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March 02, 1924 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1924-03-02

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. ,

at-othe BeIulletin 1s uonatructlve notice to all members of
iversity. Copy received by tb* Asttant tr the Via.. dIrt un~til
i. (11:30 a. m. Saturtlaws
!$ 4 SUNDAY, MIARCHI 2, 1921 Number 111
e will bn no conference of the Dez ans on Wednesday, March 5.
X. L. Burton.

Woeek endling April4, Ogg & Ray, Chs. XXXVIII, XXXIX.
Week ending April 11, Ogg & Ray, Ch. XL.
,Week ending Aoril 25, Ogg &' Ray, Ch. XLI.
Wkeek ending May 2, Ogg ,co Ray, Chs. XLIII; XL--IV.
Week ending May 9, Ogg & Ra y, Chs. XLV, XLVL.
Week ending May. 16, Ogg & Ray, Chs. XLVi1, XLVIII.
Week ending May 23, Ogg & Ray, Chs. XLIX, L.
T. H. Reed.


-31 () N DA y
a ! GOING ll:30--Freslinaan (.irk' glee club weets
Iin B3arbo;ur gymnasiumi.
-_________i____ (30-..Exchange club d[inner, room :1)IS,
_._...._.,. jUnion.
$UINA D A 7:4 -Hatfiii;dranmalic leag[uc e ets it
9:30- --Uisivcrsity 3len's Whi~e (ttU4 Guild house.
meets in Lane hail.

Read the Want Ads

textregular mleeting of the senate Council will be held Monday,
10, at 4:11;p. iri n the President's office.
F. 1E. Robbins, Secretary.
teils Report for 1922-1M2:
e Prs~ient's Report for 1922-1923 is just being delivered by the
C~opies may be had by calling at the de,,k in the Secretary's Office,
)ftnlbmrs of the University Staff and Faculty:s
P uffices. employing part-timge help are requested to deliver time slips
Sec-etary's office prior to the fifth (%y preceding the last day of the
in ordert that the payroll clerk m)ay. have sufficient time to prepare
s,.. 4.ates where titnd iare not delivered as above, it will be
ry Vt' iild back pay until one %w ek ;fter' regular payday.
.1. 4. (iiistctscnA. 4. C"y
31bnl~rs ofr t' Ectilly and All Uniwivrsily(kfres
so tar as possible the Secretary's office ha,, distibuted thle January
lephone directory. Anyone who has not yet received the new dir-
will kinhdly notify the above office so that delivery may be lmade.
J. C. Christensen, Asst.. Sec'y.
ere bil1 be a meeting of Freshmen Women on Monday afternoon at
clock in Sar'ah Caswell Angell Hall. The purpose of this meeting is
s a freshman pagePant to be given on Lantern Night. All freshmen
ark~ urI'gdto be present. '*Jean Hlamnilton, Dean of women.
P nex~t regular Fcntlty Meeting will be held Monday evening, March
S'ii. mn. in the faculty Room, l ediecal 1Buildinlg.
Carl 11. ElherIbaicb.
nhr, of tlhe Board Of J)irCCtors----i7ver'Sity 311iviaI ;Society:
rn will be a short' but importanIt meeting of the Board of Directors
~nverslity Mus ical Society in Professor Kelicy's room in the 1bsenent
University Library Building, Satturday 'afternooni, March 1, ;t .:00

'sycliology 7s 3Make-up Exuuiizatioih:
There will be a make--up 'examination for those. wlojnissed- the final
4x inaton, in room o64 N. 5, at 2 p. in. Saturday, March 8th.
WV. B. Pillsbury.
Public Speakinig for Ehgineers:
The following men will appear 'on the program for Tuesday,, 7:10 p.
M~arch 4, Room, 348 West.i Eng. ldg.:,, atz :Chairman,, and Messrs, .Walker,
Whipple, Bailey, Clare, Clinton, F~eick, Hill, Kearns, K~nodel.
U~ A. Schmidt; Chtdljrman' of Assemblies.
Rotan~l S eminar:
Meets 'Werdnesday, March 5, at A4: 30. Room 13173, N. S. Building. Pap-
?'r by Frank A, Spragg,-."Genetic Expectations. B., Il. DavIs.
The -Women's Research Club will meet on Monday, March 3, at 7:30 p.
P_ in room iZ 242, Natural Science Building. Mlilsi Margaret Wylie will
,Peak on "The H~abit Clinic and the :Prublem (Child."
Mina L. Winslow, Scc~y.
I toilI#eseuirebC10);ib
Tlhe regular wtling will .hr.h(l" t .m ueiiyeve, Mrc th.
room 161 iN. S. 13ldg. Thie paipers of the evening still he: The Analyt isal

112:00)-t'ivic open forumn-D-r. F. E.

.JItaynes on-A many miVIU~a u'own, " i il- -t nitiir witj (, mIs- 10-:1C ('11111'y-
Cbngregational church. outs meet in Maude l1(eyn's, studio,i
*2:60-Baptist Studen~ts, Bible class atI School ofi Music.
GIuild house. ~4 :3%--1ti~erslty Girls' (~lee club meets'
2:.30-Plriiip l-)Ihlt n club meet! in Barbour gymnasium.
in Lane hall. 4 :W--tudent branch of the Americon
(8:4W-1)dicitssion ' tun fr Charles E., Institute of Electrical Engineer:; I
Edmunds, Lane hall.! meetsi in Natural Science auditor-
4.00--Chiirstian Scienee lecture by item.
d~oige Shaw, Sarah Ca, wekll Anakeli ia:00--1)odo Pl"ers rehearse in 1ro0011
hail. 205. M1ason hal.
5.:30--Student hlour, Conrgregatilonal;7 '14--nterfraternIty counci meets In
church.5 room 302, onion.
6.030-Baptist students social hour, ;7: 30 A del phi meeting7 unh ersit) Halt,
Guild house. 7:311-Areonautlimi society meeting in
6:30-- Baptist students' discusion room 39)6, union.
me et ing, Guild h ouse.7:[9-les Voytgeni's meet in room111
6:30tt-.- Prof'essor Mender speaks onj 3<--6, union.
"The Gospel According to Tolstoi,, :(Ifh-Iuniih Itesc, relit ou~l meets in
unitarian parlors, roomt 321, Natural Science build-
7 :0f0- -Un iver"Ity service, C .E. Ed- ing.
mounds, speaker. 11111 auditorium. ji S:391-SIgm~i lDeila t'li nieling, room
7:l~i-.1ewt isli Stirtlelt' c~ngregatlio 304, Union.
meets in Lane hall auditoriuin.

j 'Iv lESA V

Pens" .
That is li'hat they say
After buying -a
pen at Rider's Pen.
Shop. It is so
nicely fitted.
To make it douib-
ly satisfactory
they use Rider's
Special Formula:
Diamuond Writing



Det erminat ion of Nickel by 13. A. Soule. Experinments on the Meclw nism lof :7 l -: of ;,rii1 c relgicoIa Brriej v3""',
the Crossing Over in Drosophila by P. 0. Anderson. - -The heart of a hIero," Congre-; Exlhibitioni of etchitng reproductions, It wrks when
M er" TiIrtttt gtional church, u tpper gallery, Alumni Memorial hav
f - R'Lrrin I_______- hall. others hvefailed.
5oeilogy 0- lld. L!ts"Jimmie the adtaker" sells anything exhibiion of sainedi glass windows, L
Maetpexmnto i oilgy.8rrl.2 oda,$t3o'lc ni icky.-.Adv. west architectural drafting room.Th eti
Make-p exminaion n Soj~loy 25and._________________________________________The__Ve_____is____e1 :h, Chapes
Room 05 MerioniCB 7Uil~ln h.A. E. !{rod 3~a.................. " ...!. ...................................
I Varsily ('ilee ('bib: .i
There will be a. special mneeting o4 file Varsity Glee diub tomorrow even-TEKYOR SSADR, V
n(Monday) at 7:0() o'clock. John11 M.RU11ssell, Manr'ger A typewriter with a trick keyboard is t VDAL
'l' 4PuleiP~of)I. J. . iihie:just as foolish as ,a piano with the high :
,k On account ot illness Mr. ,callad l4as been given iDave of abhsence foi oe ttelf. hsnwpral
ll. has a full four-bank keyboard, 42 keys,
the alace f Te ~inetc~.The ne~ssry rrag~nintsforcarryi onI 1single shift, just lilfe a ,non-portable
htis work xvwill be announcedI to his classes Monday. 1aahie
M[. E. Cooley. mcie
No Lack Of Greek I Dr. Reaves aays that thero are 3,824 A. C. STIMSON30 Sat S.
LetersRep rte. n2tions of Greek letters as yet' pewitrs ppieepa :4s~iing n Ms!rpn akr
Nor man, Okla., i2ar. 1. ---- Aspiring att[- 111fl{{ilttt lflilg lllli=) -:, ............_ ". ,"" _____.
founders of Greek letter frateriienh iFor ''' ' ' '* '

members are requested to be presentt.

F. WV. Kelsey, President.

? r Icy
les K. Edmunds, engineer, explorer', educator andi author, Presi-
i-n Christian Coll(ge1 willsneak this evening in Hill Auditorium
ject, "Dynamic China."
~whio desir'e to confer NN thl Dr.- Ednmunds, relative t terchin g'in
i'v 'arrana eti'fts in Litne-Hall. It. K. Latta.


61t'6f'Zbdlogy'avaf ds each yo- the lBry ant Walker Schol-
Kil'es the bolder to free tuition during the summer session
Biological Laboratory at Woods Hole, Mass. Application
in writing to ine before March 7th. t*- i' 9


ni ong gb , March 3, the' lest ufts in this coursie will be given
10J, EJconomics Bldg. instead of Rcoom B, Law Bldg. ',
% ril cIllc''
16'si)I-P~~mn l illmzieet for luL ,h-fon at-the Vnion -on Tiv ,-
G a o~ ~ck. W11 F-IHumphreys.
kk c 22, Pr'1h)iis of the Var East:- -
coure which has lbeen meeting 1,\', r F, at °11'in,101 Economic3
L ins&et hencefor~th at the same hour In 104 Economics Bldg.
1.1 . t, alan', °
Sciee 2, Reading Assignments;
Kending F'eb. 22, Ogg & Ray, Ch. XXX I.
c eding F'eb. 29, {egg & Ray, Gb. XXXII.
endiung March 7, Ogg R Ray, Ch lII'NT
cending March 14, Ogg &7K'v.Ch.XTXIII XX .V.
cending March 21., Ogg & Ray, Ch. XXX:V, C'h.XX to page, 511.
cending March -28, Ogg & Ray, Fini: ' h L. XXXVI, Clh. XXXV IL

_ _ ii

reed not. despair at the apaparent lack'-- CATERING AND) PARTtI ,S
of available letter comnbinations ac -
cortling to Dr..S. W. Raeatn JOE PARKER'S
dean o(f the'-college-of'-avt's^4 it -si'_ .E 2 xta,,;, ;iie' arlie
ences .ot the University of O-klahwna!Il1{ l'tx~ce
Fraternitie $rritle, Dormatories
-Ober Arcade'Th - Y 6ir ,r ette mmpreins
*v ,
Y'~ou 0Jnd dour f r.'nds are cordiallyt invited to d Free Bible s!
~L~c tare, illustrated by 150 Colored Slides. Th1e Valian 'Theory
:of Creation conforms to the Scriptural account and constitutes
one of the 4irings to God's Harp. Entertaining, instructive and
Sshows the future as well as the past. Seats:. free, no collection. =
SAuspices of Iiiternat onal Bible Students Assn.e
w. w
v '0
Schwaben H1-all, 1'3 So, Ashley ,St., Ann ,Arbor, Mich. -
~ unday Evening, M/arch 2, at 7:30. P m
I 5w 1 t -.I1 I I I u S I U I I I I f ~ u I I l ~ I I U S 8 I E * I I U ~ I I U I I I h U ~T E t
Picture Fraing- n u
-We- carry a complete line of Picture Mouldings ador.
workmanship- is&.the best. Let us show you our line before you
I purcha*se .and our prices are reasonable:'
-Service and Quality at Fair. Pricts < '
00 Cirdlar iass
We are now- equipped to -handle orders, for circular plate,-
Swindow glass and mirrors. 0
- 01l


THE I$O0 h
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15 titles including
2 ' r0ec BIII ItTHE BL+YOND.

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No, ifs or ands about it.


you feel that a meal here has
not given you all that you had
been led to expect, merely say
so. Your money back. At once.



U V 'RS -:'tk-
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j-, y

i ,
f , ;9
S/s{ j1 r
,2/ ' r
r , i ,,,/
/i /


Arcade Cafeteria

UPst a irs,

Nick el~s

A rcad e


. . .1


Last srngsclothe
will Look Like new if
cleaned here in Beno


11 1

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