it i!3au . i5 GIVE TO THE FOREIGN RELI FUND VOL. XXXIV No. 114 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MARCH 6,1924 EIGHT PAGES PRICE, FIVE C: "NEWS TOMSAYS Union Fair Committee LEACOCK A S HE IS TOLD OF SUBJECT LITERATURE, DRAMA INSTEAD OF ENGLAN1D DISCUSSED BY HUMORIST TALKS SATIRICALLY ON MODERN CRIME STORIES Triangle Novel Styled as "Tommyrot" When Speaker Turns to )fore Serious Vein "New Matters in Ligerature and Drama" was the subject of Stephen Leacock, noted humorist and econo-I mist in his lecture delivered last night in Hill auditorium. The previously! announced subject, Mr. Leacock told Committee Heads for Union Fair the audience, was "news to him.' Theeight students above have had charge of arrangements for the Un- Picking up his train of thought ( ion Fair. From left to right they are: Top row-Wallace Flower, '24, pub- where he had left off at his last visit licity chairman; William Kratz, '24E,circus chairman; Eben Graves, '25E; to Ann Arbor, Mr. Leacock began with Irwin Diester, 25, construction chair man; Laurence Dooge, '24, parade a pointedly satirical comment on the chairman; Charles Livingston, '25, midway chairman; Tyler Stevens, '24E; modern "crime story." His whole Chester Swigert, '24E, program chairman; John D. Briscoe, '24E, general subject seemed to center about the chairman; and Walter Scherer, '24, business manager. question: "What to do with the hero- ine?" He decried the description of1 that character as "a mere slip of a f girl," and recommended that she be at. least of large proportions. "Slushl" was the predominant word- employed) by Mr. Leacock throughout his crit- ique of the crime story. He read anL outline of a crime story of his own. The satire was pointed, but carried aisin iied Piis i ed T1 Oil (onimittee Exanines 300 Messages with it such humor as to remove all 1 1c iearitIii, 'C3l)iuring Two-Hour possibility of a sting. ela mentfSession Having criticized the existing best 19*-19d Season _ seller, Mr. Leacock proceeded to ex- ~~~~~~ EFLIN SAYS COOLIDGE plain the new schools of his own WILL CONTINUE TO GIVE MUST BE MISSING NAME development. The first, the radio l 1)B1I PERFO iAN(ES school, had the emphatic advantage, ' Washington, March 5.-(By AP)- he contended, of making the conclu- Guy Maier, distinguished young As the oil committee prepared today sion very simple, and entirely devoid American pianist, has been engaged to establish the identity of the "prin- of slush; the hero or the inevitable as a member of the piano faculty of cipal" mentioned in one of the cele- heroine had only to "cut out" the the University School of Music for the brated McLean telegrams, Senator other to end the narrative. The sec- season of 1924-1925, it was announced i Heflin, democrat, Alabama, told the odd new school was called the phys- f senate he thought the reference was p ye.sterday by the board of directors ot rsdn olde oogical school, and through this med- i the Univcrsity Musical society. Iet1 "Ithink the 'principal' referred to ium, the speaker took the opportunity will act as head of the department, here is the President", Senator Heflin UNION FAI OR/YE BAND, FLOATS, ANIMALS WILL MARCH BEFORE OPENING TOMORROW NIGHT DOORS OF FIELD HOUSE OPEN AT 7:00 O'CLOCK Basketball Floor Will Be Used for Dancing to Music by ._._ .. i ORGANIZATIONS ADD 8100 IN STUDENT fRHINDSHIP ,DRIVE11 HUNDRED PERCENT FOR EACH MEMBER PLEDGED BY 20 SOCIETIES CONTRIBUTIONS SWELL FUND TOTAL TO $26001 a-__.__ Quota of $5,044 Seems Assured Campaign in Fraternities, Sororities Opens As 'i I ! . . Union Orchestra Representatives of 20 fraternity and The final step in the campaign to sorority houses on the campus met last night in the Union and pledged complete the Unioi swimming pool themselves one hundred percent, for will be taken tomorrow night when each member of their respective or- the doors are opened upon the Union ganizations to give $1.50 to the Stu- SFair 'In the Yost field house. The Fair dent Friendship Fund. The total ex- fwr'io n t7 o'clckbthstomorrow pected to be turned as a result of' will open at 7 o'clock both this meeting will approximate $1,000. and Saturday nights. This means that one third of the A parade will precede the Fair, campus organizations have already leaving the field house at 2:30 o'clock been personally solicited by drive tomorrow afternoon. From the field workers. Herbert Steger, '25, chair- house the line of march will be up man of the fraternity committe, ex- State to Packard, down Packard to pects to reach evry hous on the cam- Main, up Main to Huron, up Huron to pus within the next two days. Mon- State, around the campus, and down ey that has already been pledged by State again to the field house. Lead- these groups should be sent into Eg- ing the parade will be the Varsity bert R. Isbell, '26L, care of The Daily, band, followed by members of the soon as possible, it is urged. committee on horseback. Floats, To date $2,600 of the $5s000 quota bands, animals, bareback riders, and btendre As the s reateal cages that will contain the exhibits odrive. As there is a great deal for the Fair will form the rest of the thand the campain ht a-been procession. campus organizations has just begun, The entire field house will be trans- the committee feels confident that formed for the Fair itself and made the expected sum will be raised. into a typical circus. About the The fraternity contributions to sides will be 60 booths operated by date has averaged well over $50 for fraternities and campus organiza- each house. The faculty has given tions, and containing every form of $200, the Junior Research club made entertainment from sideshows to nov- a gift of $200, Martha Cook dormitory, elty counters. $115. In the center of the field house will Miss Margaret Quayle, national re-' be the basketball floor that will be lief worker from New York City, has used for dancing. The regular Union spoken as the guest of fraternity orchestra will furnish music and houses all this- week. She has had dances will be held as in a regular! to cancel engagements the latter part dance hall with a small charge for of thesweek as she has ben called to each dance. Noidances will be held Rochester N. Y.toconduct a drive at the Union on Friday or Saturday thembersof the. drivecmie nights.' urghhts.eawill meet at 5 o'clock this afternoon Twice during the evening, once at at the Union to discuss further plans 7:30 o'clock and again at 10:30 for the Michigan campaign. o'clock, the center of the house will be given over to a circus presented by , Mimes, honorary dramatic society.i WILL ,11111 k The circus will take the- form of a!I UU Roman nageant, in which the -emperor will watch his slaves perform and' either order them to be throw to the iUPuT DOME SCNDA lions or freed The slaves will give tight rope walking acts, boxing, saber "The Spasm of Political Virtue in fencing, jiu-jitsu acts, and a number Congress," is the subject of the talk of other performances. to be given by Prof. William H. Hobbs John D. Briscoe, '24E is generalj of the geology department, when he chairman of the Fair. He is assisted speaks on the Teapot Dome scandal by 32 students .working on sub-com- at the first general meeting this year mittees under 12 committee heads. of the Republican club at 7:30 o'clock A general admission price of 50 tonight, in the reading room of the cents will be charged, while prices Union. of from 5 to 10 cents will be charged The talk by Professor Hobbs is the for admission to the sideshows. All first of a series of lectures, by prom- proceeds will go toward the fund for inent men that will be given to stu- the completion of the swimming pool. dents interested in political problerds, BURTON URGES SUPPORT I ( OF FOREIGN RELIEF FUND) I C I have followed with the keen-j est interest the response of the I campus to the appeal of the Stu- 1dent Friendship Fund. Te I need is unquestioned, the causeI is worthy, and the soundness ofI the administration of the Fund 1 I is guaranteed by citizns such as I Mr. Hoover whose judgment in these matters can scarcely be questioned. The outward look never harms an individual or I I an Institution. I I confidently hope that the iI I of the fine spirit and tradition I I ultimate result will be worthy I I of this University. Michigan has I f always been generous. , M. . Burton. I UNRULY FRESHMEN' Action To Be Taken on Violations of Traditions by First fear Men SCHOOL OF MUSIC SENIORS TO TAKE PART IN SWING OUT Names of freshmen violators of Michigan traditions, presented to the Student council last night by upper- classmen on the campus, were refer- red to the Subcommittee of the Stu- dent council ,which will take action on them immediately. The freshmen , involved were said to have refused to live up to their class rules after re- peated warning. They are the first of- fenders to be reported to the student self-governing body this year. The subcommittee, which will prob- ably take action this afternoon as to the punishment of these men, was created last fall by the council to re- place the sophomore vigilance con- mittee which went out of offce at the time of the council reorganization last spring. At thistime it was decreed that physical violence would not be tate'ate-in-detling:witr'freshmen:-- Such punishment as the publishing of the names of offenders in The Daily or placing them on a non-scholastic ineligibility list was recommended at this time. Some such action as this may be taken by the subcommittee, which will submit its findings to the Student council at the next meeting.; Hugh K. Duffield, '24, is chairman of! this committee. The council approved of a petition from the seniors of the School of Music asking that they be allowed to take part in the Swing Out exercises in the spring. As a result of' the re- port of the cheerleader committee the I council decided to hold another try- out for the Varsity cheerleader squad in the near future. John W. Kelly, '24L, president of the Student council, and Robert J. Hummer, '25, secretary, were appoint- ed delegates from Michigan to the Middle West student conference to be held at Knoxville, Tenn., May 1 to 3. The council set May 6 as the day on which the University Fresh-Air camp committee will hold their annual drive this year. The Subcommittee of the Student council will meet this afternoon in the Union. REPORT'DAGHRT SUCCESSOR M APPOINTD ;OO VETERANS BUREAU QUIZ SHOWS MISUSE OF OFFICIAL INFORMATION COOLIDGE ORDERS SIFT OF CHARGES IN CHICAGO White House States Attorney-General Sias Not Been Asked To Resign Washington, March 5,-(By AP)- Hints that another important turn is impending in the fortunes of Attorney- General Daugherty were given today by developments at the White House and before the special senate com- mittee appointed to investigate his ad- ministration of the department of jus- tice. As a result of the trend of the day's events there was belief :tonight' in some well-informed quarters that the situation actually had reached the stage where the question of choosing a successor to Mr. Daugherty was being given serious consideration. The White House had no comment to make beyond the statement that no demand for the Attorney-General's resignation had yet been made and that no one had been selected to take his place in the cabinet. Coincident with the renewal of in- dications that President Coolidge was against giving attention to the ques- tion of removing Mr. Daugherty from office the senate investigating com- mittee conferred behind closed doors for nearly three-hours with John W. H. Crim, special federal counsel in charge of the. veterans' bureau ciim- inal investigation before the Chicago grand jury. Washington March 5-4tx sensibil- ities already overtaxed b- the sesibo- scopic career of the oil scand, thoe national capital is about to witness the further ordeal of a grand jury In- vestigatin into astonishing charges against several important public offi- ial~g-re d itCoolidge has ordered that all the myd.terious allustdns 't Wrongdoing in Washington contain ed in a recent Chicago grand jury re port be sifted to the bottom. Plans to carry his instructions into effect already have begun, and the present- ation of evidence oh which criminal indictments will ,be sought will start within- a-few days. Thecharges, turned up incidently in the course of the Chicago veter ans' bureau inquiry, related to'a number of subjects unconnected with the bur- eau and involving at least two mem- bers of the house of representatives who are 'alleged to have improperly accepted money. At least one "high official" is ac- cused of having used official infor- mation for purpose of speculation: I liquor permit withdrawals are said to have been issued illegally; pardons are said to have been improperly se- cured and government files are said to have been entrusted to persons not entitled to them. 'Ensian Drive Closes Toda of satirizing the modern tendency to taking the place of Albert Lockwood. describe kisses at great length. who has been granted a leave of ab- From literature, Mr. Leacock next sence to spend next year in Europe turned his attention to the drama. . Mr. Maier is a youni g- mmuician w1or He read a play which he ascribed to has made an international reputationj himself; written in collaboration with as concert performer of unusual at, Ibsen. His parody of Ibsen's Style tainments. in. association with Le" was amusing in a high degree. - Pattison he has made many tour oft Changing for a moment into a more h nited States Fra Enl serious vein, Mr. Leacock calledthe Australia and other countries. Their moden tiange n~'e "tomyrt"!joint recital on the Choral Union ser-u His earnestness in treating this topic ies last year'outstanding could not be concealed by the light event. They have beenheardin humor with which he spoke of it. His practically every large city of the power of mimicry showed the ridicu-rt world, not only in recital but with or-a lous character of the triangle type of chestra. Mr. Maier also has givent plotn many solo concerts throughout the Owing to the haste with which his country, notably with the Boston, New trip is being conducted, Mr. Leacoet York, Chicago, and Cleveland sym- I was unable to reach Ann Arbor until phony orchestras. His concerts forI after 9 o'clock last night, and an en- young peonle, another field in which' gagement in Toronto today necessi- he has specialized, also have attracted tated his leaving in an equally hasty .attention. manner. As he left Hill auditorium, . Mr. Leacock expressed his apprecia- Mr. Maler is a native of Buffalo, and tion of the patience and kindness of a graduate of the New England Con- the Ann Arbor audience in waiting servatory of Music, where he was a for him. pupil of George Proctor. From there he went abroad and studied with Ar- "UITGON thur Schnaebel, returning to this* country in 1916. and beginning, that season his recitals with Mr. Pattison- 3rMr. Maier is also a teacher of dis- WILL , X U UE UU tstinction, with many years of experi- ence in Boston and New York, where "Th Union County Clarion" official both he and his wife were members newspaper of the Fair, will go on sale of the faculty of the Davis Mannes tomorrow afternoon and be sold again Music school. at the Fair tomorrow night. The Special features of his work in Ann paper is the official "razzberry" organ A rb ornextyear, in addition to pri- of the Union. vate teaching, will be classes in the Articles are published referring to principles of interpretation and the prominent campus professors, telling giving of recitals for young people. of imaginary sins that have made He will continue, at intervals during them appear in the "razzberry" lime- (the year, his public work, both as so- light, other articles telling of leading! loist and in association with Mr. Patti- sororities and the iniquities that have son, and during his absences his brought them into view, and sarcastic classes will be conducted by Mrs. ... . .bh'~ra of Maier. said after reading the mesage sent to the Washington publisher at Palm Beach on January 29 by Ira E. Ben-! nett, an editorial writer on.the Wash.- ipigton Post. Senator Heflin expressed the belief that the statemenit in the 'telegram that there would be "no resighations" was in -keeping with the published statement about thas time that Pres- ident Coolidge has said that he would1 not permit Secretary Denby to resign at th e time the senate was demand- dmn-ing his resignation. I think these two things are con- nected up," Senator Heflin said, "that they mean just what this telegram sets , out; that the 'principal' had been I seen ; that reaction in a political.way is expected; that there will be 'no rocking of the boat and no resign- ation.'"> Approximately 300 telegrams receiv- ed and sent by McLean and others at Palm Beach were examined at the two-hour executive sessions of the oil # committee and more than half a hun- dred were selected for reading into the public record, probably tomorrow, as being relevant to the inquiry, Wins Adelphi Speaking contest Samuel S. Bonello, '27, won the se- mi-annual Adelphi declamation con- test Tuesday night from a- group of 81 contestants at the regular weekly meeting of the society. He gave Web-J ster's Bunker Hill Oration. R. W. Johnson, '27, was awarded honorable mention. Announce Booth Change Sigma -'lhi Epsilon will take booth 53 in the Union fair, previously as- signed to Triangles. They will giveI away cigarettes to those whosucceed in knocking them over with cork-, loaded air guns. 'tlom o a off n ltarod.-r Qni throug E1 JOHNSON ASS ATIN f Musekegon, March 5.-(By A. P.)-1 Senator Hiram W. Johnson, Republi-1 can candidate in the Michigan presi-I dential primary, demanded "two-fisteds action against those involved in thet national oil scandal" in an address here tonight. "We need a Roosevelt in the ad- ministration who will go at this thing in a two-fisted manner,' he declared. "The'e is a demand for some one to whom right is right and wrong is Iwrong. - "It is useless to say that the $100,- 000 involved in the leases was a loan. IWhen the people are making a loan they do not stuff that amount of money, in greenbacks, into a satchel and carry it to New York, and deliver, it to a public official. It is also use- less to try and justify the leases. Pub- } S officials are not being bribed for worthless properties." S Thespeaker adhered closely to the! general platform he outlined in Grand Rapids when he opened his Michigan campaign Tuesday night. He assailed an alleged alliance between crooked business and crooked politics. The Teapot Dome scandal, he asserted, has brought the invisible government out into the open and removed all doubt as to its existence. local at difl for th tics. 7 asked the cl Fol Hobb: held mitte ested the m igh the Republican club. The club is one of many established Terent universities in the country e promotion of interest in poli- Theodore' Roosevelt, Jr., has been to speak at a future meeting of ub. lowing the talk by Professor s a general discussion will be at which everyone will be per- 4 to participate. Anyone inter- in politics is invited to attend aeeting. i i C j I 4 I CAMOUFLAE ENGINEER, TO SPEAKHERE TONIGHT Leacock Raps Co-Education "I may be somewhat old-fashioned, but I do not consider co-education a good thing," said Stephen Leacock as he swung into his taxi at Hill audi- torium last night. "Do not misunder- stand me, I consider that a woman is vastly better off to have had a college . a I tuiemers of the wuaxteraecit soci comments on the women memoeri . the student body of the University.!Iety listened to the reading of a paper The Clarion assumes the nature of a Urbana, Ill., March 4.-The Uni- on submarines written by Spiros D. scandal sheet in its makeup and the r versity of Illinois concert band left Vinieratos, '24E, at their regular chratr f h mteil on its annual, tour. meeting last night at the Union. character of the material used. Los Angeles, Calif., Mar. 5.-Mary Evans Charms At Recital In Garden- operatic prima donna, is re-. ported suffering from lumbago. She Spite Of Organ's Condition sang "Salome" here yesterday but fin- ished with difficulty and in-mediately _ took to her bed. Barry Russell Evans, as guest solo- own Reverie in G was received with A lecture upon "The Science of Col- or and Protean Colored Shadows" will be given at 7:30 o'clock tonight in room 348 Engineering building by; John M. Goodwin, camouleur of the' United States army during- the War. The lecture will be illustrated by slides. Mr. Goodwin is now instructor in color in the Research university ofj Washington, D. C. He will princi- pally discuss the truths in regard to color harmony, demonstrating the pro- portions of primary and secondary colors by mathematical tables and the relation of harmonious colored com- position by slides. education, but I do feel that men and women would both do better by them- selves. "There is no danger, in this age, of men not meeting members of the other sex," he continued. "Most of them, have a very extended acquaint.. anceship before they enter college, and without the presence of the wo- men they will apply themselves more vigorously to their studies and activi- ties. At the same time, the women are better off by themselves. Girls do not speak freely in mixed classes, and gain most of their information by ab- sorption, which does nothing toward developing their individuality. "Colleges in the United States and r Canada employ very similar methods,I Michiganensians will be sold for the last time today, the final day of the 'Ensian spring drive. With the clos ing of the campaign tonight no nor orders for theyear book will be take, either at the office or through the mail The price of the book, $6, must ac company all orders placed today- The privilege carried by the pledg cards signed during the fall drive ha expired and new subscriptions mus t be made by those who did not redeer their pledges within the time limi Comparatively few of the pladges re main unredeemed. Distribution of the 'Ensians will be gin about May 15, at' which time place of distribution will be announc ed. The necessity of retaining re ceipts is emphasized by the 'Ensia staff. Only those presenting properl filled out receipts will be given book. Today vLast Cance For Frolic Guest Applications for the 1927 Fros Frolic tickets will be given out fc the last time from 2 to 5 o'clock th afternoon at the booth in the lobby "There are but two subjects which one may talk about with a free imagination and without the possibility of being contradicted,, you may talk of your dreams, and ist at the T w terday afterm played an in ing again his ment, and h Evans emiplo vilight organ recital yes- much applause and commendation. He , I played it with fine feeling and exquis- oon in Hill auditorium, ttoefecs teresting program, prov- The bad condition of the organ made s ability with the instru- the playing troublesome for. the organ- his artistic skill. Mr. ist, but probably offered a liberal edu- yed a variety of pleas- cation in organ construction to the An a." n l a P , - . Senior Engineers Will Meet Today