7,1924THE MICH-IGAN DAILY TAV" Sh WffA'WW= Liz z were taught to(Cig our color sin~agton Juniors ( ivVo Ycll schemes from nature, using, for in-j The University of Washington event' . j o.stance, a moth." which corresponds to our Junior 1 IThe lecture today w ill be at 4:451 Gils' play, is the Junior Girls' vodvil o'clock instead of at 4'o'clock, asor which was recently presented there iginally announced, but tomorrow it !with great success. It consisted of two Iwill be giveni at 4 o'clock as usual ii musical acts, a tumbling act, costume Of[ DSC SSS Alumni Mmra hall. The theme n ldi allroomr dancing, and a feature will The American, Homre" andi act, Tiarlequi nadre in Green and Or- ]flfl~flI~ ~ OIH~pictures will be employed to illustratej ange." VOIIIU yrUUL~lit.Sinle dmisin i 75cens.LaBeryl Stuart, '24, and Frieda Read The Dail y "Clssified" Golumi Lm o'clock, dress rehearsal of the cast PROFESSOR BARTLETT MWILL SPEAK TO CLUB Adopting as it' purpos e the aim of helping every Michigan woman to d- cide her vocation, t he new vocational club formed on the campus will inau- gurate its work with a lecture by Prof. Y. H. Bartlett, of the department of pu~blic health nursing,, at 4 ocelock to- day in the Y. W. C. A. parlors in New- berry hall. The club plans to carry on its wvorkj through the medium of women speak-' ers whbo are experts in their field. It is the aim of the club to put women into direct touch with practical knowl- edge about some fields open to them. It is hoped that through conducting such a series of talks, the women may be directed in paths otherwise closed to them. Notices U Senior caps and gowns must be or-! Jred by tomorrow. About 80 wom en liav enot ordered theirs. If they desirej heir cap and gown for the Junior Girls' pla~y, they must be ordered at n ce. Women on warning or probation, are equested to make appointments for ntorviews with either Mrs. Hobart or disc Blood before tomorrow in the of- I ce of the dean of women. Signing out slips for February and[I elinquent ones for January must be1 azided in by tomorrow at the office of hie dean of women. Additions have been made t~o the re- arsals of the Junior Girls' play. he corrected list stands as follows: today, at 3 o'clock, chorus 13; at4 'clock, chorus 4; at 5 o'clock, chorusl at ? o'clok, cast and choru~ses for he first and secon~d acts. Ton iorrow, t(9 o'lock, chous 8; at 10 ocok and choruses for the first and second' acts. Every mnember of chorus -4 of the Juinior Girls' play is requested to bring a flashlight to Alphra Ladd' at Betsy Barboui' house immediately. P an-o groun of the Student League; of Matinee Musicale will meet at 3 o'c lock today in- thle School of Music to elect a group chirm nan . Dres rehearsal for every one in the Junior Girls' play will be held at 71 o'clocok tomorrow night. See tbtt Union Parade Today Attend the Fair Tonight I mISS IMI In her third lecture onin terior de- HO SSjMT E coration under the auspices of A. A. TO HONOR COUNCILi U. ; X. yesterday afternoon,I Miss Edith IDouglas Deane spoke on the "Imrport-, 02O the ha_Ls of( sclholarsh~ip record.) ance That Color Plays in the- Home." a<.d participt ion in camnpus activities,' Mis Deane introduced the subject (of three more League houses have been color by mentioning the importance of asked ta" join the Honor council of design in obtaining beauty: League houses. They are Fall house, SShe illustrated the point withi stere- 1Fa uihals house, and 'Caughey house. oxtican slides of balanced interiors., . m besothnwhnrho- (After discussing the complimentary j s as well as those of the six charter! colors and their uses in the room, Miss houses of the council will be enter-! (lDeane said, "Taking colors from na- tapied at a tea and dance to be given tiure gives a wonderful proportion of by the board of directors of the W(- Bank, '27, have 'been accepted into Athena Literary' society as the result of the second tryout held this se- miester. Initiation will take place next Tuesday. WATCH YOUR STEP .k or the CLARION reporters will get you- ifyou don't watch out ! I Aie amounts to use. In school ~e men's League, from 4 to 6 o'clock to- d" (ay at Martha Cook building. e ITEYTHEATRE " M: <_ '' . vP r . AtfenjIdthe(, Fair Tonigit 6'PiTURD AY3 mkficF, rR 5 TODAY AN TOMORROW . ,'. 7 a i ,, Now! Distinctive new hats especially appealing.'for campus wear. Featured at $10. Others, $6' to $22.50. SECOND FLOOR I ° ,fit ° U r.f, 4 ' , ,: r+ i v h E:a Ci ' , _ , Dols ,~ LONDON PHJLaMPIA WNWAG NA IL ''0NV-vcQi e4ttra d , s20 .~$i~ 7' 1 Are GOODYEAR'S 124 SOUTH MAIN STREET From Eugene Walter's Stage Success "THE FLAPPER". I - BE HONEST PATH ENEWS S 0 t. elm MIj 11 mll NOW I, When, 011C W=O I When She was a s pistols ad soi the under 1 b f S! Di F1 fIn H~j~i6Aft- T With a Notable Supporing Cast. Ind MILTON SIL Ae Clare Wallace MacDonald' Lt Jennings Matthew Betts very, ,very good; she wasbad, aknockout!1 Iharpshooter with dice, is. A reckZless girl of wrld.-Then--see t ludingT LS ( Bertram Grassby Edward Wade J i T0 7 ( i Ml Y 00 The madness of unbrid - - -and the fury of bitter justice. Catapu ltingti cyclonic climax. I TODAY AND SATURDA'Y I A Wrong for a Wrong! So He Sought Revenge on Ills Enen' s1Daughiter, led aid { 1 in- oa I Vrodueed by VICTOR SHETZINER ne of the Most Versatile Geniuses in the 3lotxii Picture World , errui De Witt 4l M-J, THE SUPERB CAST INCLUDES CULLEN LANDS EVANOVAK JANE NOVAK / V _ - ., ,v . +' ; a------ _ s. a x f m n I --li Adii 31- f I N w I TA 4 , _. __. "- T ., ., ._..-..--- f .. .... . , .: s , '' t i AW *r " Jf AC-NT Y (COMEDY i >l ® DVe JT? IQ Y 1 AVYA TIIO IAay.EISSA( 1 o t i E 1' x r ]I 3 gtofUn sipecita ' ~\ xww tT .1. sY 'Yl i\+4l AMY e, ~1 /3 Ilia 5 -VIFFW