THE MICHIGAN DAILY___ SATURDAY, MARCHI 8, 1924 l zoolz Ingy3{ Heredity): 1,xamination Tuesday, March 11, at 9 a. in. Thioe regularly assigne I to f_ SOit Bii'ows A to inclusive, will go to, Natural Science' Auditorium; those as1s1 i;gurd tea :cats in rows H to M, inclusiv , will go to Room B, Law builing;tho; e in and back of row N will go to West Gallery, Alunin Memorial hall. A. Franklin S hnli. Senlor Mleclzaicatul Eiiglueer :: Mr.. R. L. Radcliffe of the Worthington Punip anid Machinery Corporation w ill be in Room 221, Engineering P~uilding, from 10 a, ill. to 4 p. im. on Mon- day, Mlarch 10th. H~e wishes to intervew ail men who are interested in Iposition,, witlh this coulpany. 11,.C. Aniderson.. 8:430-- r'stan Endeavor meeting, WHIAT I S G 0OING ON (1f70"i---jewish Suet'congregation 7:30- .tafto ollai tnre ser'iee - "That SAW IItl~ AY Something." Congregational church. 318, nion.OKLIUMA S [[KINg meet at church.iit i :3.3t!-31 ilitari' Jbalcomiiaittee metisIn USO rom302, Union 17 :00--Iini LIinibda illi meets in roomt 732:3, Union.I Norman, Okla., March 7.-"The Liii- .0--4--- Union Fair, Ysfelhoe. vriy of Oklahoma needs a 'prexie' 7-:4)-Upper Room Bible class Mteets. fronm some other part of th~e country,' in Lane hall. is the popular sentiment throughout 4:$)0-Students' maple sugar party, the Sooner state. In declaring that the *30-Cngegatioa'curt'c.i ets university was Oklahoma's greatest 1 7 3(--hinseStuent' lub metsinasset, the Tulsa 'Tribune also stated Lane hall. that the University of Oklahoma was 7 :34--Craftsmn meet in 'llSon1ic teni in perpetual jeopardy because of the ple. selfish intentions of politicians wvho periodically get the driving hand on SUNDAY the university. I n voicing the general sentiment all #I I o)ver the state, the paper also added that the only chance for the Univer- sity of Oklahoma to realize the ambi- tionis of her founder~in becoming one of. the foremost edulcational centers in the country lay in the hope of an outsider N i th intelligence, integrity, a. (I courage its his chief qualifica- t ions. . . White Will Speak "' )r.. ia;- Proo~ ramn Prof. Albert E. White., director of -i I the departue nit of engineer'ing re- i!search in the University, will be theJ 'princilpal speaker on the progr'ami which is to be lbroadcasted from sta- tion NVCBC Saturday night. Th~is is the second of a series of pro- grains which has been arranged by the University alumni association in an endeavor to keel) alumni through- out the country informed as to what 1si being clone at the University. Pro- - fessor white will tell of the work of the research department and of the °'rvices of the department to the in- dusrie and manufacturers of the e country. Ottawa, March 7.--importation into s;Canada. of live stock from any state e!of the United States was prohibited by. DIthe Canadian government today as a .further protection against the foot and mouth disease. . ~ n.."rb w ....r......... ....r. . .... . ~rn;; rar ...... rrrurNs '" ' ALIGHT, UNIFORM TOUCH is as essential to good typing as to good a shaving. This new portable that I'm i telling you about responds most satis- factorily to just such a touch.'; A. C. S TIMVSON ' #= Typewiriters Supplies Repairings Phone 34010 308 S. State St. ...... t....... l QH ."4......~r.... .."... ................. ... . S H~ .r" Matinee Musicale Presents Fannie Bloomfield Zeisler MARCII IOTH. 8 PI".IM. 'r'icets on sale at,. Waiir's 1iolstore14 This space available through the courtesy of Mr. Water I, I I I1 '* *, r* 1 '' ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH St. W'Sashogton St. and Fifth Ave. E. C. ST1ELLIIOIIN, Pastor -0- Paistor I 9 :00 A. M.--Bible Study :dour. 10:30 A. M.-Sernmon, "Temptoed 11,1 oumt Sin," 5:30 P. M.--Student Forum. F ol- lowing the social hour and sup- per Mr. Albert G. Engelbach wvil speak on, "Missionary Fields in the Lutheran Church." 7:30 P. M.--Evening Lent Sermon, "The Bewlildered Twelve:" All services in the English Lang- uage. FIRST METHODIST CHURCH RIEV. ARTHUR WV. STALKER, DAD, Minister RED'. W. SCOTT WESTERMAN, Associate Minister MISS5 ELLEN WV. MOORE, Student Director A. M..--Morning Worship. Pastor's Subject: "LIFE-SOITARtY) M.-Fine Bible Classes a.nd One Mission Study. Class for Students at Wesley .Fall. P. M.----Open house at Wesley Hal. Supper served as usual. P. q.-Wesleyan Guild Devotional Meeting. Subject: "What Believe and Why." Leader: Miss Charlotte Blagdon. P. M.--Evening Worship. Sermon Subject: "THE SOUL ON THlE FRONTiIER" Precher: Rev. Mr. Westermian. Students cordially invited to all of the services. I CONGREGA'TIONAL CHURCH "THE STONE CHURCH WITH THE WARM WELCOME". HERBERT A. JUMP, Minister E. KNOX MITCHELL, University Pastor LUCY' HUBER, Secretary for Women Students Mr. Jumip begins a course of Lenten :Book Sermons on Optimism, taking for his first theme a story by a mnember of the University faculty, LAWRENCE' H. CONRAI)'S NOVEL, "TEMPER." Next Sunday he will discuss Percy Marks' novel of university life, "The Plastic Age." SUNDAY, MARCH 9TH The First Sunday in Lent 9:00 A: 'M irT-Hi v C('jmim inn i I