THE MICHIGAN DAILY TU E SDLA , FEBRUAR Y -..- S -- - .... _._._ . _ _ _. _._ ._,,.e.....a... ..._ .. I ,Y OFFICIAL BULLETIN InteBulletin is oltuiv notico to all members of ity. Copy received by tlJĀ¢ Aaslsant tc th~e ; es'ept until (11:30 a. mn. Satur.las-. REED SAYS COLLE6E MEN ARE IDELSSIN LIFE'l 11 1I1 c Intramural Items BOCKEY C CIION j1' ; f i ct le i" 4r M fost t I IT (he '- ;id . 11&T1 ~ I ) grad 1uation, so -with aliv ;' TU2S F UAi1 ~A"I' wAl RY 2t$d,-1921l Number l106 br.vli be a cegerence of the Deans on 1V(_dnesday , February 27, at '0 th the President's office. 31. L. Barton., Fis ks#eirh A4df1ory Vorninttee: 'ere will be a imeeting of this comimittee at 4 p). in., 'Iuesday, February Room 60, Library. F F 5Abm, Scret ary. 'roessor ~Paul Pelliot will deliver his second lecture Tuesdlay, Fr, hruair: 41 Ini the Natural Science Audlitoriumn. Subject "Par Eastern Christ-une h oglcnurr olwn-Jnhrlht. F. 1z. Robibinis. Marine Corlps Cornmiiis: 11 students inakingi application for Comissions in the U. S. irine must appear in person before the Coinittee which is receiving th ~ese ations. The Committee may be econs lteci on Tu 'esday, Feb. 26, and esdlay, Feb. 27, in floom 208 LiC011nic"S uild'ing at 1:P. ill. A. E. It. 11oank. J.IR. lHayden. her will be a Gallery Talk on etching and a dlemonstration of some of ethods and, materials employed by etchers, by 1'. 1P. Lombard, at the tion of drawing and etchings shown by the Ann Arbor Art Association niorial Hall, 'Tuesday, at 4:00 p. in.. This will be the last day of the tion. Warren 1P. Lom~brd, President. c peaing ~for 1Engineers: hie following men will appear on the program for Tues., 7:10 p. in., .)6 Room 348 Wlest Eng. Bldg: C. A. Schmidt, chairman, and Messrs. Maurer, A. M. Stellwagen, F. A. Reid, G. M. Golds, R. E. Eversdyk, C. nii, C. R. Brown, F. WV. Bradley, V. _M. Ninobla. C. A. Schmidt, Chairman of Assemblies. r Necanical and Electrical Englineors: r. R. S. Reed of the General Electric Comnpany wll be in Room 274 this week. He 'would like to interview seniors who would be inter- in positions with the General Electric Company. 11. 0. Anderson. ry Science: ereafter Course 2, Military Science will meet in Old Engineering shops ng instead of Waterman Gymnasium. W. C. .outsell. hysiesC olloquiuim will, meet a t 4:1~5 p. mn, on Tuesda.y. February 26, in 202, Physics Buildiing. T,'r. Datvidson Dennison will speak on 'The ular Stru~cture and Infra-Red Spec'trumn of Methane'. All interested vited to &ttenj. ' . 1#,M. luonddl. nMicWi COW)h: anteon for the Cl10b gill he e rvt i in th7e ihifgan .union on W ;1) - , $eIuary 27, lit 12:1a. A rum IH ~ W, I~ente Lc'y. ld 'Notie dlpbl i ou68 of Reopresentative w,": i 't :.. ,i inthe Adl]hiiroom, k. ioo; niversity hal at 7:30 o'clockri. V'itorsa arc ecom@ sand, all nit es ev i public speaking are uir>:.ed to attend. iMlillard l1. Pryor, Speaker. Frtd mueet totiui htat egto'clock ?iin lRoom .i106', Mrtson 'HallI. Pro- ' tf Aer r1,i~e "'a pperon "Vant "an(1 Aes thetics." I '0. K. V lisajna. 7'. C. Band and brac'Lice 7: 1:) tonight at RMorris 1-all, corner, fof, Jefferson. aud 'St~te "The idealism of a community comes' to a large extent from the college graf. luates who are members of that{ community," Prof. T. dl. Reed of the political science &Drtmaent told is clas s in a lecture recently in room B 'in the Law building.I "thrartw fatthtroethis," continued Professor Reed, "it' is evident from the attitude thait the Amnerican colleges showied towards the League of Nations. They stood1 three to one in favor of' it. They may' have" been wrong, b"lut it shoved that the majority,'of college mlen and womi- en are idealists. At the time of the entrance of the United States intoj the World War students of the Ameri- can colleges stepped forward as one mai to oiletri their services to the country .No utlipi g'roup waIs as unanimous in its response." Professor Roed emphasized tlae fact that this M( ida n mwas one of the greatest factors in making the col- i loge graduates the leaders of the l idealists for their leaders. country, for the masses turn to the 'MUSICAND MUSICIANS i7 i I i ,3 (Continued from Page Six) 'fl)mu is m(numnnyear willIi.' ner Aof education-juninor ofengineer game IH I GH LT SiiiEiSI U~ii ,lisn 1L iaCo"er year i llhbr)( Winner of sophl lit-fresh engineer game' cy wo rld. yyUSIA vs. winer of sopli medic-soph engi- 12H-lln C "War vpas I eer gaine, 7:45 o'clock, "society ( iiiUdtrf' LaeSi)Wslhington, Feb. 25.-T'hees~ Chamber of Commerce luncheon. lleague) Camp Davis club vs. 'orestry a :ce to AMichigan's opponents iii :ill tion of WVilliam J ,. love, vi.e 1preside, 4:15-Universlty lecture, Natural Sel- club, Naval Reserves vs. Architectural departmencits. Next year shouldbrn of the lmnerge(nicy Fleet col')pOr-Otk ence auditorium.; society, D~ental society vs. Craftsmen hmit h ieih ovi!vt aduuiu ,etio h.L~l 1::3---Futle ir oniitte metsat' lub 4:30 'clck indpenentgreater extent. Todd, Lindstron , and StMates Lines watt announcedI late t1-in eful:lI o.s s aia-aiLv'dsremc rdtfrter ly 7 ari-A ~lpha I1)(1111 Sign zeets lit City club, -arnes All stars vs. For-1 _________to__e______ __inte____________- rocon 302, Uinion. mhiWilouse, Agony live vs. Hall Roomofut.Thywnitohegm of;'sub. Theywent ino the amet______________for____ S;-'*rylailcu nuet rbY.when the regbulars were tiring, and election of officers in room 205, Ma- held down their positionst% ith great sst hall. - n rConupetition is expected-lIn the! ability. These mnen should be regular 0 W C 7 :$3!}--Preshmttan assembly, assembly ,tannuTal t a llmps foul shooting fixtures next season.halUno.tunkot iyerwhmrehn eesrdRyi , 7:30--Ade~hl mneets !it. university ',0 nmen alrea dy entered, many of High scoring honors are divided be- hall. whoi):i are thec present high men lii tween Beresford and Rteynolds, each CU LWRIHC , :34--- Arciutecls' snmoker, Union. E th, fraternity foul shooting tourna- I having shot six goals. Mahn, Peter-; CT L WESWHC 7:3i- -A cift smoker, Union. menat. man, and Quirk follow with three each A EA W Y RS 7:3(0-l"reshnuiui assemtbly, Union. Suitable~ rewards will be given to1 All together, the Wolverines shot 24 M ybedlerdtyo the winner and the runner-up. goals during the season, their opponin ay shoeivrd tie. WE N E SD Y euts getting the same nuimber. I nasor ie 12:004- iMathenmatcs ehlt luncheon,'- The excellent showing of this year's Unon FIII.NWRIT 't eamn is the result of two years' work Phon1 15t i3Tt-1latiltee Mluxicale mtleets in L=I- JC_______ou the part of Coach Barss. lie start- IOU.The reshen westlng1suad eel the 1922 season with little material. 4 ~ 1. ,1.. '.~.* I fst year's season was only fairly suc- 4:0--etila la iss meiets lit room tNill meet from 4-5 o'clock Mon- ! cessful. Thme camlpaign which has just Coust nso & 11a E', Law building. d cay, 'Tuesday, Thursday, and Eni- 4been finished is the real fruit of the dat-yiilt ra rctlHl a- (ki i .. ':r work of last year. Next year should 611 E. Uiest Ave. dlitorium. I' P. BOTCHER, find the WAolverines on a par with any 6:30-Cetenialhanqei 4Tt~ot. (Coach. team in the West, and close to the .1 ' ':30-Meeting of La Sociedad Ills- pxanica, Lane hall. 7'.34k--- University ;cost of the Alierican Legion meets in room M0e, Union. :34-agniaw club meets in room 304, Union. Marian Struble Freeman's violin 1 ? THAT TEXT BOOK-- playing proved to be the main attrac- tion' of last Sunday's faculty concert. Mrs. Freeman chose as her number the dlazzling Rondo Capriccioso by! Saint-Saens. 11cr performance was replete with brilliant technical dis- play, flawlessly executed, though itl seemedl at times that her glissandos were somewhat too prominent, pro- ducing a wailing effect rather than the smooth and finished glide which one expects in such display. Her tone teas round and full, and delightful' in the song-like cantabile passages.j The University Symphony orches- tra played two numbers of the heav- ier type, and a suite of country dances. The first was the well-known C major Symphony of Beethoven, a compara- tively unpretentious work. Somehow Arthur B. McWood, '24, has been' called to Detroit from Iowa City, Ta., where he was to play last night in thei Iowa-Michigan basket ball game on account of the unexpected death ofj his father. N'ew York, Feb. 25.-Juniors at Co- lumbia university held their big an- nual promenade last Friday night at the Hotel Ritz-Carlton. Patronize Daily Advertiser:.-Adv. Which could not behad. during the past week, HAS BEEN RECEIVED at W AHR'S UNIVERSITY BOO KSTORE ,_..,. . 11 its performance failed to convey the expected dignity, undoubtedly due to1 the prednrni;na'lmce of the strings. Thel .Mozart Ballet inwicto "e~Petits Hiens'' w as a rather charming suite in which the performers acquitted thlemxst lves #,uite creditably. Grmiab',q'suite of 'thr~ee country d' dJances wc hich concluded the programx w 13 tverychalrming group. The second 4tnmber, a pastoral; dance, :pvw~e(1 the - mplo#t fas'inating I 1. A. AV. DA1IbY .('bAS~iFl.EMt3J RING: ON LITTLE I N VESTI'MBT 0 0 hom r 'FA 60, He; "How minlldo you weigh?" She: " O, uo nough tospoil the crease in yourYin ley trouser." And Subscribe for :#1111f1II~ il 4111(1Hil'111IIII~ ,{II I IIIItIIIfII III III1411111 1 tI your Miciaal members(lesiired. lb nt. Ir. lCarpeilte . DRAMA oplays by Susan Glspell, "Tri- and "Suppressed D4 ires," will be d tonight by the Presbyterin rs in Lane hall auditoriii at oclock. -ifies" is an effective nielodrama1 ig with the bitter hatreds hidden Ah drab farmn life of the Middle This will be the first produc- of the play in the city., "Sup- (,,( Desires." on the other hand, een given numerous performian c erywhere and is one of the most al- of the typical Little Theater It satirizes in an amusing n the ridiculous fads and poses "euwichi Village life, and is de- l, without doubt, to remain a per-. favorite long after the average )f shorter plays are forgotten. kets for the perfomance may be t at the door. R. . i.f YEAR] Fraternitlies, Sorel Fair Del egates ITo Meet In Union T- ETGF Recpresentatives froim fraternities who will need to buy material for= their acts; at the Union Fair are re- =~ cju( .t ed to meet with Walter Ser - -O A S 1 I '24, businessmage of the Fair coin- j mnittee, at 5 o'c lock tomzorrow. after-1E} noon ini the activities roost of the IS 'Y O U R~Li :? Union. B3uying of all material th at -will be soild or auctioned at : the Fair will be PHOTOGRAPH!. handled by the Union. Ain estimadtc1 of the mate"friails needed by each booth will he0 taken by Scherer, andlihe will handfle aill of the buying. Patronize Daily .Advertisers.--Adv. ;w I RVING WARMOLIS, D. S. G. _ Chiropodist and Orthopedist 707 (north University Phone 2652 B:1OOKS, rities, Dormatories n >Qtir pirr NTING AT LOWER SEE USVA SState Street Phone 303- W teter im,"preains =.k =11 E -I Ea- " If you have not been a subscriber this pre- vious semester or are entering the, Univers- ity this semester do ..1 1 j - : ia r-' is Y.i. ': T, :. r.f n+ i ,C Y ;,,. .ti 'j". : i : . , i -]: '.. : i. '. not fail to take THE DAILY. Subscription, for the Semester, $2' )R BETTER PRE RATES, "UP" ANVD 'I Us. rcade Theatre. Him :, ,a 1 1 lI1[11tItID11 11sr l il #1 1111l1i I!#!l l 1111111#l11i11 tlofl1111111i 1 11111#Ia i1t!!l11. US ANIMALS DEATH DEFYING ACTS STUPENDOUS PARADE t I dW I& a W - Nowa- - - - s A - L-J