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March 04, 1924 - Image 1

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VOL. XXXIV. No 112






FRlIENDSHIP DRIVE Miss Quayle Relates Need Of TTINT*,0


theStuen reiefofCzehoSlovakia, from starving to death. He was the
TH RiAYE D nOto reiervie,300clredgee , only son of Professor Odranko, a well
a reent nteriewdeclred known figure in the intellectual world.
lets, 110f wertetalofe30reuestu -ror "My experiences have not always
CAMPAIGN FOR TH14E )HCHlI~xA n ts 10wr ihrtbt ro been the most pleasant," Miss Quayle
pre-tubercular and in that same group! remarked, "one morning I found four
KITCHEN TO B3E; the average number o* wounds to the dead university boys on the doorstep
CONTNUE; man was 26; these young men had of our kitchen; they had come in the
servedi in the ranks of the WVhite Rusa-y night when the place was closed and
CAMPUS ORGANIZATIONS' Sian army, in their exhausted state had been un-
GIVE WHOLE HEItTEDLY1 "Of 44 Ukraiiian students," contin- ab~le to scurvive until morning."~
_______tied Miss Quayle, "~not one would ask, In speaking of the general condition
'Hiss Malrgaret Qtayle, Nleimaler of further aid from the Student relief; n'ow existing Miss Quayle had thisI
Notional Conmittee, PTalks despite the fact that they were receiv-E comment to make, "Austria. is the only
Befor Fraerniies ng only one meal every other dlay; country in which the student relief is
they considered that they had received'i not needed; but the urgent need of
their share of aid from the relief and aid in Poland, Germany, and Russia.
Apprximtel $1100*XcU~i~Otthey were working in the muines ont overshadows this fact. Reconstruction
faculty and fraternity'donations wereI that meagre substance, will come to broken Europe only if
given yesterday and Sunday to 'the "On another occasion a student who an intellectual class, composed of uni-
Stn t redhpFn rv big was in a very bad condition came to versity students, are in a position to
Ig the total of recieved contributions 223 attention, He h1ad consulted a return to their native land and wordk
to (late up to $1,6001. The campaign doctor who had advised him that he for its rebirth. One prominent stu-
for the Mtichigan: kitchen, which will had but a week to live 'unless he went! dent leader in Europe, incidentally anl
be established in some foreign uini- ;to, bed. Thlat student at first would Austrian count, struck the key to the
versty entr, as t hae cose I s not accept the 15 cents that I gave himt whole situation when he mach the j
night. Officials feel, however, that to pay for a bed at the hospital be- statement that, 'It is midnight in Eu-
there are many who have not yet cause he thought that the money rope.' "
been given a chanice to give so the
drive, will be continued throughout the1
According to the committee the fra-~ EHNLAOK 'R D U D AK
ternities, sororities and other campus STIPHEN1 9C0CK, D ' M US L Sl
organizations are responding whole
heartedly to the movement. Th av-
erage for the fraternities 'that havej5 E K T M R O~ N D N M C C IA
already sent in their donations is $0,,.!
approximately, $1.50 per man. -All dctrA resiierty cr1
checks should be made out to the "Re~iscovt'ri ig ' nglauid" I4 SubjectEdctrA res'UnvsiyS-
St~dcnt Friendship Fund and address- i of Lecture to be Gven by vice o'n. Chinese
ed to Egbert R. Isbell; '26L, care of M lcGill Econois~i~t Situation

Somne 'tendency ToWard Reistate.
wonat of Tormer sulitan i labom.i
maet; India 1istur hed
London, lMar. 3.---(Ilv A11-The





Finerals for Many of 40 Dead
Be Today; 8 Still Un-
accounted For



{Newark, N. J.: March 3.-=(By. A. P.)

Ln Th ay's News At
The Capitol
Strict neutrality was, enjoined on
American naval commanders in Hon-
Hearings were begun on the bonus
bill by the house ways .and means com-
State laws, prohibiting the posses-
sion of liquors acquired before nation-
al prohibition were sustained by the
supreme court.
The house insular affairs commit-
tee decided to report a Philippine in-
dependence bill in order to get the
question before the house.
Tr easury actu4ries estimated tha
the tax bill passed by the house would
produce $446,000,000 less revenue than;
the existing law, indicating a ,deficit of
The senate committee to investigate
the administration of Attorney General
Daugherty held its first meeting and
indicated that witnesses would not be
fcalled before next week.

FAST!GAME 31 -20
AREAP, 1?-I1
jlHaggerty Leads Varsity Scorers;
(Close Guarding of Both
Teams Features
Special to The Daily
Bloomington, I nd., March 3.-Mlich-
igan's hopes for a championship bas-
ketball team were shattered here to-
night when the Indiana five defeated
the Wolverines 31-20, leading the
Maize and ,Blue men practica'ly from
the opening of the game,
Indiana, scored first =from the field
and had five points chalked up before
Coach Mather's mien could get going
but Michigan, took, a brace anid tied
the count at five. Logan, star I-oosier
forward, then counted two field goals
in succession, mnaking the score 9-5.
Michigan's defense tightened at this
point and Haggerty counted twice
ffrom the field making the score 14-11.
Lober scored again and Michigan took
time out when Kipke, playing with an
injured leg, was blocked. A free throw

sponsoring by the Turkish govern- -Investigation into the causes of Sat-
ment of the bills calling for the abol- urday's explosion at Nixon, four miles
it ion or the Caliphate and the sup-j from, here, which killed 18 persons and
pression of religious instruction in destroyed 40 buildings has as yet re-
Turkey has been the cause of much C vealed no chemical experts who can
speculatiorn on the part of British offi- account for ammonium nitrate causing
cials regar(Aing" what will be the of- all the damages of the explosion, As-
fect of these drastic measures in In- sistant Prosecutor John E. Toolan, of
dia and other Mohiammodan countries. Middlesex county said tonight.,
The British have, been unalterably After today's examination of experts,
opposed to doing. away with the Cal- Mr. Toolan said that all the experts
iphate, because the spiritual juris- whom he had questioned since Satur-
diction of the caliph extended nomii-day had been unanimous in stating that
ally at least over Great Britian's 70,- ammonium nitrate is' not' dangerous.
000,000 Moslem sultjects in India..I He said there was some substance
With a view of maintaining quiet; present which would not have been
among this vast mnultitude, the Brit- there and that his office is trying1 to
ish government, it became known to-! learn 'how it got there.
day, will let Turkey severely aloneI The Middlesex county grand jury
during the radical transition whichI will be called in special session. next
that country is eaiperiencing. week to consider bringing indictments
Look For Seizure if investigation reveals any evidence



Varied Displays
Entire Floor Space
of Field Ifouse


i'iIC v'' r SYSiPRPR NGNER The Indian agitators, among whom of negligence or improper methods atj was co
Allss Quayle-Spaks BECAME FAMrOUS AS NOELI 1TSTTES heMolesSndrYheledeshp f heamonteplnt M.Eooanas'NETETIREINTGRNG Iened
Miss Margaret6uayle, of New York GIVES OBSERItsA7IONAl1 A 'LK{S 4 CAUSED ORIENTAL DSRS h olm ne h edrhpOteamnt lnM.Toa s NETIMN ORNEedd
Ctammeoftexeuiecn-Ithe All brothers, are most agressively srted. FO RAST NEN:I
iittee. of the national campaign, is IStephen Leacock, fainous humorist Emphasizing the dynamic China as sera izuwinlitneroghy he opmntvitiFun l eralsfor manyoterio- _____org
speaingat various fraternity houses and satirist, and headI of the economics contrasted with the sposdystatic i ervrs aizeiup onaryevope n onvictims'willthbeUheld tomorrowbeafter-
speakingekuponedly innurkeytasoanadditionalerievanceanon.nToday wokers renewertityerwioths.fTrdaheUnionefairtoebedfohwu
ths ee i te ntretsofth divdearmet f c~llunvesiywilChina Dr. Charles K Edniunds, form- against British rulelin India. efforts to remove charred -debris i held 'Friday and Saturday were an-sofrte
She addressed several of the church speak at 8 o'clock tomorrow night. in j o president of Canton Christian coil- With former Sultan Mahommet IV the hoe of finding some of the eight nnccyeterday by.the s t artedn
cnrgtosSunday.' Many liberal Hill auditoriium in a special numberj eg, addressed the University'pntd~e y Service and Abdul Mvedjid Effend, the Caliph missing.' This appeared nearly hope- ncagtgte'it h yeo fpa
donations, were made. 'Isbell;, chair- on tre universty Oratorical associ- Sunday might in Hill auditorium on deposed, a new religious head for te ls h eifpeal that what ncagtogth wtohpreete neahof a 2P~s
of te drvess maing ngag-efionprevailingr. eacok'a ub5
=mno tl ~~ vimkn nae to poyit+Ilr emc' u-"Dynamic China" jMoslem world it is thought, will bbeIefew'taendehadtneotrbeentrecovered,
'The-drive among the faculty momz- Stephen Leacock was born in Eng- bleen so influenced by W~estern eivl-: Y The government is were to bi wr 'aeSn t sor bnanuned etoagiirely.xh i i b e oxntetaimentboths Waitl
hers is ;being handled by a committee 1 land, comning to Canada in 1876 with iization that it has. been completely up- I tat King Hussein of ledjaz, who con- thatajitrslio clin frafaentesndamuornzain.wom
appointed last wek by President Mar-I his parets. ,lie whas educatedc at I st, according to Dr. "Edmunds. The I trols the sacred city'f Mecca desires state istgio itohexpsonIAmson otee booth s will trw
ion L' Butoin. Although the money Upper anida college., Toronto, grad-iChinese arranged people into five'dif- 1 to set himself up as:aliph of all thean codtnstalohepltsijrngfomietoenetsahheeey
has not yet been handed, in by this uatinrg in 1891. ater he went to Chi- ferent classes- in the order. of, their Musslmans; butit wa said today.thatacy the state 'handling explosives ,would proceeds to go ;into a common "fund.: to incr
eragte ontinrefrom d fath emers-csa nd olvitsical sizin c n 190importance, scholars, farmers, ri-,it is unlikely, for poliztical and other be Introduced'in the legilatui'e. Amsion to the fair will be 50'cents. I seem
high.dntisnfot autu erned is dpoitcaganciemerchants9and6soldiers. The reasons.
tis h 'eek T i no wll pluune i hr'iy. Sincere.haof ,ooe.0gsledtes were placed last not because Faror RIensttencntiti''' - 7-Tels f sindbotsflos
is le.cie ege fdco k]slir b t t Ismepersons, ao2h entae~ M etfllfV f~F a , i KappateAlpha-fc:.and >4bo the Lg
EaI.{vv,, fDonlgtiici lps cock has been connected with1 QGl;;ause s'ud. jjI2FiComteofcs;3dA1he HK
.. LWI aMteIony i al ginLunvesitJiraTahetaesor(',lIhtt!Tfhoemr ultneahtme 'i L IIIII j et Ch-Te Gea _ ,;coute
fo one, com non cpupoey, that og C s-since,n first 1) o .hewon*v'ce, f uh C m ci' ll4 o webtiti obegenrally felt~ ., apoerrntinaauRa Delta Chi-The Platic Age; 6~ , i i
tabisig *1 Mic~gan kitchen, the Suchbooks'as his '_Nonense Noy,,,c ' frn ,A il 0 1 ttF' i h a dt hnisalu if eebehnysc: M ht liI ; 8'Pi Dlt
p , rceoy.onditin suaiy him.........DeltaiTheta-Get-It-Out,; ~contest
coipie:Sgleeal.ugn~ht~l" LtrrLapses" "ehnd. must 'iv5kt this Y'asific'atif. iIn the. meantime ;some c(Miern 19i___
everyone , n th e Campus- shold .make the Beyond"#fist gained foir, Ila-! 4 ,Te cause of famines in China ws bingmanfesedin authoiiti11ve quar- Anadiintoi ',C E nt-,-rnc e E Iter,Betabile"' ,.duln
at least 'a smalldonation. Today acock fame i all Fuiglishi speak ing jlrbut b y D. tlnriuns to thle lack tr eergring the abioitionl of the nt ' h itn te iha'LCem -renh af,"lIfroDab"; S
there were many $5, $10, and $15 and countri&es'Then 'came his-fii t- ! f ~oern ineet'itt.'It is' necessary' Calipht ate and religons .istruclion-in S ,.r n. ote eea~ir-1:SgaAlh.EslnBot oj* ni
one $150 donations received but there''!tempts' as ia's eakei uccessful from to b~uiidikes long'thle rivers to keep gnraonthe easantry of Turkeyumaali ;u ot~e u-MnadWmnQil;1,Ci s~>Lgn
wralo inysuetwh gaethe' einig.hs etuY aeUc.dhase of the Vigaud library last year, ,,The Sltn's Retreat; 14,F reshen- Lrber
thnofrmhovrfoingtei '{nsin 'whose' ie h 'eiin awy "as'. iust bee } brougt aouby ex-Crystal Gazing; 15, Achitectural so-! Parker.
noting 'all o th oberatina tye.during certain sea.%on5 of'fte year and I has played a very large part. change with the Library of Congress. 'c iety-BPurlesque on Bohemian Life; iSponsl
"The puropse of the meal tickets," Although a Canadian, Mtr. Leacockc flooding the crops. Much has already Over 14000 numbers of Amerian 1 6 t and 17, Alpha Tau Epilon-Hell; Alward
said Isbell, "is to make even the small -i has spent much of his time in the{ been dlone to relieve this during then liflnrnina i eighteenth century newspapers not' i, Delta Sigma Phi-IHouse of Hr- Subs'
est giver realize that lie is doing son: 4 lmitedl States, and most of his liter- last few years, and at present the H}HIH IIILfIIIUplreviously owned by the Clements i-, ros; 19, Delta Theta Phi-Freaks; Mi3chigr
good. When five cents wiill buy onei ary efforts concern people and things voluC of the river dikes in China U IIUIWI ULLL IIIUbaynve ,0Ioueso ie 20 et a elaMdseShp edr
meal for a needy student, it can awily, {in this country. Ile. has been ,styled ex(ceds the total volume ofall the teer n dvenry 1,700wvolersofnnej 2,Delta Tan Delotaordis2,t Fe ;1ldr
be nesod htayhng omt-Iby several American critics, "tile Can- alodemnbankuients n the world. ] IIAIA by either of,the libraries' have been ! Upsilon-H'ouse of Skill; 23, Phi Kap- er :3
oe undestoodltt nthinbegeanoyat- !ain'akTai. 1 "~ton. i shnohr'rblmdhchl To U VNE TtetHUnuM Pewppr'nton. 2,SgaXi-oodrm;2,Det i
ped owa llitseildegeth danMr wi." li tio saohrlhe hc received from Washington.' pa S ma-Kentucky' Derby; 24, Phi Hagger
pre-- - ated."cs heCinsepope.C ins The new purchase supplements a Sigm6Kappa-Rifle Gallery; 25 and Free
Ol(d clothes and books will be' col- egner'hv leady hangedthe DlgtIsfo vr hrhi olcinwihM.Ceet a 2,PiUslnTeGetLbrnh f2
ected later in the spring -to be set i cIL ourses of several rivers, making! Ann Arbor will meet at 6 o'clock fre eoetasern i irr 7ad2,KpaSgaKn u' f1
EAU f iireimmei. ao ta (die' : eeatos'fo ee cuc fU olld eorwhch r . lementhslhbary ad 2 8, po-ThegratLyin 'th;s of ,S
abroad. According to the com ittee L u wLplains which have 'been lying idle for Thursdlay, March 6, in the Bptist to the University. The pamphlet col- I Tomb; 29, Tau Beta Pi-Physical 11Iagger
these things are not shipped at this 1 IT iiiiinirni ITIflf Tv centuries available for agricultural1 church under the auspices of the In- lection already owned wias considered Phenomena 30, Beta Phi Sigma- 13 Deng
season.IL + unPurnp oses. trCu Rltoscommnittee of tthehe mnstcomplete' in the country,' hl.U!ut. IDoctor L ovell; 31, Round Up club--;Reer
n ~~TnrUUtuN.. Thle: students of China are the spiu- Student Christian association. The wihti'motn adto h i hotn ol;3,Sara;3.Pte
IILJLIL POI~ $1,00,00 aspend.Sturay t :cordl of the' backbone,"' said Dr. : PurPO5C of this meeting is to' deter- brary will. he unsurpassed in printed1 Zeta Beta. Ta-Picture Gallery; 34
ULUL jlLThre Michigan eague camrpoa f or ldmiunds, "and although' they are in-' mine what activities are being carried' source mate ial forthe American Rev- I Phi Gammia Delta-Red O'Toole's Ba- i
JUGSmIE POT 10000wa pndStrdya oture they are" serinis. In order on by and th'ough the various zeig- luIon n'he eid'meiteym
nnr n oiaeirhedat the Sttler htlIn tilut ourshool mghthhve aesriod- us grups. fllowin.335,Theta Delta Chi-Cock Fight; 36 ;
thail cou- hghooli h a ea sw n m o s g ou s ol w n .Phi Sigma Delta-M ind Reading; 37 fUL
n DIO etoi. The financial drivewl o-ingpl the entire student body work- Reports and suggestions will be All the eeightenth century news- and 38. Phi Beta Pi-Freak Museum;
" ,' tnue June 16 with headqiuarters in led~ ard every afternoon 'for a whole made by the delegates in an effort to pa1saefo h tatccatI3,HriaeDnigCaie;4 .I
Syossohoos~Dtot academic year digging the excavation,. increase the scope of the work now iMany New England papers were p~ey-1 Kappa Nu-Midget Show; 41, Chyron tl
SynLYesta: te oac sfor next yeai ' Every' alumina will be 'called upon01' t ii these people that we fInl the being carried on.. In addition to the Iiul otie ntecletinad Cbs rain-4,Fehe
thaicsle a Unio vcomiteen chreo 5 in t ''suehermpaign andraeepfortbility)Cdynamic China."' representatives from the various con- te files of these aes have been House of Horrors; Fortune Teling; "TIes
theUnin ommtte i chrgeofse-in hecamaig ad a efor wil b egations, there 'will also be repres either completed or brought within a 43; Sigma Nu -Balloons; 44, arole Ithirds
lecting the next book, lin the books made to'have the entire quota eithe' 'g
thmevs1hv1otytbe cleQai rpege yJneeh nntativies froml the student guilds, the few numbers; of -atcomplete ' series, 1-Mo41xie-Moxie; 45, Stairway to Eng- ride a
thmevs ae o.pyertioencforedan rpIdedIl b tn ne of FOR 9'AY.M C. A.and the Y. W. C.A A whileat the swne titme, additions' have'.neering exhibit; 46. Alpha Sigma Phi promo
thenet roLucio haeIlsUapea-U been made from the middle colonies, ---Checking; 47, Stairway to Animal tionai
prnipeseaesatte uceo,{7 articularly fronm New York, Philadel- { Show; 48, Beta Theta Pi-Auction; selecte
ed. told of the activities of the un'dtgra( - SU l GIVEN JJT TODAY GDIFF lI LLSIE[ lU NI phia, and Baltimore. In general, the ; 50, Zeta. Psi-Hot dogs and Coffee; 51.! for th
"The Sweetest Kiss," a miniature; utes in their effort to raise ioney'lbayhsatmedogteraps'DtaK paEionV gacewhfrhn
Union opera, which,'Mimes dramatic 1for the league building and explained ( 1 I j 1 1111Ilirmyhtancs abattdatheprs laapparw;52 eslta-enauUsn--wIthefrohmE
society wil give March 14 and 15 at the honor council and the hionor point Ticke appications f" the 19261b tflLINE bLL Li to ry to compee wit the collections Cover te po; 5. Tianes-Ilig iTs
forMiesthbringig ot e newtlent fri-4ytimUniversitywithin ta isheda. Frsh Frolic lllbe issued from 2 to iI of western papers already formed in Strikers; 54, Alpha Delta Phi-Ring a mittee
manly frbign unw aetfr$tUi v5ersity wthstaftenoon aathe bothr--Madison and Chicago. Duck; 55, Phi' Mu Alpha-Baseball Alpha
the next opera. Dancing classes will Helen Delbridge, '24, president t 'lc hsatrona h ot Chicago, March 3.-"The western I__________
be held this spring-In preparation for the Women's league, discussed the1 in the lobby of the Union. They will: collegiat ofrnei eti o~'Bucket ame;uc 56, h oSigma, Phi-IHitRih the; of this
the nineteenth annual musical comedy. 'handicaps under which the students also be given out at .the same time to-! dure all influences for its destruction, v ns"! G veMak nd uc°te oy 5,!ic alive.
- are forced to work, dte to thre lack of 1morrow and Thursday. because in"'the last analysis it will be I' u-op nadrent; 8 pi inf
F* ernitles needing materials to room and equipment. She also out-I Approximately 500 applications will l governed by the spirit of sportsman-, 'Rllgon-Toss the Ring; 9, Delta i--et that ti'
sell at the Union Fair must see theI lined the work which tie League hasI be issued and 250 of them will be ac-I ship," Major John L. Giiffith, coi- D gan Roll~a up a Score; 60 to 69, Ticketp prepay
business mnanageir of the Fain com- accomplished this year' together with Icpted. The class dues of the appli- missioner of athletics for the confer-I booths-Sphinx; 70, Phi Kappa Psi-- I ast
mittee from 4 to 6; o'clock this after-l the future plans of the organization. (canit must be paid and nmembers of the once declared in an address before ?Harry, Russell Evans, organist, of i Sheotcte hutes. TaBy. y v Pi dim
noon in. the, ativities room of the fresh'uman class 'will receive fist con-* Michigan and Ohio alumni here today.! the Fist Presbyterianchurch of Bay diineShw.,By vii'
Union. _ , n m.waa sideratloim in the awarding' of accept- "A, sportsman does not want' every.? City, 'a graduate' of the University ' ' ;tailf
ILIU IiI an.e?. ' thing his own way. If he has 9.ll ofi School of Music and fo several .years B rr n u sl
ThLIII. IUI ie applications may be retur'ned the advantages te contest becomes; a nmember 'of. its faculty, will appearrhe0
muuua, flh tfl Io the same booth in the Union and uneven," Major Griffith, said. "Greed 'as 'guest sooit' at the regular; twi-' Tl DSCuss toms ,tihl 0
~ ID I 1must lbe in before next Tuesday. They may ruin athletics, but it is not apt' light organ recial at 4:15 oclock to- I of th
AND N W RN flKTLTO IGH iay also be mailed to the Frolic coin- to ruin amateur athletics. - morrow afternoon in Hill auditorium. etadRseltedsigusef ee
1'puttee, are of the Union. Class des "The conference is predicated on co- He will take the place of M. Palnmem' philosopher and mathematician of
IAdelpi iHouse o()It lpiescitatives inay. also be either 'paid at the booth operation, ,confidence, and the spirit l Christian, University, organst, who, Cambridge, England, will deliver a
Cmsaspicto toamesIwill hold its semi-aniual declamnatlon or mailed'with the applications, of live and let live." - i out of the city, on A brief concertI lecture on "The ABC of Atoms" hiee,C
contest at 7:30 o'clock tonight in the,{ The Frolic committee will meet at tour. April 29, it was announced yesterday
The Receiver of Advertising, to Adel phi room on the fourth floor of 1 7:30 o'clock tonight in the Board room n' m~~rn~Mr. Evans is well known in AnnI by Prof. E. E. Day of the economics1
assist in obtaining chapters for a University hall. ight men will coi-! of Lane hall to decide on the orchestra;HIIIHMRLi(IHII]" Arbor, and has given many recitals ! department. -
national fraternity. Did he fail? pete, each speaking fromt seven to and programs for the party. All mem- UILEUL I RS UIIUP both here and throughout the state. i At the same time, it was announced
Never be it so! He succeededeigh.mnues That part of the hers of the committee are asked to at- I niuivnrAlTf iSine % vngAnn Arbor more than a_ .. ,;..~ , h Ah+ i+hcmniuInnh.n~~ f tTf 1i that Harold G. Moulton, noted eonom- Mn'

rnted by Sponsler as the half
loosiers Start Withi Rush
'aidge replaced MacWood at
d1 for Michigan at the oeing
second period. The Hoosiersm
off with a rush in the second',
id after three on four miutes'
Michigan was on the tail endl
-14 score,, Parker, Logan andi1
r all scoring from the fild.;r
three minutes, to' play Mich- '
ed to scre while Indiana added
ire field goals along with a fr'ee'
The'Wolve'ine team shbot from' x
'here' on the floor in afim attemnpt
'ease tiieir total but could not
o find the ba.sket.
Haggerty Stars
n, witftl4 k b'as't,staF'"dfr
osiemf'rowhile agge'ty Witt''four" '
rs.was" high' pbint man fr';d"
n. Close guardkn' by 'i6h ""
w asl.ataamxeniFt t iighut '"~te' "'
'which' was'theL a'st'6n the Tn
ana 'Mcian" ,A
. F.....Haggerty
..... F.......MacWoo&1,,
r.....G.. ........Deng
(Capt).. .G.......... Kipke
itutions - Indiana (none) ;
an, Mogaridge for MacWood,
'son for Mvogaridge.
goals-'I-ndiana: Logan 6, Park-
Sponsler 2, Lobar; Michigan:
'ty 4. MacWood, Doyle 2, Kipke.
Throws-Indiana: Lorber 2 ,out
ogan 2 out of 2, Parker 1 out
Tonsler 2 out of 4; Michigan:
ty 1 out of 3, Doyle 2 out of
g 1out of 4.
r'ee, Schonmmer , Chicago; Liz,'< egr-Ci
ereCiago., ":
solved, That congress, by "a two-
vote, 'Wulhd be "able to ovr-
five-to-four' decision of 'the Su-
court concerning the constitu-
ty of a federal law" has been
sd as the question for debate
oe annual Adelphi-Alpha Nu
ian debate which will be eld
eek following spring vacation.
subjec t was seleted by a com-
representing the two societies.
Nu wilil take the affirmative'
squestion, and Adelphi the neg-
Both societies plan' to select
of their teams immediately,. so
ey may have sufficient thrue for.
year time debate' was won by the
i,.'but was =closely' cnteted,..
'tue of this victory, Adelphi was'",
ed"t possessi'on;"-for'lne year, cf
lyon loving cup which' was '40-
for this piurpose last year by
iratonical asso'iatien °The cup
kconme the permanent property
esociety winning four out of ,.;
of these debates,
Of C. Plans
-chant's problems° will be dis-

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