TIHE MICHIGAN DAILY FFFICIAL ?NEWSPA UIVERSITY OF Published every morni: fring the University yea ortrol of Student Public Members of Western sociation. The Associated Press led to the use for repul 6patciies credited to it edited in this paper and shed therein. Entered at the ,postoffi icigan, as second clapsi postage granted; by 'I ater beneral. Subscription by carriet l00. Offies: Ante Arbor Pr rd Su ect. Phcnes: Editorial, 241 4 55,. 9h0. Signed communications, olds, will be published t *iscretion of the Ldi re id,!rity of common rdei. as confidential. EDITORIAL Telep~honest 2414 MANAGINGI IAARRY D. ews Editor. ..... jitorial hoard Chiairman ity Etor.... ..... Night 9id H. Ailes A. A. 43ilingoa T. arry C. Clark P. oils hditor...... omen's Editt,r.....,. . legraph Editor....... aday Maigaziiiic Editor, usic Editor.. ... irect'r Michigain w Eitxctein Andre-w P Ascistan G. Haete'ke N. R~rIkman o1IW' lickncll ermun kBoxer argziret BoliinZ %V.JPais c tetiry l~mirrg -lous, vorth "as o K .112 iiac Iingtj. ft . v . ;dx E;. I-i. N. 5. LAL!RctNCE H. tieing..... ..... Its...... .... tion ....... ... ation...... ...... Assistan+ Campbell N. Caplan Id. Chamnpion ha] Conlin By[ M. Dextler f. I J Firv: A. A. Pox Wil I Haight t', Hale'.., R. ! j ' I 'MNCEL CATCRS." 4V/ Another troupe of the wel-know~nEDT RA CO M N }old nickel catchers has invaded Ann LA__ _ PER Of THlE Arbor, we notice, in the last fetc- ^----_'° r MICHIGAN weeks. -We had hoped that the put, RUSSIA, BRITISHI lETShTQN E ngecp odyveyors of this type of doubtful ci-V ,(h otnEeig'rnc aina bth odinchandise had wearied of bringing ther KLY l If(therBorst tveing tansrit)k ato. -wares into Ann Arbor and teing eject- ItGhe ree ntatho ivlcoeS f heeso Conference Editorial: ed either by force or public opinion. 1 VCII M 1!E S S A Y f or cnen eho illcoeevrson -lHow many tumes they have been rul- fo~ssgettatti ra-sr ahcnottiferencesan eneor t ls excluiety en- ed illegal in this and other cities we Ie sugs ht hsogn srihe uttedfeene ewe blication o{ all news' do not know, but that the list would1 zto (the S. C. A.) be more enmphat- the two countries, adopt an attitude tor not otherwise wiciheBits titoosienra the local news pub,. till pages is cetain. Thleir owners are ic in its denunciation of campus vices ~hc h rts ih osdrra - erisen mna~la uc a adsonable,thrwilntb much diffi- Cperistetme,_an there'sa goodsuha drinkingan carousing. (Don't culty in raising a loan and otherwise ice at Ann Arbor, reason. you just hate to see the students ca establishing credits for the Russians mattr. pecilPrte pl e are o"human" and students bird Assstant Yost- (~ rousing?) with British money., That, at least, r, $350; by' mail, evnmr.ha ot.ter.Sc let the Studenut Council get is the opinion of some of the most i-' "something-for-nothing" chance has a res Buldig, ay-cerainappal hic ishard to re- out a four-page leaflet telling all about~ fluential members of the Socialist cab- an 76-bA 5 Bali- ese. One only has to watch those who its work on the campus this year, the !net and it is backed by certain in- t ply hee nike athes o gussIstand that it has taken on student fluences in financial circles. Next.! noty these nciel caciersteguessthe manner in which it r- Tuesday, when Premier MacDonald' I in The Daiy er f abiiadeiestt ranged to have a large crowd to meet makes a statemenyt in parliament on, tor. Up.on requcat, afford to pay fines now and then AntthpoiesfhsGvrn nhewl aianta tefobl emonisrtr oewill be re- joccasional win will encourage 10 h otalta nisrtr oe teliiso i oenet ewl it au nmr teps from foreign forays. announce the recognition of Russia, - - --#timeitvauinmateps . The editors realize (Mr. Bacon goes ?'td if he is not criticized in the Com- STAFFAnAbrtaese h ntl (on) that they have been very naughty ions for that action any more thanjr andLIVA sudethbdacifsareinourdoinion.e Nor in speaking about burying the S. C. A he has been by the general public -l ar 76 etheoyafaterin outhe inligenceNof and remarking about some of the pro- the opposition on that score, will not EDITOR arihyfateigteitelgneo essors. They trust, though, that the be embarrassing. their patrons. Punchboards beong HOEY :constructive projects suggested in this There may be more opposition on HOYto the same category and only escape eioalwlmetihtapral the question of granting credits. Noth- ,Robt. B. Tarrmoevgrucrtcs beasthylghhasadodoeidae ht a.. Kl. C. Mora.ty oevgru rtcs as hy of all these who feel that the mag- lgh a ado oeidctsta GJ . Garlinghouse are operated on a comparatively small k azine should be. devoted to sage ad- Premtier MacDonald intends to enter ttors scale. it lsdvnaeu-greetwt i. Connabe The sooner the owners of the ma-vientadsdatgouarem twth1 E . Waner . c i e o p r t n n A n A b r the Soviets, and he is expected to tell . aghn. ;hnsnwoeaigi n ro A great man, this Bacon. He has a Commons that the Russians will ive ...ap .Byers~ see just where they stand and drag'dlctanpetrigioythts satisfactory assurances that the old Wvinona ilibbard I delicteband enetratighironythatsis .. B. )de,ing thestbacto therehickbtowngandtme fascinating to the student of the gen- Czarist war debts and private accounts .L . T ildIen i g d s r c s w h r h y o ln g t he Rut iA Howfreveyoelonered erality of campus literature. A keen will be liquidated at the earliest ino- C~~~~~~~ ~~refreshing thinker, this fellow. He etcm nsrewth usisc- ooard - stands for the liberal element, that' pacity to pay. Should the Govern- ltzrrnan W'ise' STANDINGM HIS GROUND is certain. As we once heard him say' ment succeed in that policy, then it :0ppt hmsl, h loin orsoeneo will be willing to discuss credits, up- xi In ignoring the resolution .by' whichhisleisokngfrom nen S. M~sfeld he enat en eavoed o dipos ofthis cam pus who can really th ink;- on which of course the whole agr'.e - S. At~u~sfand when hensaidndthatrhe hadnitpooundfent will hinge. C ck Secretary of the Navy Edwin Denby!andone. esainotne mantatocam rcn M ossPrsdn Coolidgeha demonstrated aoe Nopentoemnta ae, The premier's argument in pressing, ol oss P es de ta " l Omaer that he is not to be bull-dosed by thei up to his standard.I for credits is expected to be that I