___THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUca ? F t - I SPENCER TO SPEAK AT BA.NQU-ET T OAY Re~lit;iom~indi21tlilte To Hear President o(I1,bieI lcCollege ,1t IZtnner TO( 111 i 11PI 1" ' 41_('S 11 '1iE gi ) W"illiami Gear Spencer, presidenit of lillsdalocollege, HillsdIale, AMichigoan, will befthe principal speaker at the re igiouts institute banquet which will belheld a!t 5 o'clock. today in the Cobi- gregationa I (:hi rchl. Short Utalks will al1so he delivered byv the .'our instru:t- ors wvho are to lie in charge of tho eklasssLiven inl the s-econd religious institute:'s c-nurse beginning at 7 o'- clock next Tuesday night. The an- quet will he given under the auspices of the educational dlepartment of the Sudent Clhristian association. Refligiolls Edcation P'resident Spencer will speak on sonme phase of religious education. Throughout his career as a professor in classic languages, he has constant- ly stressed. the value of the religious side of education it is said. After graduating from Denrnison university in 1907 and thecn studying at the Col-f gate Theological Seminary, ho be- ' came an instru.ctor in the. romance langutages department a.t Doane aca- demny and later, at Colgate academy. President Spencer then joined the faculty s;taff of Dennison UniversityF a.s an a ssoceiate professor, leaving next for Colgate 1-niversity wihere he was in- efull nofssr ~n iter ~vfr FIRE HALTS CARNIVAL 'Shaw To Address 1 Seniors Tomorrow Mhe Wilfred B. Shaw, '0)4, general secre- tary of the Alumni association will ad- dress the senior law class upnon the alumni organization of the class at 4 o'clock tomor row in room E of the r- 10 . 61 .- , fi. .:. ' Law building. A short business meeting will be held immediately, after the address at Iwhich time the com~mittee on law dis- cussioil groups will report to the class.s Election of the alumni secretary f the class will be held at this meeting. "Jimmie the adtaker'" sells anythingI quickly.-Adv.I A :1e-w Pattern~ go SAMPLES - m m - I a l " ga i I I a t Permanently on Display at t GUY WOOLFOLK & CO. 336 8.State Street Ann Arbor, 11icl. Designed by WHITEHOUSE & HARDY INceRPoftATID BROADWAY Ax 401"STREET 144 WEST 42"2 STREET MROPOUTAN OPERA tovs. iwo. KaNx~i0KWUOCK'R PILDINGa NEW YORK I r IHAMILTON I BUSINESS I4 i COLLEGE, STATE & WILLIAM STS. l o wolilgaa. l E tx :et cc _ ._ c r+^+:e tie M fi 4,r c r~ rrr_, rrc c c 4 r.GC rrGCc aY E Riiis of biflig In the heart of .Nfontpelier. Vt., in which leen iwrsons -w ere lhiired to death The Winter carnival wvhi',h was tc. Iave attracted thousands r-f visitors to \Ton pelier, Vt., has veen cal'_edlcuff [^ iiidif:lflitely 1ecauzse of a Iragic fire in tiinIheart of the Qcity iii wh cli %-I vev souxs were killed when the Lawre.nc huildling burned wvith a, total loss oaf more: hall and the downtown district. ' iersons loszt their lives. The ;..er- than .$300,000, imperilling the city ii. Death' Stalks ' Camrps Hounds As Man Plies .Nefari ous Trade J*~ii- *Lt(-- . 11 A11'JL'5S1 I M li~CU*Jt iOF L ______________ Franklin college to become registrar.' Since 1919, he has acted as head of the Claiming Its firs t victim early yes-1njn~g dowwxn -the crim~inal have as let' classical languages department oif the terday morning, an epidemic~ of dog j b9 en discovered. 'The poisoning or Chautauqua Institute Chautauqua, N.I poisonings, of a character which has animals in thzat mzanner is an offense SY. during the summer period. been decried as,$particularly atro-E against the Michigan state law. The mnen who are to conduct the cos"hssra oicuemr different classes of the religious in- 'ushLb ,navnamfnh pra os hc t hc icuefo oe sthtt oreadtesbet hc ey will briefly outline in their talksI time have been both the friends and llflIU N EPNIL and deal with in the classes are asfosfthMihgncaps i'olloww's:The epidemic mnade itself apparent! follows: N Courses ventecle belonging to Presidents i IOAEDDSTIT A. C Andrsonof he pychoogyMarion L. Burton returned to the resi- deprtent "doescntPschoog";dence suffering. from an attack of par-, Radio has played an unseen hut Thomas AT.Iden, "The Gospel for tlo lysi.I a nydet h quick s vital part in the country's welfare in work of Dr. Theodore Lang, vote rin- Itels ewwes corigt n Present Age"; J. E. Kirkpatrick of ay htte o' iews ae.f tost madwekpsbliccysrday.toin the political science department, "The Lateinmdepbicysera.The Psychological Approach to Religion"; eot niatdta 4 O frequent l blirzards and snow stormusI and r~t Le~y aternan ottheson which had leen employed was i lt ~ A~l 1 ~ ed strychniine, which causes a hardnia lr Semitics dpaten," i.>o and !done ty rpl nd; teephono limesI Faith of dpartnent, issi~ an a paralysis of the entire body, re- l~t~~s a 1o'ayeli Faits ofthe Non-Christian World." sulting ins fanvu'sions and ag nyrefor sligicovlinanagntoThe classes will be' given from 7 :15 the victim, as death does not com~oe l c oul Zt'tien1l Avoi king .a:;in. to 8 o'clock every 'Tuesday igiht over Stlchsorei p'cssbies of ces sn l t a r e, jaV6 a period of five wqeks.th_ re ebrt trAfitpcraiW' t' off 'YdhV a11 or th er.Donald Williams, '25, Nell also ri uercnmnctindrn h s ~k4 th banuet outining. te The airnjale belonging to Gu(ay ms ue o~cnctd~tvn h spa a h bnut.otinn-th ,~it10dy n. '.. ofok ied ~a result .61this Iis 1)~y p3rograin to be carried, out daring thel Prevpssbeen um1 .I C ~ t. l llj). 4 oajinctinwith 1the meetin:g of the I'1hainedcaI ~able toin brtdge'ye' ,; statand ~p~n session wuh xv Lw, hlid e of the animlal. The total ofdeaths haeb iabet rdetw~a n classes every T1uesday night from in h ain oldwihht enoftn pr~vented gra.ve mishajpsz. This to -15h o'clock. .Juliuis Hauslovsky ..i's especiall.y true in connection with ietyatiue oti ptelci 5L w4 )id at the banquet. ]ionelthhadigotrns hetl- Crocker of the public spe.k dpr expected. to reach inoTJ~e than 1, Alit' fi the present rate keeps up. anent is chairman of the religious in-'! tween stations a leading train, caught stitute comml ittee. IRumors to the effect that a Yi n sodiit rnhd dw-rd _____________seen on the campus sreadling poisn- ay by the st orsmaywe stn ruckfro meat here and there have been unde-l theetrmy aartrain.fCollsin Montreal, Que., Feb., 25.-The Zoo-j termined, and no clues which might bethrerbaltrtai.Clson logydepatmet ofMc~il uiverityattended by terrific loss of life areI logy eparment f Mcill uiveri of aid to the police authorities in run- lkl orslrira fiil has received a donation of $120,000. likelytoresult,_railroadof__cials ad- _____________________________ ci~riirs 'lii) o Metmit, when they are unable to say Westrnes Cu;) o :eetwhere a train is on the track. "Lost" I Westerner's Social club will mneet trains, traffic janms, and complete Thusda nihtat Harris hall. Stu- schedule disruptions are the copse- Against this very possibility, officials 1'the station said last night, they maintain the plant In a condition of I immedijate readiness. Within two min- tes after an alarm, it is estimated, Station WCBC could be broadcasting to the four corners of the country its message of warning, danger, or dis- aster. With its admirable location betweenj the sup~er-stations of Chicago and De- troit, there is little doubt but what the station couldI establish, fairly goodI communication with the rest of the world in case of isolation of the city. "Jimmie the adtaker" sells anything citeickly.-Adr th.;g morning withoutI Lmy Dixon's Eldorado!~" 17 lead s-all dealers I~e mast r dwd,,r,¢pwdr .. "Do you always cross via f "Why of course. You knc txpe ien e ravellep!", See yaur localz company's offict f, 'rrhenia, Caronia,° Antonia,, Ausonjta, " C~olumbia; Assyria at Cabin Ships provide and satisfaction as!k Cunard and Anchor Lines [ Or Local CunaZ~rd?" iow Dad is ani "Q "Q ":Z "'3 "Q C 3 L "Q "Q "Q wQ .Q .Q "(Z +(C "Q 2 " .rt ":C "Q "CL .Q few York I agent or wr to :es everywhere, PRICE S Mglts . 0cto Wed. _1:t hi C t0 Sp a i Gi~t) $2.00V DETrROIT MATINEES WEDTNESDAY ANT) SATURDAY THIRD, BIG WEEK 'Carmania, .Albania, Andania, Saxonia, Ld other, One Class e CUNA.RD 'service' .w as' $1154 { 25 Broadway, IN L Agents THE PLAY THAT, YOU WILL NEVER FORGET ALL DETROIT IS TALKING ABOUT f - la o wtiaag t wc5wwda a :Jc w%,wcawG, s.GS:a :ca.ca ra a ww * caGacawcauacac5wac s5c wca5}:t PPe FOOL .. ly. CMANNING POLLOCK CALIFO RN IA SUMMER QUARTER, 1924 Tuesday, June'24th, to Saturday, August 30th Second Half Begins July :28 Opportunities to work_ for the . -1. and for higher deg rees, or to do special work, in the ocean- ic climnate of the San Francisco peninsula, Courses in the regular aca- demic and scientific branc-hes, and in law. Information from Office 7. STAINFORDI) UNiIVEJISI TV California Pocket MaltedtNMilk! Like to drink malted x-nilks? Sure thing, tOld Top! 'Then why not eat 'emn-- here's your chance. THOMPSON'S Pure MaltedMilk Bars contain no cane or beet sugar Safe for Alludles in Training Rlight size ;or your pocket. Go greatattht"gamte- atthe show--oni hikes--at school or in your room, 5c ®At All ]Dealers -c Send a nickel for a sample. Thompson's Maled Food Company Makers of HEMO' are invited to visit the organization and take part in its social activities. The main entertainment for this meeting will be a danc~e, with rfeh refesncts following. Patronize Daily Advertisers.-Adv. Station 'WCBC Ann Arbor is to some degree pro- tected from the dire results of brok- en-off communication by the fact of possessing the powerful radliophone station WCB+C, in the electrical engi- neering department of the University. Three Hours of Sheer Joy and a Lifetime .of Recollections A Ilint to the Wise GET YOUR SEATS TODAY ii 1; STUDENT'S SUPPLY STORE' lIii1 S. UNIVERSITY Everything for . }}t 1 f {E 1 i i I } f I' _ I-E A good mixer at the club or at home Drivers work for the, common Wegood, Weare proud of the spirit of loyalty which actuates all members of the RED TOP CAB family. Its expression is found in the 'will of every man to serve the public faithfully. RED TOP CAB has come to occupy a distinctive place in the modern industrial sphere. The enthusiasm of our dlrivers is sometimies the subject of curious comment. But there is no mystery about it, These men have faith in the sincere pur- pose of their employers. They like their work and are ambitious for their' company as well as themselves. The one big object RED TOP CAB is striving for in this comninty is unqualified public approval. So we all labor together with the one object of rendering a service that is nearly as 100% perfect as we can make it. Is it any*wonder that results are measureable In pu~blic satisfaction which ex- pressies itself in constantly increasing patronage. The Student. t' THE SCHOOL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING PRACTICE OF THE MASSACHUSETITS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY A ,GRADUATE SCHOOL ofiferihig course of, studly lead- ing to the degree of MasterPof Science,"With field tatitins in the plants of six different companies. These com- panies produce steel, pulp, paper, caustic soda, chlorine, heavy acids and salts, sugar, gas, ammonia, benzol, etc. The more important unit operations of chemical engineering are studied systematically by means of tests and experimental work on full scale plant apparatus. The work is wholly educational and independent of control by the plant managements. The attention of the student is directed exclusively to the study of Chemical Engineering. The total number ad~mitted to the school is limited Where men gather to tabs. and play -to chine and dance--at clubt; hotels, restaurants and in elegant homes, enjoy A-B Ginger Ale - a ripened blend--a mnellow flavor--a piquant taste that mixes well--the beverage of social acceptance wherever sports and hospitality rule. } 1 . 9 i l l f. 4 '. i! r { ( i 4.T fff L ... LY. ". y r A/ 11, i I I IIR