THURSDAY, MNARCH 6, 1924 ___ H IHGNDIYPG THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE k March 7J VIOA FAIRATTRCTION March 8 mmmm g Three Strikes AGNES MABLE and Out For the The Great "Roll the Ball" Lots of fun, and 'a PRIZE FOR EVERY TURN Delta Phi Booth No. 57 the, 11 Three Dancing-Girls BECKY at Boulevard I chute the chutes T he Sultan's Retreat THE BOUL'S NOT IN IT WITH THE I BOOTH 13 7' !: 1 DARKEST SPARKING PLACE I'l ESE+.NTEI)Jai' Ibear Ye! SAKM 'THE Hear Ye! I Horror House Phi Kappa Psi D V FACUL ITY of. .9 .I r Delta Sigma Phi I ssd ^ B D R 0 w N I T1 - Play Beware Lest You be Hailed Be- fore the Police-Court of the Union Fair Wh~en you enter the I WnnFa ir y o n nst abide by certain laws, ~Iv ich are as follows : 11 ----- . T ll - w- eor- 1. Do not fumoke. 2. Do not loaf or loiter. 3. Do not walk arm in arm with a girl. 4. Do not attemipt to short change or In any honest keepers of conlcessions.' 5 Do ntresist a''officerofte.FiVh trying to do his duty. G. Do not be boistrous. 7. D~o not attempt to rush a concession or 8. Do not flirt. 9. 1)o not dance improperly. 10. , Do not be obnoxious. 11. Hats and overcoats must be checked. 'te aforesaid laws are considered just~ by a. bodye endowed withl the proper authority to, enforce themi. tended in breaking tihese laws is liable to arrest and quen~itly lined. w kay cheat the io may be only side-show. Visit A N ; ' c ; r. "GET IF' OUT" RED Five cents for a chance at your Prof.I A little elbow grease, a straight aim, friends. and in of mein who are Anyone appre- nay bsubse. the (1ri11 they go. 0'TOLE DEKE 'BOOTH * (Signed) UNION FAlR POLICE COURT. Xotie: Your protests will be takent at face value. lhie proceeds of the fuesot o enlarge teswimmIng 1p0ol fund. go to(SIGMA CHI) With ___ __ a3: .II rat iD ,III it III SAttl Ill H It III lIIIllll l Phi [delta Theta BAR Ye Great j .3' - , Refreshbgg Drinks PRETZELS Cheese Sandwiches. i I i. _. A Real "'Old-Fashioned" GOOD TIME Phi Gamma Delta -I1 IAlm 1= = w- D3- o W= I- III .e 1= Ata th-lh Dlt h ot I _____________________________ IK 111 1111111111111i111111111111111111t111111111 tii. ID' ' t'r+ . Come One! ~134 3 Come of PIstereel 4- Boulev rd Michigman et Rule des Etudiants le Beta, Phi :Deta-(Booth Nurnero xi ) RENDEZ-V1,us DES APACHES != The French. "Cuisine" is judstly Ian ed, but quench yot with French "Boissons" CHAMPAGNE EXCELSIOR COG-11AC "TROT S ET1OILES" CREME DE MENTHE CREME DE VANILLA~ ® VIN ROUGE - VIN BLANC VIN ORDINAIRE CHOCOLAT MEUNIER' Your order ivill be tkeit by "Suzanmne" (Lionel E. Aies; 31jl iilan Union Opera;) BETA PHI r 5 r x- 1111111111 '~~IIIIi I n 111111111111111111111.1111111111111111 tlIlIIIIII i lIIIIII [ All! )ur tt°irst 'p r 1 ! J Psi ..I Upsalon Union Fair U Booths 25, 26 of the [DELTA What is IHome Without a Mother? What is ACounty A I I'S i .. 11 Take a. Trip Through Fair Without Peanuts and Popcorn? k f i i i 4 i WONER SHOW", Direct from a long run at the Hippocampal Bazaar 8 Hamtramck The. most astonishing collection of the rare anomalies of human- kind; gathered together at the greatest expense for the entertainment anti delight of aii. Hyphae, the mermaid, captured by Professor Ima Green Seaweed during his most recent expedition under the auspices of the National Geographic Society, is ours. She was taken by Prof. Seaweed during his sear-ch for subterranean material for thie new biological museum which is to be erected at the Canary Island College of Chiropeactic- vvheere the feet-Bennies begin. Among the other wonders gathered together with this astonishinlg group are: M~adam Hyperrtricnrosis, the bearded lady; .Ambrose, the cigare~tte fiend., Violet Adilposa," the six hundred pound flapper; and Tleratoier, tk.v wildian. Through the kindness of, theGrand Circus of Detroit, we have acquired tne. Apraxic Living Statue Group. This is the most inter- esting feature of the entire show. Numbered amnong the other attractions are: Tumor Hypophysis, tihe megalic giant.; (dancing .girls, and other entertainers featured by the amazing 'spottedI family. All this and more is offered for your approval for the small sum of three five cent tickets. i I THAT CHAMBER O ORR Positively the biggest heart palpitation since the Panhellenic Ball LISTEN BROTHER! You ain't seen no thin' yet till you see 0 0 See us. Ghosts- -Skeletons Spirits--hok I'H I KAPPA Give her a-real thrill BOOTH The Main Attraction At the Main Entrance ALPHA TAU OMEGA BOOTH Class of '27 P1-Il BETA PI 1, I - 4 _ -~ 17n -- 'f I it 4 __ ___ ____ ___ _ __ ___ ____ ___ ____ _ l