__ _ _ _ _ _ _THE MICHIGAN DAILY __ _ _ __ _ _ _ TUESDPAY, MA-IRCH 4, FLOOR PLAN OF YOST FIELD HOUSE: FOR UNION FAIR rT 13;S 7 11 r --T - 1 _ 34 I31. I 3,P) 401 - 4Z 0l OMEN 41 1 l'r; E, iConfined to ITospitaIl I.L. 13. Prdioml, instructor in elbl- C._ioal pycoog illinthe I'PM- V" erS'ityho)Spitl suffe1 ring f'roma as- t 'd. IHis cla~syes will meet as usual hil h is in the hos pital, othler in- trutor hVing bwen put inl Charge of theml for the time. Patronize Daily Advertisers.-Adv. r . . Y r' t .L .t . ' L L .: i I I 4* I FLOOP,- 50 ±j trz ZJ r>2 0- I 42M {rc' ers is received every city will reveal. startling facts in the CLARION Bury yours earl! ;._ I -+,-- EN TP~NCF, U 0 v 1,0 r o K4EN Pi ll F I I-ar' '5 4 3 z I- - i.r-- %&A - --: .., ' "0 ; " .jai W. A." = I uI~, E ___77__= 1j' in 1 of tiele iField House for the Union Faiir i i I : ' . ., ,. When DI*d You Have Waffles Las't For Your Luncheon? -Try Ours THE 232 Nickels Arcade V E AL VUEI $f,;''he bst field house will b transformed, into a typical count- f air whenici the Union Fair is held there I N ORdU EO M O1i[ I the Booths arnd other features of tlhe Fair. The danc~e floor in> the center, of the field ho4use will be the present basku I;.ii.g~its Wvith the reguilar Union orchestra playing. The circus w~ill be held ont the floor twice each night. Fraternit; Baltimore, Maryland;' March 3.11 k# elties \ ill extend aroundi the sides of the field house, Other booths where candy and cigarettes will be solo wif~l .Axedical science has taken, another!I made up of every kind of show ?fferd at, a fair,. Miniature vauldeville, da,-ing acts, a mrotordrome, novelty stunts stepa forward ini the fight against cif events will be staged in these booths. Tickets will be sold at the smaller rc und booths that extend around the, fie sease according to an 'announcemeiit o event at the Fair. made at Johns Hopkins hospital to-!___________________ lay., The discovery consists of a bro- mide compound, which, injected intonni. rn annGaI rgoyle' Has Boothi At Fi,,tr Madison, Wis., Mar. 3.-Five precent I the ~~~~~ ~ ar1fteptet ae ialiIU ii Mtemberrs of the Gargoyle staff have of the University of Wisconsin Stu- under teige x-ray, the cnen,gall u'bladder and rendeing d U ToU anyfoein onen, husredein nI~~ninobtained a booth at the Union Fair dent body Were notified that they! practicable a more accurate and defin- !h~IU where they Will sell "Moxie" anid need nou o the 8 saieds 338 ite diagnosis than has been poREsible IINSIIUIE, otherrsftOutnof TheeGargyleastarese338 in the past. f is the only one of the campus p 1ii bl weefo'h oleeo etr n Heretofore diseases of the gall blad-I Prof. Prestohi Slosson, of the history staffs tcienoo. f1cationtffs hatis taking'a. ot ddr have been difficult to diagnose be- department, i to be the speakeof!athFi., causethe rays qft e ,x-ray jac ine thje ".v iniig > 4 e l?'gb.tAhe InstI -______t_________ --- Q RSO ~i P$jOOE have passed through the organ leav- tute of Religious Education attAltONE'Y;-> inig n~o.tace -on,,the late. The. iew o'p1cl fon'ght. in Lane, : reer E$Q APRNE sPa FLnonlnwmksi psil oo lS~ hsanucda h i Box i5 Double Sheets (equals 150 single), with 7~5 en- c, rvelopes9 to match, linen finish, w~ith your namne and ad. cpophnd hnowbmake ditosbl je r Sos snadds , nou dnced s "Is+ , ee r'ssblue i k., eautif ; dain tive up-to-date- it h tet. Modern Protestantism." 1 A complet CSet ,1X1 b1 7 ordinary kind: Wondlerful yvalue,. appreciated i pr 'rO1or"4 t 11.0 COtU~li ticular men atid wornevry here. Siz. of e eopg Phsiias,, at 1obl5-. opJins ,axe Tbhe, IlStltl? @Qf. i ( ~a 51-2x3 1-'2, with, ilsfl~~1ap. Si2eof paper, beforefold-I.,": t.ef $:7 ri 2dC b0":e,6-xknhsMoyrfue pnpl i sd'cig lfbr o'6thd co ;pbunds :Which i 'i "oa~ exait fille= is ers - , ; ; ce hly 1-x10fehcs. -ioned.rKeith, prwt f it Of o'y oftb nf ducatin de rartmet1"0, "Statfonery is beautiful. 'Neve awsuch -wonderful i willpodc a similar effect a u ,t th e Peli ionslucain eaAln' ;, s 3'Y'od "'uce+:, j>;A yC3 l -ith ~n 1c lY ub rem e crsriding iji {r of .,Cer-1 Tb. 'J'akiI ny tearnnlwmakesf ireseiit:.Deli hted with lineiinih' series of weekly meetingS. The se- ljascs*nd orn covre,, Adra'4 cid cenAT~wLEoflt y > nahelie; rc, a oZot n ee i. i: Z - t '''td curing of Prat t~Slosson is considl- ~v od4 y a~,h aigmd 2c --I W n 1an eMrfFl in several recent -Rieadr tpe Ads 7 a t ' rrtSr rn TI c n p ; f e t 4 K . unn, '24. FUTEN T1 W 1 pi es3 ie t Ora al association, Ver y at't 6 zak a- is alfso toy7re ili t'e g~oram ,and will cen Mab Jrg4heCvr X Fraternity houses; part1( ulari' those spe~k-on "The Student and His Re- -with ,colored-,drag~on de near the campus, are desired by the ligion. signscad table. ge to anou Alumni association to be used .as head } d____ .~ockets 'srkn ilrct quarters for the alumni reunionlwhic .IzlinrCifr ih Alni stitched e- trikiiwg Cl~ is to be held here frome June 1 ;Vo to + ~iAlniiied~. Rxtraoi- ' ~taf o..Qcers of the Alumni associ- .dinary value, Special price the 17. All houses that ivish to.co-~ ation int with Mason P. Rumney,:.- (OBNAINOF' Sp: rate wxith the association on this '07L~, president of the association, last We wil send prepaid one compiete plan ale requested to see Hawley Tap- Saturday.. Plans for the Bard of IMbJn e n al oer s - 1}ig, ll, field secretary of thse assn-' Diractors, meeting scheduled for c ation, at his offices in Alumni Mem- MGarch 2g, were discussed. Idsrbdaoeo eep f$.0 or:al hall as soon as possible. j CIINA A ;A IPRIN O ..is pa o h ogn f theI Gaily classified for real results. -IlWs ShS. NwYr alunai has been carried out before ; and has propven sucoessful in every I way. Extra provisions for the recep tion were thought neessary because o f the lamge num:ber of alumni that are 4 utl t o ~ttend the reunion, over 30 classes C38' being exp-ected. 33 ayne Fliday and Saturday nights. Thre- floor plan above shows the location of :etbYall floor. Dancing will be carried' on during the entire evening both1 ty booths that will consist of sifdesh ows anid conicessions for the sale of nov- be~ocated at either -end of the clangP floor. The frateriiity sidesbows aire iwhere rings are thrown at everythitig from canes to 'ducks, and s iilar od house. The tickets will entitle the holder to admission to any sideshow, Pytlijas- "No- doggone iI I :skipped over to class thig nornigg withoig -' { ~my Pixon's EldoradoTI!" tt Z 1eazds-r-altdea'rs 7t4 iserzi'ed . Make A I nvestmentI 5c B-UYSFQOD FOR A DAY FOCR A HUNGRYit'. ti'lt~t~i{JNli~ I VERSi~li1litl~lllit~iIit s 11!TDENT Ciiitltttlil ('//rI l~j2'? 1, 1 7 i /JI I l/-AIVI