-- _ _ _ Fights Pensions Y OFFICIAL BULLETIN in the Bulletin is cottstructive notice~ to all members of ty. Copy received by t Asgistant tc the "c+'c~r't until (11:30- a. m. Satur'Aox., SUfND)AY, FEBRUARY Wit, l1924 Sumber Mi k Deans: ere will be a conference of the Deans on Wednesday, February 27, at lock in the President's office.- M. L. Burton. ,nt Research Advisory C'ommittee: sere will be a meeting of this committee at 4 1p. n., Tuesday, February Room 6, Library. F. E. R~obbins, Secretary. IIbition e e Ann Arbor Art Association has arranged for an exhibition of etch- id dr'awings in Memorial Hall. It will be open week days from 1: 30 1 .m and Sunday from 2:00 to 5:00 p.,nm. The last day of. the exhi- will be T'uesday, F+ebruary 26. Warren P.l1ouI ard, Pres. ashy Lecture: ofessor Paul Pelliot, membre de LVinstut, Professor in the College de official lecturer of the American Committee for Lectures on the y of Religions, will deliver two lectures in the Natural Science Audit- Thie first lecture will be given on Monday, February 25, at 4:15 p. bjeet "Early Cultural Intercourse between China, and the Nomad in the Northwest Frontier." F. E. Robbis. Schiool Obser-at~oii: r. L. R. Drink will classify students in High School Obzervation of Mr. Thompson, in office .A, Room 106, Tappan Hall, next week. aily 8-11 a. in. and 1-4 p.mn. except Tuesday and Wednesday pai. in. C. 0.Ia . hI etnum~bers of R. E. Allen, Millicent Bartlett, Rae A. Cleino, Fayette danB. Izzo, Yoshiyasu Kumazawa, Samuel Leibovitz, F. L. Mlitil- ' k ,i=i'arry L. Samuel have been changed. Others' not previously as- . *t are now on, the list.' All persons concerned should inispect ;siganients near room Z-234 ,N. S. before 8:30 a. rn. Tuesday. ' ~ A. FrA.nkini Shull. 'he University Symphony' Orchestra under the direction, of Sainuel :P.. food. Marian Struble; Froeeman. ;soloist, will give the following pro- in the liculty Concert Series in i.ill Auditorium Sunday afternoon at mnphony No. 1, C major (Beethoven) ; o (Saint-waens) with Mrs. Freeman, Rienjs" (Moiart) ; Three Dances from Introduction anid Rondo Cap- soloist ; Ballet Music to "Les "Nell Gwyn" (German). ('Idres A. Sink, Secretary. Ong Studemls: Special Announcement for the first and second semesters of the cyear 1.922-23 stated under the announcement of the 11. 0. T. C. that It. 0. T. C._ could be substituted for Shop 2. This should have op 1." There is no faculty action to substitute R. 0. T. C. for Shop . ents electing R. 0. T. C., according to this statement, should there- this approved on a sub)s titiltigf blank. No substitutions will be I. becauseof the eior, after tOIL"s'el :>. 1. 4. 'llopkins, Sec'y. -~~1 DRA MAf X#S GOING -ON r SUTNDAY st Students' BibTle class, an, leadIer.' Lane hall. Student classes', Presbyterian ch. [Unduistan club meets fin Lane fzi'e*'sity Syiiipho.'y orchestraI od Ji ur for Baptist students. Lutheran student forum. 4tudent supper, Congregation'al - Social Dour, Presbyterlan ch. Baitlst students meet In tGuild 6 for devotional service. Youing peopres' meeting. $0.- "Some World Crises." Lane Christian Endeavor meeting, nRozel leader. Topic,. "The Problem:':'Presbyterian ch. Prjofemssr Waterman speaks oni rationa and religion, Unitarian ch parlors. Nation lp~ctures--George Arliss Me Man who Played God," Con-! ational church. Rabbi C. George Fox addresses :s Students' congregation, Hail to'iuin. MONDAY -,Iourwul club uch, Union. - Sh~ients' relief cominttee :s in room 319, Union. Vilersity lecture, -Nfursl Sdi- auditorim. Exchange dlu) dinner, Union. Liberal club mueeting', roont 4, ;Fen's Educationmal clubi, room Union. The Presbyterian Players, one of the several church dramatic organizations in the city, will present two flays by{ Susan Glaspell, "Trifles" an~d "Sup- pressed Desires,", Tuesday, Feb. 26, i n jLane hall auditoriumi. Miss Glaspell, along; with her hus- band, George CraM CookC, was the founder and for manny years the direc- tor --of. the Pi-ovincetown Players of3 New York City which have made such a remarkable contribution to the bet- ter' American drama. The first play, "Trifles," is a. tense melodrama of drab farm life, and coni-! ecrns the olposite reactions of a mans and a woman to a gruesome murder. "Suppressed Desires" by way of con- trast, is an uproarious farce, prof ably the funniest ever written by an American author. The cast of "Trifles" will include Honora Faulkner, '24, as Mrs. Hale; Margaret Janes. '24, as Mrs. Peters; Gerit Fielstra, '24, as Mr. Hale; Thonm- as Dasef as the county attorney; and Stacy Black; '24, as the sheriff. In the cast of "Suppressed Desires" Dorothy McKim, '24, takes the part of Mabel ; Lewis Evans, '24E, the part of Steph- en; and Flora Duffendach, '24, the part ofHenrietta.. Tickets are on sale at ofn hall, or may be procured at the door. (:111 Psi House Robbed Yesterday At an early hour yesterday morn- ing'the Chi Psi' House, 820 South State street, was entered and robbed of ar- ticles belonging to its members.1 Two suits, a traveling bag, and a watch and chain are reported as missing. Madrid, Feb. 23.-Mateo Inurria, noted Spanisb sculptor, is, dead. AT TH'IE TREATERS I Screen-Today ilatton 1V. Summers Opposition to the granting of frank- ing rights to widows of presidents has taken definite forh under the leader- "b ship of Representative Hatton W. 'b Summers, Democrat, of Texas. He has C served notice that hie will oppose Tl granting a pension of $5,000 as pro- H~ posed to the widow of the late Pres- ident Harding as well as the granting i of special privileges to any individ- t FEW OFF[ICES ARRANED FOR CHIMES, SGIRYLESr New office of (Chimes ,ind Gargoyle wiil be olpeedin the Press uiding. soon as a result of the decision of thef Board in Control" of Publications to take over the former quarters of te Athletic association in this biding., Carpentry work on these rooms will begin right away after which the edi- . toial staffs of these two publications; will muove in. At the present time the Chimes e0(- itorial staff is in the student activi- ties room of the Union. The transfer of their offices will ring them to- gether with the other publications on the campus in the Press building. The Glargoyle staff is at lpreset-ramped for room. enlargement in space be- iMg greatly needed. The new addition is eomposed. ofa: suite of two oomis. They will - be, partitionedi off, part of the space hbo- ing utilized by enlarging The Daily staff meeting yow oi n he front of the;I huilding, anoter' portinwill J ije( into a store roon, and' the ma~or part{ will }douse the etitQ'ialg~gaiiz~tins+ of. f~e two stutdent 'magazines. REPORT GREEE4ONROA TO HEALTH AT CPITAL' Washington, Feb. 23-Senator Frank L. Greene, shot down a week ago b~y a stray bullet fired in a battle i between prohibition officers and sus- pected bootleggers, apparently strengthened his grip of .life today. CPhysicians believed his condition was better today than at any time since hie was taken to the hospital, although they said that no definite prognosis could be made at this time. The senator is now taking nourish- ment. United States district-attorney Gordon continued today his personal investigation into circumstances sur- rounding the shooting. He expects to complete his -inquiry by tomorrow or Monday. Legal action is being withheld, pending the outcome of the senator's fight for life Three men are out on bail in connection 'with the shooting. "Jimmie the adtaker"sells anythingI quicklly.-Adv. FREE !,1 loll.This TOr COAT Guar a, nt ee d rain and dsti 4 f proof, for allt 4Iround wear, made of deeCp tan shaded Di agonal Bomba- zine rubberized to a pure India Rubber, cuti smartly and tailored in lat- est -.Spring Style with! Aiorm collar and. belt, per- f et fitting; ~'Goodyear La- e ,$ Tetails ev- /.:.. eyvhere for i 8~d more.{ i.'t is yours a-; solatey FREF i '~ I'or selling only three coats to youir friends at $4.00, each, half the retail price. 'We bough ai a bizg lot for cash at' a sacrificed price and must disp )se of it quickly. W'e can only do this by passing on, this bargain to you. SEND)10O MONEY! Just send your name and address' and cliest measure over suit you are w2ii-: siies 34 1to 48. and1 we'lfor- TTESDAY sity lecture, Natu!ra Set- ioh~iect smoker, tinioii. reslimnan assembly, Union. inages Phi ltefa Theta Ho it the Phi Delta Theta frate fWashtenaw avenue, yester ,burned several cushions,c nd~ draperies and damaged, rk, walls andl the ceiling m. It is believed that a higl ,e stub caused the contlaf 'he fire department was ca .nbers of the house had ex the fire before their arriva Arcade-Tomi Moore- and Edith Roberts in ."Big Brother," otuse Majestic--Barbara , La Mati' in errn- "Thy Name is Woman." cur- I Wuerth-"The, Old Fool." .the 1- g in] I Orpheum--- "Mind' Over 'Mtor."l kted'I gra- J )tlled I xtin-1 Stage--This Week I (Th Grricek-Detroit-"The Fool." I