WEATHER Wo TEMPERATURE ANGE TODAY l i t i a -A -A- tt AF[ II MASS MEETI] TONIGHT No. 108 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1924 EIGHT PAGES PRICE, FIVE - f r DEAN OF ENGINEERING COLLEGE SAYS INSUBORDINATTION WAS REAL CAUSE DECLARES INSTRUCTOR ADMITTED DEFECTION "He Is Entirely Mlstaken, I Made No Such Admilssion," Is Ills Reply C c t t Conference School To Have Spofing Spirit Competition Chicago, Feb. 27.-(By AP)-To de- in educating their student crowds in; velop better display of sportsmanship the principals of sportsmanship," on the part of football crowds, teams Major Griffith said. "There is still and coaches, the western conference however considerable difference in the universities next fall are going to attitude of the crowds at the various start their student bodies competing situations and we hope that competi- with one another for the most consis- tion will tend to change the situation tent demonstration of sporting spirit. for the better." The plan to get the spectators into An elaborate system of rating, ac- the competition of conference ath- cording to their attitude toward op- letic events wasrannounced today by ponents, their cheering, their support M~ajor John L. Griffith, commissioner for the school team and of these plans of athletics in the Big Ten. It was the conference will be able to name inspired by the display of temper on the schools whose students rank high-I the part of the Wisconsin crowd dur- est in sportsmanship. It is expected ing the 1923 Badger-Michigan grid- that the Big Ten university athletic ron battle when an attempt was made authorities will take it upon themsel- o attack Walter Eckersoll, referee for ves to educate their student bodies to a decision that gave the Wolverines prevent such showing of hostile spir- heir victory. "Directors and coaches it as those following the Wisconsin- of this conference are all interested Michigan game of last year.- -- DAUGCHERTY STAYS TOREI WILL RETIRE TO PRIVATE LIFE AS SOON AS INQUIRY IS COMPLETED REFUSES TO PROMISE HE WILL LEAVE POST Reaffirms Deternitnation to Remain In Face of Growing Pressure for His Rem oval, PROM APPLICATIONS { I ~ WANTED BY TOXORROW J Ticket applications for the Soph Prom must be returned by tomorrow in order to be con- sidered. The applications may be delivered in person at the desk in the lobby of the Union or { sent by mail addressed to the Prom committee; care of the J Union. { Acceptances will be mailed Monday. The applications willI {be considered in the order in which they are returned. The J hours of credit of the applicant{ and the number of years he has { been on the campus will be con-J sidered in making the selection. No acceptances will be sent to applicants whose class dues are{ not paid.- I WA EERNU BURTON TO ADDRlESS STUDENT RELIEF MEETING TSNEEO N I6 mp WIRE RECEIVED FROM EXECUTIVE OFFICIAL IN NEW YORK CITY TELEGRAM OF RECEIVED FROM PRAISE HOOVERI UNIVERSITY WILL UNITE IN II AUDITORIUM AT 7 0' CLOCK HARVARD PLEDGES $54 SMITH WILL G I V E $6 Speakers Will Explain Needs Europe, Ises to Which Money Will Be Put Reasons for the refusal of adminis- trative officers to include the name of J. A. Sallade of the mathem.atics de- partment of the engineering college in thelist of the faculty for next fall were given by Dean Mor imer E. Cool- ey of the engineering college and Prof Alexander Ziwet, head of the engi- neering mathematics department, in statements Issued by them to The Daily yesterday. This is the first time that Professor Ziwet has publicly as- signed reasons for his ;actAon in the matter. The following is the statement is- sued by Dean Cooley: "Mr. Sallade was wrong in saying that no reason was given for the action in his case. I myself explained to him just why he was not to be reappointed. It was because he was not willing to work in harmony with his colleague on the mathematics staff. He admitted his defection. "Professor Ziwet Loyal" "In declining to divide his section as requested Mr. Sallade not only dis- obeyed the orders of his department head, but violated a policy of the col- lege which is to keep all sections in mathematics and languages as small as possible in order to secure the maximum of drill work. He was not nly distespectful but he was insub- ordiate., This is not the first instance but one of several extending back a yeai or two. PRofessor Ziwet has been most loyal to Sallade-." Professor Ziwet made the following explanation of the case: "I explained to :M r.Sallade when I informed him that he would not be reappointed that the t-eason was that he refused to co- operate with the mathematics depart- ment. He requested a written state- ment of the causes leading. to. the action taken I told M r. Sallade that such a statement would not be .to his advantage, as I would have to enumer-, ate in detail all the reasons for my dissatisfaction with his work. "At a later interview I told him that I did not in any way wish to stand in the way of his. finding a position elsewhere; and that if inquiry were made of me regarding his work here I would be glad to emphasize the good features of his work; namely, his en- thusiasm as a teacher and his succese in interesting his students." Sallade ReplIes In reply to the statements of Dean Cooley and Professor Ziwet, Mr. Sal- lade said the following: "With respect to Professor Ziwet's statement that his reason for not appointing me was my refusal to cooperate with the mathematics epartment; if my wish- ing to teach my classes as enrolled, believeing that I, myself, am the best judge os to whether or not they are too lage, is a refusal to cooperate, then I am guilty. I asked of Profess- or Ziwet a written statement Satur- day morning, and he refused me point blank, and it was not until Tuesday! morning after the story was published by The Daily that he told me that if he gave me a statement it would not be to my advantage, the statements in Professor Ziwet's second paragraph being made also at this time. More- over, he wished his statement to be in the nature of a private letter when requested by another university, an not a statement given me to be offer- ed when applying for another position. "With reference to Dean Cooley's1 statement that I admitted my defect- tion to him, he is entirely mistaken as I made no such admission. It is true that 1 did refuse to divide my sections as ordered, but Professor Ziwet himself was unable to make such a division when he came into my room and addressed my classes. (Continued on Page Two) Attend thme'Ilass Meeting A SERVICE OF LOVE "When one loves one's art, no service seems too hard." There is an art to advertising and Jimmie is an accomplished artist. No. -oamicf fn hi o~rve. +n to di- Secretary of Commerce Gives "Unqual- ified Support" to tMichigan Campaign DATES FOR SPRIN Student Council Sets Time for Cane Day, Elections, Swing Out- and Spring Games RECOMMENDS PUNISHMENT OF DISTURBERS AT GAME Announcement of dates for the maj- or spring events including the all- campus election which was set for the second week after spring vacation this year, was made last night by the Student council. Owing to the late- ness of vacation this spring the events will come in rapid succession between the recess and Commencement week. The elections will be held this year WHAT THE COUNCIL DID Set the dates for the all-camp- I us election, Cane Day, Spring ' G amnes', Ewing Out, and Cap Night and registration for elec- tions. - Approved of the plans of the I Student Relief campaign in de- 1 tail. {° 'Recommended to the Universi- ty Discipline -committee punish- Sment for the offenders in the dis- | turbance which took place at the Indiana basketball game n Feb. I 18. ' 'May 1, registration taking place April 24. Cane Day was set for April. 27, Swing Out, will be on May 6, the Spring Games on May 9 and 10, and Cap Night, has already been announc-. ed, will be observed May 17. A report was made to the council on the Student Relief drive which will he launched on the campus tomorrow. The plans were approved in detail by the members of this body. The advisory committee of the coun- cil made its recommendation to theI University Discipline committee as to the punishment of students involvedb in the disturbances which took place at the Indiana basketball game on ; Feb. 18. Further action on this case rests with the Discipline committee. Masques To Give ; Program Tonight1 Masques dramatic society will in- stitute the first of a series of three programs at 8 o'clock this evening in Sarah Caswell Angell hall with a per- formance of Doris Halman's cornish fantasy ,"Wil O' The Wisp." This play was presented last year with such marked success that the organ- ization is repeating it in its present season after numerous requests. A little waif who has been taken in from the wild heath by an old corn- ish woman is the central character of the play and particularly effective op- 1 portunities have been. invested in the role. She has no lines to speak but through her uncanny fascination she influences and eventually destroysI her enemies. As the climax of the; scene rises, she floats about theI darkened cottage, her face glowing with a weird iridescence, unti she leads her lover's wife out onto the open moor and over the cliffs into the sea. The play will be preceeded by an atmospheric ballet by Hortense Hoad '24, and Ruth Vermilyea, '26. Thisi prologue portrays an incident in..the experience of two tiny elves worked out in pantominic action accompaniedi by the Massenet music.1 The production is under the general direction of Velma Leigh Carter, '24 while the settings have been especially designed and executed by Professor J, Raleigh Nelson of the English depart- CITYCELEBRATE FRT CENTENNIAL Many Prominent in Ann Arbor Talk During Banquet at Union PRESIDENT BURTON SPEAKS BEFORE GATHERING OF 588 "Civic Pride," the topic of President Marion L. Burton's speech at the Cen- tennial banquet in the assembly room of the Union last night, was the prac- tical force which motivated 588 Ann Arbor citizens to attend this same ban- quet to celebrate the hundredth an- niversary of the founding of their city harry B. Hutchins, president emer- itus of the University, acted as toast- master, Mayor G. E. Lewis spoke on "Ann Arbor of Today," and Prof. 0. W.. Stephenson of the American history department described "Ann Arbor One Hundred Years Ago." Professor Stephenson took his hear- ers back to the day, a hundred years ago, yesterday, when John Allen and Elisah Rumsey came to what is now Ann Arbor. Dr. Burton declared that four thiigs formed the basis of civic pride, rever- ence for the material things that make up. the city, for the citie s of Ann Arbor,past and dpeent;. fo tle spiri- tulal atmosphere existanit here, and for "Time",:which ha: seen Ann Arbor through 100 years and will mark he success in the future. YOST1 WIEMAN TO SEE RELAYS AT ILLINOI1S Fielding H. Yost, director of inter- collegiate athletics and Coach Elton E. Wiemari will attend the Illinois relays at Urbana this Saturday as the guests of the Illinois Athletic asso- ciation. Coach Wieman leaves to- morrow night for Chicago where he will join Coach Yost. They will both go to Urbana the following day, Next week Coach Wieman will stay at Illinois as the guest of that school to study the coachingschool and -gen-. eral system of athletic supervision used there. It is believed that this in- vestigation carried on by a coach of another school will be beneficial to both institutions. COL~LElGE FRATERITIES , ADVOATEDBY EDUCATOR Ithaca, N. Y., Feb. 27.-"I thorough- ly believe in college fraternities" were the words of Dr. E. P. Graves, New York State commissioner of educat- ion in an interview with a represent- ative of the Cornell Daily Sun recent- ly. By way of explanation, Dr. Graves .stated that he had become a convert because of his realization of how much good his wife and daughter had de- rived from their affiliations with sor- orities'. ,The commissioner also went on .to state that he, although never having accepted membership in any frater- nity thought, that even though unfor- tunate things sometimes happen in fraternity circles, nevertheless the friendships made, the pleasant activi- ties thus possible, far over-balance the few unpleasant possibilities. Dr. Graves concluded the interview with the statement that if his son should enter college and not be able to be- come a fraternity-man, it would be to his father's disappointment. i i i Washington, Feb. 27.-(By A. P.)- Attorney General Daugherty will re- main for the present a member of President Coolidge's cabinet but he will be expected to retire to private life as soon as the Senate has com- pleted its inquiry into his administra- tion of the department of justice. His determination not to resign without a hearing on the charges against him was reaffirmed today in the face of growing pressure for his removal. He even refused to promise that he would vacate his post on termination of the senate inquiry but it was apparent in other quarters that any plan for his retention beyond that time had been abandoned. This conclusion which is one of the difficult problems with which Mr. Coolidge has had to deal since he en- tered the White House, followed an almost continuous succession of con- ferences in the midst of which the At- torney-General himself suddenly left Washington. It was announced after his depar- ture that he had been called to Flor- ida where Mrs. Daugherty is ill, and } would go by way of Chicago to attend to public business there. GENERAL VACINATION, RDER MAY BE 1ssUED Possibility of a general vaccination, order hovers over the campus as the result of the action of two students in exposing the whole. student body to chicken pox, .Dr. F. P. Allen of the Health service declared yesterday. "These two men mingle with their fellow students while suf-. fering from chicken pox in the act- ive stage," explained Dr. Allen. This gave ample opportunity for a wide distribution of the chicken pox germ,7 and there is a danger of a chicken pox epidemic. Thisc is the, worst possibility that can arise out of the situation-there is no likelihood of small pox-but the means recognized as most effective in combating chick- en pox epidemic, is that of small pox vaccination. If an epidemic broke out, the cityI health authorities could refuse ad- mission to classes to any student who insisted upon remaining unvaccinated, and who could not show that he had had a successful vaccination within the last four years. This would bef equivalent to a general vaccination order." A notice in the Daily -Official Bul- letin for today calls attention to the situation and warns all students to be on their guard against possible con- traction of chicken pox. SPEAER IN CONES DISCUSS_ PEACEPLAN , Phases of the Bok peace plan were the subjects for the Extemporaneous speaking contest held last night in University hall. Seven speakers par- ticipated in the contest, each being alloted seven minutes to elaborate on the topic assigned him. Judgment was based on delivery and general effect-j iveness. The three successful speakers were John Elliott, '26, J. Rosenthal, '25 and A, Stern, '26. These men will meet the three victors of the first semester contest sometime in May. W. Schrier, 'Varsity debater, J. K Dunn, president of the Oratorical asso- ciation, and J. A. Taylor and Lionel Crocker, both of the public speaking department acted as judges. Norman Johnson, '25, was chairman, of the meeting. Fatigu ed Student. Sleeps In Drift -I Toronto, Feb. 27.-"G'way, I'm gon- na skip that nine o'clock," murmured, a fatigued University of Toronto soph-I Secretary of Women's Intemnatlonal League Addresses Social Conference WANTS CANCELLATION OF ALL WORLD WAR DEBTS Advocating the cancellation of all war debts and of submitting the ques- tion of war to a referendum by the people of a country, Mrs. Milton Fuld- heim, secretary of the Women's Inter- national league, addressed the eve- ning session of the Fellowship for Christian Social Order conference last night at the Union on "War: How Can It Be Abolished?" "Labor and Capital: Can They Be Spiritualized?" was the subject of the afternoon discussion led by Mr. E. B Chaffee, '13L, Mr. Chaffee classed all forms of income under four heads: wages, profits, niterest, and rent. Al- though the first three of these divisions ar justifiable, the speaker declared himself against the present system of rent for the use of land. Meetings of the conference will con- tinue through today. The closing ses- sion this evening will be addressed by Miss Grace Hutchins, associate editor of "The World Tomorrow," who will speak; on "The Youth Movement: Does America Need It?"' PRI;,011.I JOINT MEETING TON1IGHT, Portia Literary society and Alpha Nu Debating -society will hold their annual joint meeting at 8 o'clock tonight in the Alpha Nu rooms on the fourth floor of University hall. Both societies have prepared programs, but the nature of these programs will be kept secret until the time of the meet- ing. This will probably be the last joint meeting of these two organizations in the present University hall, as it is expected that the new Literary build- ing, with its special rooms for the literary societies, will be completed in the near future. INDIANAPO I.S ALUMNI fTO' SEE HOOSIER GAME~ One hundred and fifty members of the Indianapolis-Michigan club, of In- dianapolis .will travel in a special train to Bloomington, Indiana, Monday, March 3, to witness the basketball game between Indiana university and the University of Michigan, according to a letter received here from a member of the club. James L. Mitch- ell, '91L, is in charge of preparations for the trip. The letter also states that they will pledge their entire support to the Michigan team, the letter closing with the words "Convey the news to the team that we will be back of them on March 3 one hundred-fifty strong". Puppets Appear Here Tomorrow Puppeteers, student marionette play- ers, will present their production, "A Puppet Revue," at 4 and 8 o'clock to- morrow in the First Methodist Episco- pal church. The performance will be given under the ausipces of King's Daughters, and the proceeds will be devoted to local charities. The "Revue" had its premiere in Ann Arbor last Thanksgiving day, and has since been presented in Detroit Flint, Marshall; Birmingham, and other cities of the state. Heartily endorsing the Student Friendship campaign Herbert Hoover Secretary of Commerce and Food Ad- ministrator during the war, sent the following wire last night to Egbert R Isbell, '25L, chairman of the local drive committee: "The American Relief Adminis- tration retired from Russia at the end of general famine conditions. The students and the intellectuals have suffered more than the others in the economic debacle of that country and continue to suf- fer. The ultimate rehabilitation of Russia depends upon them to a large extent. "I am much gratified to know that tke Student Friendship Fund hsa continued this phase of relief in Russia and can heartily give my unqualified support to its con- tinuance. I hope that it will not fail from want of funds." Herbert Hoover. President Marion L. Burton made the following statement last night: "Anyone'interested in European conditions andtfamiliar with the facts concerning students ad teachers in European universities, cannot fail to be iterested in the student mass meet- ing to be held in Hill auditorium to- night. There is ample Assurance that the funds are used wisely and econ omically. In fact they are expended by methods aimed to help students to help themselves." Another telegram was received last night from Mrs. Helen Ogden, of New York, executive secretary of the Stu- dent Friendship Fund. "We are glad to be able to assure the Michigan students that the entire sum for the expenses has been sub- scribed, and that all their money which in many cases means actual sacrifice, goes 'en toto' to the foreign students." The Day's News At The Capitol The Senate and\ House stopped leg- islation business to pay tribute to the memory to Warren G. Harding. Negotiations were resumed by House Republican organizations and insur- gent leaders looking to a compromise on the income rates of the tax bill, but without result. A large sheaf of telegrams sent tco Edward B. McLean, Albert B. Fall and others at Palm Beach were readf into the record of the senate oil com- mittee. Senator Smoot, Republican, Utah, issued a statement saying that he was advised in advance that E. L. Dohney was coming to Washington to testi- fy about his loan to Albert B. Fall. Attorney-General Daugherty de- parted suddenly and unannounced for Chicago later announcing through the department of justice that he had no intention of tendering his resign- ation until after a fair hearing on charges preferred against him. Paris, Feb. 27.-England has sent France a note urging renewal of arm- ament control in Germany. The am- bassadors council will take up the matter soon. Westerners Club To Meet Tonight All students from west of the Missi- ssippi are invited to the meeting of the Westerner's club to be held in Harris hall at 8 o'clock tonight. The Westerner's club is an organization of students from the West. Meetingsl are held monthly, at which campus talent has furnished the entertain- ment. The Westerner's plan, how= ever, to furnish entertainers from theirl Why should Michigan be Interes in the starving European studer This is the question that will be swered at 7 oclock tonight in auditorium when President Marion Burton, and Miss Margaret Quayle New York, will outline the needs thousands of intellectuals in Eui and explain what part Michigan e ( play in aiding them in their strug for education. This general assem of students and faculty memb comes on the eve of the Stud Friendship drive which opens on campus Poor a three day campaign morrow morning. "If there is a student on the c pus tomorrow who says that he Wt give because he doesn't know what purpose his money is going his own fault, for not attending meeting tonight." Egbert I. Isbell, Chairman of Dr "At this assembly everything garding the campaign both in Am ica and abroad will be explained. ' other schools have all gone over top. Now it's Michigan's turn. tend tonight and then'judge the mei of this cause". - New Yorker to Speak President Burton will give the fi address on this subject treating from a local viewpoint. Miss Mar g et Quayle, a 'member' of the natio committee in New York, will then plain the cause in detal. gMiss Qua' has just returned from Europe wh she has.'been working in th univ sities of Poland and Czechoslova since 1920, organizing feeding kit< ens, clothing shops and other stat: for distributing America's mater contributions for the students. The supplies sent by American ( leges to Europe have already reac1 quite a considerable sum. Hary gave $5,000, Smith $6,000 and seve oth6r institutions have pledged over $1,500. To Open Booths Tomorrow, Saturday, and Mond booths will be open in all the bu ings on the campus for contributio Meal tickets are to be sold at i cents each at these booths, each tic sold representing the price of meal for a foreign student. Cloth and other supplies are not collec by the committee at this time of y The entire sum collected by Mi gan students will be known as . Michigan fund and will go for establishment of a definite kitchen other form of relief headquart abroad. This plan ofalloting a S cific work for which the Michigan c tributions will be given is thought be better by the committee than. send in the money to national he quarters. for general use. The lc tion of the Michigan kitchen in Eur cannot be designated until the amo of money raised is known. No contributions will be taken the meeting tonight. John W. Ke '24, president of the Student coun is'chairman of this assembly. Cam' organizations are urged by the c mittee to have their dinners early night so that all the members i attend the meeting. The doors of I auditorium will be opened at 6 o'clock sharp. GRDIG LAW CLASS. CHOSES ALUMNI OFFIC Frederick C. Gielow, '24L, was ected Alumni secretary of the sen law class at a class meeting yest day afternoon. The election follo, a short talk by Wilfred B. Shaw, ge 1 eral secretary of the Alumni asp ation,swhourged that the class el a secretary immediately so that alumni organization might be well der way by Commencement time. An attempt is being made, accord to Mr. Shaw, to have all the clas elect their secretaries as soon possible. In order to maintain c tact with the University the memb of the grnduating clnas e rehei i