement to obtain immediate
Provision is made for construction action on the proposed 25 percent re-
of a power plant to replace the Gorgas duction in income taxes payable this
plant recently sold to the Alabama year was revived in the house today
power company. It would be included but as quickly turned down. Repub-
in the properties sold to Ford. Just lican leaders decide dthat action could
before the final vote opponents of the not be obtained on a resolution be-
bill failed in an effort to put through fore March 15 when first installments
an amendment to place Ford under are due.
the federal water power act and to Republican members of the ways
limit his lease to 50 years. and means committee, meeting with
Just prior to that move roll calls Representative Longworth, party lea-
were obtained on two ahnendments. der, agreed, however, that if the reve-
The Madden'amendment providing re- nue bill, already passed by the house
placement of the Goigas steam plant and containing this provision, meets
plaemet o th Gogassterza plntwith any delay in enactment a separ-
was retained in the bill while the wte ayslin e cte t e
Bagg amenidment which would enable ate resoluion to akud be presesfective
the government to recover its prop- The action again places in the
erties at Muscle Shoals in the event T he enateith prbem of
Ford violated his contract 'in any I taxreduction and the senate finance
manner was eliminated. committee in its consideration of the
revenue bill will tomorrow take uh
tensetinwhich povides for the cut
M OMENT FORin 1923 income taxes. r
Most of the administrative sections.
orrthe bill were gone over today with.-,
Out' change by the committee. Upon
winding up these details of the meat
sure the various tax schedules will
Many opportunities for permanent be taken up.'.f
is unusual
Used {clothes Collection {fill be MaAe
For European Students
Before Vacation
Today is the last day that an ac-
employment will be given senior en-
gineers during the next few weeks
when representatives from various , lifE
companies will be here seeking for #
men for their organizations. Their
headquarters will be in the office of R
Prof. B. F. Bailey of the electrical ILdp m o h gS
engineering department of the engin-
eering college. Rev. Henry G.
Men representing telephone inter- erintendent of th
ests will be here all of the coming ion, and considei
week to interview seniors and will most speakers in
tender positions to at least 15 and pos- be the principal
sibly 30 or more men. C. E. Lucas ing of the Instit
'23E, and G. N. Bunting, '23E, will be ucation to be hek
in room 274 of the engineering build- , in Lane hall unde
ing today to meet any seniors of elec- S.C.A. The Ins
trical, mechanical or civil engineers meetings to hear
or seniors in business administration al and internati
wishing employment with any of the coming of Rever
big telephone or telegraph compan- ered an event o
ies. They will arrange interviews for Institute.
them with other men who will be here Reverend Glei
in the same room tomorrow, Thurs- greater part of1
day and Friday. study of the re
world over, as w
tive campaign will be carried on by'
members of the Student Friendship
Fund committee in an effort to a-1
chieve the goal of $5,000 set some time:
ago. Already more than $3,000 ha
been contributed by the campus atI
large, fraternities, and other organ-
izations. The faculty has not been
entirely canvassed but will be corn-
pletely covered tomorrow when an e;
fort will be made by the committee to'
see all the faculty members in their
Egbert R. Isbell, '26L, chairman of
the drive stated last night that al-
though the agressive jpart of the cam-
paign will end with today's final push,
among the fraternities, faculty mem- ;
hers, and independ'ents, contrihutioisi
will be welcomed at the drive head-1
quarters and will be received for some!
Isbell made it clear that all the mon',
ey donated to the fund will. be entire-1
ly given to relieve the suffering among
the university centers of eastern Eur-
ope. This is made possible.. by tine
contribution of. an eastern organiza
tion of a fund of money which, it isz
stipulated, is to be used in paying for
campaign expenses. This makes it1
possible to devote the entire sum col-
lected at Michigan to the needs of the I
university students.
In addition to those fraternitiesa
which have made collective contri-
butions to the cause the names of the
I-ermitage fraternity, Alpha Delta Phi
and Delta Tau Delta should be add-
ed. ;
Irk addition to the financial drive
which will be practically completed
within a few days a collection of old
and used clothes will be made sonic
thne prior to spring vacation. These
clothes will be collected as soon as
the organization in New York city is!
able to take care of them. All per-
sons who have clothes which wouldE
be suitable to contribute are asked tc
collect them.
A meeting of the committee will be
held at 5 o'clock tomorrow afternoonj
in the office of the president of the
Calls Students
Behind In Styles
Washington, Mar
-Special governme
oil lease cases left
ing and California
week the long cour
the recovery of tb
serves in those sta
clair and the Doher
oil committee will
hearings tomorrow
ing for an inquiry
phases of the ques
wound up its inves
affairs of Edward I
ington publisher as
oil matters
Receivers to take
'eapot Dome in Wyo
al reserve in Califs
outcome of the ann
be asked of the fed
in the two states.
Cheyenne court wil
issue a temporaryi
vent further extract
Wyoming reserve w
ready has been shut
No injunction to
in the California
sought, butthe cour
restrain the Pan Anx
company from drilli
so it will be requE
the royalty oil reve
serve during the lit
Both Sinclair an
ests will vigorously
ernment annulment
Sinclair and six at
cago today for Chey
with government co
eren and Owen J.
initiation of the liti
'Preliminary steps
against the Doheny
Angeles probably- w
an agreement havin
tween counselfor th
the Pan-American Pc
for the request for t
royalty revenue an
Also the request for
pievent the drilling t
ably will be contest
The Doheny comp
annulment suit, how
the ground that th
issued by PresidentI
ring the reserves fr
the navy departmen
department is not an
authorization for the
tained in the act of
ferred by former Se
ch counsel in the Washington, March 10.-(By A. P.) Roy Chapman Andrews, famous
today for s iyom -Edwin Denby surrendered his navy turalist, explorer, and geologist,
toditaytfo .Wyt-hispea at 8 o'clock tonight in H-ill <
to initiate this portfolio today but retained a connec- itorium on the subject, "Searching
rt fight looking to! tion with the naval establishment of Prehistoric Man." This is the
henvl ulr- I numbro the Universityoao
me naval fuel re-
ts from the Sin- I!which lie has been the chief for three r 0n t y
ny interests. The years. When he left the secretary's pr ra lecture tonight Mr. And
resume its public office late in the day he was again Roy Chapman Andrews will describe his third Asiatic
u nderplnsecrall-Major Denby, fourth class, Marine Roy Chapman Andrews, who recent- pedition. On this occasion Mr.
into several new
stion after it has corps reserve, with a renewed pledge ly discovered the 10,000,000 year old drews - went into Inner Mong
tigations into the of loyalty to the flag on his lips. dinosaur eggs, and who is to speak bringing forth specimens and ph
B here tonight on the Oratorical pro- gra pis now famous throughout
B. McLean, Wash- I "You see they cannot force me en- ga.M.Adessujcw ibe world. One of MIr. Andrews' n
the reat t th gram. Mr. Andreas subject will be,. ne . drs
they relate to the
tirely out of the navy," Mr. Denby "Searching for the Prehistoric Man." remarkable discoveries was that
charge of both the said smilingly. "I am still on the pay the 10,000,000 year old dinosaur e
ming and the nav roll. I draw $1 a month." heI expedition covered more t
mnapndin theH Departmental affairs were turned TO,000 miles and required an equil
Drnia pending the I eatetl far er#undI fI LV otf five autos, 75 camels, a vast1
ulment suits will over to acting Secretary Roosevelt un- of provisions an asupplies, and al
eral district court til such a time as Mr. Denby's suc- on ofi26 mn. Tie j n a
In addition the cessor is nominated.. There was noth- sonne of 26 th en. The journey la
I be requested to ing to indicate that President Coolidge six months.
njunction to pre- had as yet determined definitely upon Ie Ie n
tion of oil in the a man for the post. I__ With the cooneration of the Chin
'here the well al- The former secretary will leave forg n Starred Aat Forward Position iuring orertan 1,. Andrews colle
down. his home in Detroit Wednesday after-, Past Se0sons of (ompeetiti earthed the skull of the largest
prevent reduction noon, returning to Washington about oy .[-eten " ~ erext on'the eargh.
reserve will be March 20. A home coming reception ma ever existant on the earth.
coming receptiontoThe lecture tonight will be ill
Swillbep askedto1 awaits him as evidence of the confi- SEC(ON HIGHEST SCORER iN trated byt 400 feet othe first
merican petroleumi dence of his fellow townsmen. De- , I rtdb ,0 eto h is
ng new wells. Al- trt wl be u o iowe er. t CONFERENCE WITH 119 POINTS ever taken in Inner Mongolia., in
ested to impoumin make that home coming more striking dition to slides depicting the life
nue from this re tha the farwnl extendd b George Haggerty, '25, was elected customs in those countries.
igation. com. wsoe ad c xvy captain of next year's basketball team Mr. Andrews graduated from Be
d Doher t ineg the navydepartment by the members of the present squad college In 1906 and took his mast
contest time gov I de navyludepartment. H
suits. Harry F Mi. Denby began his last day in of- upon their return from the final con- dege at C
suit. Hary + !i Ibeen leader of several expeditions
torneys left Cii fice with flags about the big room, his test at Urbana Saturday night. the Amercan Meum ofpNdti
enne to join issueH desk ladened with flowers wishing him aggerty has starred at the forward History into parts of Asia, and'
tnsel, Atlee Pom- Ibon voyage on behalf of "comrades of position for the past two seasons and won world-wide recognition for
Robert, at the the navy and marine corps on duty in is considered one of the best of the discoveries.
gation. Washington," and with high officers of present crop of forwards playing in: iis ori
In the litigation the department gathering to witness the Big Ten. Haggerty stands in sec In additon to be contribi
interests at Los' his re-commissioning in the marine ond place in the individual scoring of In duch ona tenatribu
ill 'he unopposed coips reserweas He held the. rank ofi Conference players with i,9 points to to such journals as the Natioal G
g 'been made:be. m-jor when selected by President his credit, according to the lists given,
e government and Harding to fill-the cabinet post. : out yesterday.,; ath of 'Whale Hunting wittl'(
etroleum-company ;Standing beside his desk, Mr..Denby Haggerty is also a member of the' and Camera, "Camps and Trails
he' impounding of repeated-the -solemn-oath administere3 , baseball squad, having played second China," and a number df other b6
d a receivership.by Major General Legeune, command- base on last year's Varsity nine. HIs d i h ' s n tigatlon .
an injunction to ant of the marine corps, which re- 'home is in Ypsilanti, where he starred Po - H of gl
f new wells prob- united -him with. the service in which Ion the football, basketball and base- departinen; will itroduce tle 4pe
e he, had spent the war years.' ball teams. er tohjgh(. 'All gblog stipe
d h the.)ad:spet te v _yer- Haggerty is an exceptional accurat been udmed, according to officfa!4
anei-Id figt the i basket shooter despite the fact that attend the lecture. The departi
, exnwill3rdLr 113e was one of the smallest players in is . arranging some entertainment
Sexecutiveng transe[er M I1 O OPERATE' Big Ten competition this year. The its guest during his stay in the c
Harding h trnsfrentire Wolverine attack for the past The box-office in Hill auditor
t to the interior o rnu tI season has centered on Haggerty, and will open at 7 o'clock tonight, wh
IN I the flashy forward has carried the tickets may be purchased at the re
issue; that ample ,team along in fine style. Sensational lam price of $1.
leases was coin- . Fifty groups of alumni and wives shooting by Haggerty in the closing
June 4, 1920 con- of alumni now organized under the minutes of play gave the Wolverines1A
;cretary Daiels. Alumni Council throughout the coun- victories over the Michigan Aggies
try will cooperate with the women in Illinois and Mninesota, while he has
their new million dollar drive for 10(d the team in practically evemry other
IM ~ building and endowing the University game played.
of Michigan League. Twenty-three of- W11 L 0E NAMED TOO
S1the groups are in Michigan and re-
present four of the 9,000 Michigan Tt a cp n p i
alumni.The other 27 groups are P H IblvA UuTo g re p a rf
widel scattered over the countrv and a u.sthe boothsandconesin5 of the
Gleiss, general sup-
e Detroit Baptist un-
wed one of the fore-
this country, is to
speaker at a meet-
ute of Religious Ed-
d at 7 o'clock tonight
er the auspices of the
titute holds weekly
speakers of nation-!
onal fame, and the
end Gleiss is consid-
f importance for the:
ss has spent the
his life in making a
ligious situation the!
ell as the influences
world tending for the
human race. He has
to several interina-
ces of a religiousI
in this manner has
)srve the conditions
f the world, He is
Urbana,1 March 10.-illinois defeat-
ed Minnesota in a close fought game1
of basketball here tonight by the score
of 31 to 19. The game 'was featured
by close guarding and long shots
fron the floor by the Illinois stars.
The Classified , Column of the
MichigFan Daily has developed in-
the Classified' Page. The last two
Sundays we.have run over a page 1
of Classified Advertising; theI
bulk of which is of particular in-
terest to Fraternities, Sororities I
and Professors.
The results obtained measure up 1
to Jimmie's standard. About an
average of NINE replies per ad.
A remarkable achievement. Take
at work in the v
betferment of the
been a delegate
tional conferene
character, and
been able to ob<
in ther 'i' rts to
Castle Gate, Utah, March 10.-Bod- are chiefly in large business centers ion fair held Friday and Saturday
les of 36 of the 175 men entombed Sat- ; Field secretaries in these various lo- 1LI Yost field house will be announced I
urday in mine number two of the Utah calities, working with the campaign' jday. At the same time the winnt
Fuel company here, had been recover- agency- under Dean Hamilton in De- Purchase of the Walser house ho-| of the various .cups given for differe
ed tonight. Rescue parties held out troit, will enlist the aid of all alum- cated at 1043 Baldwin ave., has been features of the fair will be announce
little hope for the remaining'miners. nae. ' announced by the Phi Sigma Kappa it is thought that the total gate .,
Governor Charles R. Mabey an- Plans for such a drive started last fraternity. The fraternity will as- ceipts will approximate $3,000 and t
nohnce that le ould appeal tonight fall when members of 'the alumnae sume occupancy of their new home -lreturns from the ticket booths abc
f~r funds for the relief of families of council of the Alumni association de- next fall. ' the same amount. From the total =
the entombed meon, most of whom hadI cided to bring their work into align- I The Walser home has a lot of 250 the two must be deducted the decor
mert with the campus wgmen's ac- by 280 feet which. includes a tennis
.dependents.U tivities. During the winter, te dif- !court and a large lawn. A billiard gandth running expjnses of the Fs
Castegat, Uah, arc 10.Be-ferenut activities of university women= room amid a ball room are fea~tures of ; n h emiigsmwl eu
lief was expressed by company officials hae n imetsto lguework ten teir of theosa e s for the completion of the Union po
toniht"ta tnorro al- both in Ann Arbor and in cities with The fraternity has been located fo or i pursete a a he
cesss o th Uth Ful cmpay mnesorganized groups of alunmnmae. the past few years at 1003 E. Huron 'imcusieto eawrdI
nummber two will have been Penietrat- Of the million dollar goal, $750,000 It had been their original intention such features of the Fair as the 13
ed .and the state of the 173 miners n- is for the building itself and $250,- to build at the corner of Cambridge float in tme parade and the booth m
tombed by explosions Saturday de- 000 is for the endowment. The total! road and Olivia. but the plan was ing the most money at' the Fair. Vol
termined. amount already pledged is $104,192.12 abandoned in favor of the purchase of all the judges will be received a
-~-~ of which $58,615.99 has been paid of the Walser house. counted by this afternoon and the r
These amounts represent the com- - :sults then announced.
COMMITTEE DECIDES ON biped efforts of alumnae and tinder- Troublesome M ice
graduatewomen to date.b s
Mayotie alunmni have taken Bother Engineers Sif ?ii ?000
memberships being held by them and
Washington, March 1i0.--The same their wives at the present time. The A! Gaston, the mouse trap! Such
clefitzon of v-ns entl.ed o a sot.alumnae have also given valuable aid is the cry now pevading the nsEaGIVENnt fo r aTir e
defiton f mras ndtet o sl- y heor'ganization of groups ;to car- East Engineering building from cellar __
passed last session vas agreed upon y on extra campaigns and to help to roof! Every department from sec- Programs for the 1926 Soph Pr
teay by a s'eLflsonmmingr0ofthe house;i the undergraduates in' their activities retary to chief has gone on a rampage will be given out from 2 to 5 o'clc
t___y__y______-__mm______theh__se to exterminate the mice and" rats
ways and means committee in draft- itiafeno arrun,hebot - i
whieli a'vthis atheernoon atnthe ,b..thm._h_..
--- --"t IiMichigani's well dressed man is not
expected to be able to present some 1Vi -ia" el rse mni o
interestig and unusual sidelightsup to (late in clothing styles! Cam-
upon world situations, and has made pus haberdashers persist in their opin-
sponialwolotuthe onriesofEng-ion that the styles now worn on the
land, France, aid the Scandinavian Michigan campus were seen six
months before in the eastern univer-
peninsula. Isities. In other words Michigan is
Rev. Gleiss has announced as the
subject tom his address, "The Challenge really behind the easterh schools in
of time Race Psolem." fashions.
Imnterviews with several of the lead-
i i
Advance sale of tickets to "The
Sweetest Kiss", a musical play to be
presented by Mimes dramatic society
Friday and Saturday nights at the
Mimes theater, will begin at 2 o'clock
this afternoon at the Mimes box of-
Tickets to the musical comedy will
ng campus haberdasheries disclosed
several facts. It was learned that
Michigan men demand eastern styles
in clothing and as most of the men's
furnishings are ordered in the East.
Michigan is a few months late in. ap-
pearing with the newest styles.
One merchant when approached
with this question state, that the melt
of Michigan are quick in adopting new
styles and fads, and are -considerably
ahead of the other conference schools-
in this respect. Further investigations
revealed that most of the styles for
college clothing come - from Oxford
ing the new r-easure Wor'i will be
started tomorrow on framing the paid:
up life insurance policy provisions
which form the basis of the new bill.
Under the definition agreed upon
nien and- women who .served in eith-
er the military or naval forces at any
time after April 5, 1917, and beforc
Nov. 12. 1918, wonld he eligihle to the
Because of the unusual am-'
ount of activities during the last1
week the members of the Sen-
ior Literary Class will be givenI
( the onnortunitv to order invi- i
t IW 1141 VV C 1LLL Le Luncng.
Attracted there when working men
left lunch scraps lying around in dis-
order, the mice now have started to
eat valuable articles and are fast be-
coming a menace. Even a balloon
which was donated to the Aeronautical
engineering department several years
ago and has served for study pur-
l ,.., ., n _4 -- - U - 1 .3 s _ - 1 --
by of the Union,. Those applying
programs must bring their Prom
ets with them as the stubs will b
changed for the programs.
A few tickets for the Prom are
available and may be obtained a
same time. The price of the ticke