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March 02, 1924 - Image 12

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The Michigan Daily, 1924-03-02
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SUNDAY, MARC1 2, 1924


,. :... .. .:..

S. --


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,* 1 ~R
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You will find
Our service courteous
and pleasing in every way

(Continued from Page One)
will not turn out a dashing, princely
chap, who can smoke cigarettes grace-
fully and wear a tuxedo with savior
faire? Because I am looking at the
man whose arms the delicate annd1
fragile infant is blissfully sleeping.
A baby boy was born next door to-
day. I think it should be explained
to him that he has arrived into a very
ill-fashioned world; that he will be
expected to choose some life-long task

which he will probably loathe; that
he has has born into him certain in-
stincts that he must repress.or he will
be carted off to the gallows; that het
will be expected to attend banquetsI
and perhaps give speeches, that he isI
going to -be spanked for reasons hea
will never understand; that he is go-
ing some day to bump his head and
give it an awful bang; that he will
one day have the mumps and thel
tooth-ache; that after all these trials,
he will fall ill and die for all his pains.4
Then he should be given his choice3
whether he will stick it or not: he

should be given a fair chance to quit
while the quitting is good. I often
feel indignant with the world on this
account. I should like to say:
"Plague take it, I never asked to come
to this circus anyway. My ticket was
bought when I was too young to know
any better."
By Jove, I can hear the brat yelling
already. lIe has probably managed to
choke on his thumb. or. swallow a
button-hook. Well-all. I can say is,
he'd best get used to it.

on my knees to recov
"Heavens," I thou
a career that can be
of a soup plate. Tw
and this man. wou
Three and he would
Four and he would 1
street corner. A de
the swing of a door
on the floor. I shivr
I was not a waiter.
the man served the t
I managed to slip a d
him before leaving.


"Oedipus Rex" and its marriage of
To Mrs. Grundy: other and son, with "Medea" and her
insatiable thirst for revenge, with the
It is to be expected, as it has been "Choephoroe" and Orestes' terrible'
and always will be, that in a period of reguital for the murder of his father.
remarkable dramatic vigor there All of them, from the first to the last.
should be certain critics, generally of Arefhe i t eyfrmto tbeast,
are heaped-with every form of beasti-
the professorial type., who consistent-
lymal what they term nte . im- ality, yet for sheer passionate virility
ly lamen iwot the em"te m- they are unequaled.
raItendencies" of the contempor- The same is equally true of a host of
ary drama. It is perfectly obvious, of , "n
course, to almost everyone that theeays-Othello,', "
American theater is entering- or is:{ fear, a'."A Winter's Tale, Hamlet,'t
iand "Romeo-and Juliet," to give only a
about to enter into a period of distinct f
rennaissance, probably the greatest few. Obviously the purely immoral
in its history and possibly among the eleents do not constitute their
tmeasure of greatness, but they repre-
sent the freedom of an age that could
is equally obvious and rather proudly ,produce - tremendously vital and nat-
admitted--for it is one of the majorI
earmarks of any rejuvenation-that ural works of art. This cannot mean,
this movement is thoroughly unham- on the other hand, that such a period
pered and immoral... of restraint as the nineteenth century
did' not also produce great master-
All this, naturally, is quite as it ;.pieces-for genius always survives
should be. America, through her 'c ntemporary restrictions--but think
strategic financial status gained from Vhow much' greater its Tennysons and
the past war, is now in a position to; Thackerys and even its Brownings
command not only the monetary but would have been if they were as un-
art world as well. In New York today fettered as the Flauberts and Gautiers'
we have the theater's greatest artists, across the channel.
from Duse and Reinhardt to Stanis- - And finally there is our modern
lavsky and Copeau, assembled to gain draima, which has created such vile
our disdained but necessary dollars. and beautiful examples as "The
These personalities are teaching us, Power of Darkness, "Night.Lodging,"
the best of the classical and modern and "The Creditors" Ibsen used to be
technique, so that subconsciously, shocking in "Ghosts" and "The Doll's
whether we will it or .not, we are House" and the super-sensual "Peter
building a foundation on which the {,Gynt," only to be overruled by the cli-
future American dramatist may create matic vulgarity of Wedekind and
a superb,"structure. The finished re-1Andreyev.
suit may be a greater Moscow Art So the list goes: it is next to the
Theater or another Theater du Vieux impoSs belitoeit asinedtt t
Comblier, but at least it is certain that sle tho find a bsingle dramatist
of note ,who, had not built his fame
it will produce a truly American dra-1 around this note. Even Shaw-who
matic literature-American, you un always chooses to play a trick only.
derstand, in the national -sense that once-repeats this factor constantly,
the Abbey Theater is Irish. in "The Philander," "Mrs. Warren's
To expect such a result,. however, Profession," "Heartbreak House," and
from Victorian restraint and happy with an admirable satiric twist in
nicety is both impossible and rjdicul- "Man and Superman."
ous, as the annals of all great litera- .-:This is quite natural, evidently ,be-
ture prove only too easily. From the cause. it seems so basic and funda-
beginning, sublimity of thought has mental, so--elemental through the fact
always arisen from the primitive and that- the earthly supports all else.
the carnal, from the immoral if you Whether this carnal and unmoral
can think of the word aside from ii- 4tyle masks itself in the primitive
legitimacy. treatment of Synge and Masefield or in
To begin at the beginning, of course, the hyper-sophistication of Schnitzler
means to start with the greatest of all and Molnar, it carries the same uni-
dramas, the Greek tragedies, with versal..appeal-it is the single com-#



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As I read this noble work which has
moved me so deeply that it.has almost
renewed art within my soul, I wonder,
wonder about the author. He must be
alive and breathing this very n4nute.
Is he perhaps smoking a black sigar
or cleaning his fingernails or cata-
loging his stamp collection or quar-
reling with the cook, or brushing his
E teeth, or only snoring blissfully in
bed? He lives on another continent
and the difference in time makes- the
last more probable.
The other evening I dined rather in-
discretely, at an expensive restaurant
were the waiters were as formal 'and
distant as so many arch-dukes I felt
very much afraid of them, particularly
as I had thehonor and responsibility
of a young lady's company. I must
take care not to hurt their feelings, I
All of a sudden, one of the most
princely of them dropped a -plate of
soup on the floor. His haughty man-
ner was gone-he blushed, stammered
and his lips trembled with emotion.
Looking at me guiltily, he murmured:
"fir hg~nt idn th in fir aa

(Continued fron
and powerful trag
Christie" and "The H
paring a production o
'All.Gods Chilluns G
dealing :with the ma
woman to a negro--
way, which is destine
if there ever was on
The danger of t
course, is only too o
stant possibility of c
straw, and of buildin
any- one element is t
great drama. The fa
over, that from this s
tive, which is calle
want of a broader te
orous and power a,
and almost without e
of such sophisticati
only trite and unimp
And when it is all sai
so childfully obvious
remains -that the
gentlemen everywhei
Mr. Sherman, Mr. F
contest this very id
the meantime the d
selves are proving t


1 -1

Tuttle's Lunch Room
1388 Maynard St. South of Majestic
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After the Show-- -
For a nice quiet place-where you can
can get a delicious bite to eat-why not try us?
Afternoon Teas
2:30 to 5
Our place is delightful for dinner parties. Ring 951- W
andlet us-tell you about it.
On Thayer, Just Back o f H i lI Auditorium


F. L. Tilden...........Editor
Donald E. L. Snyder.....Books
Normand Lockwood......Music
Robert Bartron Henderson...
Gordon Wier............Art
Lisle Rose, Halsey Davidson, +
Newell Bebout, Samuel Moore, I
Jr., Maxwell Nowles, Philip Wag-"If
ner, Dorothy Sanders. I
Tha Sunday Magazine solicits
manuscripts from all persons af-
filiated with the University. Man-
uscripts must be typewritten,
triple spaced and written on one
side only. * s * *
The Sunday Magazine acknowl
edges The American Secular Un-
Jon review service for "The Un-
official Observer" department. *#


mon chord of every art.
To return to the American theater.
which at present is the New York sea-
son, we have the point admirably il-
lustrated. At the head of the list, of
course, there is the perenial "Rain,"
a vigorous melodrama concerning the
seduction of a missionary by the com-
monest of prostitutes, a play that
promises to enjoy a run of some three
years in New York alone, nearly equal-
ling the popular "Lightin'," another
tremendously successful tale of a
hopeless drunkard. In like vein such
folk dramas as "White Cargo" and.
Percy Mackaye's "This Fine-Pretty
World" have created consistent inter-
est. Then, there is Max Reinhardt's
magnificent production of "The Mir-
acle," a story centering around the
seven sinful years of a Nun after her
desertion from the convent, and at
another theater Pirandello's fascinat-
ing cycle of neurotic plays are being
presented. And to complete the list
there is the prolific Eugene O'Neil,
without a question the greatest Ameri-
can dramatist, who after such crass
(Continued on Page Seven)

Good Food is always the essence
of our ;menu. Fraternities and
sororifies and different campus
groups often enjoy the quality and
quiet atu

A Good Place to Have
Your Group Dinners

r pract yeveryformOfuranceexcept lfe.zr, aven Loneu lat in ve y
of service.' them.
I smiled sympathetically and tried
__Ito look helpful without getting down THE IRONIC
(Continued fron
~'il~ll~luhlIIHtllhINHlI HlHuRuHIIu:I, I i Il I~ IllIIIntIunIohIIInuuIInllui n - boy, should have con
ly decent bits of ve
Humanist, mentally t
{ offers a timid sugges
the Holy Spirit tempt
advantage and insp
__ __ __breast the purity of
and parts of Childe I
_':student, sans even a
ancy, gladly agrees.
wur * I e " "IThe all-A lad, of
I4.iftIWf '1 "forgiven, for he is
- doomed to struggle a
-jistence on twenty-ei
-. -lars a year, instead
is sure to please you. T IfI cmotadecry
comfort and decency
with a "gentleman's
= The really sad pa
1 21 0 I affair, however, is th
i U N'I 1S I TY wof the University o
StopinimeanyMost of them are,
ed by their studie
again some poor lad
from Economics an
Spanish, which lead
I thousand a year, an
to pass his life in p
turn for the consol
Order yo Sunday Matthew Arnold or
course, such a pe
W uvalues argues in the
e 4e a m . gthem an inherer
Cream now.V
* de v it is the Ironic Hi
wildeliverit befOre save men from the
that this earth may
-i r happier place to liv
S This is the Ironic
sionand on the cam
meat is the alert y+
fool enough to go afi
ly the class is not
- keep the Humanist
some time to come,
cast out by the very
- pathises with and s
"No hero to me is
Y - =easy shedding of hi
~ , his fame; my hero :
death, can win prais
e6P61611111111111111111f1111lIOIIIItHftlHtitlHtli{Iilti11 1!ll iiM~i1 ~iIIH~i HiMHiHi11itHiE~i11in Martial.)

Across from D. U. R. Depot


It u the Policy of this magazine to
Iblish articles of opinion by both
,uden's and fac-ty members if, in
4e judgment of the editor, these a8ti-
Ies are of intrinsic t'alue and interest.
his does not mean that manuscripts
'licited or voluntarily offered r'e

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