THE MICHIGAN DAILY ._..r: _...r.__._..., -M _, .. THI1S OLUMN CLOSM AT 3 P.M. LA8SSI FI'E TI ADVERTISING AT 3 P.M. FOBRENT1 WANTED A'TTRACTIVE, SINGLE, doubles, andi LOCAL FRATERNITIES or unorgan- suites reasonable. One short blocA ized homogeneous non-sectarian. from campus. Call 699-W, before 2 groups interested in joining influ- p. mn. or 326. , evenings.# ential national Greer letter frater- nity with very highest 'ideals write. a net o ? .D aeo rooms, 1-2 bloc; from Union. Callt Daily. 2106. ---- -- TY7EWRIITERS-Good machines, For;POORPIpitr.hs n rentby aywee or ont. S 1, size to rent for few days. Call Sil-, 2tioran, 71 N. University, Room 2, __________________110____. 2d floor. IRCOOMMTATE BY --TUTDENT livinp,, , , . . i , LOC~KSMITH TAILOR jI Possibility For -P ALL KINDS OF TRUNK and door !TA'S TO HATCH YOUR auge(t'OotT Daughety r-o keys, fitting keys and opening A-NJ) VEST. Chas. Doukas, 901 If Latter Quits locks. a,.specialty... Phone ?494. Pieriy Keeler, 1136- West Hur'on. "" .. :!SRIGWO .ESen -___-__--___________v., ~line, bns;t on the canipus. Col L. NE W CR~EATIONS in French. beads leg iate spring styles. Comle in and let I :. .. h anid novelties jus~treceived at TGIF me show you som real iatprial. adv JAMES FOSTE$R RUSE OF ART. Priced attractively. Det I # this WHlY LOOK. OLD AT THIRTY? 3.+-C0 Sep imuscles Oils Faciails lift, the sagging play.~--365 muscles. Violet IHays eliminate dan } druff and restore your hair to the Ins-! This ofepal nybe mod a sort th ter of youth.;oferwil(olyre oodaiho .JUAI ' TY~time, take advantage and .come., early u SSS ORAC E ,CP1 (C..r. Room 21 Wuerthi Arcade !1221 81 ' :;: . Apr U21S :niversity .I.....- Phone 173-R. _.,:: :A":.: . MTE 132 FT., BY 140) ft. wooded building r A NEAT~ job of Gld Leaf em~bossing site. One of the best- in the east 'Th on yur ~e\2& ent at part of city. -Lt D. Carr & C. -J.T 'rofessors Will Conduct Research P'rof. A. I3. White "of the cl;emical i ineering _department and Prof. ft M4asson,,of the economics department, ho have recently been retained by eDetroit News to investigate the ',isability of city ownership of thel troit City Gas company will meet is afternoon with Acting-Mayor Jo- ph A. Martin, to confer upon t66 in. M{ayor Martin is the originator of! esuggestion that the city zhould irchase the gas company and it will )bably be submitted tq the voters on nril7. A preliminary report of the ichigan ,experts will be given by} relih 15, Professor White- said~ yes- rday, with the, final and complete re-j rt before the end of the, month. ese w ill be, published in the News that the voters can secure an opin- nof the plan. Protessor White will investigate he' ehnical and the engineering _prob- ms involved, as well as the feasibil- of Mayor Martin's. plan, while Pilo- ssor Masson will report on its finan- .l aspects. Both men have stated at they will not consider any ques- n of policy such as the advisibilityt municipal ownership and operation public utilities, but will make C r and unprejudiced study of the hole problem. Kansas City Students To Meet University students from Kansas City, Mo.. will meet at 7:30 o'clock tomorrowv night at the Union where they wvill considler the organization of a club. "Jimmile the adtaker" sells anything quickly.--Adv. SL1'EP A-NYWIIRF,, BVE EAT AT R[EX'S TIlE CLUB LUN~CH 712t Arbor'Street .Near State Rzid Pacard Street.s $60 MONTFI-L. li nfurnished, heated, 1st. floor apartment. Consisting of living room, bedroom, dining room, kitchenette and bath. Would part- ly furnish for nominal extra charge. No; children or pets allowed. Pos- session. about March 1st. Near St. Josephs: Sanitariumr. Phone 158. Ralph T. Swezey. A SINGLE room, 1 student, $3. 72 E. Kingsley, Call 579-R. TYPEWRITERS, Underwood and Rem- ington. Good machines,, reasonable. S. A. Moran, 711 N. Univ. Room 2, 2d floor. WILLS ST. CLAIRE roadster. Won- derful condition. Newv paint job. F4riedman, 3070-J. JUS'T LISTED 3 room home, one. br1ock from campus,_ $9,000. L~. D. Carr' & C. J. Tremmnel, 17 Savings B~ank Bldg. 441-l.+ 1 DIA MONID RING, valued as keepsake. Phone 1700-M. WEDNE~SDAY EVENING,. Schla~ffer. fountain pen, inedium size. Finder please return to MV.. J. Boakmiller, 1393-M. 700 Tappan. Reward. TYPMVITERREPAIII~ t 'TYPEWRITING andMIMEOGRAPH I promptly a~nd neatly- done.. Theses, students. notes and college work a specialty. 0. D. MORRILLt The Typewriter & Stationery Store 17 Nickels' Arcade across from U. of Al. Hospital. 1110 E. Catherine. Phone 2022-Rt. TO RENT A SMALL modern house of' 5,or 6 rooms, S. E. section preferr- ePhoe2101-M STUDENT LAUNDRtY. Careful homej vor-k. 825 S. Main:. A SOP- PROM ticket. Call 1492-W,. TWO ENERGETIC students to sell "DOW PENCILS'" during their spare time.. For informiation write, Walt. Scher'er, Daily Office. 302 Stat-e St VA.NTEI) HELP STUDENTS NOW is the time to sell the De Luxe Laundry Container at fraternity houses and make $10 and $15 per week before your vaca-a the De Luxe Laundry Container was designed by a postal clerk and! meets every requirement. It is the most practical, sanitary and econ- omical case made. Splendid faro- position, make your extra mioney now. Address Der Luxe Mfg. Co.,, Sta. F. Box 1, Toledo, 0. *Tremmel, 17 Savings Dank Bldg. 41-Fl. I I Business lots on North "State St. Less than one block from campus. Best business location in city. Call on. J. W. 1)WYER # 50 First Nat'! Bank Bldg. Intramural Items I (Continued from Page Six) H ienry A. Wyman successful shots out of a possib~le 25, I trials in order to be eligible for the Wh' ile Washington is discussing the finals,. resignation of Harry M. Daugherty: _____ of Oh-io 2s attorney-general, it is also } ~talking over the matter of a probable. Entries are now .being received for successor'. On Capitol Hill' it is be- ion p tee] len ity fes: !cial tha tior ofI of fait wi AN INSURANCE solicitor. Reply Box 4 stating telephone number for appointment. flS TEOPATH1JC PHLYSICIANS .Osteopathic Physiciant °1616 First Nat'l. Bank Bldg. Phone 321 F-1.1 T.IYPE WJU:ITIM ALL IMAKES. Agoey "'Voodstock and Oliver typewriters, Sundstrand ad add g machine, Line-s-Time. copy Iholders, rnbbher. stamip, r ibbons, cushion keys, type cleaners and anp- pies. Machines ren ted.,. AN\'N ARBOR TYPEWRITER J EXCHANGE. Phone 866, downtown 516 E. Williams. TAILOR MADID School suits at $26.00 and $31,50. A wide assortment of All Wool choices worth $10 to $20 more. Ne extra charge for Latest English Models. Well known local# Gtailor guarantees perfect fit. Phione or call INTERSTATE TAILORS, American ,Hotel., Phone 1 .j FOUINTAIN PEN\ INK INK is the lie blood of° yopw' Founi- taiii :Pen.. One filliipg o vicipus in4, will spoil the hlov; of your pen pert: ma nently.- Take no chances, get a< Mottle of our speeia~l formula Diamond' Writing- Fluid. WG guarantee it the: hest. RH)DEWS PEN SHIOP} w02 State St.! B3EA NEWSPAPER CorrespondentI with the Heacock Plan* and earn az good income while learning;. we show you hlow;. begin actual work at once; all or spare time,; experiene unnecessary; no canvassing; send for particulars. Newswriters Train- ing Bureau, Buffalo, N. Y. Ji±= OME JOACH-IN, '26L, has made4 over $5,000? in profits in four sum- mers. Are you interested? Phone# 12?3-W. 0 RIDGE Brush Co. has a most attractive oferf to make to students desiring to make real money this summer vacation.j Try our Sprang Vacation. approval trip and be convinced. Por particulars phone 233-J. L. B. Abbott Rt. J. Chick 1.6 Dafly Office. Open at 86.D1ivision St. VICE OR RM'ORPS} of the Great Art- ists anid' all the latest popular rec-t ords' on sale. Complete stock' at 'SChaoele'and l Sdns. '110''S: Main TED. RIOAI)IS;,roichestirgpresents (Joe Sweeney . aund i isfile-piece,Or- hestra. * thle annual fraternity wrestling tourn- ament which will begin next week at Waterman gymnasium. Athletic man- agers can enter as many men as they wish to in each Weight. There 'Will he eight different classes: 105, 115, 125, 135, 145, 158, 175 and hecavyweighlt. The schedule for' the opening round will be announced, in, next Sat-urday'sI lieved that H enry A. Wyman, attor- gey-general of Massachusetts while Coolidge was, governor,: is a strong; possibility. Attention is often calledf to Wyman's facial resemblanc- toI Cen'. U. S. Grant. I as the girl oT yesterday, and perhaps (Patronize Daily Advertisers.--Adv, For .: - CATERING AND .PARTIES k Call , 2 JOE PARKER'S I M ls Irene eParlker, 200 drops, capacity Helps you think. I A poor pen con- umnes your thot. Can 'you ~afford, a ~lost efficie nlcy?Sod a d er ed by Ridr Himself Se2 State St: Masterpenmnakers Daily.-.. 7 w u #nicr2 self reliant and-independent." I rFollowing is the basketball schedule [TADIU ffinn Of far tonight: 7 o'clock: Old's house vs.LJflU di UIh l l I Fletcher Hall, TIoledoines vs. Saginaw Pa iycuBakadBu s;os t73 'lcPiFlsvSNO Barnes' All-Stars, Detroiters vs. Ag- ony Five, Harmonies vs. Hall Room Al foseircaspgam boys. IiAlodr o eircasporm -______ _____ and announcements must be made be-I EASTERN COLLEGE LEA DEINS fore Friday. Booths where the orders ID1SC SS THlE MOD)EJN GIRL, may be placed will be located in the I -- -F- various schools. The booths for thel (Continued,; fro~m; Page Threel.,I literary class will be open from I~ to 5:1 Ido foolish things, at times,-* but ,so. hav~e o'clock in l~ niversity hall° every after-= I hy awyoei h at Frti ouTQpsto fCi otsfrung women of the present I hayc 'tie other classes will be' aniiccd great, respect. They' seem to : i ( .on l in t bu'~tlletin boiards. ''*i the whole an admirable lot$ : .;jBoth arnouucehiepts "and - prograns SMiss Mary E. Woolley), president: I n. la ' o)display in 'Grahamn book st'ore l M ~t. Holyoke college:."owiltad-onrState s~treet 'IlT o r i s' ire in ing the .fact that the modern;: i ~sIleauther _booliet fdrm fwifhthe1 seal of'. sports clothes would haive seonmed snel the "Unlversity- andthe namre of the l rnarizable ten years -ago...An 1 her; man- Jclass. oil=the cover. The' arn1ounria ncr somewhat frank and. outsp oken,.'-I en'ts are in' the form fe fflnd her just as r..slonsive anct earn est sheets~ -' - o4e~rvc Don't. fail to buy a CLARION Parade Passes fi q -TYPEWRITERS 1of the best standard makes $15.00 up. Elasy terms if desired. Rentirg, -:cleaning aId' repairing a specialty. :Largest stock in Ann Arbor. -' 0. D. MORRILL 17, Nickels' -Arcade? .. Dlealer: L.j C. Smith '& Corona type- -writers. Typewriters supplies, Rub- ,her stamps, Rubber key caps, ribbons, earbon paper;,etc.. r - STUDEN4T'S' SUPPLY STORE - d1Ii S UNIUVERSITY '.S ' w . lS G HPL1V ATERI A . U * , ENGINEERS ~ ARCHITEcTISf "Everything for the Student" ,. , .. w ,. ., . .. y _. .. _. . ., .: , ,. OWN* - ,-'' '* ' - -'.1- ~1 - ', , - '2. 0 1 1 -' iv Would Tis Hedline Look?.,,H, l. ~-..- LL AtIlk moor Sm TIC 1 :y r'S l .. I .. r a+ J y' 1 JiP. SAO, ; i V ,(t Y s f N, , ' + off, r ,. 'r x: I MICHIGAN WILL NOT COMEE O ILS- Athletes' Starved Condition Precludes Strenuous Exercise * Of course it's not true. But don't say it CAN'T be true. / Such conditions exist TODAY in some of the most im-h portant universities in Europe. Stodent~ and faculties alike are destitute. They lack food, shelter, books and clothing Those students who are still in school, sacrificing all for an education, are the best of Europe's youth. They are devoting every energy to bettering themselves and by so doing bettering their countries. They will contribute to the pro- gress of Europe-of the world. Determined to secure an education at any cost and fired by this ambition they study under handicaps which would cause most of us to quit. They 'are working nights, without pay, building barracks to live in. In only a few of them is any attempt ' made to of conditions as they exist, by members. of our own faculty who have seen them. i f not exaggerate 'a bit, not one of them. We have been told --the bare necessities of life. Europe RIGHT NOW is For 5c a day. $1.50 a month, food 'an" be provided -for one student. The costs of shelter, books, anrd clothing threatened with a revival of the dark ages. Only educa- are i~proportion. Where else can such a profitable in- Lion can prevent it. University students in America and 35 other countries are helping, through 'the Student Friendship Fund admin- istered by the European Student Relief, 'to preserve the educational systems of less fortunate nations. until post-war provide heat. The st udents are eating one meal a day, and vestment be. made? Many- a student will be able to- stay in college if food is provided-many a student whop would otherwise 'have to give up~ his dream of playing- ja part in enlightening 'the more backward countries .of Europe,pa-; ticularly,-lRussia. avoiding unnecessary exercise to "avoid undue hunger. They 'conditions settle. In three years this 'fund has supplied ~dQ not ask for charty-they do not want us to help theme, they only want us to make it. possible for them to help themselves. They have the stuff inl them, fellows. Over 580 schools and colleges in the United Mtates over 22,000,000 meals, 500,000 articles of clothing and Today,' on the campus, we men and women of Michie gan are given an opportunity to purchase, fpr. 5c each, meal -- . , - m ".o nruvm taa