k) 11 5, 1924 THE MICHIGAN, DAIL'Y Wawa . LASSIFIE C A$UL, ~O ADVERTISING. T DAILY CL.LSSIFIEXb RATES Charged at the rate of 12c per reading tine for one or two insertions reading line for three or more insertions. White space c~harged for rates. Classflleds charged only to those having phones. Ask about4 ,tor classified advertising. I~bcper ;reading line for lone or two insertions, 9c per reading three or more insertions, cash in advance. Minimumu, 3 lines p~er Classlii4 d Column Cmose.s at 1Uo'ClockNoo, Saturday, .: JWmmite-Ad.'Talcer" m F011BJ NT FOR 2, 3, or 4, satudents; suite of 3 rooms, 1-2 block from Union:. Call - 2161.. TY~PJEW1ITERS-Good machines. ForI rent " by dlay, week or month. 1S, A. Moran,' 711 N. Tiniversity, Room 2,I 2d floor. A SINGLE room, 1 student, $3. 72 E.I Kingsley, Call 579-R.I VI1RY ATTRACTIVE front room onI secoQnd floor. 702 Tappan =Rd. In- structor or bmusiness woman pr3- I fered. DOUB~LE ROOM, new house, shower, bath. Call evenings, 3,34 E, Jeffer- son. UPPE~R FRONT suite, nurses, teach- ers,- or bueiness women preferred. Call venings 300 Spring St. LEiADING' MAKES of~ typewriters in A=1 condition. Will deliver. Phone ,42-Rflarnilton Basiness College, Con' State 'and Williams. FOR KAUJ *FOUNTAIN PENS A NEAT job of Gold Leaf en on your Fountain Pen. 25c RIDER'S ;PEN SHC 302 State St WANTED HELP STUDENTS NOW Is the time the -De Luxe Laundry C( at fra ternity" houses and "n and $15 per week before yot 'the De Luxe Laundry Ct was designed by a postal cl meets every requirement.I most ;practical, sanitary an oical case made. Splend position;' make your extra ow.Addes De Luxe M' ta .Box 1, Toledo, 0. B--EA NEWSPAPER Corres- with the Heacock Plan and good income while learnin show yqu how; begin actual once; all or spare time; exj uninecessary; no canvassint for particulars. Newswriters ing Bureau, Buffalo, N. Y. JERO.ME JO ACHIN,' '26L, ha~ over $x,000 in profits in fou mers. Are you interested? 1273--W, C THIl NO RI RIDE tirush *Y. hiss a most attracti to make to students desiringt real money this summer -'v Try our Spring Vacation a trip and be convinced. '.or plarticulars phone 233-3 LA B.Abbott D: i 1-6 Daily Office Open at 336 S. 1)414 ai TYPVWRI'TERS, Underwood and Rem- ii'to.Godc machines, reasonab~le. .51 ;AMoran, 711 N. Univ. -Rom 2, 2d floor. .. Two COUPONS far. May' Festival tickets. $1.50 each plus cost of ad- vertisement. .826-J. POLIfCE PUPPIES for sale. 536 'Wal- ,t nut St. ,Phone 2966-R.. 1. Z4OST DIAMYOND RING, valued as keepsake. Phone 1.700-Mt. WEDNESDAY EVENING, Schaffer fountain pen, medium size. lFinder please retur~n to M. J. 'Boakmiler, 1393-M. 700 Tappan: Reward. ,, T"OL?,RS . C. Reward. Call ,1463-M. ! i IONDAY ON 12:00 North car or Cam- tbridge Rd. Patent leather coin purse containing keys, change and eight dollars in bills. Keys vale- able. Finder call Catherine Griffith 2730 and receive 'rword: TYPEWRITNG , PW ITING adMI4EGRAPHI promptly and eatly- done. 'Theses, students ntes ,and college work a leciaity. 0. D. MORRILLC The Typewriter & Stationery Store 17 Nickels' Arcade LL MAKES. Agency ,Noodstoci anid Oliver typewriters; Sundstrand Add- Sing, machine, Line-a-Time copy holders, rubber, stamps, ribbons, - hin aveu in sayth gr ate d h r .F olid o h i mmy e iatelyd 5 oftiiWido ,an n fo m the' penoof M r ..LI wih ofle'tnoDyAl- ftears i wa cmmtte p~1i -ogam olo'sseerl ohes. he' re.it tr ss"t. rQ. ' ief'aS-1 he i - -- C h ickc tioinsou"'o * 0 d s'-previou s' y bar uth n ;Mac.1 hy ~raoleI ' . qtg4J-: - -.- >- ''T 08-. ~ ~ m tigall aretreigh . N go i ti ns a e l er butom thee' Sl ' is t t' t . I . . --, ' 4 l C l ss duS to.- al a pl c a ts m um e d e- o n es 1 '. c h b rt . . ;' . , °te -a-'f ." > k -a . tn e $2 . 0 b ad, fe y.tw ofy b e d iat g .l , yF elice:Dorra n e ,', r,-;r:< l 1*)s S lioobo h a t e t m p p i a i n s a e R m n f o mrn{ro- =r'. ( 1 y~pi t o. $ 2 0 l t f r z o b t a i nbd .yO p 2W e i w k fu il;B l l m y..<, ,A W F -;You.ar.ifyou riseuea hOmorni gAHoC.M.BPiper. : C urrlan - dow aomtyou ae to openond ~rlspendco cenrvelyne rConrlin ,nrt Qn STe r fhe daygaddinhto you il e f R e A cco m pai n ts by L o s aE rvads; _'; <_ ,+i " ,, v e ri i g .T e y w r o er;e k :; 3 " ci m s . xy, - 'J~ , i: andk let health liabilities.tli4,,, 1' D w g tte e , H l e;lh n k a n; at n l. Y u ar f y omat a m al l a g e P u i n ai er T e e n ra dp bic~ F E-E;5 'i 'z"t :. coialulyinvs oited to a td.- "r ,i _ e #, he t r, _...... enougto s upp S lyer paetr c er il, and. I. ic d b t henit h en yonfed el lk e g enboa-co' cn-cert .- strictor. looks after it swallows a goat, -1Mrs. Byr Baelier -0Ill cond.ct a dis- ~ --- blame it'on a half-inch piece of cheese. cussioni group at 4 :I15 ;''cloc totor-. 0 - You .are if you're onie of those hero-- row afternoon for the members of 0. 4 ahot-is soul-s who feels that he is Mr. At- Student league of Matinee musicale. - Y. ealy as and just- ea t- see himself leaving''.l"he subject' of the afternoon is the-.- --'-- the- world. fiat on its, back while he program which 1Vue, " zpiin Bloom--. ,-- gives some attention to his health. fIhld Zeisle r will presert' here next - w And, worst of all, you're kidding Monday, under the auspices of Mat- ~A ~ t o m r i' clotes ourself when you refuse to admit that inee musicale. you're ,kidding yourself. exet Dame Nature keeps a great set .of a.betHer - '- ' 'I -- books. Accounts are rendered rogu-{ li rOr l . ---ad etsn larly and payments must be kept up.k When they fall 'behind she sends' : (otne from Page Six) final notice. If there are stiI enough ahsya' nortaksaoE- -. assets the bill must be paid, other- thies yar'sbeindoorepdtra odsason. te- ftTIY? wise, it means red ink. and bankrupt-treaebinacpe4odytth -- agigcy, Intramural office. - he l s- b siggie h dsnvegho g a fn te dan-. Don't forget that'Nature understands Bsebl will be played only to- ----/ al notice brings forth payment, from night and tomorrow night this week lF ~that -time on, she's: not keen about ox- as the gymnasium will be closed Fri credt fo a ong erio ofday out of respect for the Union fair. tieding nwsaporrskwe Foul shooting also will be held at time She know a oor isk henthe same time.j- she sees one. . aes all Instead of a framed; "Don't Park 7 o'clock tonight, Phi Delta Epsilon - one f Hee" r "Kep Silig" mttothevs. Delta Chi,, Phi Kappa Psi 'vs. Al- one f Hre"or Kee Smiing motothepha Rho Clhi, Alpha Tat Omega vs. oue on the des Of'Nature reads "Don't Kappa Nu, 7:45 o'clock. (R. 0--;T. C. . ~ --' Ejxtend health Credit" to People Whiotem)gopAv.gop-,-gru j- - --- '- -- Kid Themselves." 'ems-r p- s gop.I goI- C -- -' N.S." vs group . group E vs. group F, 8:30 - a e . I t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _o 'c l o c k s i " U p s il o n v "S 3 & m a : 1 4 - - -, - F r a t e n it y C o n f l~ e n e R e a m e d A c a c ia v s B e ta 'T h e ta P i, C a m p D a v is - Deciion to cha ge he ame of ileclub vs. N aval R eserves, 9 15 o'clock ' - - -Dal - ' Decsin o hage henae o hreArchitect society vs. Leaders ,clul, Snerfraternity conferncltwthas -Dukes vs -B&lonia literary cl'Iib, foul -- tefrtrwtacuciiwspasd nshooting on court four tonight.) - i'a last night 'by that -body. Wallace lM. . oco~c oorwngt eri Anrs-Flower, '24, president of the inter-fra- Junior college :vs. Saginaw-Bay City~ ternity council, reported on the nat- club, Olds house vs. Toledoians, Phi 1 ING ional interfraternity conference held Elks, vs. Gobs, 7:45 o'clock Barnes' - in Washinton, D. C. on December 1, all stars vs. Black and Blue, Starks'1 is for 1923 at which 59 nationa fraternities all staps vs. Detroiters, Harmonies vs. ~~A of all were represented. I,, .1t-a-Q-."?n ,r 1 -: ?lls'1-(1 . .. a, 1 . it't !$s j' i1 "; jri .- . i . '1 i ,, ;1, FUDENT LAUNDRY. cork. 825 S. Main. Careful homeI $31.5--36:50 SOPH PROM ticke~t. Call 1492-W. WO ENERGETIC students to sell "DOW PENCILS' t muing their spare time. For informiation 'write, Walt. Scherer, Daily Office. -AN INSURANCE- solicitor. Reply p ox 4 stating telephone Number for } appointment. A STUDENT TO wash dishes for board Shours ;12:30 to 1:30-5:30 to 6:30. Inquire Chief Operator's office, l .Michigan Bell Telephone Co. 3rd floor State Savings Bank Bldg. TY E WRITIRR REPAIRlM t TYPEWRITERS ~of the (lest standard makes $15.00 up. -Easy terms if desired. Renting, cleaning ~and repairing a specialty. "Largest stock In Ann .Arbor. - 0. D. MORRILL 17 Nickels' Arcade, !Dealer., L. C. Smith & Corona type- 'Writers. Typewriters supplies,] R-b-, her stamps, Rubber key caps, ribbons, ;carboan.paprer, etc. .' Extra pants $8.50-$9.51 This offer will only be good time, take advantage and came HORAC~E (LAVEAt 1 21. S. University WHY' PAY MORE? I will clean and press ,your for $1.00. Pronpt service and work. guaranteed. HERMAN the TAILOR 802 5. State. MISCELLANEOUS WAY LOOK 0ILD AT TIM Muscles Oils Facials lift -the s muscles. Violet Rays eliminat druff and restore your hair to"'t ter of .youth. ARCAD)IA BSAMJY SUOQ Room 21 NWuerth Arcad( Phone 1733-RL. TIRED OF THE same old Sund the time' Drop in and try our ice Cream Specials. ARBOR FOUNTAIN 313 S.- State. TRY OUR MTAH-JONG Sund, has the tango of the Orient. ARBOR FOUNTAIN 31:3 S. State SHOES REPAIRED while yov Full soles a specialty. 0. G.. 222 S. State. - DRESS31ARENG & TAILOR Exclusive collegiate style; young women. Needlework < I ,w r'1 MI ppr- N M kI, I OTJTAIN PAN INK INK is the life blood of your Foun- tain 'Fen. One filling of vicious ink vill spoil tl~e flow of your pen per- nanently. Take no chances, get aa bottle of our special formula Diamond Writng Filuid, "We guarantee it .the test. SRIDER'S PEN SHOP ' 302 State St. TEWTKSMT