- - . --.a ,_.. ... . FRlIDAY 12:004-Law faculty luncheon, U11101.1 12: 10-11istory departmnit luiicheou, room 319, Union. 2 s30-Union ]Fair parade. -.00-Piano group of~ Matinee Musicale meets in School of Music. 7:400-Union :fair, Yost field house. 7 :00-Tnformnal receptlon for Dr. F. W Goddard of Shaohsing, China, at B.aptist Guild house. 7 :3(1-Local unit o th le Chinese 'Stu-' 'dents' Christian association'mneets i the Upper room, Lane hall' 8:00- Cathiolic stuidents' study club' meets at K. of C..House, H-uron and, Division streets. Father Burke speaks on "Evolution." CLATEL LECTURES IN COLUMBUS 01 "SORBONNE" Prof. Marcel Clavel, of the Romance languages department, will lecture this week in Columbus, 0., and in' Cleveland. Ile spoke in Columbus last night on "Thrle Sorbonne and the French Academy, Two Great lnstitu- tions of France." This a fternoon hie will deliver a lecture in Cleveland before L' Alli- ance Francais on the subject "Mar- cel Prevost and henry Bordeaux, Ad-E visors to the Conscience of the Mod- ern French Girl." In the evening hie will give an illustrated lecture for the ->anue organization on "The Heart of Francer the Loire and Its Castles." GARRICK FRPIDAY, MARCH 7, 1924 The brothers traveled for 13 months. ViN Sitors are invited to attend this and 6 days, passing through every ineeting. state in the union, and did not rid,: en a train once. They "bummed" more than 800 auto rides, how ever. You'll nieeer forget the selwyn Prodiac- tiou of FOOL hIf ou SpeIt! You'll :.ever Forgive Yourself If You D)on't! SEurope, Orient Ec To got the better resrvtions. It will be very . necessary ttb you rranp your plans esn. BOOK EARLYnd" tbn r rdi rALL STEAMSHIP LINES. TOURS AND CRUISES A small dc~osoi secures space. Delay nopangrrt I~ene and Banded Steamilhp and Insurance Agent WE WRITE ALL,, KINDS OF IN$URANC9 E S A INH NU TO HEARS TALE S S ATURI) Y 120-Delta Gammna lunicheoni, roo 318, Union.t 323, Union. "WNalking through 48' Staten" was! 7 :00-Union Fair, Yost field house.I the subject for c onsideration at the reg- sdeounfloottlilpu...... zijiflti... ular weekly meeting of the Alpha Nu D~ebating society at 7:30 o'clock last ,,, nn night in the Alpha Nil room in Uni-1 St eensonL~o versity hall. Winfield H-. Line, '27, On Speaking ToUr~ and his brother, Franeis R. Line, '27, will tell of their expjeriences. S .# {$ i A BA type," akey - the in( of po } l' Y]on kCK SPACER is essential on any w'riter, and should be operated by yon the keyboard. Just so with Lw portable. It is not every make rtable that has this feature. H .. . .......... i _I, A. C. t" writers e3400 STIMSON Supplies Repairing 14)8 S. State Sty :i Ct. :I : II - "i .a. . . . ..ffffffi i ftAffyff1f1f fAft~f. .. . .. . . .~A~ffff\\..0AAI ...A114I~t..f~f SLEEP ANtYWHERE, BlUT EAT AT REX'S THE CLUB LUfiCH 712 Arbor Street Near State and Packard Streets ABLE~ND OPF F JOR$ ~SML TO PLEASLYOU\\ Q~or~ * - Intelligent Service Has been a long established precept here. Q..T2: ELibcrt4 5 t. - Phone IY)A a-b Z 1 1~7 LY SPRINGEF An especiallyh attractive display this Friday and Saturday New Chic Hats Small model'Sso desirable op windy spring-days and so be- fAT-S ,.. , ,%. coming to Fashioned of and trimmed' 'ye.. everv woman. spring fabrics Mery attractive- IA , ( ' /1 Spring! That Joyous time. of the year when milady plans to look her best. We have, arranged, for her particular atten-,: tion, a unique display of early spring hats. This is an ad- vanced creation but typifies what you may. expect for.,. -1 I 1 u r r r. ! i & !- UK- -r..- Als .....