WEATH-ER FAIR MAND PROBABLY. WARNWER . L PON-Now S4ir i au ~Iai ,kSSOCIATED) rRES, LEASED WIRE SERIt WESTERN''CON FEREN EDITO.RIAL ASSOCIATI tXXXI'V. No. 106 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1924 .j EIGHT PAGES PRICE, FIVE' BROTOSEK .Lee Declares European Living ieIFAIF ECRTIN1FDRA0ROP B F R FR S M N"'I ~ nconceivable tht the Amnei Academic, an organization of bank- CONTRACT AW ARD E DOWN REBEL I N aappreciate thte trrible living con- dining halls at the universities. But f j ' "dtoswhich eito h continent thesee not in any es adequate! of_____Europe,'ad lre Lee, o h n r lasin great nedforan LY~, 2"WL PEI; modern language department, who help which the students of America AINLC OR PJNED S14I)I NIW4U)I S1j(f SECOND) ADDRESS BYjlat1inuer in making atour o thlRur Invasion PRE1%)OMI~NA lI'1( SHEME (i. OFF lIRI' 'LSh IN PRESIDENT! universities of Berlin, Liepsig and "Conditions were made considerably OF TESiGC\ VE!IIA R'Z H-eidleburg, in (ermiany.! worse with the forced closing down o "ACTIVITIES COMMITTEE "To anyone' who had any acquaint most o the factories because of the! COMPANY DESIGNATED TRAINS RUSY FORCES HEAD IS OTHER SPEAKER mice with the continent before the lat]Ituhr invasion and resultant dim-i MADE. HOP BEAU.T1IFUL TO SCENE OF ACTION war, such conditions are unbelieve c ulties The factories had been the t~rons ToholdSepaate eelli able, while to the average Americant main means of support for the stu- * he Grous T Hol Searat fetlt g.one Who has never lad the opportunity Idents many of them w~orking fo' two istrntiouvii1 h~led lofieiraierniles i( Drt artini Spells DIanpof he After General Gathering In of visiting the foreign strand, it is weeks and then studying for the fol- I Hazving Arranged For Booths i Isurgent Chiefs (aptured Assembly Hall quite natural to believe that most o~ lowing two weeks. Now there is no At Field House li Fight Ithe reports received are exaggerations employment, no source of income andi President M. L. Burton will address, to be taken with a grain of salt. I onditions are, far worse than a year Contracts for the decorations of theE Vera Cruz Feb. 25.--(By AP)-The a meeting of all members of the fresh- "Much of the distress is to be found ago. Union air which will be held MarchJ rebels lost 150 men dead and wounded man class at 7:30 o'clock tonight in in the ranks of the retired professors "The foreign student relief drive is nt~ otfedhuehv ndtrerblcif eecpue the Assembly hail of the Union, The [who before the war were living inI therefore a great movement for thean subject of his talk has been announcedi the comfort of an adequate income good of all humanity, and deserves the been let to the Johnson Flag and De-# court martialed and executed when as "The Freshman's Choice." and who now actually find it hard to( hearty approbation and support of the; corating company of Detroit, the same{ General Anacet Lotez defeated a re- This will be the second ime this earn enough to pay the smallest billsI students of not only this University firm that executed the J-Hop decor- volutionary command today at Taso yerthat President Burton has ad- The students are in large measure but of all the universities and colleges'iain hsya.Acrigt hi eI acoi h tt fVr dressed an assembly composed entirely being taken care of by the Miensa of the country." plan of decorations for the fair the' Cruz. Two federal officers were kill- offrtyear men and it is expectedf that his address will take the form of IN field house will be entirely dressedI ed. edatthNbginigUfCh seod e' S R OT 0GIE AM U IL E R blue for the occasion. at Atoyac yesterday, but were driven II ILF inester. Wide srp of red andwhtca-1ofbtetriguds Atteregular annual freshman as- fTf vas will hang from the balcony cor- GnrlTtt n oenrTj sembly, held early in October, 'Presi- My eerll tt aa GvrnrI ii p1 etel y rroundling h neiro arrived last night with 1,000 men in dtheB rweshoman,150 withbeslthe field house. They will ~,separate svnniiaytais addrhessn "ThefTestof ansitioan! ,the booths in which fraterity side ;ee ii~;tris adeo"The Ting t o T aseionhedJ A. iill;Ide of Euuineencing College Assemubly (aled in Preparation For shows will be held from the rest of 'Phis is the first big engagement that under the auspices of thie Freshman Will IN t Be Reappointed z Opening ,Of Univerity Drie the field house.habenfutbtwnfdrlad Activities committee of the Union I9Next blul bacogroundswBllebefgivegrthed'Mexican fracas developed. which has charge of organizing the D A blue R71Eti HADb ackgroundawillve gocs ien theI- ,first year men into groups for various 11131S EAIT3ET ED UTON I5 FIRST SPEAKER. otsta aecnesoso h activities. Franklin R. Smith, 2i" IEFUJSED STATEME iNT OlF FACTS AT STUDENT AID GATERING sale of candy and other articles. This fl lG HE I A M T chairman of the committee, in a talk( - f___ background will act;as a contrast toIf following 'President Burton's addresk J. A. Salade of the ipathematics (Io By pernmissioni of the Deans given th re an wiecnvsht il'V U tonightp willrooutlinehtheotplans for sprigth iltiwhchthe pac omnmittepartnment.of the engineering college, iyesterday afternoon a general as- cmakengupothe dfro t ortimpboots.a- 1iTfi hsrdrgawnhu.lt er ic the'assemlytee will not be appointed to the faculty sembly of students and faculty mem-;, Wooden posts to se arate the booths I l V u ~exyaanacrntoi elrvarious groups :will hold' their sep-nxyarndccintoselr- bers will be held at 7 o'clock next will be placed at intervals of 13 feet - IL arate meetint"gs. 'The freshmian Far Iation has been leliutd a statement of Thursday night in Hill auditorium to' around the entire field house. They committee will also meet at this time the reasonis for his dismissal by the learn about the conditions n Europe iibepntdncrcsolsadIit SneIvetainofls rIii room 306. . . head of the mathematics department in ' a clowns head will be mounted on Deartmlent Wiitout of heinths oleg, ro. leanerZiet i preparation for the European th top of each one.,iy ea Thomasfirmation 'f24hepresidentnr edhptiie hc wl e About the balcony American flags Uknion, Will; preside at- the meetingAcnimto f h neto o launched on the campus the next day an intodue'reslidet Burton.,lie to appoint Mr. Sallade to next year's 1 will be draped. Michigan pennants and ,LET7TER 7TO WILLIS TELLS 'will also hte thie opportunity to wet- :faculty was given last night by Pro- oof Preside Marn atBton i l beeig the colors of the school will also be ,TR FIVETET come ithe' new men among the fresh-I fessor Ziwet. It was announced. used on the balcony. moen 'to the Union. Popularity of his classes is given'IN cnriuioswilbeake tCrus Posters! Washington, Feb. 25.-(By A. P)- ______________by Mr. Sallade as the cause of the thistri tonsmileecided the In front of the bootlhs in which the Attorney General Daugherty publicly troublebwhechhgavemrisetetoetheep.esent side )sows are beig,. eld.,"sigs paint- acknowledged l y hth a el ,purposeof the maeetingx'Is to enlighe; rY~U O r situation. Enrollment in hIs classes h dns . a ;th ed in circus colors and in a, style: in Sinclair 'oil 'stock blefore and "since LI~LPVi~tL kew o lrgetha Prf. .tReRnn- om e nsEur oe need of; idisimlilar to circs posters will be hung. hle ettered the cbine', declared lie XTM O E Ing loo"h mteaisdprt " 2'woC. J." Cruickhank;, of -Detrot, veteran,,had never hisused ffical infrmnation j j ment' who is!in charge'of the rotine iunokig. afc,]i ln thir _tug~m- ",r NT TOI ;'of tieclass enrollment informed outbl ificteeroutiin pfo iinr h o w~non aredout105" wl.:%~ilihgness to submit all the facts ml Sal~ethatit woeutdmbe lieciessaraid ,gbert;H. Is- tthese signs. 'hey whi be used. ;any investigation the senate might{ wildbt h o end some of the mn en out. Ibel,26L, chairman of thle executive. to. advertise the contents of the Boothe order. Six iiidethe . . x..,fM, aaabeivommthtte iei te."o hac moll e ereon which they arebhng. In an openthlettenr to Senator Willis Peace plan tomorrow lgh ntietn- o alae evi; ta ie ieaking speakers t cime hemethuris- vesiy§xenp'e fthe' sec- 0 pfhi5 classes would in' no way fitter- i. Wlker "Everett. 26'. will work i4ith . epublidfn. Oio, iM., Daughety said] ondt seme tle. -Contest:,.day,,ho. ,are national authorities ttn on and ii i 'ole ?icli sokbfin-, ndneeie,.Each contestant will tr it;i tahngddnot comply 'tie condlitionsin ithe Old. World ''M.Crikhmi neectn heeh buh soe iicar'tokbfr ai'eo h ihteode;weeuo rfso posters. Fraternities will be asked hle becamme Attoni enea, n fn tcassigneda certain phase o h ihte reweeupnPoesrt iesad of the r~lief work gin., on to send representatives to the Mimes ally 'suffered a l ss of $28 a shae.! situation at 5 o'clock tomorrow after- Ziwet into both sections of tie in-; there." noon, leaving him thtree> hours to pre-; structor's class and attempted to The nation-wide campaign for tie' theater dluing tie first three dlays { Six month after Teapot Domee was paehssttk "end part of tihe students to anothiei of next week to wVork out their e- 'eased to te Sinclair interests he sold! pare is atack.I sudent relief is being carried on by The ~ men picked] to debate are: I. Fl, sectioni under a ,different instructor.;, pective plans. Everett will talk with part of his stock in an effort to re-{ Eliot '6 H B ise, 25,.1 on-The students refused to leave, all of tie larger universities of thel the reresentatives on te signs to! coup his losses. Later he b)ought umawtn, '2, It. E.rysr, '25E;11. opin- Ls Tusayaco1n t icoutr. Maay of tie eastern Coll- be used and tuin over the ideas to the 'back the same amount at a slightly tha, A. Stern, '26, and M. 'Whitcomb statenment of Mtr Sallade lhe was call- gshaeara~ sbcie iea painter, who will stay in Ann Arbor, lower 'price and finally sd last fall '2.AvSwe 'aniL Gosn d to Professor Ziwet's office. "Yo funds. Michigan and Minnesota are during this time. The Union will pay his entire Sinclair holdings A. awer 6 nd ..Gosored ot lunhin botagn thslauncor hemiaitigibt hearteriteiThnltte tsoaiserdwhageko '26wil atialaterats.'Tiesj al'telrnatbereppintd tTthefc-'nc chei uiwill ntotor heJbeiinrbutthpfrteiiteseheleteraloheswredchrge'o estiib eetdtoitm ~bi mt el ard ie~ea fIim a ndotee-nvesi'e .e akngupmust buy the canvas that xil be used.'failuie to prosecute former Secretary j tisewideabin'theectedtfr'mAtbookletiof instructionstto heater- Fallatdwardt1e iDoammevthHarrytF speaking faculty anid tihe members of 'matics 'departmment. "You are im- Terle okti erwl e Abolto ntrcinIofae-FlEwr .Dhe ar Delta; Sigma Rhio, honorary debating {possibe!" Later ini the week, Mr.1 camried on mainly in Russia where titresadgophvigiehwsSnl rndCresRFrbfr- fraternity.. The discussion will takej Salide says lie requested a statementcndto tthprst'ieisad at the Fair will be maled today. JI-em (irector' of the veterans bueau. place iin University H-al It. has been of the reasons for his dismissal from tob'h motptiu ieciti structious on planning booths, enter- Mr. Daugherty pointed out that at his (nmune.Professor' iwet woanisvei'ed Ameicnsil; ru ig floats in the parade that will pre- ! suggestion action against Fall, Dohn-i annoeMa, n heAkisomeirirqescbawonismoney wl give a student.cd h Fi.adsimiar matters ey and Snclair was eft to a special frttreno sdae clrigenotwl"gton,' aAi usi, tissid ime Ipbe explained in this book. ,'"government counsel while proceedings contest, those who win the first three. other needs of these students will bae _ _- places Wednesday will compete with Such action is looked upon by Mr.I outlined Thursday night. against MIr. Forbes had been initiated, the tlfree winners fromi last semester's ,ald sa'rs misic"t i- It is urged by the committee that sohicteago.bfr agad1uya contest for a first prize of $5i0, ac- I sl slewilfnci dfiutt ar us organizations have them, dinMbli.N' Chcao copne ya gold medal, and a iany satisfactory explanation tofu-am s iILJliI1 The Atorne General added that hre ompniedbyHers early that night so th t all second prize of $25. This annual con- tune employers. He declares that all 1,11n1 , r1n never' had given any opinion oral o' ~ ~ ~~.mnm b e ll m y , att ed e n.tst h s'of o nd d as a m e o ihego d co l g e e m nTa ea t afttel 'test ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~,jh haWenfudda. enoilgo olgsdemn tlatasae nnKell y att ed e n ofithe jffl Tttn'?egrdngthTlealtyofth to Maurice .Atkinson, ,'22, ,who was i ment of reasons for leaving a previous tudentlcouncilg policbe andihad noofnow]-__ kMilled in an accident during his sen- ?position. Students in his classes have! teueetcoinlMicignli bett egeof''te ngotatonsunil he ion year at ;the 'University.I assured him of their backing in his1 ' Declaring that Mcia s.bte were concluded. He urged that the demad, e dclaes.than' the Pacific Coast unversitieS as senate inquiry' into his department be i ;i i it ! n nr