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March 05, 1924 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1924-03-05

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VOL.. XXXIV. No. 113





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Great Britian, PlansTo Bind
EmpireTogethter'With Radio
London, March: 4-(By A.P.)-'Great Vincent, Grenada, and Barbados, form-
Britain is igoing to 1Uuild wireless sta- inig a cresent shaped Archipeligo in
tions and lay down cable lines in the the eastern meridian.
IThe stations will, be. operated by the
near future in its possessions verging pacific cables board under the joint
the meridian seas in order to link them 'control of the Imperial government
together with the mother country'and and the government of Canada, Aus-
prevent the Imperial communica- tralia and New Zealand.
Lions from falling into the hands of New cables will be laid from Grand
foreigners in case the private Ameri- Turk island to Grenada with spurs to
can negtiatin s r purchasing the Trinidad and British Guinea..
present French cables in the West In- These extensive plans are in accord-
des are' consummated. ance with the government's policy of
Contracts have been granted for the closely linking the colonies in all lines
radio to a communication company of of communication with the mother
Great Britain for erecting and equip- country. Work on the radio stations
ping a chain of seven high powered and in laying the cables will be under,
wireless stations on the Island of St taken within the next few months, it is

List of Distinction To Include
Students of Exceptional


For the purpose of publicly recog- Kitts, Antigua Domica, St. I
nizing those students who have dis-
tinguished 'themselves by scholastic
achievements, the University will hold
an Honors Convocation, May 8, in Hill INSIS
auditorium, it was announced yester-
day by Dean Hugh Cabot of the Medic-
-al school, chairman of the Senate
Council committee, naraed to direct the
The convocation will be a gather- House of Lords Adopts Resol
ing of the entire, student body and - Providing Suitable
faculty with the honor students oc- Protection
cupying a reserved section at the
front of the main floor. The stu- PRESENT POLIUY DOES NO"
dents for distinction will be the high- ADEQUATELY DEFEND
est ten percent in the classes in all
colleges ofthe University among London, March 4-(By A.
those who receive degrees during the House of Lords today regis
calendar year 1924, thus including in disapproval of the specific u
addition to the regular June graduates o William Leach, undersecr
both those who received diplomas at air, in outlining the govern
the end of last semester and .those policy on Feb. 20, in the F
who will be given their degrees at Commons. The lords adopted
the conclusion of the 1924 Summer revision a motion presented
Session. In addition to these students Marquis of Londonberry:"
certain others will be admitted, if house, while earnestly desir
the committee in charge are satisfied ther limitations of armamen
that their intellectual achievements as is consistent with the sa
are such as to warrant it. Students integrity of the ena e, affir
holding fellowships in the Graduate principle laid down zy the1
school and winners of the various ernment and expected by the.
prizes offered for public speaking will ; conference, that Great Brita
probably be included in the supple- maintain a .home defense air
mentary list. sufficient strength to give,
President Marion L. Burton will protection against air attack
preside at the gathering and will de- strongest air force within stri
liver the principai adress upon some ta'nce off their shores".
subject appropriate for the occasion. Undersecretary Leach in,
The proposal -that such a convo- 1 marks in the:House of Comm
cation be. held originated in the deans nounced that the government
conference where it -was felt that the 1 cided to maintain the late
men "and women of the'University who ' ment's policy, and add no inc
have pursued successfully the things the air force for the present.
of the mind,.sh'ould beb ored 1 el that the governmenrt toui
University, thins-emo Mk to some ex- deterred from takingsdvahtag
tent the psent empasi p at movement in the diirecti4n of
letic si ceps in colge. rament and wohld welcee
The Uian was accordingly submitted Washingtpn conferences
to the University Senate, which ap- Londcmberry,:'who way'fdrfi
proved the,...scheme and designated secretarysaid tha't his motion
Dean Hugh, Cabot, Prof. Ralph Cur- Inead an. attack -on the 'governr
tiss of tihe astronomy department, and TMr/ Leach's ,speech had , rais
Prof. Henry C. Anderson of' tb n- mntiisivings. concerning 'the ''c
gineering college as a comnmittee to 6Isafety that, categorical' as
arrange for -it. The Board of Re-were' imperativ.e regarding t
gents sanctioned the convocation at tinuity of the country's air def
their December meeting, view of France's overwhelmin
iority in the air.

Lucia, St. felt.

lution fr
tered its
etary for
ument air
House of
d by .the
"that theI
ing fur-
t so. far
fety and
rmed the
late gov-
ain must
force of
by the
king dis-
his re-
ions an-.
had de-
crease in.,
He add-
,not be
;e of any
disarm -
'a new
ne'Py air
n'id not
rent 't'it
ed 'such
he con
enses inii
g super- I

Campaign will be Conducted on Direct
Sale Basis'from Tables Placed
on Campus
A last opportunity to purchase a
1924 Michiganensian, all-campus year
book, will be offered during the 'En-
sian spring drive to be held on the
campus today and tomorrow. No 'En-
sians will be sold after tomorrow and
no -extra books will be ordered.
The drive is to be conducted on a
direct sale basis, no subscriptions be-
ing taken without money. The privil-
I ege carried by the pledge cards sign-
ed during the fall drive expired yes-
terday. Those who signed pledge
cards and did not pay before the ex-
piration of the time limit must make
out new subscriptions. The price of
the book during this drive will be $6.<
Tables where subscriptions wil lbe
taken will be located in front of the
library, at engi'neering arch and at the
west end of the diagonal. Members
of the 'Ensian staff will be at the
tables all day to take subscriptions.
During the fall drive approximately,
3,000 subscriptions for ..the 'Ensian
were obtained ahd it is expected that
this nuihber will be greatly increased
during !the springcampaign. The large
nlumhber of subscriptions t'aine din
the fall,ade possible a book 'o figh-
'quality thaun in past 'years, acord-
S niembers of the' 'Enslin 'staff.
New York, March 4.-(By AP)-Pro-I
ceedings for the extradition of Ralph
Thurber, a prisoner in Tentonville,
prison, England, who had implicated
himself and a number of other per-j
sons in the Wall street explosionI
Sept. 15, 1920, which resulted in the
death of 30 persons and injuries to
scores of others, will be begun only
after a thorough investigation. of .his
alleged confession.
Officials of the ,dstrict attorluey's ,
office in announoiig. this- tonight'
pointed out that many persons under
arrestin' various parts; of the. world1
had asserted they had, had.important
roles in the explosion case.
Thurber's confession was made pub-
lic today by district attorney. Van-
tom., It had previously been forward-
ed frQpiithe American .council gen-
eral in h ondon throug4 secretary of
state Hughes and Governor Smith.
PTITr n1i fTP. nrtirarn

OF $2200
Miss Margaret Quayle, New York City,
Continues Speak ig Before
With the campaign for a Michigan
kitchen as the University'spart of the
nation-wide Student Friendship Fund
well under way officials feel confident
that the goal of $5,000 will be raised
by the end of the iweek. More than
$600 was turned ii yesterday from
the campus booths .and other indivi-
dual contributions, it was announced.
This brings the total to date up to
The drive carried on among the
faculty is expected o net $1,000, offi-
cials predict. A part of this money
is already in. Many faculty men have
given liberal amou ts, it was said.
It is hoped to receire some donation
from every member.
Miss Margaret Quayle, of New York
City, has spoken at several fraternity
houses this week, with, the result
that every donation received from
these campus organizations has been
over $50. Miss Quayle spent four
years among the students in Eastern
European countries and her experi-
ences "over there" are said to be
unusually interesting.. She has en-
gagements through Thursday night,
there being only four opportunities
left to obtain her on the following
days. Arrangements may be made
through Egbert R. Isbell, '26L, chair-
man of the drive.
A pledge of $200 was made last!
night by the Junior Research club at
their regular meeting. The contri-
bution is to be handed over to the
committee immedately.- It is believed
that many other organizations will
follow the example set by this group.
Adelphi House of Representatives also I
voted a donation at their meeting r
last night.
"The entir ,presen' day relgigous I
situation may be summed uts' with' a'
realization .of. the, fact:that there isJ
no' longer anything out of tie" ordin-
any in being a heretic," said Prof.
Preston Slosson, of the history depart-
ment, speaking before the Institute
of .Religious Education last night.
Professor Slosson gave a short out-
line of the history of religious devel-
opment. He said that there are to-
day too many diversions, such as the
motor car and the theater, and that
"people have not actually rejected
the* ideas and the teachings of their
forefathers, but simply haven't the
time to -think about them."
,I 1K. Dunn, '24, president of the Ora
tfo iil Association, spoke at the first
of the three sessions of the evening.
B erkeley Readay"
1'ors "C" Sirks
Berkeley, Cal., March 4-After three
weel;s of preparation the entrance to
the mammoth' "big top" will - be
thrown open at 7 o'clock tomorrow
night ,an the "C" Sirkus will be oh. i
Princess Bombo, the Nubian seeress
who s internationally renowned, is
billed as one of the headiners of the 1

A booth will be occupied by the
Great Carl Zamloch, famous Hindu
magician, whose greatest feat is that
of the disappearing woman. Many'
other features will be presented and ;
all indications point toa big success.
Surviving members of the class of
1879 are planning their 45th anniver-
sary, which will be held-soon. Of the
61 graduates,..26 are now .living. The
total enrollmient of the class in the
fmeshman year numbered 119; of thete.
45 remained to. graduate -in '79,'and
10 others joined in the class during
the sophomore and junior' years.
The class secretary, L. L. Van
Slyke, uigently requests each living
member of the class to write him at'
once, making correction of .any error
of the class record given above, and
stating whether it will be. possible for
him to be present at the reunion.


Measure Provides for Sale of Two
Nitrate Plants and Lease of
Power Danms
Washington, March 4-(By A.P.)-
Henry Ford's offer for Muscle Shoals,
pending before congressional commit-
tee for more than two years, finally,
reached the floor of the House today.
Under an agreement limiting debate
to ten hours, the McKenzie bill, pro-
viding for acceptance of the bid, was
taken up, with a final vote 'in sight
before the end of the week.
As the discussion got under way, the
proposition of the Detroit manufac-
I turer was alternately commended and,
attacked. Repredentative McKenzie.


Regular Oratorical Lectures Series
Program Will Be Completed
With This Number
"Rediscovering England", is the
subject of a lecture to be delivered
by Stephen Leacock, internationally
known humorist, at 8 o'clock tonight
in Hill auditroiuni. Mr. Ljeacock's
address will be the last regular num-
ber on the program of the University
Oratorical association.
Besides being the author of such
famous works as "Nonsense Novels",
"Behind the ]leyond", and "Moonbeams
from the Larger Lunacy," and -a lec-
turer of ability, Mr. Leacock has for
-- ---*---- -----" - y~' ~ cioe stcens o





Film Actress Who
Will Visit Here


Barbara LaMarr
Miss LaMarr, motion picture actress
of international fame, will be at the
Union Fair unless unforseen circum-
stances intervene. A letter has been
received from her by Thomas Lynch,
'25L, president of the Union, saying
that she would attend. She is at
present in New York working on her
latest. picture,."The White Moth", and
will stop over for the fair on her re-.

Al4tl_- wl4LL LII ll 11I 4 ome years Deen a close students of
Republican, Illinois, led the fight in turn to the Pacific coast. economic affairs, and is at present
behalfof the offer, while the oppo- heading the department of political
sition rested chiefly in the hands of poiia
four Republican members of the mil- economy at McGill university.
refual f te bd-Rpreentaive BA BA LA ARHStephen Leacock, although horn in
itary committee which recommended England, and a Canadian citizen at
Mrfusa oP the bid -;eH resI na tivespresent, is, nevertheless, as several
Morin, Pennsylvania; Hull, Iowa; Hill.Irfl I fl critics have stated it, "highlyAei
former assistant secretary of war canized". He spends a great por-
As reortethe____n____ I rotion ofhstime in the United States,
fomrassatsceayo wr ino i iei h ntdSae,-g T EDAs reported, the McKenzie bill pro- ___ and most of his literary output dealq
vides for the sale to Mr. Ford of the : and mhstoustry
two nitrate plants at Muscle Shoals W World Famed Motion Picture Actress with this country.
with the understanding that he is to Accepts Invitation Mr. Leacock is a graduate of Upper
manufacture fertilizer there, and the To Pageant Canada college, Toronto. At the Uni-
asgIss d _rversity of Chicago he specialized in
leasing of dams numbers 2 and 3 .r4eoomcnn
the development of power. The mea- FILM STAR TO SPEND DAY economics and political science and
sure was commended by the commit- HERE AS GUEST OF UNION was given his master's degree. In
tee to provide 'forthe replacement by 1903 he was awarded the' degree of
the government of the Gorgas steam doctor of philosophy. Since that time
e oernm ent so Go teAa- Barbara LaMarr, motion picture lMr. Leacock has received degrees
power plant, recently sold to the Ala- actress of international fame, will from several other institutions.
bama power company. probably be i guest at the Union Fair I Mr. Leacock's lectures are chamact
that will be held Friday and Saturday erized by their observational type.
111111 'nights. A letter received by ThomasI He. talks just as he ,peaks with that
ou WO E v AE Lynch,.'25L, president of the Union, delicate satie that,'ever leaves a
s LaMarr, stated t smile where others leave a sting."
would be in this. part of the coun--
try at the time and would make every
PI U O I effort to attend.
A copy of the letter from Miss La-
Jnuua u ,attention isdeing, devoted Iain to Lynch is reprqd.uced on page
to the preprat,ons for the ~20th 'an- 2of' this, is sue ,of the. Daily.
Tasa heoafc1et2ncwl 'of the invitation to
ka12 ne Which the class of 1925 will appear at the Fair came. from Miss''
present ki'rh 1-22,atthe Whitney ;Laarr foljowing;theA sending of'a
theatre. One hundre d fifty junior l th sIn a meet replete with thrills, Mi-
ndtelegram to her at her. New' Yor~k -u' resJ r deetdte .A-
,,omen will take dart irn the produe Ihoiie. She' stated that she would' be i ' vetes,'fetdte4.A&'''
Lion, hich ill iic~ude-. 17 '<ttfsicalgrapplers, last ,nlight at teYs;il
tn whcili d1 Ie ins phis sectionof thecountry; during o se. The finalscore was 11 to 9
arld dancing nuiitierfi'WNitll h 'esil-th Fai an"woulWbel11 to 9.pt
u the Fair and would be glad to accept The outco ue of the meet was ii
the invitatipn to appear if no otherdoubt until after the final match in
J-osephine ' Stearus,'25 the play was ilemincAs ArbrvMis- ' which. Galloway, of Michigan, a 163
from a grou of 24 man While in Ann Arbor, Miss LaMarr pounder, gained a decision over Eck-
selectedf and her party will be guests of the ert, a husky Farmer of 190 pounds.
heripts, whie the music and lyrics Union, Homer Heath, general man- At one time the men crashed into the
bes o the cwasttOrchestrn aiosfme ager, stated yesterday. It is probable { ropes with enough force to shatter'
music is being done by George S. Hirst that Miss LaMarr will remain in Ann 1 one up-right and demolish the ropes
of Brooklyn, N. Y., who is at present Arbor for only one day, appearing at I that enclosed the ring.. Galloway was
odrooklnN. Y., horsat prest the Fair only one of the two nights 1 the aggressor ,throughout the entire
conducting theg orh that it will be held. bout and tig e and again picked up his'
"Te Magic Ring." 'g'wMiss Laiarr has attained nation- heavier opponent and hurled him to
wide fame through her work with the the floor.
Associated Picture corporation of New Last night's meet was Michigan's
!York. He most recent appearance on last for the season. Each match was
E iE UIMPilfllI the screen in Ann Arbor was in a i bitterly contested by both sidles and
picture at the Majestic theatre, "Thy Coach Barker feels that the meet as a
Name Is Woman". whole was a fit one with which to
SAt present. Miss LaMarr is at .work close the season,r
on a .hew production, "The White Rose of Michigan added to.hi string
Moth." She will stay here on her re- of victories. by: pinning Gunn of Al.'A.
Mr. obert Greve, business oficer of~ turn trip from the Atlantic coast 'to C. in six minutes and 50 seconds.in
th University hospital, has been ap- Hollywood after the completion of the 145 pound division. Gillard in the
tutiond according to an announcemnt the picture. 135 pound class, and Defoe, a -115
madeoescerdyngy tresien a ioncmLnpounder, were the only other Wolver-
made yesterday by President Marion L. ines to gain points, each one securing
flurtofi. "SPTIKTa decision.
The new chief succeeds Prof. Chris- P AiUM SL e c
topher G. Parnall of the Mledical school'!-
whose resignation from theUniversityT Expert Discusses
was .accepted by the Board -of Reg- fT_0_1NecessitiesOON
ents at their January session. Dr. ___ HomeNecessities
Parnall has been granted a leave of I !rcesfrteSohPo ilb
!absence for the remainder of the aca-'" euyi h hm" adMs
a e given out for the last time from 2 to i Beauty in the home, said Miss
demic year on full pay, beginning 5 o'clock this afternoon at the booth in Edith D. Deane in her talk yesterday
March 1. the lobby of the Union. Holders of afternoon on "Home Making", "is
acceptances must call for their tick- neither a question of funds nor lack
Johnston Enters ets this afternoon. All acceptances of them, it is a question of trained
have been sent out. taste." Miss Deane stressed the point
Presidential Race Programs for the Prom will be giv- that everything in the home should
en out at the same booth March 11. be useful and beautiful and that these
rr~s --_a lZA... _ __ -- _ _.. LL_.... - tw n tld h n h n h 1

sident Burton's opinions of
can college life as expressed in
port to the board of regents of
niversity of Michigan have at-
ed attention and' discussion at'
y other universities.
he Oklahona Daily, student news-
er of the University of Oklahoma!
reproducing President Burton's re.i
rt emphasized the facts relating to
exaggerated social life of. the
erican college student, and the 'con-
equent suffering of academic activi-
Several other schools also favoredl
these views.
State College, Pa., March 4.-Res-
olutions urging all students of Penn
State not to violate the eighteenth
amendment in any way were unani-
mously passed by the 50 members of
the student council here. This is
thought to be the most sweeping ac-
tion taken by any student government,
in support of prohibition enforcement.
Students from Kansas City, Mo., will
meet at 7:30 o'clock tonight at the
Union to organize as a club. ,
Cant got fishing because the'
early bird gets the worm. It is'
not too early to be thinking of
that summer job. Your choicel
} hiithrin aail Clasified

Orders for senior announcementsj
and programs are, being taken in all}
schools until Friday of this :week. No
orders will be taken after Friduy.'
Members of the senior literary class]
may place ,their orders at the' booth in E
University hall. The booth will be op-'
en from 1 to 5 o'clock in the after-
noon. Announcements of the location
of booths in the other schools have
been placed on the bulletin boards.
' Both announcements and programs
are on display in the wndow of Gria-
ham's book store on State stre'et. f
[fbi IITINO pp014 " I


Materialistic evolution and its pro-
ponents will undergo a vigorous at-
tack, it is anticipated, when Rev.
Michael P. Burke, Catholic student
chaplain, will read a paper, "The Cath-
olic View of Evolution," at the first
meeting of the newly-organized Cath-
olic Students' Study club, at 8 o'clock
next Friday night at the Knights of
Columbus home, Huron and Division
Father Burke is known as a bitter
antag'onist of the theory of evolution.
In any 'form, and a lively discussion
of the subject is expected. A general
discussion of the topic will follow his
address. Anyone interested, regard-
less of creed, is welcome to the ses-
sions, -according to the officers of the
Engineer Offers

Munich, Bavaria, March 4.-Secret'
plots concerning arms and ammuni-
tion, original state property which
reached the hands of the followers of
General Ludendorff and Adolf Hitler
just prior to the recent revolt, were
heard this afternoon by the court be-
fore which Ludendorff and Hitler are
on trial for high treason.
'T'he s'eseion this afternoon was a
secret one, as ithe prosector -desired
to develop a certain line' 4 testirmony;
which should be kept froi the public
for a time at least.
Altenburg, 15, To
Talk Here Tonighti
George I Altenburg, '15, and Prof.'
D. L. Rich of the Physics department
will address the semi-monthly meet- I


Washington, March 4. - Campaign
managers of President Coolidge arej
not responsible, . William M. Butler,
the President's personal representa-
tive in the campaign, declared in aJ
statement tonight, for the entrance bT
the ..Michigan presidential ,primaries
of a man named Hiram Johnston. The,
silimarity of his name and his place on
the primary ballot was criticized by l
Senator Johnson of California, candi -
date for the Republican presidential,
nomination. in a statement "No au-
thority was given any representativej
interested in the campaign of Presi-
dent Coolidge in connection with-the
filing of Mr. Johnson's name," said
Mr. Butler.I
"As a matter of fact we have no one t
in Michienn in chare of our interests.I

Holders of tickets must bring them to 'wo couia De combine. ine spoke
the booth when applying for programs in Alumni 'Memorial hall under the
as the stubs will be used as receipts. auspices of the American Association
of University women.
DrMiss Deane, who is a Vassar college
State Democrats 1graduate, will speak at 4 o'clock to-
To M eet In Flint day in Alumni Memorial Hall on "The
Home and Its Needs". The' single
admission is 75 cents.
Detroit, Mi'ch., Mar. 3.-Democratic To Aid Students In Paris
electors of the State of Michigan have Cercle Francais, at a meeting last
been notified by official call of the night, voted to give $25 to La Maisori
state convention to be held at Flint Francais in Paris; which.is a club for
on May 15th. At this time delegates Michigan students in that city. The
and alternate delegates at large will club also accepted the offer of Mr.
be elected to the Democratic Nation- N. S. Bement to give a public lecture
al convention. Two candidates for on "Paris and its Monuments", under
presidential electors at large and one its auspices, in the near future.

candidate for presidential elector
from each of the 13 Congressional dis-




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