THE MICHIGAN DAILY THE ICHIAN DILYSUNDAY, MARCH ,,. ,..,,..;.. ..Y...... ---- ,,. , ... .. __ DAILY OFFICIAL BU LL E T I ?ubllcation Ini the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of be University. Copy received b* tteAgasianiv t the : -Aft erlt until 1:30 p. M. (11:30 a. m.. Saturft.- Volume 4 SUN~DAY, _11iARC'1 9, 1924 !N uiber 117 I the Deans:I There will be a conference of the Deans on Wednesday, Marchl 12, at o'clock, In the President's office. f. L. lBnrtmi. gate Council: The next regular nmeeting of the Senate Council will be held Monday, ch 10, at 4:15 p. in., in the President's office. '. F. Robbhins, Secretary. r-erslt-y Senate:, The third regular meeting of the University. Senate for the year 19233- 4 will be held in Room C, Law Building, on the evening of Monday, March at 8 o'clock. Order of Business: 1. Election of one member of the Board in Control of Athletics. 11. Election of. three members of the Board of Directors of the Michigan on. III. Proposed amendments to the Constitution of the University Comn- tee on Discipline. IV. Requested report on the Functions of the Senate Council. John W I. Bradshiaw, Secretary. clhalogy18: There will be a make up examination in Psychology 8 for those who sed the final examination in Room 364, Natural Science Building, rt a., Monday, March' 10. -V. 13. ;Pilsbury. Roraphers Wanited For Vacation Work: Students wno wish to secure stenographic positions during the sum- plontlis are requested to make application at the Secretary's Office as !y s possible. J. C. Christensen, Assistant Secretary. 'SIcs C'olloquium: The Physicsi Colloquium will meet at, 4:15 p.,im. Tuesday, March 11, in )m 202 Physics Building., Professor G. A. Lindsay and Miss Katherine{ niberlailn will speak on:--'The Outer X-Ray Energy Levels of the . I. 1. Randall. I logy :3. (Hleredity):; Exmination Tuesday, March 11, at 9 a. in. Those regularly assigned to is in rows A to G, Inclusive, will go to Natural Science Auditorium; e assigned to seats in rows 11 to M, inclusive, will go to Room B, Law ding; those in' and back of row N will go to West Gallery, Alumni norial Hall. A. Franklin Shull. for .1e"hanleal Engineers: MIr. R: L. Radcliffe of the *Worthington Pum~p and Machinery Corporation bin Room 221, Engineering building, from 10 a. in. to 4 p, in. on Mon- day, March 10th. He wishes to interview all men who are interested in positions with this company. It. C. Anderson. a_1 Mens' Educational(Clb: The club will meet at seven o'clock in the Union on March 10. Prof. (2C. 0. Davis will speak on, "The Teacher's Load". All men taking courses in education are invited. Frank L. Balley, Pres. Facly Concert: The next program in the Faculty Concert Series will be given Sunday 1(r fternoon, March 9 at 4:15 o'clock in HIill Auditorium by Mrs. George B. !,Jihad and the University Glee Club. The general public with the except- io;n of childlren under twelve years of age is cordially invited to attend. The program is as follows: Laudes Atqtue Carmina (Stanley), Now is the Month. of Maying (Morley), Xiorning Hymn (Henschel) Michigan Glee Club; Sonata, Op. 37 (Tschaikow- sky) Mrs. George B. Rhead; Glorious, Forever (Rachmaninoff), On the Sea (Buck) Glee Club; Nuit d'"ete, Opus 11, No. 5 (Liapounow), Etude, F minor (Liszt), vMrs. Rhead. Charles A. Sink, Secretary. Public Speaking' for Engineers: The following men will appear on the program for Tuesday, 7:10 p. in., March 11, Room 348 West Eng. Bldg.: Reid Chairman, and Messrs. Madison, Neff, Reisch, Robillard, Stewart, Eversdyk, Sanders, Ellis; Wightmnan. C. A. Schmidt, Chairman of Assemblies. 31einbers of Comedy Club: There will be a brief meeting of Comedy Club from 7 to 8 o'clock Tuesday evening, March 11th, in the parlors of Barbour Gymnasium. Every member is urged to be present as the plans for the approaching production of Captain Applejack are to be presented and the committees appointed. Charles Livingstone, Pres. Seniors hInB usiness A dmiinistratlion, 1lectrical, Civil and Meelliarnlel Engineering; A delegation representing the American Telephone & Telegraph Co., and i the associated Bell Companies, including the Wester'n Electric Co., will visit the University of Michigan on March 12, 13, and 14, for the purpose of inter- viewing and employing men who graduate in June and wish to enter the . Communication Industry. Mr. C. E. Lucas and Mr. 0. N. Bunting, 1923 graduates of Michigan, who are employed by these interests will be in Room 274 Engineering Bldg.,~on Monday and Tuesday, March 10 to 11, to inform those interested about the nature and possibilities of the work undertaken by graduate~i as they enter this field. For those who are further interested Mr. Lucas and Mr. Bunting will schedule :interviews .vitlv the delegates ar- riving later in the week. Edmund F. lDay. Joseph N. Cannon. Thero will. be a conference of the regular members of the staff of the School of Education and all Graduate Students in Education Monday even- ing at seven o'clock in the office of the School of Education, Tappan Hall. Mr. Arnold Brown will report progress upon his dissertation for the Ph.D. Degree. Guy 3. W fipple. Chairman of the Committee for Graduate Students. Paris, Mar. 8.- Premier Poincaire! told the cham~ber of deputies yester- day France hadn't recognized Russial solely because at Genna,' when theret was a question of doing so, the soviet. refused to recognize Russia's debts. Berlin, Mar. 8.-Resolutions dlenoun-~ cing the Turkish nationalists '.r abol- 1 ishing the Caliohate were adopted at a gathering of the Islamic community in; Berlin. Cologne, Mar. 8.-More than 20,040 workmen at the Baden Aniline Dye works in Ludwigshaven have lbeen dis- missed for refusal to work nine hoursj a day. +YYtAAtAYYYY!ltYAAYYYY IiI f. 1 c i tt A ....................... !" oti4. . . ...i..,lSiY~~ii..YY..Y~iiiiAYYti! tAAlA AYYY~llR!!f"A.,IY L 'VISIBILITY IS GOOD. On this new portable typewriter a single glance takes in the writing and the keyboard at the same time. A. C. Typiewiriters Phone 3400 S'TIMSON Supplies Repairing 83 S. State St. I Three' New Books you should read _1 TEMPER-Lanrnce H. Conrad THE PLASTIC AGE--Percy Marls THE MIDLANDER-Tarington - -- - $2.00 - - - .. $2.00 - - - - $2.00 I SPECIAL PRICE TO READING CLUBS AND LIBRARIES WAHR'S UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE L -A . - ' TUESDAY What Is ;Said of Roy Chapman Andrews: He andl his fellow scientists have already unearthed fossilized skele- tons of dinosaurs and other prehis- toric monsters in the Asiatic des- erts. One of many outstanding achievements is the discovery of the nest of prehistoric eggs ten million years old. If, during the remaining years of the e xpedition. hie finds the hardened bones of pre- historic man, the Trhird Asiatic; Ex- pedition will be the scientific tri- umph of all time. Mr. Andrews. has returned to America this winter to tell his own personal story of this famous ex- pedition. Roy Chapman Andrews ON "SEARCHING FOR, Pre HISTORIC MAN" I 4 Patronize Daily1 Advertiser rs.--Aclr. Daily classified for real results. ____________________________________ ii I MARCH 11 S~4r~:;# . ,,. FI1RST AMERICAN MANUFACTURE I. rr: -:rY' : J Hill- Auditorium 8 P.M. p; :A A LECTURE WELL WORTH HEARING Expedition a Bg ;Success The expedition has' so far exceeded hopes, in spite of seemingly insurmountable obstacles. It has already yielded some 2,000 mammals, many of them -Iarge; 10,0000 fish, reptiles andt batrachians, and some 50 cases of fossils. It is estimated that 10,000 specimens have been secured during the expedition. As the title of-his lecture implies, Mr. Andrews has caught the spirit of modern as well as prehistoric life, in this far-off corner of the world. n r i } ._ . ' , f.' _ . .. .. l r Q , a ORATORICAL ASSOCIATION PROGRAM KNAPP-FELT HT f , N r i i I I E w 0 7 IL for MEN I y<: A KNAPP-FELT1 HAT never looks so well as it does after it has been worn long enough to get the swing and class of a man 's individuality. It lends itself to the whim of the wearer. A widv x;$ ricty of color- ings and shapes. Six Dollars Up Make last spring's topcoat 1look Like n w cleaned in .B e ol G OLDMVAN Telephone 13 I Victrola 100 Price Victrolas Sow We do not have to tell you how, good the Victrola is--for we can trust your judgmxent when you see it, and h ~hear it play the inspired effort of some' great Victor artist. But we must say, we feel a bit proud of the way in ~which we strive to treat every, person M who comes in and asks to be shown one of these fine instruments with the Victor trademark under the lid. There is the touch of natural courtesy you Itwvill like in doing business here., I A I .I (1z, Lutz Clothing Stare DOWN TOWN i1Matetwr'w:- r.:v,®.+-.., r ' 14~~X~4 1 - X1 4 ..w+.b " .:Ji w.K+ ...' . 2k , -}, ' t .i AT WILLIT-S Teek Days 11.:10.2 an'd 1 to 7 )elicolls Hot Cof e ....... >c ken Sandwiches, all white meat....... raintin , P prng n I' s jb ecrating1 obfor experienced men--.-and these are the' onlykind we employ. With this assurance plus quality of mia* - terials you know that every piece of work we do will bring to you the desired satisfaction.- I f di - V ictols 260 pricef.... ' n.4 i1._1 Nny Not Own One., From Today On? 3 Our attractive budgeting arrange= ment allows you literally to "budge' the payment price over an extended period. In this way, you may begin~~ to 'enjoy the music of the great Victor kartists immediately-while you are, saving up for the Victrola which wed'" 'deliver at once to your home.,'It *18 l just as easy, and a better bargain for ~ , you to buy this way, than to save first,.. and enjoy later. SCAHAEBERLE & SON MUSIC HOUSE i Xi v" 25C 'y CI ib Sandwiches that have no equal......... .50c .siness Men's 'Club' Lunch 40C dull Dinner of the kind that most people call a ban- quiet ...............Goc ejal Dinner, Steak...or I i Iw