THE WEATHER UNSETTLED; PROBABLY S-NOW TOIDAY SiAr :4Iui1 j I GIVE T FOREIGN REL I- FUND I VOL. XXXIV No. 109 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 29, 1924 EIGHT PAGES PRICE, FIVE C -....._. RPUBLICAS PUSH DEMNDSTO OUST RENEWED EFFORTS TO SECURE DAUGHERTY'S REMOVAL PLANNED DELAY IN RESIGNATION OPPOSED BY SENATORS Students Appoint Committee To Investigate Sallade Case Following an indignation meeting a vote of confidence in Dean Mort- on the Sallade case, of engineering imer E. Cooley and Professor Ziwet, students in the Union last night a both of the engineering college. They committee of seven was elected to also decided that the committee would in no way attempt to interfere with determine the facts by investigation the administration and stated that on behalf of those present. This corn- ) they only represented a number of mittee will meet tonight together with students who feel that Mr. Sallade is a representatives from classes of Mr. rman of such ability that he should be Sallade. retained. Many opinions were voicd at the The committee consists of John Pol- meeting including those of John W. hanus, '24E, chairman, Joseph Ryan, Kelly, '24L, president of the student '27E, B. O. Vannort, '26E, Malafey, '25 council and Prof. H. H.. Bartlett of the E, F. Bradley, '26A, Grettler, '25A and botany department. Both recommend- A. K. Hyde, '24A. ed moderation in whatever action was Mr. Sallade was called to the office taken at the meeting. Professor Bart- by Dean Cooley this afternoon where lett advised that a committee be ap- he met with Professor Ziwet and other pointed to confer first with Prof. A. faculty members. After a short ses- Ziwet, of the mathematics department sion the meeting was adjourned to of the engineering college. This was this afternoon. Dean Cooley would later put in the form of a resolution make no statement , concerning the and adopted. meeting but it is expected that today's After the general meeting the corn- conference will result in a definite} GRANTED STUDENTS BY RESENT BOARDO FOUR FELLOWSHIPS ARE CREAT. ED FOR USE IN CLASSICAL ARCHAEOLOGY APPROVAL GIVEN FOR MEDIC-PHARMIC PLAN I The Day's News At - ... STUDENT FRIENDSHIP DR PN O9 IVE.g[ O TICKETS IN CA-MPUS BOOT~ Forty nounced a 2 and' members of the house an- they would each introduce 75 1-100 beer bill. Belleie His Remaining in Office 31iy Influence InVestIgation Course Washington, Feb. 28-(By A.'.)- Renewed efforts to bring about the resignation of Attorney General Daugherty are under consideration among senate republicans.I Some of the party leaders who have participated in recent negotiationk looking to his retirement are not sat- isfied with the arrangement whicl- permits hin' tc remain in the cabinet tuntil the .! a c I+v-:rte" ' rf the rlminis~r .t -xis c(oncludd. Ihis plan Chey say. -aq ' ')a'3lume i nit 14 lay. The stat ,: t of % ID ,; hertyo,- fore he '. t;. 1 l y-srt-' (?a',: , o Chicago rA Il f. nt disappoint- ment to these a.' ir . AI 'c .t, i general bhlic that his resignation will be ended at the conclusion of critics that he ought not to be allowed to remain in office to influence the course of the investigation. The resolution of inquiry is to be adopted tomorrow under a formal agreement entered into late today during its exclusive right of way. Another concluding chapter frought with mystery and personal emotionI was added to the public record today by the senate oil investigators. The characters in the story includ- ed such mysterious .personages at "Apricots" "peaches", "the Duck'", re- ferred in code messages exchanged+ between Edward B. McLean, publish. er of the Washington Post and his em- ployees during his visit to Florida. NTE1R-RACIAL EETINGS ADOCATED BY GILBERT Inter-racial meetings as a means{ n1, + hntn nnlactatrd mittee met and unanimously passed I announcement._ MINISTER DEFENDS MIMES TO,01PREISENTI C111 GERMANY'S PolICY"S W1EETE[ST' KISS" StressmannP 'oints To United Siates Settings to inclunde New Costumes, Comniereial Treaty as Big Songs; Special Music Achievement Planned; I'INKS STEP MARkS ADVANCE nEISS. '23, WwrTEs BOOK FOiR TOWARDS BETTER RELATIONS UNION OPERA PRODUCTION Berlin, Germany, Feb. 28.-(By Settings entirely new, dances which A)-Foreign minister Stressiann Settengs erey n se n whc pointed to the commercial treaty with have'=never before been seen on the the United States as one of Germany's stage, musical numbers which mark achievements when he spoke today in a distinct advance over previous on- defense of the government's policy eras-all are all included in tie opera during a debate in the Reichstag on "Sweetest Kiss", written, words and the special emergency ordinances musics, by Edwin R. Meiss, '23, which which the Left parties have attacked. is to be presented by the Union at He thought it likely the treaty would the Mimes theater, March 13 and 14, soon be ratified in Washington, despite An entirely new cast is to be used, the competition which centered on and each cast part is to include sing- certain clauses which some Ameri- ing, acting, and dancing, and it is cans thought might hinder the devel- thought in this manner it will be pos- opment of their merchant marine. As sible to develop talent among the stu-t a whole the treaty was satisfactory to dents. A darkey part is to be in- Germany, and had been welcomed as cluded as the comedy part, as well a hopeful sign that relations between as a great deal of singing, more than the two countries would be resumed eleven songs having been especiallyj upon 'a sound and lasting basis. He written for. theopera. took it for' granted the treaty would' "Michigan Nigihts" is the only num- be ratified by the Reichstag in pro- bet which has been prsented in any' per time. f other Union opera, and came out:In" The debate on the emergency or- I "In and Out", two years ago. It was dinanice is likely to continue next weeki suing by. Thomas ,I.. nderwood, '22L, before the question will decide wheth- then president of the Union. The er the Reichstag will be dissolved. 'other numbers are as follows:i The Socialists are showing as 11u0h {'.Dreams Comge 'true"; "Try Anything discontent as ever over what the Left' Just dnce"; "Winning Combinations"; parties term the drastic and unreas- "No Good Blues": "Sweetest Kiss'; onable use the government has made "Kandy Kisses": "Aristocracy"; of the full powers confered last Oct- y"Maize and Blue Maid"; "Finale". ober. Costumes for the production are new, and according to announcements are to be original and unique in char- F EALTROOPS MOE Iacter and style. There are to be twoi Sacts,the first taking place in the inter- , Ifro a candy shop, and the second S~lhflh! lii f~flanu outside scene, depicting a fash- ionable garden party. It is thought VOU that these settings will make possible Vera Cruz, Feb. 28.-The Federal. some remarkably effective scenery. troops are advancing slowly toward John Bromley, '24, has been ap- Jalapa from Vera Cruz on account of pointed general chairman in charge the situation created by the destruc- of the production. An orchestra will tion of the railway lines by the reb- be organized especially for 'the play. els. In addition to the rails having Kemp Keena, '20, will take charge and' been torn up, the station at Santa Fe direct the rehearsals of the singing, 20 kilometers from Vera Cruz, is re- while' Lionel Ames, '24, and Howard ! ported to have been burned. Welch, '24, will direct the dancin. The rebels are said to be badly irf Tickets are to be placed on sale at an need of food and supplies of patrol- early date. Ollin, Vaughn, Deacon, to Give Lec- tures in Public Iygiene for Rest of Semester A total of 158 degrees were granted by the Board of Regents at the first session of their monthly meeting, held last night. Degrees were granted to 57 students in the literary college and to 57 students in the College of Engineering and Architecture. The board also granted degrees to 1 members of the Law school, six mem- bers of the School of Education, an'4 two of the dental college. Certifi- cates in Business administration were given to four, while teachers certifi- cates were awarded to 17. Tuitions fees for the new school of Business Administration will be id- entical with those of the literary col- lege, for the first three years, beginn- ing July 1, 1924. This will enable students already enrolled in the econ- onics department of the University-to transfer to the new school without trouble. Goodrich Appointed The appointment of Dr. Carter as assistant professor in the department of economics was announced. Dr. Goodrich will conduct courses in labor problems. He is a graduate of Am- herst and has also taken graduate' work in England, where he was a tutor at Oxford. He received his doctorate from the University of Chicago. Dr. Godrich is at present a fellow at Am- herst. The resignation of Dr. Donald M. Morrill, resident physician and assist-# ant director of the University hospi- tal, was accepted. t Prof. A. G. Ruthven. director of thej zoological museum was granted a' leave of absence to visit the Britishj museum, where he will arrange for the exchange of specimens with the University. !.Professor..Ruthven .willw leave for England in April. " The senate immigration commit- tee agreed on the census 1910 and a 2 per cent quota law for an immigra- tion basis. Virtual agreement was reached be- tween republican leaders and insurg- lents for the Longworth compromnise: 1 to replace the democratic income rate in the Tax Bill. Chairman Lenroot, of the Senate oil committee informed the Senate that the oil lease basis would be in- stituted in the courts "very soon". Senator McKellar, Democrat, Ten- nessee, introduced a resolution pro- posing an inquiry into the income tax returns of D. E. Doheny and of Bar- ry F. Sinclair. BURTON IN ADDRESS DEPLORES ATMOSPHERE OF SELF- ABSORPTION: ASSEMBLY IS START OF DRIVE TO HELP EUROPE Conditions and Needs of Foreign Stu- dents Outlined as In. conceivable - Condemning provincial selfishness as "a hindrance to progress" and something intolerable with the pres- ent need for international feeling President Marion L. Burton address- "BUY THOSE MEAL TICKETS NO WILL BIE SLOGAN0OF CAM. PNIA ! iWKERS HONOR SOCIETIES WITI VOLUNTEERS WILL A Other American i1niversities Aver $3,000 in Endeavor to Found Relief Stations "Buy those meal tickets now" be the slogan of several hundred ca paign workers in the Student Frie ship Fund drive which opens on campus this morning. These vol teer workers have 400,000 of the ti The senate postponed until tomor- ed a general assembly of students in I ets to sell at 10 cents each. each ti row consideration of the resolution of Hill auditorium last night in the in- I sold will furnish two meals to a n Senator Wheeler, Democrat, Montana terests of the Student Friendship fund ) foreign student. At one of the for an investigation of the immigra- - tablished relief kitchens abroad. frainetgto oftei igaIdrive. Miss Margaret Quayle, of New .0wilfrns tion of Attorney General Daugherty. rdonation of $1.50 will furnish a York City, the other speaker of the eign student his board for one ei The Senate oil committee summon-. evening, outlined the work of the Stu- month. ed A. Mitchell Palmer, who made pub- dent Friendship fund abroad, and gave . The tickets are to be sold at bo lic four telegrams to and from Ed-e several interesting expeiences of hei h all the buildings on the cam ward B. McLean, and Karl C. Chuylef work among the foreign students. say by men and women from of Colorado, to testify in conjunction President Burton deplored the at- various college honor societies. with Teapot Dome. mosphere of self absorption which hecaais tolasthresodayt, t. said too often characterized American Saturdayand otnay,at the en ife. He asked the question "How which time the contributions wil can university students become so pro- placed together in a definite Mich - l vincial that when they travel in the relief fund. This fund will be 1 outside world it seems strange to for the establishment of.a kitchen them? I think," the speaker said other form of relief station in on INthat life ought to be sane, social the ha of tis kiensill bn IN Th SCH DULE i 1the ard pressed university cent and spiritual. The location of this kitchen will b-e iDevelop Human Spirit cided upon as soon as the am Final Vote on Revenue 111 Expected Nothing can be compared to the contributed is known. Tomorrow; Many Amendments human spirit. It should be develop- Other Universities Contribute Introduced ed. Intelligence also is absolutely Most of the larger .universities necessary. If Europe should lose on the country have already condu AUTOMOBILE REDUCTIONS TO the intellectual side, it would be the similar campaigns and all have TOTAL LOSS OF 23 MILLION worst thing that could possibly hap- en from $1,500 to $6,004: Illinois pen to America. The speaker en- the last to go over the top with a t larged upon this last point by show- of $3500 in contributions and pled Washington,' Feb. 28--(By A.P.)-- ing how interlocked human affairso3,5 icotbuonadpld The campaign here is being car While the revenue bill was being are becoming as the world becomes on by a student committee appoli pressed through another onslaught of smaller and smaller due to more new by the student council, and a fac amendments in the house today, reach- inventions, advisory committee. The student ing a point a final vote is possible to- In making a plea for student con- ecutive committee is as follows: E aideration of the drive President Bur-, Isbell, '26Lt, chairman, H. D. H imorrow, Republican organization lead- ton said, "It's quite evident that we . '2 L ir af it es continued negotiations with the are lacking in broad human sympa-.He Favro ', ;'buisess'iaaf insurgents whicl brought -predictions thy if in the face of need we do not The Daily, T. J. Jynch,5l L,'pi that the Democratic income rated meet that need. Nothing wo~uld please .dent of the Union, H. C. Clark, I schedule would be'replaced by a corn- ne more," he concluded, "than to see :presid'e'itHof the 'Stuilleht Christlanf - ' be l d ao the great cosmopolitan University of sociation; Icorbeit Steger, '25, promise. ..Michigan startle the country in the tamn-elect .1924 football teaPi, Held Republicans lowered the proposed response it gives to this .drive." Ddlbrkdge, '24, esident of the Loigworti c compromise nornal rate Miss Margaret Quayle, who for three man's League, ad Dorothy Jeff t make a.5 prent rate apply on the years has worked among the students" '24; president of the Y. W. C. A. incomes $4,000 aid $8,000 instead of of Poland and Czechoslovakia as a - .actj Advisory Committee 6 per cent on all above $4,000, on the. member of the relief committee, told The faculty advisory committee basis of which insurgent leaders in- of the means the students had of ob- comrised of the following memt dicated an agreement was possible. taining an education in. thosecoun- appointed by President Marion L. ie tries. Relating the condition in t ponte yPrsdntMron, Prage said,"Heethre ton: Prof. R. M. Wenley, of the p roatss or ever five boys; y osophy department, Prof. William DETROIT NEWST TAKErcoasuf evsa Her woeds a n Frayer, of the history departm ] H Im fth students have no beds, at oePm-of. Joseph A. Drake, of theI timeh13 on theate Jschool Prof. H. F.Goodriph, of astageLaw school,"and'Prof. P. W. Slos and many others in a monastery. of the history Idepartment. Poverty in Universities The movement has received William A. Kuenzel, staff photo- "A shirt is regarded as a luxury in backing of faculty members of all grapher for the Detroit News will take I these university centers and to have colleges on the campus and has b pictures of the Union Fair. ;meat is almost incomprehensible ugiven qualified endorsement Photographs of both the uarade to - Where we have established kitchens r t r + of bringing about a better unUerstana- ing between the negroes .and the whites were advocated by Rev. R. M. Gilbert of the Second Baptist church j here in his. address yesterday morn- 1 ing to the conference of the Fellow- ship for Christian Social Order at the Union. "The problem has become of na- tional significance because of the present mig'ration of negroes from the South, because lynchings are not! limited to the South, and because of! the reapportionment on a basis of!I negro disfranchisement," saidRev. Gilbert. "The economic bondage of the neg- ro discourages the development of normal culture within the negro race and the numerous lynchings are tending to demoralize the country and will drive the white participants into' barbarism," Rev Gilbert concluded.1 "The Youth Movement must start with themselves and not with us", said Miss Grace Hutchins, associate editor of "The World Tomorrow" who spoke ntha b c thipf o Tha -yothM lve. The Board approved =the: establish-z ment of the combined 'curriculun 'inI medicine and pharmacy.1 iApprove= Superintendent's, Conference; It was decided to approve a confer- ence of-'the superintendents and ad- ninistrative 'officers of ' state high schools to, b held this spring under [ the supervision of the: school of ettu- 1 cation. [ Joseph Boyer, of Detroit, establish- ed a fund of $5,000 to be used for four fellowships in classical archae-t ology. Fifteen manufacturing firms - gave a total of $6,500 for investigations, into the art of cutting metals. Dr. R. M. Ollin, state commissioner of health, Dr. H. F. Vaughn, health commissioner of the city of Detroit and Dr. W. J. V. Deacon, special lec- turer in vital statistics, will give a j series of lectures in the division of j hygiene' and public health during the remainder of the semester. Masques Society Presents -Plalef Mysticism and superstition .so deft- ly handled as to reach the audienceF and stir its emotions marks, "Will 0' The Wisp," presented by Masques lastf night a~s one of the, best student plays I. of the year. Preceding the play an interpretive, dance was given by Ruth Vermilyea '26, and Hortense Hoad, '24. Miss Vermilyea also played the title roleI in the play handling a difficult part1 well and giving an expressive pan- tomine. Phyllis 'Delf, '24, Marguerite Good-1 man, '26, and Margaret Geddes. '26 completed the cast. S.M.J. 1 on the suuJi.L 1ofi Li uU mov eunmn ahd gasoline. Watch is being ment" at the closing session- yesterday kept to see that no supplies leave here afternoon. Miss Hutchins told of the for the districts infested by the reb- Youth movement in India and Ger- els many. IGovernor Tejeda has proinised the "The International Youth movement actment of a ew rent w which is the new attitude. Young people will be equitable both for house own- are ceasing to look ahead for themsel- ers and tenants. In the mean time' ves, but are looking ahead for the good ' owners of houses are refusing to pay of humanity," said Miss Hutchins.- taxes.k The government intends to com-; Minnesota Wins at Bowling mence immediately the construction Minneapolis, Feb. 28.-The Univer- of light house for the protection of sity Bowling team last night won its the railway lines. Artillery has been third straight match in the tourna- mounted at strategic points for the ment for national intercollegiate bowl- protection of the Port of Vera Cruz ing championship defeating Rensaleer Polytechnic Institute of Troy, New York, 2400 to 2329. I MAJESTIC ThlEATRE WILL I The Gophers have victories over ( )ONATE TO RIFg IFUNI Yale and Michigan and the next con-- test is with the University of Ken- Two student acts, beside the tucky. --(regular bill for this week, will be I(given at the Majestic theater to. Feed A Foreign Student night comprising a special per- formance, one half the proceeds of which will be turned over to (Ithe Student Friendship fund. Bebe? "Heritage of Desert" are now (_showing at the Majestic. A fe- male quartette is also on the "Tjd program. - "The true adventurer goes forth pigam aimless and uncalculating to meet I A student orchestra the "Happy and greet unknown fate. A fine Seven" has volhnteered to play example was the Prodigal Son- as an added attraction. R. Win- when he started back home." Why field Adams, S. of M. soloist for adventure in advertising when so ( the Varsity Glee club, will sing CHELEDRTRY1OUTS . MEETAT U NIONUTOAY Tryouts for the Varsity che-erlead- ing squad will be held at 3 o'clock I this afternoon in the upper reading room of the Union before the cheer- E leading committee of the student coun- cil. Men eligible for athletic com- petition on the campus, including second semester freshmen, can tryout. for the cheerleading squad. At the present time there are three vacancies on the squad. Four men will be chosen by the council com- inittee from the tryouts this afternoon to appear before the cheering sections at the Chicago game next Saturday night for a final test. After this game three of the fourmen will be appoint- ed to the squad. Syrac use .Takes. Bowling bn test Syracuse, Feb. 28.-Syracuse Uni- versity scored its third consecutive victory in the intercollegiate bowlingI league last night by defeating the University of Kentucky 2736 to 2532, according to scores released today by Manager DeBanks, Henward of the precede the Fair ~and of the Fair it- self will be taken. . Pictures will be taken of the winning booths in the 1 competition for the most novel form of entertainment, and of the float in the parade conceded by the judges to# be the best. He will also take pict- ures of the novel features of the Fair. and of the crowd who attend. -: The pictures that' Mr. Kuenzel will take will be used in the rotogravure section 'of the Detroit News.- He will I also take pictures .for the feature sec-" tion of this year's Michiganensian. through special arrangements that have been made by the editors. Four pages of the 'Ensian will be devoted to the photographs of the Fair which he will take. The News will also take motion pic- tures of the parade and of the Fair. General pictures of the Fair and the booths will be shown in the local theaters the next week, and in the theaters where the News pictorial is regularly shown. While in Ann Ar- bor, he will take a number of pic-3 tures also.. .Mirm. Kuenzel has taken photographs in Ann Arbor before this year, as photographer for the dedication of the Yost field house. The pictures .he made of this event were featured in the Detroit papers. Senior Education Class to Meet# For the purpose of selecting their class day program, the School of Ed-1 -ucation senior's will meet at 4 o'- clock today in room. 203, Tappan hall. The speaker for commencement day will be chosen and the question of a class memorial will be decided. Class prophet, class poet, class orator, and ; i I ; I i tl NPirei we furnish the students meals for five Her cents each which consist of soupmr black bread and some plate courses the These kitchens in famine areas have undoubtedly saved many hundreds of lives as well as allowed thousands of N students. to centinue with their stu- dies." Egbert R. Isbell, '26L, chairman of the- local Student Friendship fund drive committee, urged the students tc ITIONAL 'COLEtATE SWIM MEET PLII 1~" DEAN HAMILTON APPROVES STUDENT RELIEF I)RIVE Dean Jean Hamilton, sent the following telegram from Chica- go where she- is attending an. educational convention upon learning that Michigan had en- tered the Student Friendship Fund drive. "Last summer I met young men whose week's work only bought them one dinner in seven days. I saw children of cultivated fam- ilies going barefoot indoors to. saver shoes. Such young people were children of ten years of age when the war began and are not responsible- for it. They will re- build their side of future world relations according to our atti- get behind the campaign and make it Minneapolis, Feb. 28.-Plans for a big success. John W. Kelly, '241L national intercollegiate swimmim was chairman of the meeting, meet, the first of its kind ever stage are being formulated, and indication KLAN ACTIVE? are that the event will take place sometime in May at an Eastern poc Fred W. Luehring, athletic direct( Another fiery cross of the Ku Klux at Minnesota and chairman of tl Klan was erected at 7:30 o'clock lastnatinesotaatd s night o h apsjs ot national collegiate swimming ru Alum on the campus just south o' committee, made known today. Alumniemorial hall. This adds an-c The meet was authorized by tl other to the total of brands that have National Collegiate athletic assoc been springing forth in Ann Arbor ation at its last meeting a so during the past few weeks, beginning tonmits laseeigy the u a little after Christmhs vacation. c , sittee, haded by Director Lue __________ing, was charged with the task .. Dstaging the event. Besides determi Sumort -The Drive , ing national intercollegiate champio I ship the meet will take on an add( TOMORROW LAST DAY FOR significance as it has been made pa 'ENSIAN PLEDGE PAYMEN'T of the Olympic trials. Tomorrow is the last dlay on SaariZnen Will Be which payment may be made for GA the Michiganensian. The 'En- I Guest At Banqhw sian office will be open all day . today and tomorrow to take care Prof. Eliel Saarinen, winner of se I of the last minute rush. Pay- ond prize in the Chicago Tribul ment may be made either at the Tower contest, who has been conduc office in the Press building or ing a class in advanced design in tl through the mail. Checks dated department of archiecture, is to 1 ahead to March 15 will be ac- I guest of honor at a banquet tender( cepted although no receipts will by the Finnish Atudents at 6 o'cloi r _ 1