_______________THE._MICHIGANDAILY t s Extra hours for the women ont the rifle squad to practice are as follows: 0 ~flC fl onday, 2 to 5 o'clock; Tuesday, 3 to5 o'clock; Wednesday, 10 to 12 o'culock; .. ~Thursday, 3 to 5 o'clock; Fird ay, 10 ~to 12 anid'1 to 3 o'clock; Satuirday,2 Phe French gloves which Mortar- to 5 o'clock, by arrangement. These rd is selling for the University; hours are available for all the woen Michigan League will be on dis-j selected for the squd from which the Ly, and orders taken for them team~ will be picked on Thursday. m 3:0 t 4:0 o'loc, Wd-iPractice will be held in room 330, day, Thursday and Friday of this Engineering building. elk in the hall of Barbour gymnas---______ e Woman Will e ~E lma Clark poured while Miss Mar- tion department, one -on "Program iani Blood and OMissMildred Sherman IPlanning," by Miss TLie. la DTar and Signing out slips for January are now due in the office of the dean of women. Class basketball practice will begin this week in Barbour gymnasium and continule the same as the first semen- ter practices. Tryouts for membership in Fresh- man Girls' Glee club will be held at 4 o'clock tomorrow in room 106 of the School of Music. Eligible freshman women are urged to join the organiza- tion. Extra rehearsals for the University° Girls' Glee club will be held at 2:15 o'clock this afternoon, and at, 3 o'clock' for first soprano, at 'the studio of Mr. HFamilton, School of Music.' First and second altos will meet at 4 o'clock tomorrow at Miss Maud Kleyn's stu-I dio, School of Music. Wyvern society will not hold a meet- ing tonight but will meet Wednesday',. FeI . 20, at Betsy Barbour house. Mrs. Max Winkler is chairman of the hostesses this week at the Faculty !Women's clubhouse, 226 South Ingalls street. Mrs. Herbert J. Goulding was hostess Monday, Mrs. Edson R. Sunder- land wvas on. Tuesday. The hostess for Wednesday and Thursday is Mrs. Winklder foi! Friday Mrs. William D. Henderson and for Saturday, Airs. Chester S. Schoenfle. 1 AT THlE T]ItATE RS Screen-Today vaser l' ibe assisted as hostesses. The tea was the j"Recrecational Leadership," by Mrs. first of a series which Miss Hamilton A ouis Bredavold. 4 i~s nlamnmg to give during the second The course as offered this semester 2 I semoister. is similar to that of the first semester, e fa r r ut has been revised to include more r 6 , hl n practice wor~k. 1: is gencral in scope, e ? H iP II g~h giving asoects of tfhc three Thyrge na- 1ILJLIUIII UUC ~tional girl "n vemnents csSot ~ OMORROW jae als ncue at least- three houirs ofbsetry for tho, ~members who W me ntrth tah-{fee of i sand tae eot of the ing profess~ion and others interested in' basket materials, are the only charges club leadership, are invited to join the{ made for this course. course in training for club leadership which is to start tomorrow night. The 13h r ; .r ~~~~course, which will 'Include 10 hours of II1NT,"0TN sI lectures, discussi onls and practicetIIINT TW TEM + a } ' 4 (work, is being given in connection with the University Y. W C. A.NT HO S TURE Mrs. Gladys Kuster, of the city W. x ,5} Y. C. A., will give a talk on "The Girl G 7 anti the Commiunity," at 7 o'clock to- In the first game of the third quart- morr~ow night it Newberry hall. At er of the inter-house basketball tourn- " r~ '.llstimec those interested may sign lip ey played yesterday afternoon in Bar- for the course. Later on in the se- bour gymnasium, Delta Gamma scored t tester Uiicre will be a talc; on ai he a victory over Pi Beta Phi by a scorej Psychology of the Younger Girl," by I of 18 to 8, while Alpha Omicron Pi #Esther Fitton, of Bellaire, Ohio, who ,Viss Mecornlio of the physical educa- (Continued on Page Five) at the prese~nt time is studying art at the Academy o'fTine Arts in Chica- go, has learned the trade of plumbling and plans to take up her ftther's b si- ness upon his retirement from Ilead1 cf EkSapubn mi elie A LEIGH R D Dean tlam ltonFor Methodist Students and their friends will sta.rt from Wesley Hall Friday night at 7:30 E1 Holds Oper ouse ~ if there is enough snow.r A r.l Y I J f 7 ENGAGEMENTS Kreutzer, of Northwestern unlversit to Alderrick: Peter Hubert, '24. Mr. an~d Mrs. Frank Peabody , of To- -- ledo,, Ohio, announce the engagement j At a luncheon given: F ridlay by Mi of their daughter, Frances M1ae Pea-: W. W. Ka at her home on Soup body, '23, to Marion Rockefeller Hers- University av enue, _Mrs Sarah moan. Miss Peabody is a member of:PBrace of Forest court, anlnounced t1 the Alpha Xi Delta sorority and r. engageent of her daighte-, Elizabe' Hersman is a member of the Kappa Brace to V irgil S .R(,iter,, Jr., '24, sc Sigma fraternity, and has the distinc-; of Judge- Virgil S. Re(iter and Mi, tion of having been the youngest nmom- Reiteir, of ! ammnond, Inc. Mr. Relt her of a state legislature in the Unit- i i9 o mem.ber of the Beta Thet ed States.( fraternity. Announcement has been made of thej It's true efficlency to use Dai engagement of Miss Ruth Barbara Clwmiefied:-Av U f't NOW PLAYING 9Th Arcade - James Craze's The Ladies." "To WITH Majestic "Little York." Old New 'Wuerth - "Rii I Hearted." Rehearsals for tle Junior Girls' play Olrpheunn- will be held this week in Sarah Cas- Tri. well Angell hall as follows: On Wed- nesday chorus 13 at 3 o'clock, chorusI 11 at 4 o'clock, chorus 2 at 5 o'clock; Stge- on Thursday, the cast for the secondSa act at 4 o'clock, chorus 8 at 7 o'clock, - chorus 9 at 8 o'clock; on Friday,; chorus 10 at 3 o'clock, chorus 4 at 4 Garrick - Cho o'clock, chorus 5 at 5 o'clock. At 9 " The Fool." o'clock Saturday, the entire cast and1: all of the choruses will rehearse. The Girls' Mandolin club will holda regular weekly meeting at '5 o'clock1 G ARRIC] tomorrow in Newberry hall.TlES W Pi Lambda Theta will hold a regular; "TH r business meeting at 7:30 o'clock to- night in the library on the second floor By 011an] of Martha Cook building.. All senior women should order their caps and gowns at Mack and company 1, R~qack the at once, chard the Dion The Sagebrush E - I This Week ,nning Pollock's wa~llaI i i i j i 1 I ileery i i , I' I' t 1 I i R i i Dean Jean H-amilton was at home to the women of the University at a tea yesterday afternoon at her home, 1722 Cambrid t:~ road. Mrs. Amy S. tHo-art1 of Cleveland, who has come to Ann Arbor to act as assistant dean of wao- men while Miss Hamilton preforms her duties as chairman of the Univer-l city of Michigan building fund cam- paign was the guest of honor. Miss Calil and Make Your Reservation As "KING RICHARD" th~e Role He Created in "ROBIN ,'OOD" CLYDE COOK COMEDY GRANTLANDRICE SPORTLIGHT FUN FROM THE PRESS PATHE NEWS P-rice 35c Time : 7:30, Friday Place : Wesley Hall I Matinees K Wed. Sat. TY NS PRESENT FOOL!" thing Pollack Want Ads " 4 4 6 x 3f --3 30 SHOWS 7 Oa---S « 34 MID-WEEK SPECIAL 'STARING TODAY REGTTLAR PIWES . I 1atlnee-All Seats ......2ic I.. ... ...+. ..n.r. N W >:o 3:30 7:00 3:30 NOW THE PLAY THE WHOLE WORLD IS GOING TO SEE ! 1A 0 PRESENTED BY 1 hly e ' S, ~Litfle 014 New York CREATOR OF ! f% ' , f '~ / ''I ' I 4' lli l d'' 9icure O" then "RUGGLES, OF DAVIES' beautiful picture Of the d dyf rrIIIi when Aine was your 4 V I4 II to~c I Tj RED GAP" and now presenting the unequalled combination of screen entertainment it G4 (A,4 T1 ft ,* CIAN OTHEFR FEATURES 1 ' d . ,r Vr .7: The New Series from the inimitable Collier,-1 eekly Stories THE LEATHER PUSHERS, 'TjHE MAN FROM MADRID" Ive 3 il (' iIt-nue to show the J-HO TI!77 aturday 9% E \F~EI~vI U U5~~ *W3~E3, Ul~m,~) M et ropolitan Presentation SYM2PHTON IC CONCERT ORCHESTRA Playing the Original SYNCHRONIZED MUSICAL SCORE From the Play ,py GEIORGE F. K AUFMAN and MARC CONALLY IU A TMOSPJ-ERIC PRELUDE Miss Leta Wales Singing -thle same songs in the same costumncs used by Miss Davies in the picture )'Ia Their yes Be I lNUSty Gre To ie Ladies: Tis is your picture ! Bring along the men and. enjoy an hour and a half of supreme triumph ! 3lue; Hay Their dyes Be Black or N To the M/etz: You've got to hand it "To the Ladies!"' And oh, man ! this pic- ture gives 'em all the credit due! IPRICE SCALE matinees b To Ever ybody: Come along and laugh yourself hoarse at the comedy classic made