Sir i~an
,.xxxIv. ~6. no
HOUE SNCTONSNervous Collapse
REVNUEBIL BY AsForces Suspeni
Asa iesult of a compicte neivous
fl jlfl D acollapse last night, J. A. Sallade, od
temathematics department of the
engineering college, Is confined to his
REPUBLICAN BILL AS COMPOSED this semester.. When Mr. Sallade has
BY JJONGWORTH SENT TO sufficiently recovered he will leave
SENATE town for an indefinite rest. He was
notified last week that his services
APPROVES REDUCTION in the University would no longer be
required after this semester and tc
ON PERSONAL IN COMES the subsequent actions proposing his
reinstatement is attributed the break-
Specific Rate Changes Not to Take down.
Effect Until Tax Payments Are The investigation committee was
Made In 1924. told of Mr. Sallade's illness while in
session and after expressing their ex-
Washington, Feb,~ 29.-(By AP)- jtreme regret and sympathy, adjourned
t 408 to 8 the Revenue .until it was found whether further
By a vote of inquiries would be of any use.
bill was passed late today by the "I am very, very sorry," said Dean
House. Mortimer E. Cooley of the engineering
As sent to the Senate, the measure college when informed of Mr. Sallade's
carries an 4ncome tax schedule offer- Iillness. "I had the feeling that. we
od b Reresntie Logwoth,~hewere gradually coming to an under-
ed b Reresetiv Logworh, ~hestanding to the mutual satisfaction of
Republican leader, as a substitute for all concerned."
the Democratic rate. This was adopt- Mr. Sallade endeavored to present
ed 216 to 199, after the House had his case to at least two classes in the
rfusd, by avte 261 to 15, to l-eIn- literary college yesterday. He alse
re us , y vo ,challenged the students to leave one
sert in the bill Re original Mellon class of Prof. T. H. Hildebrandt of the
schedule, engineering college and when they re-
The Longworth substitute provides fused he requested Professor Hilde-
for a normal tax reduction to 2 per- brandt to fight it o'ut in front of the
cent on incomes below $4,000, to 5 library, it is said.
percent on incomes between $4,O00I and jA fleetipig which was to have been
$8,000 and to 6 percent above $8,000. !private between Dean Cooley and Mr
It also would cut by one-fourth the Sailade yesterday afternoon became a
present surtax rates making the max. discussion group when many students
imum 37 and one half percent on in- in the classes of Mr. Sallade packed
comes exceeding $200,000.. No in-
crease in existing personal tax exem-
ptions would be allowed.
The House also approved a proposal S N O LiS AM
for a flat reduction of 25 percent on
all personal Income taxes payable this
Two unsuccessful ef'rswere AS F IIL
yerhefs t L
Of Sallade
~sion Of Teaching
I the large office and entrance to Dean
Cooley's office. Different phases of
the situation were discussed by Dean
Cooley, Mr. Sallade and a number of
students. Dean Cooley presented his
side of the question and answered
questions of students and Mr. Sallade
Greatly depressed, yet apparently
with indomitable courage, Mr. Sallade
(defended his action, stating that the
whole matter was crushing his spirit
ad brekin up hswoelfwic
ad been deoted to teaching his hihi
ideals to others..
Dean Cooley declared his admira-
tion for the spirit of Mr. Sallade and
his ability to enthuse his students but
in summing up the situation declared
that the rules of the college must be
carried out regardless of everything
else. The classes must have a limited
number of students and If Mr. Sallade
is willing to teach to this number his
position. is still open to him, he said
Dean Cooley expressed his willingness
to receive a petition requesting that
the faculty change this I'uling as tc
sizes of classes, saying it would be
given their careful consideration.
If the rule was changed he said he
(would be glad to recelve another peti-
tion requesting the reinstatemient of
Mr. Sallade and would give it tc
President Marion L. Burton and the
IRegents. Dean Cooley expressed his
regret that the petition prepared had
been addressed to President Burton
stating that he would be only too glad
to discuss these mnatters with students
and (declared he thoroughly enjoyed
such a two hour session as was then
-disbanding at nearly 6:30 o'clock.
Senator Lenroot Reseut InsunuationE
of Senator Heflin Concernlng
Visit to Fall
T O T A L S *4,280,741,48
Nine Faculty Mein Made Professors;
Eight Associate and 18 Assis-
tant Professors
Consideration and approval of re-
commendations for academic promo-
tion occupied the second session of
the monthly meeting of the Board of
Regents. ln all, nie members of the
faculty were raised to the rank of
full professor, eight were made associ-
ate professors, and 18 were made as-
sistant professors.
Those who were made full profess-
ors are as follows: Stuart A. Courtis,
School of Education; Floyd E. Bartell,
Chemistry department; William C.
Smeaton, Chemistry department: Al-
I bert R. Crittenden, Latin department;
Wilbur H. Humphreys, English de-
Ipartment; Charles B. Vibbert, Philo-
sophy department; William H. Wait,
and Alfred 0. Lee, modern languages
department and Frank 1N. Wilson.
mica department.
The associate professors appointed
were: Chester S. Schoepfle, chemistry
department; Daniel L. Rich, physics
department; Frank R. Finch, of the
engineering departnrient; Frank K .
Stevens, of the engineering depart-
menta Frederick Coller, medical de-
Ipartment; Elmer D. MVitchell, depart-
ment of physical education and Kemp
Keena, of the Extension division. Al-
bert J. Hall was made clinical pro-
fessor of operative dentistry.
Those appointed assistant professors
are: Orlando W. Stephenson, School
of Education; Harcourt L. Caverly
economics department; James N. Cork
and Oscar B. Klein, physics depart-.
mnent; Ora S. Duffenback, physics de-
partmnent; Carroll H. May, economics
department; Forrest L. Dimmick, psy-.
chology .department.; Preston E
James, geography department; Carl
D. L a Rue, botany department; AnoE
R. Morris and Frederick W. Peterson
rhetoric department; George G
Brown, Maurice .Eichelberger, and
Robert C. Cole-, -engineering depart- {
inent; .George R. -Herrman, Carl E
Badgley, and Phil L. March, of thc
medical school; and Robert K. Brawn I
dental school. - - a.
SThe -budget of the University. for thc
fiscal year beginning July 1, 1.924, with
the exception of that of the University
hospital, was approved. It will total
Mrs. Theodore BuhI, of Detroit, in-
creased the Buhl Classical Fellowshir
from $600 to $1200 annually.
The resignation of Mrs. J. R. Effing-
er as a director of Betsy Barboui
dormitory was accepted. Mrs. Effing-
er was forced to resign on account of
ill health.
Eta chapter of Chi Omega establish-
ed a scholarship of $25 for the best
work in sociology 19 by any sopho-
more or junior woman, during the
present semester.
Robert P. Lamoite, '9E, gave
$500 to lbe used for experimental work
on helicopters,.
The gift to the University of a Ro-
man mill, by the Michigan Millers' as-
sociation and Mr. G. Frank Allmen-
dinger, of the Michigan Milling com..-
pany, was acknowledged. The mill
was buried in Pompeii (luring the er-
uption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 A. D.
Canvass of Campus Organizatlojns Will
Be Held for Collective
('ontribut 1ons
Contributions received on the first
day of Michigan's drive for the Stu-
dent Friendship Fund reached a total
oft$750 last night according to late
figures given out by the officials of the
campaign. This figure is exclusive
of faculty donations and house contri-
butions which are being handled by
separate committees.
Today and Monday fraternity, sor-
ority and other organization houses!
will be canvassed and given a chance
to give collective funds to the drive
Herbert Steger, '25, is in charge of the
fraternity committee. Two days yet
remaili of the drive and the com-
mittee hopes to put Michigan well over 1
the minimum quota of $5,000 by Mon-
day night when it officially closes.
"We are not entirely satisfied with
the first day of the drive," said ECgbert
IR. Isbell, '26L. "Many students have
given liberally in sums ranging from
$1.50 to $10 but what we would rather
have is a donation from every man on I
the campus. It is an all-Michigan
drie ndthe -Michigan fund should
reliresent the best wishes of every:
IMichigan man and woman. We fee!
confident that interest in forming a
Michigan kitchen is growing rapidly
and that we will go well over the
Ha~i~rvard, which gave the largest
sum of any college, $6,101.18, to the
total gift of $186,000 from American
colleges and universities, had raised
at the end of the first three days only
$1,100. This, the committee cites, is
an example of how a campaign can
pick up after sufficient interest has
been stimulated.
A string of tickets one mile long,
approximately 400,000 of them, were!
yrint~d 'y'the' committee to sell for
10s cents each. One ticket will give
two meals to a foreign student at the
College Heads
Endorse Drive
Egbert R. Isbell, '26L, ,who has
charge of the Students' Friendship
drive of the University, received the
following telegrams last .night from
President Livingston Farrand, of Cor-
nell University and President John
Grier Hibben, of Princeton University
"I am glad to hear of Michigan's
participation in the Students' Friend-
ship funds. There is no aspect of
the present disastrous condition in
IEurope more serious than the. u ier-
mining of the Intellectual life of the
nations involved and particularly as
it affects the students in the Univer-
sities. Help is urgently needed and
any contributions will be quickly and
worthily applied. The students of
Michigan as of every other university
have a real opportunity before them."
Livingston Farrand -
"Deilghted to know you are starting
campaign for Student F'riendship I
Fund, the need abroad should make a
strong appeal. It is not only an obli-
gation but a privilege to help.
John Crier Hibben.
Considered Highest Schiolastie H enor
Within Reach of Students
iii Law School
mad.e to eViLIiiate t1I jirovson EJ
Specific rate changes in the bill will
not become effective until tax pay-
ments are made next- year on .incomes
and profits of 1924, except those made
in the excise 'levies which would go
into effect 30 days' after enactiniezt of
the law..
In addition to the ,new -incQe a
Ba rues, Midway Forward, Also oii
As Injured But Slated
To tat ame
The curtain will be drawn on lM
gan's home basketball schedule
the Varsity quintet clashes with
Chiag cut fiv at 8 o'clock to
in the Yost field house in what p
ises to be a memorable battle iir
basketball annals of 1)0th schoc
Athletically, there has always
'sted a feud between Michigan
C fhicago and since the severane
football relations both schools
turned to basketball to settle
friendly feud.
.The Maroon basket tossers stan
the top of the Conference race, di
Ohio State's victory over Purdue,
seven wins and but two defeat
their record and must record a
tonight< or possibly arelinquish
leadership. Ohio State and Purdue
[tied for second place with seven
ornes and three defeats -and a wim
either teani tonight and a defeal
Chicago will displace the Midway
Michigan will .strive to avenge
defeat handed to her by Chicage
the first road journey of the Wo
ines, the Norgren team finishing
game but two points ahead of IV
er's men. Michigan has not give
hopes of finishing high in the Coi
ence standing as-there is still a st
possibility of garnering second p
All reserve seats for the cont'es
night have been sold out and' H
Tillotson expects the largest ci
of the season to witness the lmj
ant tussle. Extra seats have been
vided for to accommodate an ic
ed number of spectators.
It is still doubtful as to whe
or not Harry Kipke will be in
statting'iwup but'the Wolverines
lhe eakened conmiderably in e
case as t'he Injury is bniml to slo,
Greenwald Selected, Poet; Hocy,
Prophet; p)nnne, Orator; Dick-
hoff, Historian
Thirteen senior law students of the
University were elected last night to
the Order of the Coif, national legal
honorary society, to which each mem-
ber law school in the country may an-
nually elect not more tha nlO per cent
of the senior students of highest schol-
The men elected to membership are:
John C. Clark, John P. Dawson, Del-
mar WV. Doddridge, Allard WV. Frog-
ner, Beecher W. Hungerford, Fred G
Krivonos, Norman D. Lattin, Paul A
Leidy, Glenn A. McCleary, Ronald M
Ryan, Bowen E. Schumacher, Carl H
Smith, and Yates G. Smith.
The officers of the society, who are
filculty nmembers, are: Dean 'Hehrm
M. Bates,.president, Ptof. Edson R.
Sunderland, secretary, and Prof. C. C'
AT i
schdul mjorproisonsofthe bil Two Alunii secretaries and the IWashington, Feb. 29.-(By A. P.)-
as approved today ate: Class Day speakers were elected at a Incidents in the oil inquiry were made
Twenty-fiv'e percent reduction on mneetin~g of the senior liter.ary class: the subject of a stirring debate today
eraned inicomes all wnder $5,000 being jheld yesterday aftermoon in Newberry in the senate which. culminated in a
thfied.s ea-ed. for *purposes of hall. Dorothy Greenwald was select- bitter forensic .encoumter 'between
thsrednction. . . ed class poet, Harry: D. Hoey, 'pro- Chairman I4enroot,.of the' oil coinit.-
Repeal, er reduction of many of the phiet, J. K. Dunn, orator and Frieda tee, and Senator Hefli, Democrat,
miscellaneous or excise taxes involv -I DIkof itra . 1bm
ing bou $10,00,00 inrevnuean- The -Alumni secretaries, chosen f or This : clash grew 'out of :the visit
nually. :a term of five years, were .James A. which Senator Lenroot -and Smoot
iht endngoss Incolmei deduction Rice and. Kenneth Kerr. Theys were-I made to Albert B. Fall at a hotel. here
Itallos an grss icom deuctonsselected following a short address OU before the former interior secretary
which it is estimated will ,yield about "Alumni Rtelations" by Wilfi'ed B. misled the oil investigators .by his
Increases0 inv the esatentax oaou Shmaw, general secretary of the Alumni statement that he had borrowed $100,-
I8 percest. 'h saeta f otassociation. Mr. Shaw urged that the [000 from Edward B. McLean, publish-
38 pecent.class select its secretaries immediate- er of the Washington Post.
Institution of a gift tax with the ly so that their Alumni organizations Resenting what he regarded as in-
tax. rae scrid nteett might be well under way by Comn- sinuations of Senator Heflin that he
tax. - - enceent.The seniors were also had aided Fall to concoct the story
Creation of a board of tax appeals asked to become affiliated with the Senator Lenroot declared that "about
to decide tax disputes between the local Alumni clubs in their home Ithe most pitiful of human beings is
treasury and tax payers. towns as soon as possible after grad- jthe assassin of character." Senator
uating. Heflin retorted that he couldn't think
Finnish Students A unanimous vote of the class was of "anything more despicable" than the
/ ~ . obtained favoring a resolution that Ivisits of Senators to "the criminal
Honor Saarznen Commencement be held on Ferry field charge, under indictment."
______this year as last. This was consider- Another incident of discussioni was
Prof.' Eliel Saarinen, who has been eavsbebcusonyaimted the employment of McLean of E. W
conducting a class in advanced design number may attend. the exercises Smithers, chief communication officer
in the department of architecture, was when they are held in I'ill auditorium. [of the White House to man the priva'te
the guest of honor at a banquet given Orders for invitations and lprogr-ams wire the publisher had Installed be-
by time Finnish students at 7:30 o'clock Ifor Commencenment will lbe taken at tween his Palm.Beach cottage and the
last night in Lane hall. Prof essom a booth in University hail fromn 1 to Post building here.
Saarien, has achieved international |5 o'clock in the afternoomn from Men-
fame in his field and is the designer day to Friday next week.
of the parliament building of Finland jMarch 15 was set as tentative (late LL II AT
He was winner of second prize in the for a mixer whvile the Senior Ball this rfU Uf ULIIU ii
CcgoTribune contest. year will be held June 12. The Ball, i rm nrin
Proessor Saarlnen made a 5hot agd- will be held either in the Union or J~ANS I bLb
dress on Finland In his native togeWatermnan gymnasium, according to
speaking in the main on its industrial time nunmber wishing to attend. -
political, and economic conditions 'Dr. Lynn Harold Hough, formem
William R. Isola, '25, was in charge RoDI a e u t rsdn fNrhetr nvriy
of arrangements, and acted as toast- ~ n u q aeIPeieto otwsenuiest
church of Detroit. sneaking at the
M9ichigane kitchen, .Yesterday at the Grismore, t'reasurer. ~'the stalwart defense man; K~en
booths 7,500 of the placards were sold ' and'Lahdre will be injected Into
'which will furnish 15,000 meals. The I NI IV N fray if ipige unable to stay in
'before the drive is over. The booths . i UUI U henderson and, Haggerty are she
are being 'handled by- Hugh K. Duff- Pf 1 liI111f~ t'lf to hod do~Wn the forward berths
ield, '24, and the faculty. committee j l I u .1 l~illshould workw efl tboether. Hender
by Donaid C. McCabe, '24. 1PU U* IWI5, miproved co'nsiderably on the last
Cardstwhich give a foreign student ' and should figumre Tn the scoring'
board- for. one month sell for $1.50 James W. Elliot, a student of jours night. Dick Doyle, who has been
These are being distributed at the var- Inahism at the University of Indiana hibiting a better brand of ball v
ious houses on the campus, each mem- Ihas been awarded the prize igold watch each game, and who was one of
ber being asked to take at least one. Ioffered by Iowa State chapter of Si g-I mainstays of the team against Ia
The committee also wishes to say ma Delta Clii, national honorary jour- [will play the pivot position and:
that checks are receivable and that in nahistic fraternity, in its international Deng will handle his usual guard
cases when a student cannot give at reporter&s contest for carrying on act- .Chicago will line up with Capt. D:
this time, post-dated checks will be Iivities campaigns, son, Barnes or Smidl at the forwa
allowed. ~Last year Elliot, then a freshman 'Alyca at center, and Duggan and W
started and carried to a successfu] at the guard positions. Barnes
*ainmurrnfinish, with the aid of the Indiana been on the injured 'list for the i
mn ~Daily Student, official publication of Iweek and may only see service fe
C~~NU IVRLU uo UIILLHl the University of Indiana, a campaign Ishort while in tonight's encoun
nn~n nuto establish, as a definite part of the! Smidl, who played jn place of Bai
11111 ~fl [student's annual fee, an additional 'fee' against Nqrthwestern, proved to
which should be used for athletic Ithe scoring ace of the Maroons 'i
activities. This fee was to be' of the seven field goals
Five men were selected by a Stu.. same nature as that which is alpplied
dent council committee from among toward the student's athletic' coupon n n
a numer ofapplcantsto trout o )k at this university. HtUf LCE LM
a nmbe ofaplicntstotryut or After a well-planned campaignIU
the varsity cheerleading squad last whilch never turned from its original
night. They will lead yells at the bas- purpose, the plan was placed before
ketbahl game with Chicago. tonght the proper authorities, and it was de-LIR FO
and three of' them will be. selected Icided to establish an additional fee of'
to fill vacancies On the Varsity squad. $10 per year, to be applied to athletic Foster I. Huber, '24Ed, was eles
All members of the squad now will activities, alumni, secretary of the gradua
begrin competing for nominations by Copies of all the issues of the In- class of the School of Education i
the Student council to lead the squad diana Daily Student which carried meeting of the class held yeste
next year. Two nominations will be stories on the campaign have - been afternoon in Tappan hall.
made which wviii be placed on the hal- bound together, with suitable explana- The class decided on their Class-
lot for the general campus elections tions, by George Pierrot, national sec- 1program which is to consist of
this spring. retary of Sigma Delta Chi. This bound Iaddress by the class president, a s
volume is being sent around to all -of sketch of the class history, the
the 36 chapters of the fraternity. It is Isentation of the memorial, the acc
I~ail Staf Aten at present in the possession of Martin ance of the memorial, the' class-
S~g gf fUg Q Codel, '24, secretary of the Michigan address, and the class oration.
chpe of the fraternity. Dean Allen S. Whitney of the Sc
of Education will give the class
Members of the upper staff of The BUY A Meal Ticket address and Prof. Calvin 0. Dave
Daily met with the Board in Control sko ofthea School of sEcation,
of Student Publications at an~ informal Imittee was appointed to choose
banquet in the. Union last night having IHAS ENGLAND DONE Ihistorian aud the orator.
as ~spupose the introduction of Prof INOTHING FOR lNDiA? The senior canes have been ch
Edm'undDayof he conmic deart-I "nglnd as ule Inia om and all seniors who desire canes r
Edmnd ay f te eonoia epat "nglnd as ule Inia.for place their 'or~ddrs 'with Wagner &
ment as a .member of the Board. 1150 years, yet if the English Iby next Friday.
Prof. Morris Tihley of the English IIwere to leave India tomorrow I The men are to order 'their caps
'department, 'acting a~s toastmaster they would not leave a single gowns at Moes, and- a deposit. o
c'alled upon Professor Day as the first iIlasting impression in our coun- jmust be - made. The - rental is $
speaker. Pr-ofessor Day expressed his try." Such is the opinion cx-I The women will order their caps
reaction to th'e University obtained in Ipressed by Nur M. Salak. '27MI gowns at Mack's department store
his period on the campus and discuss- IIin an interview which will be char'ges being $4.75.
ed the publications as a mneans of the featured in the second section IOn March 14 the Juniors and set
conveyance of -student and faculty of tomorrow's issue of The Daily. iof the school will give a party at
Ip o. looutstanding in the fca- University high school for all thos
SFollowipg Ithe talk 'by Professor Iture section of the Sunday cdi- Iterested in education. Entertaini
Catholic Students Plan i'ance Today~ Whtt owt h xesnme
Catholic students of the University Whtt d hthIxes ubr
will hold their anulpeLne of students who feel it necessary that I
dance from 2:30ro'clock to 5:30 o'lc they take the course in History 2A
today at the Union. The committee this semester, is troubling Professor I
in charge of the arrangements desires E. R. 'Turner and his colleagues. There
that all Catholic students on the are 30 more students enrolled in the I
campus be present. The music wviii course than there are seats in Natural
be furnished by Kennedy's "Six of Science auditorium, wheres the ec- I
Diamonds" orchestra. morning much time is lost while the I
Buy Mel Tiket30 extras scramble for. seats.
________y__A__________T___k_____ As tihere is no other lecture room
available, the present location must I
be permanent. Efforts are being made I
1to decrease the number of students in I
WATCH the class. All those who cani still
change their program and shift ' tc I
some other course are asked to do so
This is the last tinme that Professor I
ITurner will ;give his popular course I
Sunday's Classified Column. It jat Michigan in the regular academic!
will be Interesting ot fraternities year. It will be given for the last time I
and sororities. There will be every- (in the approaching Summer Session
Next September, Professor Turner wviii
thing to satlsfy any of your wants. Itake his place on the history staff of
annual banquet of the Wesleyan GuilW
last night at the Union defended the
Christian faith against the criticism
of the new science and the theory of
Speaking of Freud's theory that ev-
cry bad impulse suppressed enters
our subconscious mind, gathers there
as poison and finally explodes, Dr
Hough said that if these suppressed'
imulses were followed through hon-
ety te poison woul 'isappear and
its place be taken by a beautiful force
that would give us added power tc
defeat bad impulses.
Prof. John L. R. Brunim of .the
journalisin department substituted as
toastmaster for Paul WV. Voorhies. whc
was unable to be present at the meet-
in g,-
Will Broadcast
Tonight's Game
Fine Performance
Unuualfinsh coo n char
characte ize the pr s n aion o th
light opera, "Pinafore" by the mus- I
ical clubs of the Ann Arbor high 1
school, assisted by soloists from the
School of Msic, last nigh t the I
voie the chorus singing and appear-
ane ad the geea atmosphere;
were far superior to te average pro-:
fessional musical comedy. The set-
ting on the quarterdeck of -a battle- I
ship was. particularly attractive. 1
Willard W. Spangel, '25.E, played
his part admirably, exhibiting except- '
Ional stage presence- and excellent 1
acting. His voice had expression and
power, and his- enunciation was .the
best in the cast. Barre Hill, with' a
voige of power an'd fine. sustainged
tones,. and George Qua, 25D, a beau- -
tiful lyric tenor rivaled each other for-
vocal honors. -
Esther Hollands, as' the charming
Josephine. with a lovely and capable,
though not strong voice, was charm-
(ing inde d. Her best singing and
some of the best music of the opera,