i WEDNESDAY, MARCH 5, 1324 AL WvAYS THE BETFTER GRADE GRAHAM'S BO!TH ENDS OF THE DIAGONAL WALK to arouse studentL ite.rest in iona~lU Dear Jase : questions and make use of his influ- 'Toyu'entBetitaifx ence, has been made by the introduc-' think you could advise me. The oth-t tion of the student referendum.-u.This e a ntecmu tmldoe beginning may lead to greater things, a piece of paper. I picked it up and read it., SHALL IT PASS? Did I do wrong? Withf the passage in th~e state of Here's what it said: bregon' of a'aw hw ~ich will make the I~8.l'Mamia: exisenc.; f, pivae shool anof- Your Sonya Yvonne has attended the exstnc~of piat shol a firt a~i meeting of the srrt activgae sororatelaityiuaio fe~se ga~ tl.e tae lw, siuatonand her outlo'ok on life is so cha.ng- and a prcoblekn of national significancel ed. NO w I am going to try for the is again brought into the limelightI higher culture. I've already begun which sl puld c~eate more interest and' "The Ming in ;the Ma~king". It's very more debate than a 'score of Tea Pot dep {Mamma, you ask 'me if I'm playing Dome scandals, but which either from around with Dorothy. Dear me, I have lack of interest or, from the mere in! s little time now that I'm in the sor- ability of the American yeople to ority. It's so. unfortunate that the think clearly and concisel~, will be dear didn't get rushed. She's such a allowed to pass with but little notice. sweet girl-isn't it too bad she's not The law, as passed by the state legis-'i h ruYuse er ooi lature and approved by the voters, ties are founded on strictly sociologi-' makes public school education' corn- clpicpelylywti h pulsory, thus automatically banning~ group. aoha l rvt all a pri sf evateuandoprochhelschools Dear me, life is so tragic. Can't you Regrdlss f te ylueor he ackjust weep over the misfortunes,. the of value' fthiese schiools, it is a well- bte ' ite injustice, of our existence? We known ,;fact that thdy have had their4 girls, dust wept; at }the cinema the oth- °piade ,itn th?& growth of this country {er nighty they ara so instructive here. They have been the foundation and h s' Goi wnsnjs ogos bu~iltayutin wht hentinH~ er face' s} so 'tragic!' >ghe student's buil inthe tine wh4en public schopoli are so spontaneous in their applause. sy~tei. 'was' practik ally non existef t, iDear rito it'd rereshing tb hear} them and have given to ~the 'world and 'tosouanthipwhterfe. thsnation, n 1who have contribul d "'Yes iu ni ia, Ir hait give Dorothyk * muh to~th cbnfct ofthepres~your1 love. Always we. shall be friends da.That they have lost their effectfr- in~~eo orpstosi cii m'ess is' the contention of their en- tes mies, who claim that in the socil t' our _loving Saxya Yvonne.; ,'battle 11 ow lkiilg waged they have and MtAi-oa are proving; to be 'veritable founts of ' ** , .sjt~bbfsh tes4' and social discomfort. k The Rover. Boys' 'Veng'eancee-No. '5 Those who have placed themselves Our happy readers will recall that in;cefsse,