________THE MICHIGAN DAILY ' 7',1 li '}. I1 it ~can be regarded as repr esentative ________________-of opinion on the campus, severalco- O S E R L IULAL NEWSPAPER OF TUkE clusions can be made. ",," UNVES~Y FAiCIIO\It is generally claimed by oplpon- "W1E WON'T RE. eaiES'mYO 1C1G ~ cts of the eighteenth amnendmnent tiatSI " bblisbed every morning except Monday t1,e generationl most bitter against gt the University yt ar by the Board in - 1L ol o: student Publications. ti encroac hment on ones personal' mbes o Wsten onfrece dioril!liberty" would bc that of the college "Mr. Jason Cowles; ciaton. student of the period of reaction,.lThe - _ _ - camnpus referendum refutes this al'gu- Caesa;tr had his l~rutus, Charles I ie Associated Press is exclusi" rdy ell' to tihe ute for rtcublication of all newsinient. entirely andl would go to show iha'd]his Cromwell, and you may well Itches credited to it or not othc)rwise that 11C college stuident believer,in.rotbytexapeonii mc ted iru this raper and the local news orb- ~oibyteeape- fmnmc d therein. the goodncies 9f this law i -_ -- -' On thle other hand the wet vote grehtcaer than your adolescent smart-, tere'd at the postofiicc at Ann r:tfr'unte il reee c ilee lo ign as seiopd ida F 'rattct, 4pe.'calratethis tfe dxni5 echnically / Vlit 'l !a frvric il.ee lo Yaas rati yTid < " weAe ~ ~i you to applreciate, I111ucli'less to be.' l e e r rption bralrie, $.5;. i l to its a here are absoltf drys rc b ilsir, lhave outraged th~e finest feel- Di n Abrres ~ ~ bas corded. fHence if WCe add the sever-al inso!allyl oso u ra ~Anns Aritoral.2414an.Rd i'i ieo gr .It4 end Annau Mater4. I referto your open 9ficet fication columin the toota will bhe great-ndIam oA fndtsaze- or thn tilt of he 'I vey cheap assault on our' wOi'thy} ped conmuications, not exeingSoo ° But this combined vote canxlrt bc, Iresident. You utterly fail to appre- n, will1,P i ~blished in I al tdt htteftr fcvlzto ig,retion of thet hditor. upon request, I ; aji to lae wet if we mtean th1ose whoeatththefurofcvlain m~icrlity of conimunwtcants will be re- rests today 'With1 America, -and that, d as cnfidentaal. believe in the (loing away with prohi- f eteso mrc st ag bitfion. What it does show is that theI the greteso mrc st ag FDI EORLAL STAFF i ajority of studlents at Michigan aret extent dependent on the exploits of TelepI'onegg 2414 and 176-ff dissatisfied with the present arrange- jutc e sOvleWihHn _ aent. ry Ford; Thomas A. Edison, and that AANAOING EDITOR Thie replealers wouldi undoubtedlyI prime American of them all, Theodore HARR D.HOE voe moifiatin bforedry Thy IRoosevelt. IARYD.H Yvte odifaeic aonabeoafre thrythay To prove to you my unqualified sin- sEtditor........... tb.B. Tarr one.ul'iae majohalitaof ther angicerity,I (demnand at once, in the name )'ii~ kbaid chairimanl.. .. it.C. Monautx'none. Temjrtf hs atn Eir......... aighuesome change th1en. would not be al- of .all decent and self-respecting stu- Night Editors brdi nme ndti'poal dents, your immediate resignation, and . Aires A. n. Connablo curtl te [t-Idefy you to publish in your column 4. Billingron '. .ri represents pretty accthateydemand.l yC. CMark P. M. Wagner dent opinion generally throughout the ita ead t9 rEditor ...........Ralph N. Blers country. The general: convictionz of: Lisle A. Row'e, 125i. >.n's Ediitcnr.. .......inona HibbardltbrG.Hini,1' sy Mgazir'e Editor..,..... 1E. ritden ;tihe college student is that the passing, ' 11et(.Rana,'~ c Ed~itor ..... .......Ruth A Howell th sloo i a oo tY bt haty aVd~ion, 25 taut C'itvyIFdtor.Kenneth C. Kellor !of tesaonis oo uhng buttha tor i Michigan New Bureau..,. A. Ramsay pehp3i h cenp ehvegnClayton B. Seagers, '24. I'toaloada little too far. But in asking the - I~~ 01 '7 Einstein Herman XWise 'rnin akoflgt tmlnt,1 inon4.'ibbard,'214. Andrew Proppet rnigbc flgtsiuati .A tin,'6 Assistants the saloon must come too, then it i. ..teen, 2.: 'Bateke K. S. Ma sceld would be far better to let America ,'Fred DeBolt, '2 a Bicknell E. C. Nck James Glover, '22.. an Boxer' Verena Moran remain the Sahara 'of the drinking N''ve " I arer Bonine Harold Moore world. I. :Bes a iriown Carl Ohiimacher Elik~abetb LlI~eberann, 125. a'!etme Cute lHyde Perce' . ))a/is Regina ReichmnATIV George Ross, ,Jr., 126. H. thrli'~b ' Edmarie Schrouder '1W1O014 GUITY? ryC A tvn ing I'Iouseworth W. if S~ontwman With the baring of the Teapot Dome NO RE SE X APPEAL s endalll Marie Reed sada hecunr hsbenshw "Thouigh my kisses, my dear, you ris cruWr N. ft. Ta s 'Ji tecunr hsbendlov Ibeth Lieberman W. ,j. Walttiour - that not only r hoedretymi ay crave, y are those- - directly i...... ......must ask you, kind sir, to behave. I EDITORIAL COMMENT ALWAYS OUR RESPONSIBILITY TO YOU (The wily Californian) The present policy of The Daily Cal-, ifornian has nmet stubborn opposition. The success of our attempt to nieet' the needs of, and best reflect the in- telligent purpose of the Un'tiversity has been emphatically den ied by th&~ j xecutive committee of the Associat- ed Students. So insistent haF, 'become'' the opposition that it seriously threat-' ens the continuation of a polic'y adopt- ed as the only one consistent. with sound college journalism. ' In the first place, just what is our responsibility? By virtue of our ex- istence as the newspaper of the Uni- versity of California our policy must be responsible to that institution as a whole. In other wvords we must serve and support the University in all of its phases. Our policy iscos cn-cientious service. This has been the i foundation' of our activity. To quote f rom the first editorial of the year: j "From freshmen up, the while staff is but one thing-YOUR SERVANT As such we expect to give our beost ef- forts to the entire University. As we interpret this, it means producing a newspaper best fitted to represent and serve the creditable demands of the institution." The voice of the Executive comml~it- tee objects not to the ideal of our ol- icy but rather to the mnechianics of it It is held that the editors of The Daily jCalifornian have no right to cater to the intellect of' the student body by means of objective news treatment. It is said that it is not our business to t r'eport prominently the vital happen- ings, national and world-wide. It i laimed that the readecrs of The Daily' Californian are so constituted mnen- tailly thamt they will not give proper~ THE BETTER GRADE GRAHAM'S B~OTH ENDS OF THE DIAGONAL WALK DETROIT UNITED LIKES EAST BOUND Llmiteds: 6 a. mn., x;10 a. mn. and every two hours to 9:10 p. zm. Express : 7 a. in., 8 a.im. and every1 two bogs to 8 p. Mr. SLocals: 7 a. 'mn., 8:55 a. mn. and every two hours. to 8:56 p. mn., 11 P. in. To Ypsilanti only, 11:40 p. mn., 12:25 a. in. and 1:15 a. mn. WEST BOUJND Limiteds: 8:47I a. mn. and every two hours to 8:47 p. _n. Express (making local stops) : 9 a. mn. and every two hours to 9:60 I cas 7:50 a. mn., lm:ll a. wn. S X I T W T F. S 1~~~ '4=r 17 IS 19 '20'21 22 23 FACTORY HAT STORIE ~~BowestSelection~ 'R TI utterfly vvn s Shape k -. SEE OUR WINDOW E224l3. Stat. ffU m I Schumacher Hardware Company A Suore 308-10-12 So. Main St. of Individual Shops Phone 175-M---1 74 ;; 61 7 Pack~ard St. Pholle 179 (Wh'lere I). V. It. Stops at State) I BUSINESS STAFF Teephone 960 BUSINESS MANAGER' LAURENCE H. FAVROT 'ertising....... ..... .Dunne 'e; tising ..... ....Percy M. Hlayden ................IW. Rovfter 'eiusng .4........ .....W. is Schear :ounts......... ..A. S. Morton C~iatien ....... ................C. Purdy Ad n ...........L'dws'elict h'erct Assistants W. Campbepll N. E. hlolland ie Caplan ' AN. 1. Ireland m. Champion Iharold 2v ¢Lar f a C2onlin EByrun Parke. isn M. Dexter 11. 1;. (ose ph J. !Vin-v A. J. Seidmnn itd A. Pox Will V,6se r111 Haight. 4'. la. White L. Hale P2. C. Winter tUNDAY, FE1BRUARY[ 24, 19"4 plicatedt untrustworthly but that many members of the senate are in the same position. This body seems to be fold lowing the old despotic' idea that in case of crime somneone must be pun- The real reason why Is not that I'm sh$y, But 'twill rain my permanent wave. :SHE-GUN-DAH:- i i I I ish edvin Vorder to ^satisfy the people's This .Janes B. Marler case was alI craze for justice. In doing this the i lolly study in stupidity-this business senate forced the resignation of one1 about the Detroit News Model House cabinet member, who, so' far as was and Michigan's Greatest Hero that known has been discharging the funs- Istirred the mud in' Detroit about a ~tjon~ of is office 'connolably and month ago. ~honorably, aind are thmratening a con- It seems''the News built this swell Spulsoryti resignatipnt of another moom- little bungalow and then exhibited it he r. to the public to show 'em how con- In a recent radio address President Portable they couzld be. And when the C'oolidge' stated , that heflbelieved ev- public was through looking at it, they ' Ery man innocent until proven guilty, dlecided'to give it to Michigan's great- Tliis Is b~ut a r'e~atefichtiof tile in- est hero. l d icial system upon wich our coun- And so all the bolonies that had won try i5.foundqed, and for a 'governing ite Croix do guerre in the "Great War" b)ody to so disregard this principle is. trot busy telling their friends, about in effect,. to hinder the natural pro- the machine gun nests they had dove support to campus institutions uzIess AiRIAN-ANN ARBOR BUSU N AE tis paper gives violenit mention of Central Time (Slow Time)I Leave Chan.her of Commerce the latter by means of heavy hread- Week Days Sundays lines and gl;,.iing type. To sumn up: we' 6:45a, m. 6:45 a. m. 12:45 P. nm. 6:45 P. m. are charged with material contribu-' 4:45 P" m. tionto a deceasein sridet spritJAS. 6-M ELLIOTT, Pcorietor tio toa dcresein tudnt pirt hone z6- Adrian. Mich. and activity support. We arc told that ' Thol The Daily Californian should give real '- a necessit; service only too' activity interests on ~IiiI1IhII1iINllihl##~liiiiiIIhIIliilt . , the milk the campus. Our severest critics;~ Milk Packs for Your bote r frankly admit that by journalistic and Complexion- to literary standards this newspaper has AritcH rfl 'fo attained this semester a poisition high- itlf I- er than ever before. We are warned Bobbed. Hair ci however that we must not attempt to ; .Excellent 'Marcelling - produce a newspaper, but that our: MANICURING tis.io is merely to promote acti v Stdar-ai'ho If these are ~he true sentiments o I 0 N nvest the Executive, ommitte,-and 'we' have been informed by' a 6pecial coPhoe-265 nzisioned vennasentative that such i #!t#i1411hI lIII1iii1iIIiiIi i l(°1111#tI!I#i'r inilt Gels the Creamn in 15 Seconds KITCHEN CREAM= SEPARATOR )usands of housewives know the value of, Skinmit-' ty in the modern kitchen. Gets all the cream from bottle quickly. Milk undisturbed. Saves buying eamn. New use of syphon principle causes the cream> by ierely ,insertn g iRtie. bottle: Starts and stops [as spur' to remove bottle caps. Polished aluminum. ; Arc;" KifkSh~apners $1.01 4' imam NihtEdtr-IIMA . ISE I es o hecamn"trtin, jsicen lto sinle handed and unarmed, be- Itecs-hnteEeuieclllt 11o__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ou t i e :gha s - hnhx ei e__ _ _ _ _ f l i 1 A l g 1 1 i # 1 1 1 # I I 1 I 9 1 t l i l i l l 1 1 # 1 ! # 1 1 1 1 1 6 1 # 1 1 1 I t l l 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 l 1 1 # I t- I ~ thegretes heo ws t be~e-tee itself is not a true 'instrument oif RES ERJIN IAN INTELLECTUAL, -lectOcl, not, just selected. ,'And this the University's welfare. The Uinix etM 'he ,direct9appeal which the difi- Ma1Zrevho^laim he sYblnd, hrow'any isforthnbinstittio actitie . p r m7ilm; ,L uulfi1Ui'!. ilties of to0feign university students' Tt 1y,1v Y ar owI irebllw oith the orsoeathigfr h eeft fatiii"- -__ I o i wsaoicmn ryoehn The state does not look first to iKs making n~on their co-workers i Ago A t AichT (igan and nabbed some crooks and became University for athetic tams, student i erioan i I ueaml lothode wlall the Detroit aers exept t dsirn faesistttos flanigi itdfo i. managers, seditors, actors addbtr ~I L NE totlier plendid Foexamplsle he13 f 11ofiythtiwsddne ayado-gabuti easing size of the world and the Frmteflsoh .o .Diy teNw ~ntsyatigaoti contribute to well balanced prepara- Cha useqnut rowing unity of the hu- F elbruary 24, 1899. till after wards, but the News told alto o h rbeso h ol =c a o n an race. With the development of Ls ih tLnigtebu h eseeydy hnte We do not feel that the Executive io meaner of communication people Uie- ial aetehuet alr committee can rightly demand a re- IIh ih adas Scarfs and a ol vrbgnt rw o n ity committees of the legislature 'gave; Then the fight began. Marler's vr nt h e~plc arw a°HIe ryghmeandbsouc o pr aterialv~ealth alone, hut in the groatIa E arn nteqet~ ftea-lrteo rte nlw rsm provincial in its scope, sensational in ;~ ealim whch akesfora nii'epropiation of $180,000 for a new lom- one of his reatives, brought suit ta"aep", and which, in content, ' c nebe n o'lfn brteho feopathic hospital and for a now sci- 1 against himi for half the house, be- emltsteursevd pbiiynwet "rin.Cn xmlt n rcia rteho fI syeeultste neeve ulciyAtem}lr11neeteson.C - Imlt n p'cia ntiic laboratory to those who rep-r cause lie had managed his campaign syeobilarsnd adil.It' arec al anl, which brng all races, nations, resent the University. Just what the' for the office of Greatest Hero. Then isorbresposibiityto hanivesIty Rspiculously featured gal d creeds'into a common under- otoewllbiehv ti l h Ol~ aesbea ojm s oth esoscit tden esape printed Scarfs, Under-thle -Ann o ut o m will e w e athemt as hulnh e otbeingers. eg aH o sie ry p ap e anding of thoefellowship whichl ex- I steAscaeftdnsnw learned.' into tie lund and raise a stink about topoueajunlcrdtbei-l Bags and 'Se'3rill the new ? ,the rinigtewrs"oe os"i gis n oieit.l nrah crystallization of this idealism Wsconsin has reeivedI a challenge ;rinte"ag ewdslinde o",adstartnrespects 11 is our duty to 'g rl Ishades. as brought about by the Student Promi Annapolis for a crew race there quotation marks.- fn fo _ ' st-IIments uponlthis resposbiiy. .. I - ~w..n..w...waw~n,...,ew'' ' 'k';uusiLi fud orEurpen t with the U. S. Naval Academy Boat; Rather an incoherent account of the F.J itrick, ii, '4,I.h nt relief which carried the Inf or-I'JDitchr.24 club. This is but another instance whole business, if you -ask Cowes. Uditor wear ~iton o te ir nedofth sudnt Iof the growing recognition of the wvestI W. D. Spencer, '25, . ____________________________________ th e coiutnt 'ies of eastern Europe toi by eastern colleges and universities. Ci,, 1QUEg esuetofnations less material- I ___Ti Managing editoi I hurt~- bytlIaae o h aewr Theinul"awslbaio~ fAe book on' college, this "Plastic Eleanor Ellis, '24,I hut y h rvaeso te ae ar iTe nnal"awceeraio" fj ge'is just .the sort of book that Woman's editor = I d made possible the final test of Washington's birthday was made the !the editor of Chies would write if he JathBlar,', Im H i democracy which has been so longI occasion yetraifa drs yIwr t oit h ieaygm.I 'cached but seldom practised. RThe: the Hon.OCas. A. Towne a Mchigan' has the same pseudo-liberal point of = oansmaain;dio Poofteterhanobend-I , - 'oo ofthetheryhasnotbee do Ialumnus of the class of '81. His sub- I view, the same kindly tolerance of Th ,aut.tdet Fins yed, however, for throughout the3 ject "Lest Wt Forget", treated the:i the student vices, the same hopefully move started by the Student Christ-- ited States, England, France andp question of imperialism in a pertin- constructive and naively cynical air ian association in the fall is evident any other countries immediate steps I ent manner and offered the third op- that is evident in the Chimes editor- yhaigsm (ifcuttrnngth re taken by the students to pro- (prtunity"Michigan students have en-, sadJBssacso rtflty v tgompaye iut rats.ngthe e fr teirfelow, sffeingfro .oyed this mnoth to hear a masterly; Percy Marks makes it quite clear, process is going to take much longer- ok of food and clothes in their of - creatnent of the subject. .that while he knows that students goi ih e~elt eetol on-= . e ka e rts to preserve the intellectual her-? Tile law classes are to be congrat- in for drinking and carousing, HE! er members of faculty for the cast 1 4lcC' With thfie rise of industry in niost uite w pnose pleasingletueris opresenceod n tesapopoi-power-hetrinig tionsbewasedHeoe gives prsequitepoer- faithfuliesqutedeihfcrip-rp-1 = a -- ilia countries effected and the sub-; ful address succeeded so well in at-!tions of what he calls 'bull sessions'b h aae fteyas %etstabilizing of the currency ; tracting and\ retaining the attentionbu is careful that the Right always 1OrItdnt oCo hikIAdn lief is now necessary only in a few) of his audience. The exercises were: triumphs over Evil in the end. He heas i oeitnsta they shall think o untie, rinipll Rusi ad 'en Iopened and closed by selections oni the boys say damn and some words the problem now bothering both Un- ny, and it, is upon these countries the Columbian organ by Llewellyn L. that are even naughtier, but he is versity officials and faclty about the =-'I *t the relief activtes are beinf Ren wick, and the glee club sang the!I careful to make his hero disgusted kind of Union opera to be featured,- ily directed u§nths on time honored "Ann Arbor", responding with all these little wickednesses. TheI next year. Of course mature thought = I$ FLANNEL D de the cri~is is at hand. Help is' to thet hearty applause with "Tile Yel-' hero gets drunk, but he regrets it on this vital problem is necessary and rely needed if this darkest period low and Blue". an sn omr.ms euhmee ysuete~ -i-I tbe safely crossed, and it is now, The book aboundsminrlurid descrip-epressiIn. at the greatest appeal is being made Thle friends of expansion have at' tions of hot parties: these thingsII n the students of the world. last been aroused by three anti-expan. where all the bims are tight and In-1I After viewing the corps of police Kayseran Eiffel 1 h c s lisa Mih ga ie efundtib td o af r sbuts wh av e n ae e committeeu ge . On f h m ena d a ior is n u rdnnowisf nd b t:acbusyeisn w u y cently. They are now doing their best' drags Our Hero into the next room morale of the dancers at the J-Hoplt. fiTT,- rs c.t 1 . 0 0 U a fl( irkng ut he lan whch ill~lae~ o bingsom prminnt an ereandl there attempts to "kiss him, but3 it is surprising to find that the majo i e University on the ist of those who' who will uphold President McKinley's, he-a second Joseph Andrews andj ty of the students favor prohibition ldi prsrigteitletaadiitainand also present the ' Adonis rolled into one mutt--breaks! after all. Sonmebody was fooled,. ...... ........................................... of eastern Europe. imperialistic side of the case. Yester-+ loose in a rage an biffs off into the ____________ -- -(l!ay Mr. William Day was sent to' pure night air ..ll.sITie old fight is on, Athletic assoi #I h"TU)ENT DRtYS ANDI) WETS Washington, D. ,C., for the purpose of The book ends with the hero bawl-j ation vs. University band. When somec t~f~ll~11tit~~fllt .l11 SmIL w S I S II I M e' IM x f.. K\ a bt= pm RESSES ' "V- fSm d lanFol I Upwardsa if Ic