4 THURSDAY, MARCH G, 1924 THE MICHIGAN DAILY THE ICHIAN DILYPAGE T7 _ .. FAVATAM %a MAW will represent that society in the Por- tia-Athena debate which will be heldt April 3. Each freshma nmember is asked to prepare - a three minute speech on the subject of "Unifori Marriage and Divorce Laws." Patronize Daily Advertisers.-Adv.I Sb. son to Speak on League All University women are invited t ;tnd the lecture on "The Origin J ae League of Nations," which will be given by Prof. Preston W. Slosson, of the history department, at 7:30 o'clock tonight in room F of the Law; building. Read The Daily "Classified" Colu SOPHOMHS WIN CLASS TITLE IN BASKETBALL Displaying a superior brand of bas- ketball the sophomore team of the in- ter-class league took first honors yes- terday afternoon when it defeated the junior sextet by a score of 28-4q. In the second game 'the freshman team won from the senior aggregation by a 25-17 score. The first game be- tween the sophomores and juniors was marked by the unusual speed which was shown by the two teams while close guarding featured the senior- freshman tilt. I SENIOR WOMEN TO OBTAIN JUNIOR TICKETS TODAY Senior women will be given an opportunity to get tickets for the Junior Girls' play, "Thank You, Madam," from 2 to 5 o'clock today at the Women's League booth in University hall. Sec- tions will be reserved for Mor- tarboard and Senior society.s This will be the only time when 1 senior tickets will be avail- able. will have its next meeting at 7 o'clock tonight in Newberry hall. MSSDEANELECTURES ON HOME I DITS NEEDS: "The Home and Its Needs," was the topic of the lecture delivered yester- day afternoon in Alumni Memorial hall by Miss Edith Douglas Deane, of New York City. "The outside appearance of a house is an indication of the character of those living within," said Miss Deane. She emphasized the keeping of the welcoming influence in the interior of the home. Miss Deane stated that simplicity, scale and color should be considered iA the planning of the furnishings, and that furniture should be grouped in the living-room. At 4 o'clock today in Alumni Mem- orial hall, Miss Deane will give her third lecture, "The Importance That Color Plays in the Home," -under the Auspices of the A. A. U. W: A few fabrics will be used to demonstrate the points in the talk. Single admis- sion is 75 cents. 4. . lot "LAST TIM ES TODAY" It's a.Niagara of Roaring Laughter! Douglas ~' ii r f TTT"',//. + !may /1i j f 2 ' %// t t ' -IN- "The S4 Yankee Consul" I- I- ------------- - - Notices -I Junior Girls' play practices for this week are as follows: Today; at 4, chorus 10; at 5 o'clock, chorus 7 ;at 7 o'clock, chorus 6. Fri- day, at 3 o'clock, chorus 13; at 4 o- _clock, chorus 4; at 7 o'clock, cast-and choruses for first and; se'cond acts., 'Saturday, at 7 o'clock, cast and chor- uses for first and second acts. All practices will be held in Sarah Caswell Angell hall unless otherwise stated. The Girls' Mandolin club will hold a regular weekly meeting at 5 o'clock to- day in Newberry hall. The club leaders training course WATCH YOUR STEP. Senior cans and gowns must be or- dered by Saturday. About 80 women have not ordered theirs. If they desire their cap and gown for the Juniorj Girls' ploy, they must be ordered at once. Women on warning or probation, are requested to make appointments for interviews with either Mrs. Hobart or Nl ssBlood. before Saturday, March 8, in the ouice of the dean of women. Senior society will sell senior collars- at the candy booth in University hall fromi 1 to 5 o'clock, March 13, 14, 17, and 18. This will be the only place to obtain these collars, which will be thei regulation size and shape. Signing out slips for February and delinquent ones for January must be banded in by Saturday, March 8, at the ofrice of the dean of women.- / -AND-' "The Half- / Back of Portia to Hold Tryouts Tryouts will be held at the regular meeting of the Portia Literary society at 7:15 o'clock tonight, for the pur- pose of selecting the freshmen who I., Notre Dame" . If Yo You'll Never If Yo Learn the Latest Dance Steps for the Coming House Party You'll never forget the Selwyn Produc- tion of THE OOL u See It! Forgive Yourself iu Don't! nson PIone 2Os2-. 111 South Main. Amodrusy ore 111 South Main 111 South Main or the CLARION reporters will get you- if you don't watch out! From Jeanette Kruzka Joh 2nd Flo,r (Chubb House T a fad 'thousands of Yards of Sring's, Most I itj I so 11 .( - When she was good, She was very, very good; When she was bad, She was a knockout! 1I J«. She was a sharpshooter with dice, pistols and souls. A reckless girl of the underworld.-Then-see A DAN BeautifulSilks Offered at Two Unusually Low Prices--- ,'EART BANDIT Wit a Noable Spporting Cat Induding MILTON SILLS dle Claire Wallace MacDonald Bertram Grassby t Jennings; Matthew Betts Edward Wade } ti "YS' and $1039 arct In these two lots you will find Beautiful New Silks in the most Fashionable Col- Certru4 De Wit I k ' lik-. I / V' '9R yr t i r I' \ fir, P. to 4 aaau.s MUM, PAtORf k orings and Patterns for Spring. Everything the season demands in Silks---all the delightful Springtime Colors---the very Silk that you want is in this won- derful offering which we feature in this March Sale of Silks. This presentation is especially timely, since the best of today's fashions are "done' in Silks. 36-Inch Black and Colored Messaline 36-Inch Wash Silks, White, Flesh, Black, Navy 36-Inch Satin De Chine, Black and Colors 36-Inch Wash Satins, White and Pink 36-Inch Plain Satins, Black and Colors The 2 Silks At One Ridicu- lously Low Price $ . y . It 40-Inch Charmeuse Satin................ Canton Crepe, New Spring Shades ........... Fancy Taffeta Silks in Checks .............. ... .$1.39 . . . .$1.39 ....$1.39 $.00 Charmeuse, A Fine Satin Finish Silk... .. $2.00 Canton Crepe, Black and Colors.. .:..,. $2.00 New Silk Marigold .............. .$1.39 .$1.39 .$1.39 I l)