_ _ ___THE MICHIGAN DAILY YVE SOON Justice Brandeis Favored As Odi Lease Prosecutor OBRfrIOIS FOR CONTEST MOST OBE INBY1fE. 1 Candidates for the University Ora- torical contests in March are to have their orations turned in to some mem- ber of the public speaking department by Saturday, Feb. 16, it has been an- n ounced.j Students in the senior, junior and sophomore classes are eligible to sub- mit orations for the contest They are Read The Daily "Classified" Columns Lindsey, Graduate of -sity of )Ianchester to Study Geology Uni- ISHIPTO iPROMOTE FT. S-A'I'll 7Sil RELAT1WINS] Miss Marjorie Lindsey, graduate of limited to X800 words and must deal .he Unversity of Manchester, Eng- with some topic of public interest, ac- nd, who has recently been chosencording to Prof. Louis M. Eich, of the a fellow at the University of Michigan public speaking department. All who uder a foundation established last Aexpect to compete are advised to con- year by Miss Francis E. Riggs of De- sult any member of the department roit "under the cooperating auspices before beginning work. >f the English Speaking Unions of the Feb. 23 a preliminary contest willF British Empire and the United States" be held at which time one sophomore, arrived obnday in New York and is two juniors and two seniors will be expected to be in Ann Arbor by the Qnamed to compete in the University end of this week. contest. The winner of this will re- Miss Lindsey is the second British present Mchigan in the Northern Lea- Student who has been appointed to gue Oratorical contest which will ,be Jids fellowship. Reginald I. Lovell, held in Ann Arbor this year. graduate of University college, Lon- :on, who has been in Ann Arbor since last fall enrolled as an advanced stu- Curtiss, Rufus lent in American history; was the miis I?. Brandeis t G ufu first person toy be chosen. Louis D. Brandeis, associate justice o G e ectures While here Miss Lindsey will spec- of the United States supreme court, ialize in geology. The purpose of the may figure as a prosecutor in the oil Prof R. H. Curtiss and Prof. iV. C.I foundaton which is bringing her here lease scandal. A group of senators, Rufus of the astronomy department is "to insure better understanding believing that Justice Brandeis is bet- .w'll deliver a series of four lectures and so to promote good will between ter qualified to act for the government Saginaw commencing Friday the United States and Great Britain, than any other available man, are and continuing for the next three in these objects cooperating with the weeks. The first two lectures will be English-Speaking Unions of the Brit- supremg leave of absence from the given by Professor Curtis and the last ish Empire and the United States." supreme court for him in order that gwo by Professor Rufus. Miss Riggs, the founder of the fel- he may be the government's prosecu- These lectures are to be given in lowship and a chapter member of the ter. Silas Strawn and Attorney Pom- order to raise money for a telescope American Society of English-Speak- erene have been named by the Presz~ for the schools of Saginaw. They will sity alst fall for the establishment with slides from the astronomy de- of this foundation. Under the terms partment. William G. Weber of De- of this foundation, students of both ERNTH 00U I N INItI troit is sponsoring the series of lec- sexes, endorsed by their colleges or LEiIi tures. universities from the British Isles, TO j may be nominated fellows, by a com- O 41 FULC Sigma Gamma Epsilon, national mittee in England of which the sec- professional geological fraternity, will retary of the Union in Great Britains is chairman. From the nominations I Dr. Ernst J. Berg, professor of el-n initiate five students prior to its an- I,, nual initiation banquet which will be thus presented, selections are made ectrical engineering in Union college held tonight at the Union. by the graduate school and the Board and consulting engineer of the General of Regents of the University. The Englsh-Speaking Union of the United Electric compay of Schenectady, N. Yokohama!, Feb. 12.-A $50,000 fire- States cooperating in providing hos- Y. will deliver a series of four lectures proof and quakeproof hotel is being pitality and otherwise assisting the here starting today. They will be of built. special interest to students in math- qematics ,physics, and engineering. rr inrRITI' TiH l IP ar ThisiBer rmnak ;;tr :-Nm O o n e e v e r N gets iredofI Melacirinos - - their unfailing quality is a. an stant satisfacton . L .1 9 ORIGINAL - The One Cigarette Sold the World Over" ~ ~ Vartjy licker c(YELLOW on OLIVE) Auto Coats (YELLOW OR OLI'VE) (OLIVE ) v Ew v IS11 RA~DS " '" - tl a> 4- -9--. Read The Daily "Classified" Columns FISH COLLEGE COATS SNAPPY, SERVICEABLE WATERPROOFS 711 hIe yo wthC'oIe~e menr ._ , 'o y 'ice / % d _ ~ ' i .f ,/ / - rte- ,.I / , i , ' i ;, s - i __ i .- - __ _ AJ.TOWERCQ BOSTON 1 "1 . S. S t7 : i I i i T 'SK PZ, 00 ' 445 Boy's, They're Here Our New, Spring Ox-fords A re Here .,. ':: : ° ,. .. Y4n_ '. :" y ' ;.. ,.. :x'= -;n .: v fi .Af..; . a r. .. ;i c+ ., .f y,. ; pp ' ;v r:: "5: a . ® 4 . Imported Scotch Grains, Brown Calf, and those new light Tan Calf; also a bunch of real snappy Blacks. All new College Lasts. $600 tov$800 vuuvu Niririviiu i tv ARITHRUI RVflPHl r AT~l~ at 4:00 o'clock in the East Physics lecture room upon Heavisides oper-; n 1 16W[UL UG 1U UU l0 tC' tors and their application in electri- cal edgineering. At 7:00 o'clock to- More than 200 students have enroll- night he will give some personal re- ed for the elementary course in an- n.tince th Dr. hares thropology which is to given this#IP. Steinmetz. Dr. Berg was a very semeterby ol.T. C Hoson ofLen close; personal friend of the great sdons Englan it s scientists and served as his first assis- day. It is expected that theenroll tant foaddressth 20ears.with Dr. esn. wleuSteinmetz's early life and surround- Csolonel Hodson is here to give anathro this country and his contributions to pology in the literary college. He was electrical science and science in gen- I eral. Lectures will also be given to- assistant agent in Manipur, superin- ea.dcr iayats o 'clock n tendnt f sateand s aso felowmorrow and Friday at 4:00 o'clock on tenden t of state and, is also. a fellowkrow the Heavisides operators. All inter- tof the Royal Anthropological insti- ested are invited torattend. Three courses are being given by Colonel Hodson this semester. One r Novel will deal with the physical character- istics of man, main ethnic elements, Is Good Seller languages and their economic and oplitical organization, religious be- 'Temper", a novel written by Law- liefs, the cycle of life and group life rence H '23 and published at cultural levels. Another course Feb. 9 by Dodd, Mead and Co., ap- will deal with the anthropology and Fea.edbyn oAnMarb ando so.,sand religions of India and the third with I peared in Ann Arbor bookstores and the anthropology of Assam. is rapidly approaching the status ofr _h___t_____y____sm local "best-seller". The story, which is of the realistic Ford's Train Hits type pictures in a vivid manner the life and conditions of the laborer in Sportsmen; 3 Dead one of our great modern automobile _______ ndustries. Glen Cliff, N. H.-Feb. 11.-(By Mr. Conrad is at present an instruct- AP)-A special train on the Boston or in the rhetoric department of the and Maine railroad bearing Henry University. Ford homeward from Boston to De- troit late today struck four soprts-, Ofice hours for Sundays have been men who were walking the tracks on changed at the Health service to 11 their way to an outing club. Three to 12 o'clock. The reason for this, ac- of the arty, brothers, were killed cording to Dr. F. P. Allen, is to allow instantly and the fourth was serious- students who need special attention to ly injured. The train crew did ndt be taken care of. know of the accident, and continued on their way. Warsaw, Feb. 12.-The Baltic con- } ference will meet Feb. 15, the chief ob- It's true efficiency to use Daily ject being to formulate an arbitration Classifieds.-Adv. agreement LEARN the fundamental principles of business and their application to daily business problems. To help you mini- mize the time, usually spent in gaining experience, the intensive, one-year training course of the BabsonInstitute is offered. From actual experience the fuzdamental principles of business are made clear. By positive examples, the student is shown how to apply these principles in the conduct of every day commercial affairs. Write for Booklet Send for booklet "Training for Busiiness Leadership." Describesthecourses in detail and gives complete information about the facilities of Babson Institute and shows hove men are trained for executive roles. Write today. No obligation. Babsonlnsti t [A de 318 W sington Ave. 9albsoai Park, (11$orf) Mass, --LOOK US OVER-- Home Portraits of Distinction Phone Nob for Appointment liefle & Nilssle 4 Doors South of Liberty Street-On Main _. .,. .,... _ ..._. ...a.,...--- s I I PHONE 598 121 E. WASHINGTON sum" . .... hiIN G WARI VOLTS, D. S. C. Chiropodist and Orthopedist 707 North University Phone 2652 * 9 I'hC Subscribe for 1 I' "!!!!! .p\ And your MihgnDaily! j v POAI I IVI John Hancock Said:- (IN 1774) HAVE ever considered it as the, indispensable Iduty of every member of society to promote, as "faras in him lies, the prosperity of every di- vidual, but more especially of the community in which he belongs." Life insurance is inseparably bound up with the prosperity of every individual, family and community. It is a secure and prosperous business and satisfactory to the salesman in every way. The JOHN HANCOCK would like to intetest a few ambitious men who graduate this year to make JOHN HANCOCK selling their life work. Statistics on college graduates who have entered life insurance place it at the very top as a source of income. Before making a decision as to your career it would be well to make inquiries of the "Agency Department." s 3 i t i i I ammummumop, Bosom= XENEWRM puzwAs momwm momm9m woomm bj,-E-p,- OBAMOMM Wrigley's is made of Pure chicle and other ingredients of highest quality obtainable. 'Sealed for you i r 1 A 1 NON== MOWN= t=R" WAV== ammose Imam= OREM= I 11 I It you have not been a subscriber this pre- vious semester or are entering the Univers- ity this semester do But it no us to make WRIGLEY'S 100% in qu alt andthenreach Yo in Po r condition. notf ail to take So we put it In wrapped Package SEALED (TTIGHT to keep it good -for YOU,. 1 n the wax- and mama= O v "U p1 GO THE DAILY. 11 Aids digestion -keeps teeth white - helps Su ubs Cr i ption for the Semester. $2.00 F