THE MICHIGAN DAILY .... . . " l1III11g1111t!!.ltt............................................... UMP LOSES 3 PAM 'TWO MAY FESTIVAL pons nfirst floor, cf 28'1-M. DODGE TOURING $125. town. Al. Graves, 119 ington St. FORD ROADS'TER, $55. sale. Entirely overha running condition. P1 THINKING OF BUYING er? Why not a Rem' able from the authori Black 1809. SOPH PROM TICCKETI 308 Union. 4-5:30 p. TAYLOR The well known INTEI of Tailor Made suits ar now availiable. extra pants $8.00 .and $9 a wide' assortment of All es with No Extra Char English Models. Perfect satisfactione hundreds of our studen Phone 123 or call on R *TAILORS, American lIot Washington St. Mr, Mci CL EAN ING-PRES SING-RI half hour service. Cha 9 01 N. University. a CHINESE RUC CHINESE RUG NEW 'RUGS COMING fre Spring by parcel. post. colors and sizes. Mrs. rick, 818 Church. St. OSTEOPATHIC PIIY1 DX. W. S. NIA. Osteopathic Phys9 1616 First Nat'l .Ban] Phone 321 F-1 FOU.NTAIN PEN INK is the life blood of taro Pen. One filling of will spoilj the flow of yo mnanently. Take no cha; bottle of our special forma Writing Fluid: We guar, bst. ~LOCKSMITHI jlt lSNEW CLASS A lI GIW L~. A SCSOLFUIN TOMORROW AT l:oi P.hXad h .~l~ A B id hi1V T SNfgh schools. Eight (e.~izniiMr AT 3'' one-hour modern class es- Makers and IDeale;.T in sons, $5.00. Surgial and Surgiacal Jiit1rmenfts Abdominal Belt,Artificial lnhs The present shortage of rooms in Enrol Nw! Bace, Tr~es Arc ';pli~' ! Waterman gymnasium will largely be! parn o-FOR Z, , r 4, Children's Class evey Saturday af- Experimental Work of; All Finds Clone away with upon the completion of paton' co- FR 2 3,or ,.students, suite of 3 'ternoon at 2:30 o'clock. Eight one-i Microtome Knives Ground and Other' 'enter. Phone1 rooms, 1-2 block from Union. Call) hour classical class lessons, $5.00.( Fine Grinding! the two new additions, according to.= 2161-M._______ Adults' Class every Monday andlain adReai Dlr. George A. May, director of the, Best buy in( ATTRACTIVE SINGLE, doubles and 'Friday night at 8 oclock. i 2941-M gymnasiumx, in di utssing the' addtions 1West Wash- suites reasonable. One short block 15 Modern Class Lessons, $5.00 , E Wsigti that are being added to the building. from campus. Call 699- W beforei Dancing from 8 to 10 P. M. Private .,____________:______ lore offices will be avalabe for 00fr2'p. in. or 3259-J evenings., lessons daily, both Modern and Class-! FOUNTAIN PES members of the gymnasium faculty, 00ued foDIGMAE oqtpwrtriinTcRC GRlEoaofoGl La emosingbtth ,greatest need wil) be realized E AERCEGRDNEAT o -od ef mosigby the new lecture roos."There are hoe13-, A1condition. Will deliver. PhonePoe21R N.22W tArae on your Fountain Pen. 25 cents at' no lecture .rooms now in which to 342-Rl. Hamilton. Business College,pnDal10.AA No. Wto Ar.cI cRIDER'S SPEN SHOPgiecusstthewowsho ra typewrit- .Cor. State +and Williams.i Open coailys1toAthosetwh10w302 State aington Port - -30 StS; take uip atletics as a profession. ized dealer'? 1 ST WATED HELP "" TYP1V ITp~ V ' The new floor space will afford more r # room for the boxing and wrestling as _____MONDAY ON 12: 00 North car or Cam-I BE A NEWSPAPER Correspondent TYERTNin MMORPI el stefnig;eatet u . See -Kay, bridge Rd. Patent leather coin With the peacock Plan and earn a promptly and neatly done. this is only of secondary importance - arecontainingkys change andI good income while learning; We mn. purekesg- Theses, students notes and college Ito the present lack of lecture rooms eight dollars in bills. Keys van- show you how; begin actual work at work~ a specialty. and offices. able. Finder call Catherine Griffith oce"allosprti; experience p7-IR~L onnces spar time;a0.aD.ingRsenL In order to establish an entrance 3 RSTATE line 2730 and receive reward,.' for particulars. NwwiesTan The Typewriter & Stationery Storef from the present building into the new= nd top-coats BROWN LEATHER bill fold in Lib- 'ing Bureau, Buffalo, N. Y. 17____ Nickels______Arcade______ structures, plans have been fixed, rary, March 3. Finder call Graves ALMKS which will necessitate tearing down 7tALMKSAgnyNoso ad2866-M. JEROME JOACHIM, '2614, has made the partition at the rear of Dr. May's .00 including- over $5,000 in profits in four sum-Oingr typewriters, Sundstrand add- Ifi c. By this means a hal will be -Wool Choic- WAHL.GOLD fountain pen. Emmalna mer. Are yoIneetd h n g machine, Line-aTime copyeetdta illedfovh rn py uitrs d? P o ep er te tht willa fr m tefotge for latest B. flea. 1336 Washtenaw. Phone 1273-W . holders, rubber stamps, ribbons, 1287. cushion keys, type cleaners and supF-E entrance of the gymnasium to the addi- . orerbyH plies. Machines rented, tions. An outside door to the new endorstoers.bFRIDA AFTERNOON, near chem. T .j ANN ARBOR TYFz; WIIT'ER rooms will be constructed on the'east it, I RtstAE gl Wh FutanPe.NORTH EXCHANGE. Phone 866 downtown sd ~tebidn lo buidigl WhlFounaiGEen 516 E. Williams..sie cisrcinwr a rges tel, 123 Wfest ;Finder please phone 2763-W. Re-] I G t okhspors Inerney.r. Brush Co. has a most attractive ofer j dtotepoito aigtetli to aketo tudnt deirig t mke TYPEWRITER REPI'IlI7 jagainst the old walls of the gymnasiumr~ EAR RING-Large T.opaz set in Old teaoeytosuseringcton. and the brick work~ is rising rapidly' I PATRI~dI- Greal moneyythiswsummHrlvacation.ITYPEWRITERS1 EARN God uaybeweHilAdtiTry our Spring Vacation approval of tenbtthstadardmakes$1a.0lup hies Doukas, orium and University Library. Re- ward. 779-R. trpadbicnicd Easy terms if desired. Renting, The Regents, in thir last month'st - __________________________ For particulars. phone 233-J. cleaning and repairingaspcat.- Xh LD ULidctr ls rk L. B.-bbotR.. ChickI Largest stck in Ann Arbor. j meeting, approved a sum of money GSen when lost last week. Call E. 1. 1.6 Daly 0.:ID. MORRILLi to ;be used to improve the present qunlths Drag, 1810-J. ~fc pna 3 .Dvso t 17 Nickels' Arcade ligting system in'Hill auditorium" - l~~learly all WANTED 13~ealer: L. C mt ooatp- Neary al WATED. C Smih . Corna ype Bryant and Cane, of Detroit, paster- .H. B. Mer- _______________ ISCELLAI~EUSB writers. Typewriters supplies, Rub- igcnrcos aebe wre A STUDENT TO wash dishes for board SAMO Dordsclae.tier stamps, Rubber key caps, ribbons, igcnrcos aebe wre hors1230to1:0--530to6:0 RGSSIAMt3EDordut lene.carbon paper, etc. Ott: contract for the plastering of the ICAS_ 'AnEsInquire Chief Operator's office, -eA ieaybidn.Tewr i SIAS ous-2:0-o1:0-:3 t 630 hneArbor Carpet Cleaning Works. ______EA________-Y ditrrybulin. hOwrki LSMichigan Bell Telephone Co. 3rd Poe5..JEA'2 'IARto begin as soon as the necessary ar- 1 sicin foorStat Saing $ak Bdg, RHEORIC Prvat. ist~rioton forraneients for materials can be ica lo tt aig ak~Bd. HTRC piaeisr~infrEXPERT MARCELLING hot oil made. i BldTYIGDOEAgraon.erae. freshmen. Reasonable :rates len- sapon;sf ae sdfralt 1. Mrs. Hirsh, 551 Church St. New anger. Phone 1809. work. IA'y il)1 _______________ INK -'od ECRSo - 340 S. State St. Phone 2939-M - A-1 CLARINET player abletod VICTOR RCRSo'b Great Art- Over Cuslings! Dot fail to buy a fyour Foun - theatre pit work. Also good string ists and all the latest popular rec- I ______ vicious Ink bass player, experienced drummer ords on sale. Complete stock' at I-- :u e e- and "trombone, player. 'Also please Schaerle and Sons. 110,S. Alain rI--.2i~.~ ~iO ul in~ 1Kilian ;btween .6:30. and . 7p , PNCm. 'ATTL~ ane t e_ UKULELE and Case,+ low~ priced but Fraternities and Sorriles who 'r- ane t h a~ i h ar.tuneful, and,. ju t the thing ,for der our Punch gner 11ull z,, o e g ,in l +'.n mCP STUDNT'SWASHNGSHandwork ! knock-about use. Accurately frett- and again. It will ple s you t .., V'ytsatisfaction guaranteed. Will call ed. Our special price $8.00. See it Call up for your next puxn~lh or3!.le~d