Published every morning except Monday
during the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Members of Western Conference Editorial
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Words, will be published in Tl-e Daily at
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Telephones, 2414 and 170-M
News Editor....... ......Robt. B. r.trr
Cditorial Board Chairman. . .. K. t. Moria-t).
City Editor.............J. G. Garlinghouse
Night Editors
X H. Ailes .: . Cpnntarte
K. A. 13illingron 1> E. Fiske'
.arry C. Clark P. M. Wagner
S oits Editor...............Ralph N. B er
W -omen's Editor...........Winona Ilibbard
Sunday Magazine Editor.....F. L. Ti)lden
Music Edtor.. ... Ruth A Howell
stan1t City ditor......Kenneth C. Kelldr
Director Michigan News Bureau..R. C. Ramsay
Editorial Board
Paul Einstein Herman Wise
Andrew Propper
R.G 0. Baetcke 'R. S. Mansueld
Norma Bicknell E. C. Mack
lerman k Boxer Verena Moran
Margaret Bonine Harold Moore
Helen Brown Carl Ohh nacher
Bernadette Corte 11 yde Perce
G. W. Dais Regina Reichmana
Harold Ehrlich E dmarie Schrauder
T. P. .Henry C. A. Stevens
Emily (line W. II S'onenian
Manning Hlouseworth H. R.Stone
ootyv Nam in Marie Reed
Lilias Kendall N. R. 'Vial
uosepph Kruger W. J. Waltliour
Elizabeth Lieberman
Telephone 960I
,. tt...ertisi .
Adiertising.................... W. 1LUoSSei
v'?Wertisi . ....... W. 1' Scherer
,1 ~ ~ ~ ' .IcVato.. C.U.Purdy
'uuhcatton...............LaNrence iercet
G. W: Campbell M. L."reland
r sennme Caplan lha id:' .Ial k"
Chas. Champion Byron .Parke
. n Conlinexe A E. ose
.Louis M. Dexter iA.' 'edman '
It is surprising to note, however, at
the opening of the baseball season,
that student interest has turned near-a
ly completely away from this nation- ~i/E,; a
ally popular sport in the University.
To the call for baseball tryouts is DARN IT
sued by Coach Fisher two weeks ago,
less than eighteen athletes have re- Ys .i. t.h
sponed ot o stuent odynumbr- Yes, sir, this is just one of theE
sponded out of student body number- days when every darn thing seems t
ing more than eight thousand. Th,,
auestion that arises falls in with the. go wrong. Every darn thing.
kh 1
t amp,
discussion of intellectualism which
has had such wide vogue in the col-
umns of the daily press and monthly
publications all over the country and
seems to present a new problem for
Is this sudden lack of interest in
athletics an outcome of a new move-
ment back to intellectualism or is it
merely a temporary lack of under-
standing on the part of the students
as to the actual existing conditions in
the University baseball ranks?
With the material on hand Coach
Fisher can certainly not produce a
worthy University baseball team.
Only four of the present candidates
are veterans and over half of the en-
tire number are applicants for the
position of pitcher. The inevitable re-
sult, therefore, will be either a cessa-
tion of activity along Varsity baseballf
lines, unless a far larger number of
candidates present themselves. De-
velopments in this field during the
next week or two will show the tend-
ency of the student body and can not
but be interesting either way the sent-
iment turns.
As the 1924 presidential election ap-
proaches there seems to be as usual
We get dwon to the Press Building
and find that it's being torn up to
give the Cargoyle more room. Lots
of hammering going on, and all that
sort of thing.
Next we go to get our mail with the
pleasant tingle that we always haveI
when we-when we go to get our mail.
And wot do we find? No mail. . . .
Next, we find fifty stupid looking
tryouts loitering in our office taking
rides in our swivel chair, smoking our
cigars, and in general raising Cain
while old Man Cowles is out. . . .
And finally, as if these tribulations
were not enough, we find that we have
a sour typewriter in which the letter
"I" sticks, causing words like ham-
mering and tingle to come out ham-
merig and tigle.
Well, when all these awful things
happened, we sat down and made great
dole. . . .
* * *
The engineer is a man of might,
Whene'er his talents he uses right,
His work about us we daily see,
In dwellings, food, and machinery.
The engineer writes the history
Of industry and prosperity,'
Promotes man's welfare, reduces
He conquers space and he masters
1 t
I t..
To the Editor:
It gladdened my heart Sunday to
read a touching article on the iniqui-
ties of the English in India. I tried to
be annoyed with the article by 'Mr.
Malak, but no, there was not a seri-
ous statement from beginning to end,
and in no case was there any attempt
to put up any facts supporting those
Mr. Malak says that the Indians are
not quarrelsome. This is totally
wrong, since there has long been bit-
ter emnity between the Hindus and
the Mohamedans, and one of the chief
duties of the Indian Army and the P0-
lice is to maintain peace between the
two sects, particularly on their holy
days. Last year in the Punjab feeling
ran very high, and the Government
had an anxious time preventing a
clash. The inability of the various
Indian sects to combine has been tak-
en advantage of by the English; most
regiments in the Indian army were
and are still composed of mixed class-
es, that is Mohamedians and Hindus
regiments, by which is meant regi-
ments which are composed wholly of
one caste such as the Gurkha regi-
ments, are relatively few and only
of those men who, are deemed to be
reliable. During the Moplah rising in
1921 the Moplahs did not confine them-
selves merely to attacking things
English, they desecrated Hindu temp-
les and violated Hindu homes. If the
Indians are "so content to work for
their independence by the slow meth-
ods of reform," why did Mahatma
Gandhi find it necessary to take fast-
ing vows as a protest against violence
as preached by the Ali Brothers and
carried out by the mob?
Then there is the railroad question.
Will Mr. Malak please make out a list
of important centers in India which
are not served by railroads? Except-
ing the strategic railroads up to Quet- j
ta and on the Northwest frontier I
saw no railroads which were primar-
ily for strategic purposes. Some of
the railroads in India are partially
controlled by -the government, but the
majority of lines are operated by pri-,
vate enterprise and financed in Lon-
Finally on the subject of industry,
the Tata corporations are the wealth
iest in India, and the cotton mills. or
Bombay are controlled by wealthy In-
dians much to the detriment of the
cotton industry in Lancashire. There
is most emphatically no monopoly of
industry by the English in India.
J. C. Heraper
a mad scramble on the part of bothIv
He works in iron, in wood and stone,
Republicans and Democrats to win In oils and acids, in flesh and bone,
over the confidence and votes of the His genius changes our very lives,
David A. Fax
re s r Tlai;ht
Geo. A. Stracke
Will Weise
C F. White
R. C. MWinter
Night Editor-EDGARI1H. AILES
Contrary to the opinions -of a few
individuals hereabouts who think that
the Union Fair is merely an unusual
way in which to create an evening of
noise and foolishness, it is at this time
thought exceedingly pertinent to im-
press upon the minds of all the stu-
dents and faculty that the purpose of
the Fair is a very serious one, and
that it is this purpose and nothing
else that is prompting various clubs
and organizations and fraternities to
lend a helping hand in order to insure
success to the undertaking. The com-
pletion of the swimming pool depends
on the success with which the Fair is
put over.
Any number of different ways have
been tried with varying degrees of suc-
cess to raise enough money to com-
plete the swimming pool. But it seems
as if there always lacked just enough
punch and reserve to finally put over
a drive or a subscription or whatever
it happened to be. And now, as a last
resource almost, the old method of
raising funds by means of the Union
Fair is to be tried.
That this Fair must be a complete
success goes without saying if Michi-
gan is to have a swimming pool of
worth. 'And in order to insure this
complete success it is highly neces-
sary that the Fair undertaking be sup-
ported to the very utmost by every
member of the University of Michigan.
that should or might excuse an indi-
vidual from attending the Fair. It is
There are indeed very few reasons
a just and useful cause for which so
iimary of our people have given an un-
limited amount of their time, and it isj
only necessary that the right spirit be
attained in order to work out in every
detail the plans which have been laid'
that spell success for the undertaking.
> But first of all attendance is needed.
Ilan to be there and plan to bring
your friends for the support of one of
the most practical bits of work under-f
taken by the University this year.
public. This year their task is doub-
ly difficult for not only do they have
to win the confidence of the people,
but first they must recreate it. For
public confidence in the political ma-
chine at Washington has been under-
mined and in many cases completely
lost by certain uncomfortable entang-
lements of some of its- most prominent
members in the Teapot Dome affair.
RT e,. ebenfagtet he
sad realization th'at their governmet
isn't altogether ' their government;
Lat' themi' so-cll gov4ri iient "of
the people, by the people, for the
~eople isreally a tool by which some
dt their ofii als are doing the people;
atht pur forign policy and home leg
isl.tioi;h s been partially controlled
by the unlimited millions of one oil
taron; that this controI has been
brought- aout through bribery of
spme g'litlcal eels who' have had
nithei the back1"ine nor the sense of
honor to defend the rights and prop-
erty of those who put them in office-.
Is it any wonder'then, that they haveI
little confidence in them?
This year the prime requisite of a
candidate must be honesty and integ-
rity. As Senator Walsh says, the
choice must be made on a patriotic
rather than a party basis. A man's
firmness and strength of character
should be taken into consideration be-
fore his political viewpoint or party
classification. Before the United
mocracy it must expose and oust the
States can hope to have a real de-
political grafter -whose policy is con-
trolled by the dollar sign. If ever
there was a time when "the straight
ticket" should be made a thing of the
past, it is now and it is the duty of
very American citizen who has at
heart the welfare of his country and
its place of respect in the eyes of the
other nations of the world to use his
ballot and irregardless of party, class,
creed, or section, vote for the best
Twenty-Five Years
Ago At Michigan
From the files of the U. of M. Daily,
March 6, 1899.
The Anti-Saloon league is circulat-
ing on the campus a petition which it
is hoped will be widely supported by
students and faculty, to the effect that
"you (state legislature) are rsepect-
fully petitioned . . . to enact .a
law providing for the prohibition of a
saloon . . . within three miles of
the University of Michigan, Ann Ar-
bor . . ; and for this wise,
humane, and just protectip of our
college youth . . . we will ever
The Pennsylvanian, of the Univer-
sity of Pennsylvania, protests the de-
cision of the judges to Michigan's
victory in the recent Michigan-Penn-
sylvania debate in the following
words. "The debate was decided on
the form and manner of delivery, not
on the merits of the question. It was
- -of- -of -rhatnrnndoaniencn
On his creations a nation thrives.
Machines write millions to one of pen,
j Machines are doing the work of men,
Machines all horses soon will replace,
Machines are keeping birds apace.
Machines that figure, machines that
Machines that tell us how far we walk.
Machines carry voices from friends
Machines. make .peace. and machines
make war.
This poem is the work of "J. A. M."
and was first printed in the Monthly
Bulletin of the Swedish Engineers' So-
ciety of Detroit.,
* * *
In glancing over your disreputable
col the other dayI was unpleasantly
surprised to see many oaths scattered
about among your sentences. Espec-
ialy in that cheap steal, "The Rover
Boys' Revenge," there were many
things written which the real Rover
Boys would never, never think of say-
ing. For instance, the runt Sam habit-
ually cursed like a trooper.
The "runt Sam" is not a runt as
you seem. to think. In reality he is
a tall, well-built lad of some sixteen
summers, bronzed by wind aid wave,
and possessed of a keen grey eye be-
tokening the ready wit of a born ad-
venturer. IHe never swears, drinks,
dances, or smokes, and makes a point
of saying his prayers at night for six
and a half minutes by the clock.
I know all these things are so for I
know him personally. In fact I am
yours sincerely, Sam Rover
. * * *
"Hitch your mind to a horseshoe
and ride to success," was the speak-
er's advice.
"In my backyard at Ann Arbor there
are four horseshoes and two iron pegs
surrounded by concrete, and whenever
I have a half hour to spare-and I
manage to spare it every day-I drag
a frined of mine, professor, student,
or whoever he may be, into my back-
yard, for a game of horseshoes.
"Do you know, if you want to make
a half dozen ringers in a game, as I
usually do, you've got to concentrate
your mind on that peg, forty feet
away. You can't be taking in every-
1 thing that's going on about, who is
passing on the sidewalk, and what
kind of clothes she is wearing, and
all that. It takes, a great deal of
mental effort to play horseshoes, and
play it right.
"That's why horseshoes is such a
I wonderful way to improve your mind.
Try it. Your success in this world
depends upon the quality of your
brains. If you aren't doing any think-
ing; if you move in circles, where the
expression of new ideas is taboo, it's
time you took an inventory. Put your
self on a time budget. Set aside an
hour, or a half hour, or even fifteen
minutes a day, if that's all you think
you can spare for the development of
your mind.
"It's fascinating to be the head of a
university of 12,000 young men and
women, because the college student
soon learns the value of an 'active
"Wildflower" with its' ox-cart and
donkey will be presented this evening
at the Whitney theatre, along with the
famous "Bambalina" and the equally
famous "Wildflower, I Love You." The
action, according to the reviews, is
laid among the central-European
peasantry with its subsequent costumc
opportunities, and the plot proper con-
cerns the triangle of a sweet country
girl, a handsome nobleman, and a
very bad and beautiful vampire-a
sure-fire combination for musical
comedy, so it seems.
The production has really scored
what the press-agents term "a tre-
mendous hit," and with Edith Day in
the leading role it is still playing to
capacity houses at the Casino Thea-
tre, New York. The company on tour
is also reported to be excellent, carry-
ing a large chorus, a complete or-
chestra, and adequate settings. The
leading roles are to be taken by Miss
Olivotti and Paul Donah.
The College of the City of Detroit
has announced a Summer School of
Dramatic Art under the direction of
Sam Hume from August 4 to 30. Th;,
announcement, of course, is of the
greatest significance to those inter-
ested in dramatics. Sam Hume, as is
well known, is one one of the most
progressive and stimulating producers
in the country. From 1916 to 1313 he
was the director of the Detroit Arts
and Crafts Theatre, making the the-
atre and himself mutually famous due
to his genuinely artistic performances.
More recently he was the director of a
six weeks' repertory season in Or-
chestra Hall, the first and only real
repertory prgoram ever undertaken in
America. At present he holds the po-
sition of Assistant Professor of Dra-
matic Literature and Art at the Uni-
versity of California, and under his
direction the most ambitious and
worth-while plays are offered yearly
before a subscription audience num-