A& LY Two AIW A6V ObamommummahL. 4kv Section Two XXXIV. No. 105 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1924 PRICE, FIVE C Eu opean Countries To Suffer A Revival Of The Dark Age /' ', .,'i a' ; k i ',. M i , {1 ' 1 Faculty Men Explain Duty. Of Michigan UThe'following oinions were ob- tained from faculty members in re-i gard to the sitoation in Iaurope at STUDENT FRIENDSHIP FUND HAS the present time and the necessity for; HELPED SCHOLARS FOR some kind of cooperative aid if Euro- t THEE YARSpean education is to be preserved. THREE YEARS PROF. WILLIAM FRAYER, of the history department.--All those who FOOD, CLOTHING NEEDED are interested in present European TO PREVENT CALAMITY conditions are well aware that in many parts of Europe there are large Relief Concentrated in Russia This numbers of men, women and children; Winter Where Students Can who are suffering acutely because of Barely Exist circumstances over which they havej no control. They are the tragically 'helpless victims of mistakes for which Financial collapse by many of the they are in no way responsible. This countries of Europe as a result of the is ariularly resnonie lie tremndos exendturs ofthewaris particularly true in countries like s trenendyote expenditures of the war'I Russia, Poland, Hungary, Austria and nd by ot er conditions brought about Germany, 'where war and revolutionj y tre threatening te euctional1 have produced currency inflation of ntitutions of the Old World with unprecedented proportions. total annihilation. This is the report in thmese circumstances it seems in- brought back by relief workers in evitae ihat the heaviest losses Europe who are striving to bolster up should fall to those families delend- the intellectual life there and prevent cht upon fixed incomes. And this is it from possible extermination in the ;the ery iclss from which the Euro- near future.y pean universities are largely recruit- To prevent such a calamity which, ed. It is not surprising, therefore, to if allowed to continue, would bring learn that in the universities of cen- bout another Dark Age, at east in tral and eastern Europe there are Europe, food, clothing, boo , moneyniaim y professors and many more stu- and many kinds of other material aid dents who find themselves in a plight are being sent abroad to help themfi- bordering on starvation. Competent Lure leaders there think for them' observers assure us that the situation selvesdin many centers of learning is des- Th aettr~ieseindtime pperate, and that on the whole it grows Tbere are at the present time ap- worse rather than better. It is ob- proximately 500,000 students in the viously a very sad commentary on our universities of Europe, and of these present civilization that scholars and; 105,000 : 200 different institutions scientists of the highest professional have remained in school due to the rank are left to die in d ifutioni KIEV STUDENTS WAIT FOR FOOD Student Fund Co m USSIANwt Fights Coming Of Ignorance With Europe's scholars threatened tob dpivdof hermeans BOLSHE IKrPAR ingandtheuniversities of the conti- inent headed for the scrap heap because 11 .ARYPVIlNE lAN) SON BLA of financial and economic disasters in SOVIET FOR NATIONAL the war regions of Europe, students in DISASTERS America and 35 other nations are rallying to save the future leaders of DEPICT ECONOMIC AN Europe, and to prevent education from FINANCIAL CONDITIO being swept off the face of the conti- nent. Only by outside support can the Ex- Hinfactrer Tells ofCollpse intelligent classes continue their scholastic efforts in these countries. Own Textile Mills When Reds The Student Friendship Fund is the Came Into Power means. The European Student Relief which I "Tamerlane, the great Mongl C has charge of the administration of queror of the 14th century, boas the Student Friendship Fund, was or- that in 60 years he had slaughte ganized in 1920 when it was found 25,000,000 of his enemies; Nicolal I that the, war not only had stripped nin, the late premier of SovietIR many Europpan universities of the sia, in six years was responsible funds with which to carry on their the death of nearly 35,000,000 of work, but had deprived both faculty own subjects!" and students of resources with which 1'Th is the judment pronaun to support themselves. From the be- upon the Bolshevist regime inRus ginning the enterprise was supported by M.i, Michael Barydguine and by students for students. The money son Wassili, two prominent citizens sent was not charity, but merely the Moscow, until their recent depoitat means for helping the youth in by- the Russian government. The t Europe's schools to help themselves, men have come to the United Sta Students Raise Funds on an unannounced mission and h Already in the United States, and in been in Ann Arbor during the p 35 other nations, the students are en- week, registered at the Allenel hl gaged in a campaign to raise the from Nice, France. funds necessary to help these youths The elder Barydguine is a form to carry through another winter of member of the Duma and was p school. The campaign in the eastern metbr of the argestwtexi sections of the United States is under prnetor of one of the largest text the general direction of Raymond T. manufacturing establishments Rich, who for the last two years has Europe, a huge industry in the been active in Europe in the adminis- ! virons of Moscow employing norma tration of the funds of the Student about 13,000 men the year round. Relief. 1918, the business was nationallW In the three years the Student by the communist government and Friendship Fund has operated the "capitalistic'? managers dismise students who have contributed to it, from their positions. In -Septem have supplied to the less fortunate 1923, he was evicted from the cot students of Europe over 22,000,000 try as a penalty for his opposit meals, have distributed nearly 500,00 to proletarian rule. His son was p articles of clothing .and 70,000 books, fessor of fine arts at the Moscow A In addition to helping the students In chaeological Institute 4ntil Septe the organization of their own kitchens ber, 1922, when he too was orda and mensas, and their own clothing to leave Russia. stores, the student relief has made- It . (ea' . ti foe or