"11 6, 1924 THE MICHIGAN DAILY ~Ii , 194 TH MICIGANDAIL T. FOUNTAIN PEN INK L IE AT 3 P. M. I COLUMN CLOSES AT 3 P.M. A DVERTISING FOR 2, 3, or 4, students, suite of 3 rooms, 1-2 block from Union. Call 2161-M. ATTRACTIVE SINGLE, doubles and suites reasonable. One short block from campus. Call 699- W before{ 2 p. m. or 3259-J evenings.I FOR SALE TWO COUPONS for May Festival tickets. $1.50 each plus cost of ad- vertisement. 826-J. POLICE PUPPIES for sale. 536 Wal- nut St. Phone 2366-R. BEAUTIFUL NEW hand knitted' swerters. Any style or color. Call at 923 Greenwood Avenue. Phone 2863-W. FIVE ROO LS Conveniently locatedl. Brick con- struction, steam heat, oak floors and finish. fire place in attractive living room, french doors, nice dining room and kitchen, laundry, linen chute. Two nice bedrooms and bath on sec-. ond floor. Single garage. For fur- ther infkormation, call 'i YxIEWiRITINGI TYPEWRITING and MIMEOGRAPHI promptly and neatly done.' Theses, students notes and college work a specialty. O. D. MORRILL The Typewriter & Stationery Store. 17 Nickels' Arcade ALL MAKES. Agency Woodstock and Oliver typewriters, Sundstrand add- Ing machine, Line-a-Time copy holders, rubber stamps, ribbons, cushion keys, type cleaners and sup- plies. Machines rented.. ANN ARBOR TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE. Phone 865, downtown 516 E. Williams. TYPEWRITER R PAIINlG TYPEWRITERS of the best standard makes $15.00 up. Easy terms if desired. Renting; cleaning and repairingaspcaly Largest stack in Ann Arbor, 0. D. MORRILL 17 Nickels' Arcade Dealer: L. C. Smith & Corona type- writers. Typewriters supplies, Rub ber stamps, Rubber kgey caps, ribbons, carbon paper, etc. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS DR. W. S. MILLS Osteopathic Physician 1616 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Phone 321 F-1. INK is the life blood of your Foun- tain Pen. One filling of vicious ink will spoil the flow of your pen per- manently.Take no chances, get a, Bottle of our special formula Diamond Writing Fluid. We guarantee it the' best. RIDER'S PEN SHOP 302 State St. LOCKSMITH ALL KINDS OF TRUNK and door keys, fitting keys and opening locks a specialty. Phone 2498.1 JKeeler, 1136 West Huron. XUSCAL~ - VICTOR RECORDS of the Great Art- ists and all the latest popular rec- ords on sale. Complete stock at Schaeberle and Sons. 110 S. Main St. UKULELE and Case, low priced but tuneful, and just the thing for knock-about use. Accurately frett- ed. Our special price $8.00. See it in our window. University Music House. .L Don't faii to buy a. CLARION When the Parade Passes BANJO-UKE, niceiy finished with natural maple. H-as the real banjo twang. Our special price $4.50. See this. University Music House. WANTED HELP STUDENTS NOW is the time to sell the De Luxe Laundry Container at fraternity houses and make $101 and $15 per week before your vaca-I the De Luxe Laundry Container was designed by n postal clerk and nmiets every requirement. It -is the most practical, sanitary and econ- omical case made. Splendid pro- position, make your extra money now. Address De Luxe Mfg. Co.,' Sta. F. Box 1, Toledo, O.# BE A NEWSPAPER Correspondent# with the Heacock Plan and earn a good, income while ' learning; weI show you how; begin actual work at once; all or spare time; experience unnecessary; no canvassing; send for particulars. Newswriters Train- ing Bureau, Buffalo, N. Y. JEROME JOACHIM, '26L, has made over $5,000 in profits in four sum- mers. Are you interested? Phone 1273-W. THE 1 NORTH RIDGE Brush Co. has a most attractive ofer! to make to students desiring, to makej real money this summer vacation. Try our Spring Vacation approval trip and be convinced.4 For particulars phone 23 3-J. j L. B. Abbott IL.j. Chick 1-6 Daily Office Open at 336 S.;Division St. z XISCELLANEOUS RUGS SHAMPOOED or dust cleaned.. Ann Arbor Carpet Cleaning Works.' Phone 50. RHETORIC, private instruction for freshmen. Reasonable rates. Ren-] inger. Phone 1809.t TRY OUR MAH-JONG Sundae. Itl has the tange of the Orient.1 ARBOR FOUNTAIN1 313 S. State1 WHERE CAN I FIND THE NEWEST] OF A WIDE RANG a his is the first ..stion that come 1 &home. It is itnportfnt that you build, of the s.ite, with a w1 proportioned ex The lack of g'ood archItectura6 service. dollars in the finished value of the hoi house it stands for many years, a credit borhood and to your city. Let us answer your questich and he ganizylitO of me, studying, pafning a 1 ,N ARBO tIOME l MR. BURGESS with . -OUIS ANDREWS 3064 office Evening 2465 Two acres, nine room house, two car. garage, also other out buildings, Housej has modern conveniences. Located 2 miles from business district on good roads. The down payment is $1500. ItINSEY & HELBER 413 E.Liberty St. Phone 1194-R. 2 MAY FESTIVAL coupons worth $3 each. $4.00 takes two. Phone 2007- W. " Ewa # .. .. .1 ,a I I I Open Evenings NOW LOST I DIAMOND RING, valued as keepsake. Phone 1700-M. 1 WHITE GOLD WRIST watch initialed R. C. Reward. Call 1463-M. afMt O:;OA orth car o Cam- bridge Rd. Patent leather coinl : purse containing keys, change and eight dollars in bills. Keys valu- able. Finder call Catherine Griffith 2730 and receive reward.: ,BROWN LEATHER bill fold in Lib- rary, March 3. Finder call Graves .~2866-M. VAHL GOLD fountain pen. Emmalua B. Rea. 1336 Washtenaw. Phone. 1287. ,NOON WEDNESDAY between library and North U. pen with initial P.' carved. Please call 1032-R. IDAY AFTERNOON,' near chem. building, gold Wahl Fountain Pen. Finder please phone 2763-W. Re- ward. "EAR RING--Large Topaz set in Old Gold. Sunday, between Hill Audit- orium and University Library. Re- ward. 779-R. IF THE PARTY who took fur coat from forge shop yesterday morning will return to 556 S. State no ques- tions will be asked. Phone 18. WYANTED K-TO RENT A SMALL modern house of r 5 or 6 rooms, S. E. section preferr- ed. Phone 2161-M. 4WO ENERGETIC students to sell4 "DOW PENCILS" during their spare time. For information write, Walt. SScherer, Daily Office. N INSURANCE solicitor. Reply Box4 stating telephone number for appointment. ' STUDENT TO wash dishes for boardY hours 12:30 to 1:30-5:30 to 6:30. Inquire Chief Operator's office, Michigan Bell Telephone Co. 3rd floor State Savings Bank Bldg. } TYPING DONE AT reasonable rates. Mrs. Hirsh, 551 Church St. New ~Phone, 885-M. 1MEN TO SELL shirts on commission. Call 189 between 6 and 6:30, and Sask for Roth.' A1CLARINET player able to do z theatre pit work.Also good string bass player, experienced drummer and trombone player. Also please. F. call for part time work. See Mr. Kilian between 6:30 and 7 p. m. Majestic Theatre.j $TUDENT'S WASHINGS, Hand work satisfaction guaranteed. Will call v for and deliver. Phone 2942-R. FOUNTAIN PLNS NEAT job of Gold Leaf embossing on your Fountain Pen. 25 cents at RIDER'S PEN SHOP 302 State St THE GREY SHOP If E.i Salads -Sandwiches 54 TAILOR TAILOR MADE School suits at $26.00 and $31.50. A wide assortment of All Wool choices worth $10 to $20 more. Ne extra charge for Latest English Models. Well known local tailor guarantees perfect fit. Phone or call INTERSTATE TAILORS, American Hotel. Phone 123., J SPRING WOOLENS 1 New line, best on the campus. Col- legiate spring styles. Come in and let me' show you some real material. 2 Priced attractively. $31.50-$36.50 Extra pants $8.50-$9.50 This offer will only be good a short time, take adVaritage and come early. HORACE CLAVEAU = 1221 S. University f BUSINESS TRAINING NEW CLASS IN SHORTHAND IS BEING FORMED LEARN TO TYPE k HAMILTON BUSINESS COLLEGE COR. STATE & WILLIAMS Intramural Items (Continued from Page Six) The all-campus foul shooting pre- liminaries will continue for the rest of the week at Waterman gymnasium. All men who want to compete should see the manager of the tournament on the main floor 'any time in the after- 2 noon or evening. Fifteen' successful shots out of 'a possible 25' must be r made in order t get in the finals. 'The Standings W L Pct Chicago7.................3 .700 Wisconsin ..............6 3 .667 Purdue.................7 4 .636 Illinois ................. 6 4 .600G Ohio State .. '.......... 7 5 .583' Indiana............7 5 .583 Michigan ................ 6 5 .545 Minnesota ............... 4 6 .400- Iowa .................... 3 7 .300 2 Northwestern........... 0 11 .000 IDEAS AND THE LATEST PLANS E OF HOUSES? s to your mind in planning to build tlhat home in eeping with character terior,. attractive and in good taste. = may mean the loss of hundreds of Qse. Reiember, when you build a ,or a iscredit to yqu, to the neigh- 0;p you. AWehave 'a widespread or- ndl build'ing- homes. 3U.LDERSASS.. Samuel Schultz - Ei Phone 3385 .ii TRY ONE C 2 'a I- niversity TRY ONE 2 7[:)o s- MAY 211, 22, 23, 24 and HILL AUDITORIU-If ANN ARBOR, 1 EARL V. MOORE, Musical Director Four Days Six. Concerts Dv SINk Fountain Services :M: College Goery - 1=1- 5.16-E. Wilha14ms. 12 OPEN SUNDAYS i- is and EVENINGS= * When you Want It -College Grocery:: -- - Illlu l i HHliHHiHI HIlliiiliHIillIHIlgi i l i u 408 First t EdwiaT.. Sldth Nationa B'i 31cg. and - - - --- - - - - TRY ONE 3W Preliminary Announcement First Concert- --Wednesday Evenin SOLOISTS EMMY KRUEGER, Prima Donna Soprano. Munich, Madrid, Berlin and other European Operas (First American Tour-First time in Ann Arbor). PALMER CHRISTIAN, University Organist THE CHICAGO SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA Frederick Stock, Conductor. Second Concert---Thursday Evening SOLOISTS CLAIRE DUX, Prima Donna Soprano Chicago Civic Opera ROYAL DADMUN, American Bariton (First time in Ann Arbor). SYLVIA LENT, Violinist Young American Star. (First time in Ann Arbor). CHORAL WORKS: "SEADRIFT" by Delius (First time in America.) Choruses from "B MINOR MASS" by Bach. THE UNIVERSITY CHORAL UNION THE CHICAGO SYMPHONY Earl V. Moore and Frederick Stock, Conductors. Third Concert--Friday Afternon SOLOIST ALBERTO SALVI, Harpist A Master Virtuoso (First time in Ann Arbor.) THE CHILDREN'S FESTIVAL CHORUS tGerge Oscar Bowen, Conductor Fourth Concert---Friday Evenin SOLOISTS SOPHIE BRASLAU, Contralo Metropolitan Opera Company TITO SCHIPA, Tenor Chicago Civic Opera Company (First time in Ann Arbor.) THE CHICAGO SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA Frederick Stock,' Conductor. Fifth Concert---Saturday Afternoon SOLOIST HAROLD BAUER, Master Pianist THE CHICAGO SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA Frederick Stock, Conductor. Sixth Concert---Saturday Evening SOLOISTS DUSOLINA GIANINNI, Soprano American-Italian stellar artist. (First time in Ann Arbor.) FOREST LAMONT, Tenor Chicago Civic Opera Company. (First time in Ann Arbor.) VICENTE BALLESTER Metropolitan Opera Company. (First time in Ann Arbor.) CESARE BAROMEO, (Chase Sikes) La Scala Opera Company. (First time in America since going to Europe five years ago.) CHORAL WORK: "LA PRIMAVERA" b es- pighi. (First time in America.) THE UNIVERSITY CHORAL UNION THE CHICAGO SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA Earl V. Moore and Frederick Stock, Conductors- PRICES FOR COURSE TICKETS: All mail orders will be filed and filled in the order of receipt. It any block becomes over subscribed, seats will be selected from the next following block and refunds made accordingly. Festival coupons from season Choral Union tickets will be accepted at $3.00 each up to April 5; after that date they will not be accepted. RLOCK "A" $7.00-A1l seats remaining (if any) in sections 2-3-4 (three Noon 709 N. U TRY ONE - - - - - SPRING TOPPE These Coats are all in the extra lengths with full English Box back Priced at $35.00 to $50.00 S. I. w. 1. I. W. We are showing some very exclusive patterns for your approval.