THER E WEA FAIR AN) PROBABLY WARMER I Y Ar Abr 4.f It t n ~ai ll ASSOCIATED PRESS LEASED WIRE SERVICE MEMBER WESTERN CONFERENCE EDITORIAL ASSOCIATION VOL. XXXIV. No. 107 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1924 EIGHT PAGES PRICE, FIVE f FEELINGRUNSHIGH AS SALLADE PLANS TO RESIST ACTIONI STUDENTS PROTEST DISMISSAI WITH PETITIONS, BIG MEET- IUG TODAY, UNIVERSITY OWES NO EXPLANATION, BURTON This Case Unusual Only as Concerns Publicity It has Received, Says Cooley Interest in the case of J. A. Sallade of the mathematics department of the engineering, school, centered yester- day upon statements and refusals tc speak by the principals and petitions among the student body. Mr. Sallade was told Thursday by Prof. A. Ziwet head of the department, that his serv- ices would no longer be required aftei this semester. It is stated by Mr. Sal- lade that Professor Ziwet not only refused to give him a recommendation but also denied him any reason for the I action. Petitions were in circulation among the students yesterday, addressed tc President Burton, requesting that Mr Sallade be retained in his present ca- Illinois Women Lead In Drive For European Student Relief Cabbage soup and:a chunk of black bread was served to Illinois student' solicitors at the lucnheon concluding the two lay European student relief drive, which netted $2,974.39, accord- ing to the Daily Illini.E Of this amount, more than $1,9001 was turned in on the second day of the drive. Women students turned in the largest total, the men were next and the faculty, third. Unsolicited townspeople also contributed. E. F. Nickoley of the Illinois school of economics, told the campaigners that general ignorance of conditions in Europe hampered the work of theI solicitors. Speaking of the European students, Mr. Nickoley said. "These students are making a fight for existence and a fight to keep themselves from drop- ping down to the lowest animal levels. They are trying to keep alive the intellectual traditions of Europe. Most of the students are either from the formerly cultured and well to do homes or have risen from the ranks." "I have often wondered," he contin- ued, "if my own countrymen would put ip such a fight. We admire a game fight, and we need the kind of a Eu- rope that only university people can make and preserve." This campaign is one of many being conducted in the larger universities and colleges throughout the country. BURTON APPOINTS DRIV COMMITTEE W'ienley, Frayer, Drake, Slosson, and Goodrich to Cooperate with Students MEMBERS COGNIZANT OF SITUATION IN EUROPF PELIOT SPEAKS UPON FAR-EAST Professor Comes to America Interest in Arch. aeology to Instl! pacity Arr-angements are being made Appointment of a faculty advisory to have a meeting of all student en- committee to aid in the Student gineers today. Friendship drive was made yesterday Professor Ziwet refuses to make any by President Marion L. Burton. The statement whatsoever in regard to the matter. When asked to deny or af following faculty members were plac- firm statements of Mr. Sallade, he re- I ed on the committee: Prof. Robert M fused. Wenley, of the philosophy department Cooley Makes Statement. Prof. William A. Frayer, of the his- The following statement was issu- Pof. ed by Dean Mortimer E. Cooley of the ory department, Prof. Joseph A engineering school, late yesterday af- Drake, of the law department, Prof ternoon: H. F. Goodrich and Prof. Preston W "The case of Mr. Sallade is one of Slosson, of the history department. more or less routine in the Dean's of- This committee is to act as an advis fice. That is to say, it is a staff mat- Th omyi.end toctata ais- ter coming up in connection with the ory body andmto cooperate with the 1udget for next year. It is not an un- student committee in carrying on the usual case except in its publicity. It drive. The men appointed are thor- is not the policy of the Dean's office oughly acquainted with the present to discuss such matters publicly. ItI European situation and have manifest- is believed more exact justice to al' ed an interest in the Student Friend- concerned can be accomplished betteir ship drive, some of them havingak in some other way. Suffice to say the ready been active in this work. interests of the Colleges of Engineer- The student committee handling the ing and Architecture, or its studentc drive is as follows: E. R. Isbell, 26L and faculty, will be of first consider chairman, H. D. Hoey, '24, Managing ation, as they always are." B sditor of The Daily, L. H. Favrot, '24 "I will fight to a finish," said Mr Business-Manager of The Daily, T. J Sallade when asked if he would pres: Lynch, '25L, president of the Union the matter. In his statement yester. H, C. Clark, president of the Students, day afternoon Mr. Sallade said tiai Christian association, Herbert Steger Dean Cooley proposed to him that he ,25, captain-elect 1924 football team- offer his resignation or written prom- Helen J. Delbridge, '24, president o. ise to resign to Professor Ziwet and the Wonian's League, and Dorothy Jef- he would then see that his name wa' frey, '24, president of the Y. W. C: A. on the budget to be elected by the charge of the drive which begins nekif Regents and thus dispose of the mat- This committee will be in copnplete ter in a quiet manner. Mr. Sallade Friday after the mass meeting hel refused to do this. at 7 o'clock Thursday night. The com- Ziwet Firm mittee will meet at 5 o'clock this af Yesterday morning Professor Zi- ternoon at the Union to discuss fur- wet, said ifr. Sallade, told him he ther plans for the campaign. had better keep quiet or he would be The meeting this afternoon will be fired immediately instead of at the addressed by Miss Margaret Qual of close of the semester. Monday Pro- New York who comes to Ann Arbor fessor Ziwet refused Mr. Sallade r this morning for this purpose. She recommendation saying it would do is a national relief worker and har him more harm than good, accord- been active in the national campaign- ing to Mr. Sallade. ing for student friendship funds. Yesterday morning Professor Ziwet said that if he received a letter from Lobard Delivers an. institution where Mr. Sallade had; made application to teach, he would Informal Lecture LECTURE SHOWS CHURCHI GROWTH UNDER MONGOLS "One of the reasons why I came tc America," said M. Paul Peliot, of the College de France, in his lecture Mon- day afternoon in the Natural Science auditorium, "is to instill in the young man an interest in the history, the language, and in the archaeology of the Far-East. It is strange that s great a country as America which i vitally interested in the problems of the Pacific should take so little inter- est in this field, for in order to spec- ulate as to the future of the Far East it is necessary to know something of its past." Professor Peliot spoke of the forma- tion of China, of its relations with the neighboring tribes, and of the influence of these tribes on China itself.' The Chinese civilization developed along lines of its own and according to Professor Peliot it is for this rea- son that the Chinese civilization is the only civilization withwhich we can check the progress of our own. In his lecture yesterday jme showed the development of Christianity in the far-east under the Mongol conquer- ors following Jenghiz Khan. "Christianity first reached Asia ir the. seventh century . and the first christian chirch existed for two cen- turies. This is evidenced by the mon- uments and tablets found In the north' and west of China. Some of these monuments have only recently beer discovered, Manuscripts and docu- ments which had been walled in the caves of the thousand Buddhas since the eleventh century were discovered a few years ago by Professor Peliot In these manuscripts are contained the gospel of the three trinities, the books of Genesus and Psalms. Professor Peliot also said that early in the middle ages there was a meag- er correspondence between the Pope and the Khans, while in the first hal; of the thirteenth century two Christ- ians who were borq; in the vicinity o Peking became priests and in th year 1275 they made pilgrimages t the holy land. ILLSOLE HEADSPEAS ATBRLOUS -INSTITUTE President William G. Spencer of Hillsdale college was the princ'pal speaker at the opening banquet of the Institute of Religious Education, held last night at the Congregational church. Dr. Spencer praised the spirit and methods behind the workers who are making the religious institute on the campus possible. Such an enterprise should be of great benefit, he said He also discussed special points of religious belief. Other speakers on the program were Prof. Leroy Waterman of the Semit- ics department who is holding course of study in the Institute dealing with' the aggressive non-Christian faiths stressing Islam and Buddhism. He outlined his courses, bringing out the fact that a knowledge of the strong and weak points of other faiths is in- dispensable to the missionary, as weP as other Christians. Thomas M. Iden, and Amos C. An- derson, Grad., who are also conduct- ing classes in the Institute, gave a brief outline of their courses. Mr Iden will present a course in "The Gospel for the Present Age" and Mr Anderson will instruct in "Adolescent BURTONINSPIRES FRESHMEN TO MAKE CAREFL_"CHOIC00E" FIRST YEAR MEN ADVIED TO BE SELVES AT BEST AT ALL TIMES LYNCH DISCUSSES WORK AND HISTORY OF UNION President Shows Yearlings the Three Paths from Which Every Man Must Choose Three choices which every man must make were discussed last night by President M. L. Burton, addressing an all-freshmen assembly in the Un- ion. In the course of his talk on "ThE Freshman's Choice" President Burtor I mentioned "A straight-cut out and out choice between good and evil, the choice from among a lot of things all of which are good, and the choice between all of these things and what you are. The last of these was char- acterized as the supreme choice. "Be Your Best" In speaking of it, President Burtor said, "Before anything else, be your- self at your best. Face squarely th forces which would disentigrate you personality," for we will have a great student body just as we have great individual students. "It is impossible to get away froir a choice between good and evil," the speaker said. "There are element f which require you to choose betweer them. And there is a sharp distinc- tion for everyone between what yor ought to do and what you ought not to do. You must choose." Among the characteristic eviltI President Burton mentioned laziness dishonesty in work, mediocre worl and slavish work. In the evils of1 social relations he included waste of time, waste of money and the laying of habits which limit permanently ef- fectiveness in the world. Quoting Theodore Roosevelt, he r said, "You must be able to look a man straight in the eye and tell him to go to hell!" "Good, Better and Best" The hardest choice was declared by the .speaker to, be the choice from among a lot of things, all of which' are good. In treating of this he Men- tioned good things, better things and best things. "Get as much of thebes1I as you can," was his advice to the gathering._ In closing, President Burton told the 'freshmen to "recognize their lim- itations and not run to extremes. Try if you can, to make your choice fit your needs as individuals, always re- garding symmetry," he said.1 In an introductory speech, ThomaE Lynch, '25I4, president of the Union outlined the history of the Union and gave a brief sketch of its work and the opportunities it offers to the stu- dents. 80K PECE PLN SUBJECT [OR EXTEMPORE ONTEST Various phases of the Bok Peace plan will be the subjects of discus- sion in the University extempore con- test of the second semester which' will be held at 8 o'clock tonight in University hall. Each contestant wil' be assigned his particular angle at E o'clock this afternoon, leaving him three hours to prepare his attack. The following men have been pick- ed to debate: J. H. Elliott, '26, R. .E Fisher, '25E, J. Honigman, '24, M Pryor, '25, J. J. Rosenthal, A. Stern '26, and M. Whitcomb, 25. A. Sawyer 26, and L. Gibson, 26, will act as al- ternates. Men selected from Delta Sig- ma Rho, honorary debating frater- nity, and the public speaking facul- ty, will act as judges.. The three winners will compete with last semester's winners for the ktkinson prize. AITCARE THIRD CABINET MAN HEATED DEUBATE MARKS SESSION ON TAX MEASU RE REPUBLICAN LEADERS THREATEN TO THWART PASSAGE OF BILL AMENDMENTS ADOPTED AMID PERSONAL CLASH Garner and Longworth Reach General Agreement On Question of Auto Levies Washington, Feb. 25.-(By AP)- Two amendments were incorporated in the revenue bill today by the house amid storms of debate involving a series of personal exchange of threats of Republic organization leaders to 1 vote against passage of the entire bill, and a warning from Representative Mills, Republican, New York, of the possibilities of a presidential veto. The session ended in a row over the reduction of the automobile taxes, while action on these proposals go- ing over until Thursday. The house will devote its session to morrow ex-, 'elusively to the Harding memorial service. A gifts tax imposing levies beginn- ing at 1 percent on total amounts in one year in excess of $50,000, and run- ing up to 40 percent was voted, 191 to 65. The tax on cigarettes was raised from $3.00 to $4.00 per thousand by a vote of 117 to 85. A provision of the bill granting ex- ception from the 10 percent theatre admission tax on all tickets of .60 cents and under withstood several assaults to lower or refuse this ex- cpetion. When adjournment was forded an amendment was before the liouse on I which both Representative Longworth the Republican leader, and repres- entative Garner, of Texas, in charge of the Democratic forces said they un- derstood general agreement has been r reached. This would provide for the ! repeal of the three precent on auto- mobile trucks and wagons, the bhassis of which sold for less than $1,000 and1 for a cut in half of the five percent tax on automobile tires and accessor- ies. ...-......... _ .. _ .-..... ....... _ _ ..... _ .. _ _...._ ... .. a Soft Collar Mart Sduffers 'Collapse, The soft collar market in Ann Ar- bor has collapsed. Neckgoar which dealers say cost the manufacturerE nine cents each to make are begging buyers at a solitary, humble nickel. It all started when one dealer, an- xious to unload, offered thirty-five cent collars at ten cents each; three for twenty five cents. A few hours later another State street haberdasher had his window filled with collars with r placard in the center bearing the symbol, "five cents each." Popularity of shirts with collars at- tached among Michigan men is cited by dealers as the principal factor in the lack of demand for soft collars "Spring is comning and we just have to unload," explained one dealer. CHAFFEI 3LIOPENS SOCIAL CONFEREN~CE Pastor of Labor Temple, New York, Speaks on Moral Phase of Modern Industry DETROIT POLICEWOMAN TELLS OF EFFECTS OF CONDITIONS Social workers of the middle west opened a two day conference conduct- ed by the Fellowship for a Christian Order yesterday afternoon in room 302 of the Union. The purpose of' this conference is to discuss the in- dustrial and economic problems in their relations to social work. Mr. E. B. Chaffee, '13L, pastor of the Labor Temple, New York opened the conference, choosing for his sub- ject "The Modern Industry: Is it Pag- an or Christian?" Mr. Chaffee's church located on the East Side of New York, caters to the foreigners engaged in the industrial life of that city. He spoke of the industrial evils which seem to be prevalent among these people. "Unemployment is a great today as, it was during the depression of 1921. There are more than 400 unemployed sleeping on the benches of the Labor Temple each night. This continued unemployment causes deterioration of character among the working class and is one of the worst evils of the in- dustrial situation today," said Mr., Chaffee. After discussing other evils of the industrial situation among which hej included underproduction, poverty, which is due to underproduction, child labor, the industrial system asI a source of war, concentration of pow-4 er in the hands of a few people, andi machine production, Mr. Chaffee con-I CHARLES WARREN, ADVOCATES GCOURT SPEAKER QUAliFIES hAGUE TRiBUNAL AS "TOO ,POLITICAL' DENOUNCES AMERICA FOR INTERFERENCE Representative to Mexico Discusses Relations' Between Japan And United States Denouncing American interference with Mexico so long as seized proper- ties are properly paid for, and advoc- ating the World Court as a necessity to the equable conduct of nations, Hon. Charles B. Warren, '91, former ambassador to Japan and now ambass- ador to Mexico, addressed the Ann Ar- bor Chamber of Commerce at their Lawyers day luncheon yesteday noon. Frank E. Stivers, of this city, president of the Lawyer's club pre- sided and Pres. Marion L. Burton de- livered a short introductory preface to Mr. Warren's speech on "Inter- national Relations." Mr. Warren occupied the first por- tion of his address with the Far East, having, as ambassader to Japan, fol- lowed the situation there for years. The general public of America, accord- ing to Mr. Warren, have a number of mistaken conceptions in regard to far eastern problems. "The people of Japan," he told his listeners, "realize that great numbers of them will never be allowed in the United States; they realize that the better classes of America, moreqver, do not object to them, on racial grounds. Wants Fair Play "All that Japan wants is that they be measured by the same yard-stick used on others. The Japanese are perfectly willing to be excluded from the country by the same rule that ap- plies to other' races and countries. But they protest, and justly so, when a special provision' is made against them." One of the greatest of the prob- lems that is puzzling the Far East, according the eminent authority, is the "total inability of the Chinese gov- ernment to function in that capacity." One of the reasons, Mr. Warren be- lieves, is the f'act that Chinese politi- cians have not come to realize that a public office is a public trust. "China is a great international mar- ket and there has been ruthless coin- petition for the in and out trade there," 4 rrrww .r4 ~ The Day's News At The Capitol - The tariff commission closed its in- vestigation on wheat and wheat pro- ducts. President Donnelly, of the Northern Pacific deounced the pending at- tacks on the road's land grant. The quarantine in California coun- ties against the foot and mouth dis- ease was extended by the department of agriculture. The senate passed the Interior depart- ment appropriations bill, the first of the big supply measures. l 1 f i answer them whatever his conscience would allow him to state, says Mr . Sallade. Dr. WV. P. Lombard, president of the. In reply to statements made byAnn Arbor Art association and pro- In rplyto sateentsmad byfessor emeritus of physiology, ox.- Prof. T. H. Hildebrand in his classfessliehmets ofhigynex- yesterday Mr. Sallade states that her plained the meth4ds of etching in an will be proud to have his past record yf in lecture at 4 o'clock yester- at Penn State college investigated aE day afternoon in the west gallery of at ennStae cllge nvetigtedatAlumni Memorial hail; The exhibits he not only had uniformly higl'shni Memor'lhaTweek byt grades but also taught 18 and 20 hours shown there for the past- week by the , at the same time. Ann Arbor Art association will be con- Bte time. Bcks Aet ntinued another week due to the arri- "B. Sallade's case has not yet offi J val of another collection of etchinP ! "to.myd' atentiso, y ai by the distinguished English artists cially come to my attention,saidWilliam Wolcott and Frank Brang- President Marion L. Burton yesterday i "I can say, however," he declared wAs Dr. Lombard spoke he producedl "that when the University engages an the various tools and materials need- instructor in any department, it is ed for etching and describing in detail distinctly understood that the contract the ways in which etchings are made is for one year only and the Univer- tewy hc ecig r ae sity is under no obligation to fur- He then answered questions concern- nish its reasons for refusing to reap- ink theetchings which have been or point a man to the faculty. exhibit for the past week are the "Every year a large number of in- works of Geza Maroti and Stanley W structors in the various schools are Woodward permitted to leave the University un- ' -_,_ der circum tances which reflect nc discredit either upon the University Attend the Mass meeting. or upon the teacher. Indeed, many institutions of higher learning have r policy of retaining instructors foi only one year. Without specific ref- HAVE YOU erence to Mr. Sallade's case, with the details of which I am unacquainted, it r is clear that the University owes ar instructor no explanation if it doe not see fit to re-engage him for the Tried a Daily Classified; to re- following year." cover your lost articles, to sell The white house announced that} President Coolidge regards the num- I erous bills in congress calling for large, appropriations as disturbing to prosperity. Western senators were informed by President Coolidge that' the govern- j ment stands ready to assist banks in the Northwest provided local condi- tions warrant it. Senator Moses, republican, New Hampshire, read in the senate the attack of Senator Reed, Democrat, Missouri, of William G. McAdoo and stirred up a political debate. The senate oil committee spent two hours looking over telegrams sent from Washington to A. B. Fall and E. D. McLean while they were in* Florida. A series of conferences, including two between the President and the. cluded his address by saying, "If we said Mr. Warren. "This-situation wa test industry today by applying the very tense in 1920-21. ethics of Christianity, we will find I It was complicated by the Japanet that it is more Pagan than Christian. possession of Shantung, which th( It is the duty of the church to give a had taken from Germany on their en blue-print of the industrial and ec- trance of the World war with th onomic order, and to point out any- Allies. thing which is un-Christian.' ' "It was further complicated whe Miss Eleanore Hutzel, chief of the I Japan kept troops in Siberia after th Detroit, policewomen, was the speak- other countries had with drawn the er at the evening session, held in the forces. 'They were more or less d Congregational church. She sopke j recting affairs in that part of Russ on "The Morals of a City: How are As a further complication, the Japa: they affected by economic conditions." ese-English alliance, came into th "I find nothing to indicate that there situation." is a relation between crime and econ- "Alliance Not Justified" omic conditions. I was in Chicago This move in particular in the o during the depression of 1904 doing inion of Mr. Warren did not meet wi social work, and was in Detroit do- favorable feelings in the Unite ing that same kind of work during the States. Inasmuch as she is the huy depression of 1921. Accoring to sur- of 44 percent of Japan's exports an veys made at those times there was no in turn sells to that country 32 pe more crime during the years of de- 1 cent of its imports, the United Stat pression than during any other per- felt that the alliance. with Great Br iod. It is because newspapers play] ain was not entirely justified, V up crime during these periods that Warren said. This along with t people obtain the idea that crime many other disturbing factors broug is more prevalent," said Miss Hutzel. the situation to a point which r "People in the large cities are quired a definite and immediate rei hurrying from one excitement to an- edy of some sort. It was found to other. They are not developing them- great extent in various internatioi selves. This kind of people can not agreements which followed. bring their best to their work, and One was the formltion by ni: can not bring the iedalism which is great nations. of a unified policy i necessary to the best type of life," ward China of non-interference, gi Miss Hutzel said in conclusion. ing them ample oportunity to wo The session of the conference will out their own problems from with continue through today and tomorrow, ! The famous Four-Power treaty w to which the public is invited. Miss then ratified, which, in the..belief Grace Hutchins, associate editor of Mr. Warren, will exert a great powt "The World Tomorrow" will speak at toward maintaining peace in the a the morning session on "Europe: Will fected regions for many years. TI it be the Graveyard of Modern Civil- made it easy to agree on a reducti iaation?" Mr. E. B. Chaffee will lead in naval armaments and fortification the discussion of the afternoon sess- "For the first time in the history ion on "Labor and Capital: Can they the world great battle ships are bei Be Spiritualized?" Mrs. Milton Fuld- taken out of service and destroyed heim, of Milwaukee, secretary of the Mr. Warren said. "It has been agre Women's International league will ad- not to put heavy fortifications on ci dress the evening meeting on "War: tain islands such as Guam and t How can it be Abolished?" Philippines." Military enthusiasts, Mr. Warr pointed out, fail to realize the effe of such extensive preparation on ( part when viewed by Japan. "Continue, Good Feeling" "When Japan puts a hand to pistol it can generally be found ar sult of some move on the part Washington, Feb. 26.-Senator America," the former ambassador Atorney General showed few surface' Washington, Feb. 26.-It became developments in the row- over Mr. known that the coalition of democrat- Daugherty, but indications pointed a ic and republican progressives which definite decision soon. forced the resignation of Secretary Denby and is now pressing Mr. Daugh- The house placed a gift tax in the erty, has another cabinet officer sing- pending revenue bill and approved# led out for the next attack. Presi- 'a section repealing the 10 percent taxI dent Coolidge knows the feature of on theatre admission and 50 cent and the charges which are being held ready over. for launching and those who are advising the President that to per- Moscow, Feb. 26.-United States mit the Attorney-General to leave the ! Senator France is quoted in the press Cabinet under fire. will be the signal as saying he is chiefly interested in ,r ' y ' Chimes Tryouts Wanted what you dont want, to locate what you do want. If you haven't 11 {