THE MICHIGAN DAILY --------------- 4- flHAIIIL I UN ADS GAMPAlG Society To Sell p pA Imported Gloves " ~LLI I Gloves sold by Mortarboard for 1he U U TOGIE P UY H FRIDA University of Michigan iLeague vill be display andl ord wilhetakenito- Members of the Women's Athletic t! ~ n ~ IVnI,-. - I r _, __ 3. omn i Mumiers will meet at 4 o'clock today at the Theta Phi Alpha sorority house, 821 University avenue. juarters o fLeague Building Fund Drive Will Be Moved to Detroit A. S. HOBART TO ACT AS ASSISTANT DEAN OF WM0EN aY, row, Tursay and Friday, in the ball of Barlbour gymnasium. Sororities, dormitories and the large league houses will be canvassed. Or- ders must be in by 6 o'clock Friday, Feb. 15. The gloves wll arrive from Paris before spring vacatioii. Gloves like those sold this fall and several new kinds will be shown. For Dean Jean Hamilton has been ap- pointed chairman of the committee in charge of the building fund campaign for the University of Michigan League, according to an announcement made on- Friday, Feb. 1. .The headquarters ftr1 the work of the committee will prdbably be moved from Ann Arbor to Detroit. President Marion L. Burton was named honorary chairman of the committee. Miss Hamilton will devote one-half of her time for one year tothe cam- paign work as a result of the action of the Board of Regents which met the latter Part of January. The assistant to aid Miss Hamilton with her duties as dean of women was announced to be Murs. Amy S. Hobart of Cleveland Mrs. Hobart, who beganther work yes- terday in the office of the dean of wo- men, attended Knox college and is a graduate of the Cleveland Library school. She has had executive work as head of the girls' bureau under therWelfare Federation of Cleveland where she has complete charge of the government housing bureau during the war. 'Active work on the League build- ing fund campaign will begin the mid- dIe of February when the Alumnae council holds its mid-winter meeting. Miss Hamilton will announce her com- mittee at that time. The former cam- paign committee has resigned to allow the council to act freely. An advisory comittee for the alumnae in regard to r'eorgnization p'ans. has been .ap- pointed by President Burton, and con- sists of Miss Hamilton, Dean Henry M. Bates, of the Lbw school,, and J. C. Christenson, assistant secretary of the University. The reason given for the proposed change of the headquarters from Ann Arbor to Detroit is that, in the latter city, essential matters 'may be decid- ed within a short space of time. Miss Hamilton also considers it advisable to locate the headquarters where the greatest number of graduates are liv- Ong and where people in general can come conveniently. Dean Hamilton. To Give Tea Toda All University women are cordialy invited to a tea which Dean Jean Ham- ilton is giving from 4 to 6 o'clock to- day at her home, 172 Cambridge road. This is the first of a series of teas which Miss lariltn i s lanning for the second semester. At' th ta this afternoon the women of the University will be given an opportunity to meet Mrs.Amy S. Hobart, of Cleveland, who has come to Ann Arbor to act as as- sistant dean of women. Miss Zelma Clark will pour. AT THE THEATERS Screen-Today Arcade-"Wild Bill Hicock" with William S, Hart. Majestic - "Little Old New York." Wuerth - "Richard the Lion Hearted." Orpheum - "The Sagebrush Trail." PERSONAL STATIONERY Box 75 double sheets (equals 150 single) 75 en- velopes to match, linen$c finish (Postpaid)....... Beautiful stationery, with your name and address printed in engravers' blue ink. Money refunded if not satisfied. Address Westlake Stationery Co., 120 N. Erie, Toledo, Ohio. further Brown, 2338. information call Pamela Helen Newberry resiencc, association will be hostesses at a nov- elty Valentine party from 4 to 6 o'- clock Friday in Barbour gymnasium. All the women on the campus are in- vited to be present at this affair and become acquainted with other women in the various campus houses and dormitories. The features of the party will in- clude a prize dance. Each house, dor- mitory and sorority is requested to be represented in this dance. The judges including Mrs. Marion L. Burton, Dr. Margaret Bell and Mrs. John Sund- wall will pick the best social dancers from the general dancing in order to avoid the necessity of an exhibition. Refreshments will also be served in the parlors of the gymnasium. Admission for the party will be 15 cents. - . 1 t T r z Signing out slips for January are The regular weekly teas given for now due in the office of the dean of the graduate students will be resum- women, ed at 4 o'clock today at Betsy Bar-I Class basketball practice will begin1 bour house. Miss Fandira Crocker this week in Barbour gymnasium and will act as hostess. continue the same as the first semes- ter practices. The French gloves which Mortar- I board is selling for the University The cast of the first act of the Jun- of Michigan League will be on dis- ior Girls' play will hold a rehearsal play, and orders taken for them from from4 to 6 o'clack today in Sarah Ca.- 3:30 to 4:30 o'clock, Tuesday, 'Wed- well Angell hall. nesday, Thursday and Friday of this week in the hall of Barbour gymnas- It's true efficiency to use Daily ium. Classifieds.-Adv. RAM k'atronize The Daily Advertisers. Daily classified for real re h Alumnae Plan Double Concert Athena to Hold Open Meeti: Miss Edna Thomas, mezzo-contralto, "Movies of Today" will be th and the Salzedor Harp Ensemble will jpect for topical discussion appear in a double concert at the Re- open meeting of the Athena LI gent theater of Grand Rapids, on Feb. society, which will be held at 7 29. The affair is under the auspices clock tonight in the Alpha Nui of the Grand Rapids branch of the of University hall. Anyone inte University of Michigan Alumnae as- in joining the society is invited sociation and the profits will be given tend the meeting. Tryouts for to the University of Michigan League bership will be held two weeks building fund.; tonight. Patronize The Daily Advertisers. Daily ciasszfted for real re; AU IN FIE TEA S REMA1IiN IN BAETBA TOURY With the first two rounds of the in- ter-house basketball tourney complet- ed, five teams remain in the race for campus championship and the silver loving sup which \vill be presented to the-victorious team in the final round. This cup will be passed on to the win- ning team eanch consecutive year and} will become the permenant possession of a team who is capable of keeping the cup for three years. The cup is now on exhibition in Wahr's book- store. Pi Beta Phi will face Delta Gamma and Gamma Phi Beta will meet Al- pha Omicron Pi at 4:15 o'clock today in Barbour gymnasium. The reeres for the games will be: Marian Linds- ley, Evelyn Dohany, Dorothy Davis andj Norma Bowbeer. Oriental and Chinese Rugs THIS WEK D E T R 0 1 T N ights . .50c to $2.50 Wed. M, t Sfc to $1.50) Sat. Jat '0c to $2.00 Daily Beginning Tomorrow 2:00 and 8:00 O'clock It's true efficiency to Classifieds.--Adtl use Uaily I Make your skin truly beautiful with this most wonderful, scientific discovery. There is no excuse now for a rough, blotchy red skin. THE SLWYNS PRESENT THE GREA TEST DRAMATIC SUCCESS IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD Channing Pollock's Stirring Study of Big Problems and a Greal Love Oriental and Chinese Rugs will sell at auctions to be held daily at 2 and 8 o'clock in our main floor store. The prices will be as low if not lower than those asked for domestic rugs. Masterpieces from the K. S. Jamgotch Collection Every rug to be sold is a masterpiece from the K. S. Jamgotch collection. Beauty of design and harmony of color make these luxurious rugs very desirable. They give the room a warmth of coloring and add a welcome note of good taste and beauty. Buy the Oriental and Chinese rugs at the p-iccs you wish to pay during the Auctions. 2 176 } r ., '. i. ' , s, ? v hdc: wY .9 STAGED BY FRANK REICHER Hair Grown or No Money / Notice the- Van Ess flex- ible rubber ! xa s sa g cap on the bottle. You rub the bottle over your. head and the rubber nipples, growing med. icine into the scalp. One: minute a day in your own homewith Van Ess L iq ui d ScalphMassage means an abundance of new hair and the gloss and luster that come with perfect hair health. Ask us about the 90-day treatment plan. We sell it under moneyback guarantee-. SUGDEN 1DRUG CO. "11 - . i"ity i i i I i I i k I The Play That Set the Nation Talking and Crowded a Big Theatre in New York Twice a Day for a Year TH E ONE PLAY YOU CAN'T AFFORD TO MISS Cleanses the skin, whitens the skin and nourishes the skin, all atone time. That is why it's 3 called "3-action" --because it per- forms all of these !3Cacax duties awith one application. A soft, white vel- vety skin may now $10 Abe yours. T $1.*00 A T YOUR DRUGGIST'S I A. J MEN)ELSOIIN AuchmeF r MEN= mgm= t Read the Want Ads M 0 _._ , * NOW 7:00 8:30 LI.IM" I BOARD (w1thout 1 reaLast) FOUR DOLLARS 604 EAST WA SHINGTON Ncar Lane Hall 7 NOW :00 3: 0 THE PL AY THE WHOLEWORLD """""""""""""i o N A Mai r' ....Q. , -- k ", w,® IS GOING TO SEE! JLR , TH-E WITH AC RY t .j y~iY- Corporation MAeRI lON Adapted b~y Luthier Reed fwiiiiltle) ii J 4cf \ n av 1 ir.+ Kcl a rJohn+onylz.a no.. RRESISTIBLE charm and thrilling action make this story of the days when America was young a truly great enter- tainment. Mariont. Davies contributes .a performance even more engag- ing than any of her previous work. Here on the screen un- folds the drama of the men and women who built a great nation. csmopolitan roduction Settings **JosephUrban Metropolitan Presentation SYMPHONIC CONCERT ORCHESTRA Playing the Original SYNCHRONIZED MUSICAL SCORE Famous Biends a Manbattan? Remember its soothing smoothness? -that's gone but Oh Henry's equally smooth.It'sthe proper blending of rich butter cream, caramel, crisp nuts and milk chocolate that has made Oh Henry! famous. AW N- 3 PRICE SCALE On account of the great cost to us, the prices have to be raised slightly. AT TOSPHERIC PRELUDE Moo I AM Inv IT"i'll'.1anc I*L" XMI'M ri a. 11 I 11;atitleps ;;Ic ;j gtltfi 6% PC