IE MICHIGAN D. ILY I - - - TO SPEAK Dainty Creature In Fair Parade LII President of (Canton III-histian Villeg'e is Known as Engineer And Author WILL ATRESS IJNIYEBSITY SERVICE SUNDAY EVENING Dr. Charles E. Edmunds, presidentj of Canton Christian College, China, and considered one of the most suc- cessful engineers and educators, will be the speaker at the next University Service to be held at 7:30 o'clock Sn- day evening in Hill auditorium un- der the auspices of the S. C A. Dr. Edmnunds has been president of Canton Christian College, the largest institution in China, since. 1907, and has acted in the capacity of author, engineer, educator, and explorer, scor- ing noteworthy successes in each of these fields. For twelve years he has been obrerver in charge of the Mag- netic Survey of China, under the aus- pices of the Carnegie Institute of Washington, D. C., and has traveled more than 45,000 miles in the inter- ior of China. He has also made ex- tensive explorations in the interiorsf in Japan, Korea, Siam, and the Phil-, ippines, and in this manner he is able to give a comprehensive critic- ism and insight into the conditions in the Far Eastern countries.uate Since his return from China, he has written many articles of a scientific N1L RSERVISTS PLAN 1L.1KOCK TO SPEAK HEREI' SMGKR FOR IEXLWEEKON ORTORICAL PROGAM Plans were made at the regular Stephen Leacock, internationally meeting of the. Naval reserve last known humorist and lecturer, and night in the new drill hall for a head of the political science depart- smoker to be held in the Union on ment of McGill university will offer a next Wednesday night. It is expected special number of the Oratorical as- that some of the men aboard the sociation program on March 5. His training ship in the Detroit river will; subject has been announced as "Re- come up for this affair. discovering England." The first lecture on navigation was Although probably best known for given in the Egineering building. some of his books, such as "Non- The course is essentially the same as sense Novels" "Behind the Beyond," the course offered to regular enlisted and "Literary Lapses", Mr. Leacock men and .the ratings gaid by exam- has gained fame in England and ination will be valid in the-case of Canada. as well as America, for his .active service. Ensign Lee gave the satirically-witty lectures. His favor- lecture. ite pastime is poking fun at peoples' Next week a class in radio will be and ideas, and his proficiency in this started with opportunities to classify line has nearly gained for him the as active radio men. title of "Canadian Mark Twain." The first announcement concerning the cruises to be offered next summer; nrrr n nn sm a nnain m i n DRAMA The Ann Arbor High School Mus- ical clubs, under the direction of George Oscar Bowen, will present Gil- her and Sullivan's popular light opera Pinafore" tonight and tomorrow eve- ning with a special matinee tomorrow for school children at the Whitney fdivertissements. All of the marion- ettes ha "ve been constructed byHarry Burnett, who is now filling a pro- fessional engagement throughout the East with Jean Gros. The performances will be given un- der the auspices of Phoebe Beal Cir- cle of King's Daughters, and the pro- ceeds will be devoted to local char- ities. Read the XN theater. "Pinafore" is probably the most de- lightful and deservedly popular work of these famous authors, equalling, if not exceeding, the uproarious farce of "The Mikado" which was so success- fully presented here earlier in the sea- son by De Wolf Hopper. The action takes place on an impossible ship where almost everything from straight comedy to frank burlesque occurs. The accompanying music is of the very highest order, combining both sound workmanship and tuneful mel- I ody. The leading character roles will be taken by prominent students of the School of Music, including Doris Howe, Esther Hollands, George Qua, and William Spanagel. ALL MAKES OF TYPEWRITERS ltought, Sold and Heated AN E AROIi ' PE RIT Savings IRhuk RIkl. Famous Bends P ilscner IBeer, Remember the glowing amber cool- ness ofPilsener-can't have that biend now,,but here's oneyoucanhave.Rich butter cream dipped in crispy nuts-- then coated with sweet milk chocolate the name Or Henry-auIt'C blend you won't forget , Tel. Selo I were made, with therdates of the var- ious trips. The first will go from June 1 -to June 15; the secondl from June 16 to the first of July. It is ex- pected that on one of these twc cruises enough men will be obtained from the two divisions here in Ann A Former Fair Parade Beauty Arbor to have them go as a body andt In -1905 the dainty creature on the practically man the ship for the cruise. horse pictured above was a student at the University. The picture was taken English StudentI during the parade that preceded the L Union Fair of that year. The Union j Compares Life 'Fair to be held March 7 and 8 this year!, jgj will be opened by a similar parade ;1 Sheld on Friday afternoon, .:March 7 Floats An featuros ntrihiet 1 "M; r i s ,ions of Ann Arbor? YOU i UI1 O UULKHIP GUu TO IAIeaICflINIt fCniTI[C Dealer in Woodstock and Oliver, Sundstrand Adding Machines Line-a-Time Copy Ioliders, Rub- her Stamps, Ribbons, Cushion Keys, and Supplies. I U IdUU111 JM [ IL I ,j The Puppeteers will repeat their production of "The Puppet Review" Madison, Feb. 28.-Fraternities at this afternoon and evening at 4 and 8 the University of Wisconsin have been o'clock in the Methodist church.( This given a cup by an alumnus that will, organization, at present composed of go to the fraternity having the highest Forman Brown, Elwood Fayfield, and scholastic standing. The average 'AM. A. Butchart, has enjoyed very grades of all fraternities will be com- marked success since its formation piled each semester and the one with last spring. the .highest standing will keep it for Their current program will include a semester. The name of every fra- Shakespeare's "Pyramus and Thisby" ternity holding the cup will be print- from "Midsummer Night's Dream," the edl on it and at the end. of ten years old English Mummer's play, "Prince it will be placed on permanent ex-Gergeand the Dragon," and several hibition in the Memorial Union build-i Oh Henry! A Fine Candy-I c Everywhere ! 'nature for the technical journals of fraternties will be used. the country, and has been accorded great honor by leading newspapers for his ability as a speaker and for his knowledge of the conditions inT Dr. Edmunds graduated from Johns Hopkins university in 1897, and ree- U1 IfIUUL eived his Ph.D degree from the same institution in 1903. Hle was made a fellow in Physics in 1902. He has Dr. Lynn Harold Hou been a Professor of physics and el:-I the Central Methodist c ectrical engineering at the same uni- troit, will be the princip versity, and in 1907 became vice-presi- the banquet of the Wesi dent of the institution. be given at 6 o'clock t Subjec't, "Dyuarmie China" Union. For his ability and energy in the Paul W. Voorhies, stat scientific field he was made a. member attorney for Wayne.coun of Phi Beta Kappa, and the American known for his ability as Physics Society, A. A. A. S. He has act as toastmaster for t! received praise for his work from men I and Mrs. William Whe of international repute and it has been 'Arbor, will furnish musi said that "his work is so extraordin-3ouet. nr- 11 11. f 1U U* il i ue lUWII LUbn fTONIGHt Igh, pastor ofj church of De- pal speaker at} leyan guild to I onight in the te prosecuting ty, and a man, a lawyer, will he affair. Mr. eeler, of Ann c for the ban- been to the concert; I have skated; there have been two parties here at Martha Cook. You don't have time.' Thereupol, Marjorie Lindsey, who is here on a Riggs scholarship, immed- iately .concedes that she likes the place, even .though she has been here Mess than a week.' jThe two universities, Manchester England,wand Michigan, are essential- Jy the same, she says, except that ichigan is bigger, everything here is bigger. Possibly you are a bit more democratic, she grants, but peoplel are about the same everywhere. Amer- icans do not go into subjects as deep- ly as the English students do. Ovei there, everybody .specializes. "I spend all my time at geology, of course," said Miss Lindsey, "but no-! body else does."{ EDUCATION qIOOL PLANS ANCE S ON ing. LITTLE EM CRIBBING EVIENT AT WISCONSIN i Madison, Feb. 28. -- Questionnaires issued to the students of the Univer- sity of Wisconsin by the self-govern- ment association and the student sen- ate show after a careful tabulation of results that there was little cribbing in the final exmas. Of the 3,325 stu-; dents that received blanks, 2,988 re- ported that they had seen no dishon- esty during their particular examina- tion. Only 125 students reported they I saw dishonesty that they could prove j had occurred. Feed A Foreign Student £A -ter College What? TEADY progress to aresponsble{osition in the business world-or a long period of trainingat minor work before you are fitted for an executive role? To elp you succeed more quickly the Bab- son Institute offers an intensive one-year training course in practical business. From actual experience the fundamental principles of business are made clear. By positive examplesthe student is shown how to apply these principles in the conduct of every day commercial affairs. Write for Booklet Send for booklet "Training for Business Leadership." Describes the courses in detail and gives complete information about the facilities of Babson Institute and shows how men are trained for executive roles. Write today. No obligation. Babson Institute E[aVI 3 18 Washwliatn Ave. S Babon Park, ( 0) Mass. don't vmpres ime twor.x1havU don't have time to work. I hake ary that it snouid be made known to world at the earliest possible mom- ent." Alumnus Pencil Sketches Shown - Dr. Ednvunds has chosen as the subject for his address here, "Dymanic China," giving as his reason the fact that few if any Americans realize anything other than the supposedly l}a ckwardness of the country. S. C. A. To Sponsor S t a t e Conference Ann Arbor is to be the scene of an- other conference when state I. M. C. A. officials gather here April 4-6 for the purpose of training them to be better able to carry on their work. The conference is opening under the auspices of the S. C. A., and while no speakers have at this date been chos- en, it was said that the conference would be a three-day affair, and the speakers would be men of ability from all parts of the country. The purpose of the gathering, while having as its main object the training of men for leadership in Y. M. C. A. and Social worl is ex ected to in- clude many n I ue rlaAle;ualities. and mor ha netydebes are ex1) ed t atend Te coneex.. is an naaa an~ d last year -was held at- Olivet, Michigan, eresults wedi pronouniced so edessfu th Arrangements for a card and dane- The exhibitionofe tchings and c l ing party for the school of education, , ored paintings, which has been hang- are virtually complete. The event wil- ing in the upper gallery of Alumni he held Friday night, March 14, in tfe Memopial hall-for'the past week, un- 'recreation room of the new Univev- der the auspices of the Ann Arbor art sity high school building. This fete association, has been recently enlarg- is to be conducted under the auspices ed with the addition of a collection of 'f;the unior and senior classes. Foi pencil sketcles,. tble Wo k of S. G tU juniors. Violet Peabody is acting IWiener, '20A. Mr. Wiener has rec-a -chairfian, while Frances Speakm, ently returned from a two-year trip represnts the seniors. nin Europe and made these sketches in Refreshments and a high grade or aince, italy, and England. chestra will be additional attractiong s Mr. Wiener has chosen as the sub- Chaperones will be announced at ject of his pictures interesting and later date. unusual out-of-the-way places, whichAd the tourist, and even the foreigner, Feed A Foreign Student many times, does not know exists. . The sketches will remain on exhibi- ; Suport The Drive tion for at least another week. 'SENIOR LIT CL ASS WILL MEET TODAY1 The senior literary class will meet at 4 o'clock this afternoon in the au- P ditorium of Newberry hall. Class day F ORthe student or prof., ' speakers and an alumni secretary will the superb VENUS out- 5 S 3 - ROM raw silk to cravat this tie is a "Cheney"throughout, in quality, pat. tern and style. This means that the silk is Cheney made; that the pattern is wrought by Cheney's master designers; that the colors are rich and popular-that the style is the last word in up-to-date men's fashions. The name CHENEY on the neckband guarantees quality of material and work- manship and "correctness" in every detaiL s '- made by Cheney Brothers, Makers of Cheney Silks Sold by N. F. ALLEN & -CO. WADUANIS & CO. J.CF." Ur MACK & CO. =. t lllillftilillltt1 it lillt~itil it[i t liili iii aoW111i 6i 6till11!!E1|11 = r- a - - _ r r a -r m-w A U TW -LT !R ARBR-- - 2:v00 °i STARTING TODAY(7.9 3.34 1 iIE11'WLAR PRICES p - - a 1=1 a - - -a wit WM. T. CARLETON RAYMOND HATTON MaCHLLLEI ALEC B.FAN- Ann Arbor hesvoiced th__ipproughtdte_ - unanimously funusual of 'eNKfth -a a tnssupremely entertaining. ,E a I~t's a Sinsline r amedy r Co)HNG Here's Your Biggest Screen CWILNG SUNDA~Y Surprise This Season SUNDAY 1=r r= G o a gr VA SIDNEY OLCOT? NDO UCO JELUa m m m n mm Um rear a a n " i: be elected. Committees will also sub- n mit their reports. W ilfred B. Shaw, general secretary] of the Alumni association, will ad-j dress the class previous to the elec-I tions on the subject of "Alumni Rela-: tions." An attempt is being made to have all the classes elect their alumni secretaries and get their alumni or- ganizations under way as soon as pos- sible. rivals all for perfect pencil work. 17 black degrees and 3 copying. Armerican Leai pencil Co. Fifbc ve. inte work A nothr otwas sen t to th e Contagi sesterday, suffer- ing with a 'id case of small pox, Health Service physicians report. I-e had been vaccinated at the openingj of the school year, but the vaccination peed A Foreign Student failed to take, according to the doc- tors. "In yesterday's issue of the Daily, statements were made regarding chickenpox implying that vaccination for small pox would prevent chicken pox," said Dr. F. P. Allen, yesterday. "This was a miaunderstanding, as small pox vaccination will protect only# against small po,. however, under the present situation as there are a large number of cases of small pox in neighboring cities, it is most unwise for students to remain unprotected. If they have never had a successful vac- cination, they are unprotected against small pox." _ iiarcom Addresses Engineers Howell Van Blarcom, assistant man- ager of the power department of the Westinghouse Electric conpany, ad- dressed a' combined meeting of the American Institute of Electrical En- gieers and the American Society of Mechanical Engineers yesterday af- ternoon in room 348 of the Engineer- ing building. SuIpport The Drive ..........................,...................... .. ... ... ......... ............ __......................_____._____________ ....,.... . . .... .. I HELLO FOLKS! I'm here to tell S'tE you about a new portable typewriter. I'll have a message for you every day in this same general position on Page 8. I A. C. STIMSONI Typewriters Suppi es Repairing Phoine 3400 308 S. State St. ... -............................. -..........................-......-..,.........-......- .. r 1874 ,TIETH ANNIVERSARYYEAR 19241 " * * Twice as mhwear t L the cost! Believe it? Let g wej the new, fine-fitting, long- wearing, seven-dolla Del- mar prove it. $7 BOOT SHOP X1 S. Main St. sE 1 .. iI lI111111 t1111HIIflil fiill ll l iIIIfill i tI IIfilIItI~il Ii~ fI~ i In - 1 -205 S. State ST. -.~T 7 7~b.. ., Every day omelet for lunch" Tenderloi steak on order for dinner Also our regular luncheons and dinners - -...... ....................................a- DAILY CLASSIFIEDS BRING BIG RESULTS- rN T TT .T . T \mTXTV-mr1llA4Y1m .. i . I r Cwrrwl rYw w rrMlri