THE MICHIGAN DAILY f , . . _ : ' r ' 1 ..., . - a COLUMN CLOSES AT 3 P.M AT ADVERTISING You THINKINGt er? Why able from Black 1809 R 1 C 1 19 2 5pas These cars low price. C 1368. FOR SALE ~ WANTED HELP OF BUYING a typewrit- BE A NEWSPAPER Correspondent not a Remington Port- I with the Heacock Plan and earn a the. authorized dealer?,I good income while learning; we show you how; begin actual work at seal Bargains once; all or spare time; experience Oakland Coupe unnecessary; no canvassing; send 923 Ford Coupe for particulars. Newswriters Train- senger Olds touring ing Bureau, Buffalo, N. Y. can be bought at a very Es -llM Mrh~l Ptna STENOGRAPHERS wishing positions be ,ice.. F .sati Ivir. iviarsna i, non - FANCY APPLES, Fruit, Cookies, Grennans Cakes at College Grocery, 516 East Williams. Open Sundays and Evenings. TAILOR SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY Kirshbaum Tuxedo Stit with Silk Vest included. $45 All Sues Fred Gross, 309 S. Main St. The well known INTERSTATE line of Tailor Made suits and top-coats now available. $26.00 $31.50 $37.50 extra pants $8.00 and $9.00 including, a wide assortment of All Wool Choic- es with No Extra Charge for latest English Models, Perfect satisfaction endorsed by hundreds of our student customers. Phone 123 or call on INTERSTATE I TAILORS, American Hotel, 123 Westi during the summer months of July, August, and September should apply as soon as possible at the Secer- tary's Office. yr she THE NORTH - RIDGE Brnsli Co. has a most attractive ofer to make to students desiring to make real money this summer vacation. Try our Spring Vacation approval trip and be convinced. For particulars phone 233-J. L. B. Abbott I. J. ;Culick I-6 Daily Office Open at 336 S. Division St. MISCELLANEOUS RUGS SHAMPOOED or dust cleaned. Ann Arbor Carpet Cleaning Works. Phone 50. SHOES REPAIRED while you wait,; F11 ll o n. mecialt. 0. G. Andres i 11 s if life! e fj+J j} 1777." Washington St. Mr. McInerney. 221 S. State ______________________________ 222 S. State. SPRING WOOLENS .MIIJSIUAIJ New line, best on the campus. Col- j- legiate spring styles. Come in and let TED RHOADES orchestra presents me show you some real material. Joe Sweeney and his five-piece or- Priced attractively. chestra. $31.50-$36.50 Extra pants $8.50-$9.50 . VICTOR RECORDS of the Great Art- This offer will only be good a short ists and all the latest popular rec- j time, take advantage and come early. ords on sale. Complete stock atI HORACE CLAVEAL Schaeberle and Sons. 110 S. Mlain. I I I' We're going again tonight!. izz -. uilver~u PANTS TO MATCH YOUR COAT AND VEST. Chas. Doukas, 901 N. University. WHY PAY MORE? I will clean and press your clothes for $1.00. Prompt service and expert work guaranteed. HERMAN the TAILOR 802 S. State. CHINESE RUGS. NEW RUGS COMING frequently thisj Spring by parcel post. Nearly all colors and sizes. Mrs. H. B. Mer- rick,. 818 Church St. OSTEOPATHIC P1 YSICA S DR. W. S. MILLS Osteopathic Physician 1616 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Phone 321 F-i. FOUNTAIN PEN INK INK is the life blood of your Foun- tain Pen. One filling of vicious ink will spoil the flow of 'your pen per- manently. Take no chances, get a bottle of our special formula Diamond Writing Fluid. We guarantee it the; best. RIDER'S PEN SHOP 302 State St. FOE BENT ATTRACTIVE SINGLE, doubles and suites reasonable. One short block -from campus. Call 699- W before 2 p. m. or 3259-J evenings. LOST ATERMAN FOUNTAIN pen. Car- ved initial H. H.W. Phone 468-W. Ask for Williams. QLONG JADE RING in white gold setting. Reward, call 1463-M. VIUDAY AFTERNOON, near chem. ;.building, gold Wahl Fountain Pen. ,Finder please phone 2763-W. Re- Avard. TYPEWRITING TYPEWRITING and MIMEOGRAPHI promptly and neatly done. Theses, students notes and college work a specialty. 0. D. MORRILL The Typewriter & Stationery Store 17 Nickels' Arcade ALL MAKES. Agency Woodstock and Oliver typewriters, Sundstrand add- ing :-machine, Line-a-Time copy holders, rubber stamps, ribbons, Icushion keys, type cleaners and suip- plies. Machines rented. ANN ARBOR TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE. Phone 866, downtown ii16 E. Williams. TYPEWRITER REPAIRING TYPEWRITERS of the best standard makes $15.00 up. Easy terms if desired. Renting, cleaning and repairing a specialty. Largest stock in Ann Arbor. 0. D. MORRILL 17 Nickels' Arcade Dealer: L. C. Smith & Corona type- writers. Typewriters supplies, Rub- ber stamps, Rubber key caps, ribbons, carbon paper, ete. PARTIESI PUNCH FOR PARTIES Fraternities and Sororities who or- der our Punch generally order again and again. It will please you too. Call up' for your next punch order. ARBOR FOUNTAIN . 313 S. State That's what the folks are saying who had such a :. 1= II- I - 1= I- j- ,_ 1= 'a °. I- I. Iw 'r r- s- r= s= .:. i- i= .... « I .. .. i , ; .. i .. i r O Simplicity thoughts, programs or structures fall of their own weight. The great virtue of simplicity is based upon the repeti- tion of an understandable, simple thought and thus evolves persuasion. in Simplicity endures---in' ture or advertising. art, Simp icity fits every business and the more freedom in a business the greater Complicated 'Advertising architec- are its chances to progress. The chiec factorin advertising isthe power to concentrate the reader's attention on your copy, So that when your advertise- mteat appears the read'r wl be ,eager riotous time at the - i to see what you have to say. , . I On the Daily, the Gopywriting Depart- ment will plan your campaigns so that you will get the best results from your advertising. They will be your repre- FOR HIRE TAKE advantage of the peppy ther, get out in the - open. 1069-J, for a car. wea- Call sentatives. F AR RING-Large Topaz 'set in Old ,old. Sunday, between Hill Audit- orium and University Library. Re- ward. 779-R. A SLIDE RULE, indicator glass brok- en when lost last week. Call E. M. Drag, 1810-J. WANTED WANTED TO EXCHANGE 2 or 4 Junior Girls' Play tickets, Wed-' nesday evenings, $1.50 for same number for Saturday afternoon. Call Univ. 153-M, Saturday morning. TYPING DONE AT reasonable rates. Mrs. Hirsh, 551 Church St. New Plhone, 885-M. A-1 CLARINET player able to do theatre pit work. Also good string bass player, experienced drummer and. trombone player. Also please call for part time work. See Mr. Kilian between 6:30 and 7 p. m. Majestic Theatre. S'UDENT'S WASHINGS, Hand work satisfaction guaranteed. Will call for and deliver. Phone 2942-R. mrL. FarTTY 'F A mm'mT.1 o :rTr t.. FOUNTAIN PENS A NEAT Job of Gold Leaf embossing on your Fountain Pen. 25 cents at RIDER'S PEN SHOP 302 State St DRESSMAKING & TAILORING Exclusive collegiate styles for young women. Needlework of all kinds. Experienced workmanship. MRS. R. T. REAM 411 Thompson. Phone 2768-W. Senior Engineers Offered Positions Many offers of permanent employ- ment will be made to senior engineers of this University during the next few weeks. Already 14 men have been offered positions by the General Elec- tric. company and will assume their duties immediately after graduation this summer. The office of Prof. B. F. Baily of the electrical department of the engineer- ing college is headquarters for the various companies seeking men and at this time of year it is virtually an employment bureau. White to Speak Over Radio Prof. A. E. White of the metaliurg-t ical engineering department will I broadcast a talk on "One our obli- gation to Research" tonight from station WCBC, here. The talk is last night There will be a t costs no more for better advertising " hot time at the Union .:. . «... " c . , v - - + The i Michigan Daily t fair If i I I l °._ .