Sir i4au
No. 95
Opening Of King Tut's Tombe y
Reveals Unexpected beauty
McAdoo Appears In
Oil Lease Pro bel
Luxor, Egypt, Feb. 12-(By A.P.)- resented in has relief covered with
The greatest disdovery in the history leaves of solid gold more than twice
f life size, his serene and beautiful coun,
of E~gyptology, even as many claim, inanecvrdwt rgnt n
tenance covered with aragonite and a
archeology, was made this afternoon long upcurved beard of solid gold. Th
in the sepulchral chamber of Tutank- scepter which the king grasps in hi
hamen in the valley of the pyramids. hand is of golden wood more than
A gathering representing the elite three feet long.
of Egypt saw the lid of Tutankhamen's When all had assembled in the tomb
incrusted sarcophagus raised and a Howard Carter turned to a tall, swar-
stupendously magnificent case cover- thy Egyption secretary of state for
ed lith plates of solid gold brought public works and requested permis-
Ssion to begin the work of raising the
The moment was the most tremend- lid of the coffin. This was immediately
ous in the history of the dramatic dis- granted.
covery of Tutankhamen's tomb. By I "Gentlemen," said Mr. Carter, "We
general consent of those present the are going to raise the .earcopliagus and
mummy-form case which encloses the we hope to find the King within." Sc
king's mortal remains immeasurably I saying he placed himself at one of the
surpasses in splendor and beauty ev- ropes running through pulleys sus-
en the previous discoveries in this pended from either end of the coffin
tomb. and with four whiteclad native fore-
The mummy case is perfectly en- 1 men at the other ropes the work began
E ,
New English Cabinet Head Adlyses
Complete Investigation of
National Debt
London, Feb. 12.-(By AP)-In aj
calm atmosphere, though not devoid
of excitment and in circumstances
which a few months ago would haveE
been regarded. as impossible, the new
Labor Prime Minister J. Ramsey Mac-
Donald, today, announced the policy
of his government tosa crowded and
interested house. H1's speech was
characterized as able and well reason-
ed and he received compliments from
Stanley Baldwin and H. A. Asquith,I
leadersdrespectively of the Conserva-
tive and Liberal parties.
Seeks American Influence
The Premier intimated that he had
no intention of driving against parli-
amentary tradition and warned the
Hlouse that his government, equally
has no intentions of being driven
from office by marked party attack
and that he would claim the privileges
as a head of a majority government.
The Prime Minister's speech dealt
very eloquently with social problems!
and foreign affairs but he was ex-1
tremely optomistic concerning the!
better atmosphere already created in
France and hopeful that America
would be induced by the new spirit
invoked by his government to lendi
her invaluable aid eventually to the
promotion of the work of peace, as-
sociated with the League of Nations.
Investigate National Debt
One of the most interesting pass-
ages of Mr. MacDonald's speech was
devoted to national fnance. No allus-
iou was made to a capital levy
which it would be quite hopeless for,
a minority government to suggest,
apart from the fact that it was clear-'
ly .rejected by the country in the re-
cent elections. Mr. MacDonald was
strong for a complete investigation
into the whole subject of the national
debt in order to find out how heavily
the taxation to pay the interest on
this debts rests on trade and industry.
crusted. It is described as one of the At last a halt was called and the lid
most wonderful of its kind that has remained suspended a good three feet
ever been found. The Pharoah is rep- above the coffin.
Waldon, Connelly, Lay, Hirst, Bennett
Mix Words in Spirited Battle on
Proposed Measure'
Thomas P. Henry, of Detroit, presi-
dent of the American Automobile as-
sociation, delivered the principal ad-
dress before a smoker of the Highway
Engineering conference last night at
the Union, speaking upon "The Hgi-
way Improviement Platform of the
American Automobile Association."
President Marion L. Burton was pre-
vented from speaking as announced
because of the special meeting of the
Ilaard of Regents, but will deliver his
speech upon "Public Service" at this
afternoon's s ssion of the conference
)n his talk Mr. Henry outilned his
hopeS for the financing of highway
Iiuilding for the next five or six years
as well as giving a short resume of the
President Warmly Greeted at Liin-
coin Day ,Dinner in
New York
New York, Feb. 12-(By A.P.)-j
President Coolidge arrived from Wash-
ington at 4:33 o'clock this afternoon
in the midst of a snow storm, to ad-
dress the National Republican club at
its annual Lincoln Day dinner today
at the Waldorf Astoria hotel. The
terminal and streets leading to the
Women's club house were patroled by
200 police and scores of plainclothes
men were scattered through the crowd,
that lined the snowcoverec side walk.
The president doffed his hat and smil-
ed in response to the cheers of the
The, procession moved slowly be-
cause of the blinding snow.
During the dinner the President
joined the diners in singing the
"Battle Hymn of the Republic". It
was 9:45 before president Nathantal
Eleberg of the National Republican
club rose to introduce the speaker of
the evening.
Mrs. August Belmont read Lincoln's
Gettysburg address and at the con-
clusion Chauncey M. Depew rose toI
lead wave of handclapping.-
Senator Wadsworth of N. Y. the
first speaker, eulogized Lincoln.
Chairman Green Belives Final Con.
sideration Will Occur in
Ten Days
JR 1925
\ail order applications for ticketsj
r the 20th annual Junior Girls' play,f
hank You, Madam", which the class1
1925 will give March 18-22 at the
hitney theatre will be received un-
March 8 by Edna Kadow, business
inager, 1503 Washtenaw. Applica-'
n blanks have been sent to alumnae
Ann Arbor and near-by cities.
Six performances of the play, ,i-
iding a matinee on Saturday will
given this year. The opening per-I
-mance Tuesday, March 18, will be
3sented in honor of the senior wo-1
n but the five other performances
li be open to the general public.
Prices for seats at the play are as
lows: lower floor and the boxes
50; first four rows in the balconyk
00; second four rows in the bal-,
ny, $1.50; remainder of the balcony
00. The gallery will not be open
mittances should accompany all or-
rs for tickets in order to receive at-
ition. Checks should be made pay-
le to the Junior Girl's play. Tick-
ordered by mail will be sent out
er March 8.
I Atlanta, Georgia, Feb. 12-(By A.P.)
--William Joseph Simmons, Emperor
M and founder of the Ku Klux Klan has
disposed of his right, title, and inter-
est in the Invisible Empire and re-
nounced his monthly annuity of $1,-
000 for a consideration of $145,000 in
cash, Imperial Klomsal and chief of1
staff to Imperial Wizard, Hiram Wes-
E ley Evans, announced today.'
In the terms of the contract which
was made today, Simmons agreed to
cease all opposition to the Klan and
to the administration of Imperial Wiz-
ard Evans and promised not to take
part in any organization or movement
having for its purpose the corruption
or interference with the Klan.
BONUS BILL SHELVED 0iork of the A.A.A. in the past few
FOR REVENUE ACTON years. He also very definitely urged
the repeal by congress of many of theI
W n F , A exorbitant taxes now levied upon the {
(Washington, Feb 12,-(By. AP)- motorists of the nation.
By informal agreements made today, ImrofisEdmund E. Day, of the eco-
House leaders began to confine gen- n-Mics department poside over tlm
era] debate on the tax reduction bill ; i~ - .~ while~ Fran V Rodgers
to three or four days. It is to be st:. hiw issioner, andgr
taken up on the floor Thursday to stte highway commissioner, and Dr {
tanup dsson f the orThur t Frank H. Dixon, '92A, professor of ec-,
insure disposition of the, measure .in oois tPiceo nvestalso;
the House within three weeks at the oke. Dr Dixon ubjet a o
n10st'nd osibl intI spke. .Dr..Dixons subject was 'Co-'
mo't~nd osiby i to.operation 'Versus Competition inI
Chairman Green of the ways and pTransportation Service".
means committee and RepresentativeTt Debate Gas Tax
Garner of Texas, Democrat, expressed At teafternooat session, over which:
the hope that general debate on the At He pe si a , ebate
bill could be concluded on Monday and . was held upon the proposed state gas
that the income rate, would be taken Ia egh .aon moosehicles o.
up Tuesday and disposed of within weighttax on motor vehicles. Col
two Tuday dSidney D. Waldon, past-president of'
two days. the Detroit Automobile club, and fore-
Discussion on the bonus bill to- most leader in the state against the
day has developed the opinion in the tax opposed Senator William M. Con-
committee that it could not be given nelly, chief proponent of the bill in
consideration before the tax bill isW the state senate.t
disposed of. Chairman Green said, the .ta te.Lh
however, the bonus measure would Prof. Walter E. Lay, of the echan-
be first on the program of the con- alegnrigdatm t, av
mittee on the floor after the revenue some technical arguments on the sub-
bill is finished. ject, most of which seemed to favor
b_________nished._the tax. Following the debate, the,
meeting was thrown open to general
discussion and Colonel Waldon was
T CP questioned on his stand. The confer-
ence seemed to be in favor of the tax,
IT U principally because any funds, in no
matter what law they are secured, are
welcome to the men who have tc
TProf. Edward R. 'ner of the his- build and maintain the roads.
Itry department has accepted a i- A. R. Hirst, state highway engineer
Von on the English history P0a pof of Wisconsin and Charles J. Bennett
tio ontheEngishhisoryfaculty of until recently state highway commis-'
Yale university is was announced yes- sioner of Connecticut, presented their
terday. He will assume his new post views on the tax, as seen from the
S e24-192pening of the acadettc year standpoint of their own states.
Professor Turner has been associ-' Blaanclard Represents i'nivergity
ated with the University since 1911 Prof. Arthur H. Blanchard, of the
and his freshmay class inyEnglish his- highway engineering department
tory has long been one of the most who is directing the gathering for the
popular on the campus. He has writ- University, presided over the morn-
ten numerous works on English and ing meeting, at which Capt. W. S. Gil-
European history. Professor Turn- breath, manager of the Detroit Auto-
er is regarded as one of the fore-- mobile 'club, spoke on "The Highway
most historical scholars of the United Department's Duty to Protect the Us-
States. er of Its Highways."
Other speakers were: Mr. Hirst, whc
presented "The Slogan of a Progres-
W himsies Appears sive Highway Department," and
Camp s nĀ©Charles E. Hill, general safety agent
To~s10 ay of the New York Central Lines, who
talked on "Safety Regulations at
Whimsies, "Michigan's Literary Mag- Highway Crossings".
azine" will appear on the campus for Today's program includes three
the second time during the present meetings in room 348 of the Nest En-
school year this morning. Ten con- gneering building. At the morning
tributors have written for this issue session the principal topic of discus-
and the medley of short story, verse sion will be gravel roads. Albert R
and essay is livened by an editorial by Bailey, engineer-manager of the board
'Lawrence H. Conrad of the rhetoric of Washtenaw county road commis-
department, whose novel "Temper" sioners; G. C. Diiman, deputy state
has lately appeared in Ann Arbor. highway commissioner of Michigan
Copies of Whimsies may be obtain-' and others will touch different phases
ed at the Library at any time today. of this problem.
Professor Blanchard will also speak
Sofia, Feb. 12.-The naturalization at the morning sessioh, presenting the
agreement with the United States was educational facilities of the University
ratified by the Bulgarian parliamentin highway engineering and trans-
Monday. port. The afternoon meeting will be
given over to Preident Burton, as
the proposed inspection trip of Wash-
MARCH 1 SET AS FINAL DATE ( tenaw county gravel test roads was
+ TO PAY PLEDGES ON 'ENSIANS ( called off on account of the heavy
snow. Movies of road machinery and
March 1 has been set as the { highway construction methods will be
final date for payment of pledged {1shown in the evening. The confer-
f Michiganensian subscriptions. ence will close tomorrow night with
Payment of the specified five l a banquet at the Union.
dollars may be made every after- j
( noon at the Michiganensian bus- YOST ADDRESSES
{ mess offices in the Press buildingt H1UDSON GR EN
(from 2 to 5 o'clock. If payment 'SO GRD E
Two Motor Cars Presented to Party
Will be Shipped Direct to
Priiate DonatIons Suffielent to Fin-
anee Undertaking for Two
Years '
Seven scholars each a distinguished
authority in his field, have been named
by Prof. Francis W. Kelsey, of the
iLatin department to comprise the staff
of the University Near East expedi-
tion. Professor Kelsey, who was nam-
ed by the University as director of the
expedition, states that with the ac-
ceptance of these men of the invita-
tions tendered them, the complete suc-
cess of the undertaking is assured.
Prof. A. E. R. Boak, of the Univer-
sity history department, is the mem-
ber of the party who has madle a spe-;
cial study of papyri. Prof. David M.
Robinson, of Johns Hopkins univer-
sity and Prof. Thomas Callander, of:
Queens university; Kingston, Ontario .
are well known for their long study
and knowledge of inscriptions, and
Prof. H. G. Evelyn White, of Leeds}
university, England, is a specialist inĀ°
Coptic, an Hamitic language which1
was in use at one time in the landsj
through which the expedition expects
to travel. Mr. George R. Swain whoI
is to be the official photographer, is
extensively known for his ability and
skill with the camera. Enoch E. Pet-'
erson and O. W. Qua lley, both students
in the classics at this University, and
candidates for the doctor's degree, are
also included in the expedition.'
To Photograph Records
The main object of the expedition;
according to Professor Kelsey, is "to!
photograph and by photography to
preserve the written records which
are now in danger of being destroyed."
For this purpose, Mr. Swain has equip-'
ped himself with four cameras of var-
ious sizes, although no moving pic-
tures are to be taken. "In my opin-
ion," said Mr. Swain, "the value of the
moving picture for purposes of ser-
ious study is not to be compared with
the still slide. With the latter it is
possible to make a minute and pro-
longed study of any particular scene:
or thing, while with the moving films
such careful and painstaking work'
cannot be accomplished."
Two motor cars have been present-
ed to the expedition, Mr. and Mrs.
Howard Bloomer, of Detroit, giving a
Dodge sedan, which is equipped to
withstand the unimproved roads of As-
ia Minor. The second motor car is a
Graham truck, given to the expedition
by Messrs. Robert, Joseph, and Roy'
Graham, comprising the firm of Gra-
ham brothers, makers of the truck.
Directors Withdrawal Ends I
)issention Among
Medic Heads
Factional dissention in the adi
istration of the University hosi
was brought to an end last n
when the'Board of Regents, at a s.
ial meeting called by President i
ion L. Burton, accepted the res
ation of Dr. Christopher G. Par
director of the University hospital
William G. McAdoo'
William G. McAdoo, candidate for
the Democratic presidential nomina-
tion, appeared yesterday before the
investigating committee to explain
further his employment as 'counsel by
E. L. Doheny, and his actions in the i
protection of the Doheny oil interests
in Mexico. Mr. Doheny said he paid
McAdoo $25,000 in retainer fees.
Announces Ito Will Leave It to His
State Managers Concerning
. Implications
Washington, Feb. 12-(By A.P.)-
William G. McAdoo announced to-
night that he would leave to the leader;
of his movement in each state the
questI n of whether his employment'
in the council of the C. L.Dohney Oil
company had made him unavailableE
as a candidate for the Democratic
presidential nomination.
A request for a meeting of demo-
cratic leaders, men and women as
soon as possibe is made by Mr. Mc-
Adoo in a letter to David L. Rockwell
rfhi hicrm nif~ a.Tnar in
professor of administrative medicii
Harmony Impossible
In his communication to the R(
ents, Dr. Parnall stated that lack
harmony throughout the hospitalc
ganization and the unreconcilabil
of his views of administration a
those of others in authority fore
lim to sever his connection with t
Uiniversity. The resignation is to ta
efect June 30, 1924.
Following is the communication
Dr. Parnall to the Board of Regents
"It is obviously futile to expect st
cessful results in the administrati
of the hospital without a spirit
hiarmony prevailing througout the c
ganization. As it is impossible, u
ier the present circumstances, to t
concile my own views of adminisi
ation with those which prevail,
other course is open to me than
sever my connection with the Univf
I, therefore, hereby tender my rf
ignation as director of the hospil
and professor of administrative mei
cine to take effect June 30th, 19:
My resignation now will allow y
ample opportunity to select my st
cessor or to take such action as y
may desire."
Regents Laud Services
Following discussion of the co:
munication, the Regents passed, t
following resolution:
"Be it resovled that the resignati
of Dr. Charles G. Parnall be accept
with regret and that the Board of F
gents hereby conveys to Dr. Parn
its genuine appreciation of the sE
vices which he has rendered to t
University of Michigan as director
the hospital."
Dr. Parnall came here in 1918 fr
Jackson where he headed the Jac
son hospital, to direct the Univers
hospital. Later he assumed the add
dutes of professor of administrati
When consulted last night, Dr. P;
nall declared that his plans for I
future were undetermined. He r
clined to make any further comm(
upon his differences with the Medii
School authorities. Dean Hugh Cal
of the Medical School, also rerum
to make any statement regarding' t
Union Registers
ff Additions
Made By 'Ensian All New Students
Both of the cars are to be boxed in De- Of'io, nis caign ma haul i
troit, and shipped directly to.Antwerp charge of national headquarters atf
Belgium, where they will be met by Chicago. The letter was. made public
the expedition. here tonight by Mr. McAdoo.S
Leave in Aixi"l pthe former secretary also askedS
Plans as to date are somewhat in- "that there be invited to the confer-c
definite, according to Professor Kel- ence both representives and progress-t
sey, but the expedition expects to leave ives outside of the Democratic party,
some time early in April. Mr. Peter- representatives of the Farmers and
son is now in Edinburgh, Scotland any oters you tkad
but plans to join the party in Paris in dcv that we may as far as possile,
April. Professor Boak and Mr. Qual- determine a true index of public opin-
ley expect to finish out the term here ion."
at the University, and1 have made no
plans for joining the others as yet.
Mr. Swain is to leave for Englarxd
immediately, and will, like Mr. Pet-
erson, join the party when they all
meet in Paris in April. 11111111fl1
Nothing is known concerning thet
exact route which will be followed ine f "Poetry"
the trip from Antwerp through France Harriet Monroe,, er Poetry"
and Italy. Eventually the party will will lecture on "The New Poetry" at
divide into two sections, one operat- S o'clock tonight in Sarah Caswell An-
ing in Asia Minor, and the other in gelshail under the auspices of the
Egypt, and in this way, it is thought Whimsies lecture series. This will be
a greater field will 'be covered and a the second lecture of the series, the
a geatr feldwii b coere an afirst having been given by Vachel !
greater number of perishable records f firsavg bee g
photographed and in this way preserv- ;Lindsay, several weeks ago.
I ed or al tie. 'miss Monroe has been intimately r
Finances for the expedition have associated with the development of
Ibeen obtained entirely from private do- poetry, especially in the Middle West,t
enations, and nothing is to be received for many years. Since establish'ngt
afrom the University treasury. Accord- "Poetry" at Chicago, twelve years ago,
ing, to Professor Kelsey, sufficient Miss Monroe has been the first to
funds a'e provided for a trip of twoi recognize and encourage several of:
funs ae povied or trp o tw he best known of the newer poets',
years, although no plans for such an amongw n os thendsey.poe
extnsie ndetaing hae benj aon whom is Vachel Lindsay. Shet
extensive undertaking have been has been 'instrumental in awarding
prizes in 'the last decade to various
men of recognized literary merit.
Tokio, Feb. 12. The municipality Among those thus honored is Robert
will conduct festivities in April coin- Aogtoetu ooe sRbr
Frost, holder of the followship in cre-
memorating the Prince Regent's wed- ative arts here in the last two years.
ding. The cost will be $100,000. . Miss Monroe is known also for heri
own work in poetry, as well as for
' the preparation, in collaboration with
DAILY TRYOUTS REQUESTED I Alice Corbin Henderson, her associate
I TO MEET THIS AFTERNOON in the direction of "Poetry", of an an-
dm nthology of modern verse under the,
All second~ semester freshmenItte"TeNwPtr.
, - -1 - -I tile,"Te Nw oety.
The following appointments to the-
isiness staff of the 1924 Michiganen-
an were announced last night: sales
ilson Graff, '26, William Howard
; accounts, Frederick Phelps, '26;
[vertising, Joseph Gandy,-#26, Robert
ohler, '26E; collection, Francis Day-
'26; organizations, Clark Simmons
Everything you want is listed
on page seven: Rooms, board,
real estate, valentines, typewriters,
fountain pens, tailoring, cleaning
and pressing, shoe repairing, fur-
iif,nAr.n,1,'inea' ae.. Tf vi,,'u iE
Beginning today andU lasting tnrough
Friday, the Union will conduct a spe-
cial registration of new students. A'
committee under Milton Peterson, '25
will be stationed in the lobby every af-
ternoon from 2 to 5 for that purpose
Karl Robertson, '25E, is in charge
of a directory of new men students,
This will be run in conjunction with
the registration.
Organist To Give
Twilight Recital
Palmer Christian, University organ-
ist, will play the following program at
the twilight organ recital at 4:10 o'-;
clock this afternoon in Hill auditor-
Fantasia in G minor, Bach; Gavotte
Enrollment in the literary colle
continued to grow yesterday as ma
late arrivals registered and paid I
usual fine for late registration. I
tween 300 and 400 students who w.
not in the University last semesl
have registered in this college. T
includes transfers from other colleg
first semester freshmen and studei
who have been away from the Univ
sity for several semesters and are
entering. -
More than 80 new students had f
rolled in the graduate school 1
night. The majority of those reg
tering were students who were tra
ferring from other colleges.
Cygnus Now Alpha Kappa Lambd
Cygnus, local house club, has be
made a chapter of Alpha Kappa La
bda,. national fraternity, it was lea
ed yesterday.
IRepresentatives from all fra-
ternities and campus groups in-
tending to have a concession at
the Union Fair that will be held
March 7 and 8 in the Yost field
house are asked to get in touch
31 with the 'Fair committee some