T _.
rrrr . . a . :. _- . r i I rar rw rwri rrrrr M
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Barbaric Splendor Of J-Hop
Featured By February Chimes,
With the close of the lop week-end collection of humorous remarks on
some 800 fair guests of the junior the Eskimo village scene of the Hop
class journeyed homeward and safe+ adds to the atmosphere created by the
among the treasured mementos were cover. Then too the Hop committee's
copies of the February Chimes. It picture appears as does an editorialI
was not styled a Hop number but by dealing with the event. Whether or
illustration and article it was linked not the Chimes staff intended to pro-
unquestionably with the premier soc- duce a Hop number they have done
ial event of the college year. so.
Barbaric spendor depicted in yellow ( Communications are more plentiful
and blue was Chimes conception of than ever before in this month's
"As Our Elders See the Hop." Danc- !Chmes and it s to benoted that an
ing natives, a' sand beach and a trop- I alumnus has contributed °a discussion
ical moon drawn by Angus Babcock, of Michigan which shows that their
'26 constituted what will probably be Alma Mater is ever present in the
known as the best Chimes cover of minds of the graduates and that theyV
the year. are as much interested in present day
"M rn " rh Tt _tT~ r ,T TTi . 0 i
Agg a Contest,
PSIbF pl ay returns of the Michi-
Ygan-M. A. C. game played Wednesday
nightatLnig Michigan were
R[T9H 61NB SICbroadcasted direct from the court by
Station WKAR, operated by the col-
lege. These were the first returns to
RESOLUTION PASSED BY 47.34 reach this city and were picked up by
VOTE AND REFERRED the Daily reportor and dozens of Ann
TO COOLIDGE Arbor fans. They were also heard in
cities throughout Michigan and neigh-
ON D CISIN UN NOWN special wire ran from the station
ON DECISION UNKNOWN tothe edge of the basketball floor.
The announcer transmitted details of
Committee Investigating Oil Scandal the game to his listeners as they hap-
Closes Another Day of Many pened.
Developments The cheers of the crowds were dim-
SINCE 1900
Henry, Rodgers, Dixon andj
Will Speak on Tonight's
Smoker Program.
Beethoven. Sclmunanm, Chopin
Liszt Exuhit Rare Mastery
of Instrument
More than 150 road commissioners
and engineers of the state registered
yesterday at the opening of the four-
day gathering of the Tenth Annual
Highway conference of the Univer-
sity. Prof. Arthur H. Blanchard of
the highway engineering department,
who is supervising the meeting for
the engineering school predicts that
more than 500 will be present before
the close of the convention Thursday.
Today's meetings will mark the
first important work of the assembly,
among which will be a debate during
the afternoon on the proposed state
gasoline and weight tax on motor ve-
hicles and a smoker in the Union at
8 o'clock tonight as well as the regu-
lar morning discussion session.
Public Service
President Marion L. Burton "will
speak at the smoker on Public Ser-
vice" and Thomas P. Henry, president
of the American Automobile associ-
ation, will set forth the Highway Tm-
provenient Platform of that body.
Other scpeakers will include Frank F.
Rodgers, state highway commissioner,
and Dr. Frank 1-. Dixon, professor of
economics at Princeton university.
Prof. Edmund E. Day, of the econom-
ics department, will preside at the
At the afternoon gathering, com-
mencing at 2 o'clock in room 348 en-
gineering building, the debate on the
gas tax will be staged. Col. Sidney D.
Waldon. past-president of the Detroit
Automobile club and leader of the
campaign against the gasoline tax,
will present his views, as will William
M. Connelly, state senator, leader in
that body against Governor Alex Gros-I
beck's gasoline tax.
Open Discussion
Prof. Walter E. Lay, of the automo-
tive division of the mechanical en-
gineering department, will also give
some technical arguments on both
sdes of the question. Following his
talk the meeting will be thrown open
to general discussion of the tax by
those attending the conference. Mr.
Henry will preside at this debate.
Professor Blanchard will preside
over the morning meeting at 9:30 In
room 348, at which time Capt W. S.
Gilbreath, manager . of the Detroit
Auto club, Charles E. Hill, general1
safety agent of the New York Central
lines and A. R. Hirst, state highway
engineer of Wisconsin will deliver'
short addresses.4
A change has been made due to
the heavy snow in plans outlined for
tomorrow afternoon for the confer
ence viewing of the Washtenaw
county roads where several tests, have
been made with gravel roads. A gen-
eral discussion of topics of interest to
the conference will be held in room
348 instead.
Registration was held yesterday
morning in room 1024 East Engineer-
ing building and in the afternoon a
meeting was held in room 348 to out-
line general plans for the conference.
At that time Dean Mortimer E. Cooley
of the Colleges of Engineering and
Architecture gave an adress of wel -
come for the University, and Mayor'
George E. Lewis for the city.
Students Invited
underv NorthernU its by Will- problems of the University aswhendhe
iam L. Bowden, '25, consisting of a they were students here. B.G.B. By Edgar H. Ales BULLETIN , ing the intermissions the mouthpiece
It is almost a quarter of a century Washington, Feb. 1.--(By A. P.) was turned in the direction of the
since Ernest Von Dohnanyi gave a -President Coolidge answered Michigan Aggie band and listeners-in
piano recital in Ann Arbor. When he the Senate request for the resig. were able to hear their numbrs
S played here at the 1900 May Festival, nation of Edwin Denby as sere. clearly. At the end of the game a
then a famous young man of '23, he tary of the navy with the state. su ary of the individual field goals,'
made many friends, a few of whom nient tonight that no oficial rec- free throws and fouls was given.
9DAN VETiwere presentto welcome him last ognition can be given to the pass--
night when he returned to Hill audi- age of the senate resotion
toriin to give the final concert of the relative to their opinion eoneerl-U I itiRSTN S
All Students in Literary College Who Football Mentor Addresses Soo at Choral Union series. Those who were lug members of the cabinet or
Register Today or After Must Annual Father and Son present on that early occasion still other officers under executive con.
Pay $5 Fine. Meeting cherish memories of hia transcendent t rol.
--powers as apianist, but to most of last Wahington, Feb. 1l.-(By A. P.)- NEW RADO0 ST TION
CHANGES IN ELECTIONS MAY S'TAKES SUBJECT, "IF HE WERE night's audience, Mr. Dohnanyi was President Coolidge was advised by the -
BE MADE THURSDAY, FRIDAY MY SON," FROM OWN ARTICLE an uncertain quantity-that is, until Senate today to ask for the resigna-P
f he started to play. tion of Edwin Denby as secretary of 1 Troadcst
First semester grades for all students "If He Were My Son" is the subject A Great Artist the navy. ! Play by Play Returns of
in the literary college are expected on which Fielding -I. Yost, director of Mr. Dohnanyl's first numbers dis- A resolution declaring the secre- All Games
to be mailed Thursday from the Reg- I intercollegiate athletics, talked to pelled any doubts as to his being tary's retirement should be requested ,
istrar's office, it was announced yes- hnd y samong the supreme musicians of this "immediately" was adopted. 47 to 34. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING
tra ets a ued more than 800 men and boys last night generation. The entire program, in and sent to the white house by special STUDENTS DESIGN NEW SETI
terday. Students are requested not Iin Detroit at the annual Father and fact, was the interpretation of a great messenger within the hour.
to call for their grades at the Regis- Son banquet held by the Board of master-a matured pianistic genius No Indication Announcement has been made of the
trar's office as they will not be given Commerce and an artist of profound almost fa- Tonight there was nothing to indi- opening of a powerful wireless tele-
out. -.,.natical sincerity. Such piano playing cate clearly what the president's re- phone broadcasting station in the En-
An office force, larger than usual The text in orief of Coach Yost's as he exhibited is a delight to hear. ply would be. White house officials, gineering building of the University.
is now busy in this office tabulating speech which was taken from an arti- His command of the technical re- who already have declared the Several test programs, which accord-
course gr for last semester. cle written by him on this subject and sources of his instrument is astound- question outside the province of con- ing to officials, have been highly siec-
inta s published in the March Delineator in- ing, but one was never conscious of gress were silent. Mr. Denby sent cessful, have been given in the last
ieginning today all students reg- cluding pictures of the Coach andi other than musical purposes in his word to inquirers that lie would have few days.
istering in the literary college for theeldingYitr., oftheswhCoach ndwork. His is the style of a Titan, nothing to say in the immediate fu- Plans are now being formulated to
second semester must pay a fine of Fielding Yost, Jr., gives what Coach richly colored, tremendously alive, and tre. make it possible to broadcast play by
$5 Stwsanucdysedyb Yost believes should be the character- Ircl ooe, rmnosyaie n ue
$5, it was announced yesterday by istics of the ideal boy who will devel of Brahmsian amplitude. His im- The Senate action came toward the play returns of the remainder of Mich-
Registrar Arthur G. Hall. This is the pIessive masteryoftone gradation, his close of another day of fast crowding igan' games the
! utmayfn wihalmaerei-opitthebsetp fmaho.y ofne* s basketball gmsover t on-
customary fine which all late regis- Iop hee ype o manhoo id truly marvellous phrasing and full, developments in the oil investigation. try to alumni and other interested lis-
trants are required to pay. ifhe were my son." thmoach said canorous tone upon the piano count At a morning session the oil com- teners-in.
tStudents continued to register yes-lo in his speehandontI would w ant for much; but, united as they are with nittee heard from William G. McAdoo The set was designed by Mr. E. E.
registration was oinginall l to close hit to be possessed of a keen and a rare. intensity of expression and an a detailed statement of his employ- Dreese, of the electrical engineering
Satirda night. Time for reistr- alert mind, ick to observe and ras titter preoccupation- w ith the spirit of ment as counsel for the Dohney inter- department and constructed by L. N.
aturda iht. ie for egistr- alert induick to obeve how g tr e music, they are simply overwhelm- ests, a declaration that he had no part Holland grad., and L. A. Dorff, '24E.
ation without fine was extended until any situation and to decide howv It!1
last night wheh it was decided Satur- could best be met, and I would want ing. Here was no sensational clap- in any .leasing negotiations and a It carries four bulbs and has a capacity
day to close the Registrar's office him to have a strong, agile and sound trap, no pandering to the crowd, but charge that injection of hi name into of 200 watts. The wave length is 280
Saturday afternoon so that time might body, an exaarl musical inspiration and a the inquiry was a political move to meters. The set was built for labor;
be put upon the making out of grades. "If he were my son I would want sound achievement. discredit him, a presidential candi- tory use in the radio engineering
300 New Students him to cultivate good manners so that Mr. Dohnanyi displayed extraordin- date. courses of the University. The only
A bout 300 students had registered he might acquire the charm .of unfail- ary powers in the early Beethoven Receive Protest definite programs which the operators
last night who were not in the Un- ing courtesy. Good manners are a Sonata in F major which is seldom Later the Senate committee received have so far considered are the basket-
versity the previous semester. This priceless asset. I would try to im- played in publc. The work would the protest of three railroad leaders ball game iesults. .All other broad-
Includes both those who have never press upon him that the cold formal- not have suffered from a slightly against confirmation of Atlee Pomer- casting will be done in the mornings
attended the University before and ity of correct social usage is not greater emphasis upon its; romantic ene as special counsel for the govern- and aftermidnight so as not to inter-
those wh, are reentering. IIenough; that he must have the court- qualities but it is hardto quarrel with mentsin the annulment suit. Action fere with the reception of outside sta-
All students in the literary college esy of the heart as well as the courtesy uch a beautifully articulated and was deferred but a favorable vote tions by Ann Arbor listeners.}
who find it absolutely necessary to of the lips finely felt performance as Mr. Doh- probably tomorrow was forecast. The test programs so far broadcast-
make changes in elections may do so "Some boys make the mistake of nanyi gave. His interpretation was Chairman Lenroot received a letter ed, although sent out at considerably
on Thursday and Friday of this week, thinkin that ood manners are a sign one of rare felicity, rhythmically su- from Seymour Cromwell, president of less than full power, have brought re-
Registrar Arthur G. Hall announced of effeminacy that courtesy is the perb and characterized by a spirit of the New York stock exchange, saying sponses from states throughout the
yesterday. After this time changes 1mark o fthe "sissy." I would point reverent devotion to the master's that if the committee desired, the country, including Kentucky, Pennsyl-
may be made only on payment of a out to my son the fact that really great music. boadr of governors would pass a res- vania, Virginia, Massachusetts, Ala-
fine of $1ytySchumann Magnificent olution asking all members of the ex- bama, Iowa, New York and other near-
and powerful men and women are un- The Schumann Etudes Symphon- change to forward the committee a by vicinities.
nfailingly courteous. iques have not been heard here in re- i transcript from their books as was
"Ir t hscent year and it was fortunate that done in the leak investigation in 1917. the fact that several of the country's
A ip a ek s tone of two things: lacrof opportunitt their reinstatement was in the hands Daugherty Acts most powerful sets were broadcasting
J-H o I PJL P u res ;;of a Dohnanyi. The technical diffi- During the day, Attorney-General m a ys ime. The
character. The bore is often both thecutsarsoeonostathmisDugeywoeSntrWlisR- from that city at the same meTh
~ ubieuae oynomandha tethe Dugerdunce."nto WllsRe !United States Naval acadenmy at Mary-
Taking J-Hop house party pictures inspeakgothebeneficial ical value is usually almost nil, butpublican, Ohio, asking that a com- land West Virginia, heard the station.
3'Mr. Donnitimhdoethmmtehodhaigontersl
from an airplane-a rather novel ide( once of play on the boy Coach Yost .ohnanyi trumphed ve tion requesting the he retire fromlu whose call letters are 'WCBC, with'
P (i !easily achieving a real tour de force ,tionarequestingsthethearetirerfrom
-but this is what happened during the said, "Unwise parents attempt to dis- of playing and a musical effectof the cabinet. nar Wheeler, 6 .. great clearness, it was reported.
past week end. Saturday noon a large courage the natural instinct to join a yddoctarat ntana, utIor of the t ., Officials of the station are personal-
Army plane from Selfridge Field flew I 'gang' or group and failing to direct it climatic power. The prodigality of t a d na ateorno the bL
over Ann Arbor and as it swooped into the proper channels permit it to Schumann's creative genius is ever- In, sain. acelved from their listeners. Another
down upon one fraternity house on be diverted into improper ones. The wonderful. ntoewardtoo therlosel of the senate depDogfamr eiiplannednfo he nerfu
Washtenaw avenue in front of which gang instinct as capatalized by the We have left Mr. Dohnanyis ownbate Senator Johnson, California, a ture. It will be announced The
_works until last because they deserve
Ineligibility Necessitates Contint
Shifting of Players by
Coach Mather
Special to The Daily
Minneapolis, Feb. 11.-Michigan,
the second time in as many days, we
down to defeat here tonight on I
basketball floor, this tinle before Mi
nesota to the score of 27 to 16. TI
Wolverines were unable to cope w
the Gopher attack in the first ha
and as a consequence their oppone
were able to pile up a big lead. T
half'ended with Minnesota on the to
end of a 21 to7 score.
But with the opening of the seco
-.31n ouoa of pajavs u'u2jgajLg 11
Due largely to the close guarding
Ecklund, the Minnesota star, I
Gopher lead began to reduce. In til
half the Wolverines outplayed a
out-scored the Northmen scoring
points while Minnesota was getti
Henderson, who replaced Morga
idge shortly after the opening of t
second half, showed to good adva
tage and contributed greatly to t
Wolverine team play.,
Michigan felt deeply the loss
Royal (Red) Cherry, running, guar
who was declared scholastically i
eligible Sunday night. This neces
tated a continuous shifting of his m
on the part of Coach Mather in
effort to secure a winning combi
Pesek, with five field goals, a
Ecklund, with three field goals a
one free-throw, were the scoring sta
for Minnesota. Henderson. with ti
field goals and one-free throw, a
Hagerty; with one field goal and thr
free-throws, were the chief Wolveri!
FG. F.
lagge'rty f.............1
Birks f......... ....0
Morgaridge, f. ........1
Henderson, f...........2
Doyle, c............... .1
Deng, g.................0
Kipke, g. ...............0
Total 5 4
Ecklund, f.F......3 1
Rasey, f.................2 2
Pesek, c................ 0
Olson, g............. ....2 0
Dunder, g..............0 0
Becker, g...............0 0
Total 12 3
Fouls missed: Ecklund 1, Pesek,
Olson2, Hendersoni, Kipke 2.
Referee, Schommer, Chicago.
Umpire, Berger.
Presidetn Marion L. Burton, Har
B. Hutchins, president emeritus. A
Mayor George Lewis of Ann Arbor w
Last night movies were shown in
room 348 of road machinery and high- #
way construction methods. More mov- I
ing pictures on the same subject will
be shown tomorrow night.
The conference, which is held year-
ly by tie University in order to supplyl
road comissioners with information'
relative to highway administration, I
organization, financing, traffic, drain'1
age systems, and foundations, and the
construction aid maintainence of,
roadways and briidges suitable for
roads and streets ih this state, is open
to students who aire interested in the
Tickets are on sale in room 1024
for the informal dinner of the Michi-
gan association of road comissioners
and engineers in the Union, Thurs-
day evening. The smoker tonight is
without admission charge.
Co-operating with the College of
Engineering in staging 'this gathering
were assembled the members and
guests, Lieutenant Gordon T. Waite,
'22E, U. S. A., observer of the plane,
snapped pictures of the assemblage.
After taking several pictures the
plane again flew high in tihe air and
performed for its watchers. As the
party members gazed into the sky the
plane looped the loop time and again.
It was reported that there were sev-
eral people frightened by this who
were both motoring and walking down
Washtenaw avenue. The plane actu-
ally descended so low that a party in
an auto feared collision with it.
New offices of the Athletic associa-
tion will be opened within the next
two weeks in the Yost- Field house, it
was announced yesterday. All the
coaches will have their headquarters
at this place and the ticket office will
be located here soon.
To those who have survived the
everlasting brimstone of exams
Boy Scouts and similar organizations """a aniaefrth eulcn rsdn-I '-'uy. 'Ietie principa speakers at An A
|cniaefrterpbia resident- i.e
,this prominence. Hie played several caddaefr - rpbicnpbr' etnial diet to be held
does a trenlendous amount of good." ofthem-the Rhapsodies in d sharp ia nomination, asked his colleges to s centenn nner
Jack Blott, '24, Yost's latest All-Amer- . jnthe Ce i F sharp out of office all of those connect- six o'clock Wednesday, Feb. 27, at t
ican player, also spoke at the dinner. !minor and C major, the Capricio in urone- I [
A minor, the Pastorale and the Etude ed with the oil leases, and Senator uU091Y TRYOUTS fl T nion.
in F minor. All of them are striking " Lafollette, Wisconsin. leader of the Seating arrangements ,for the d
A O 'CLOCK M Oner y e n n u n haere d nCaveu g been anrereu liaanounce byt eco
Take Telegraphici examples of the bet in modern piano republican insurgents, declared that!I fP ' ' 'nmhx enanucdb h
literature. 'They are written with 'President Coolidge and the repiubican f1LUI I!IIU1IIJY it te in charge. Descendants of t
Vote On Paddock brilliant command of the pianistic id party as well as Secretary Denby andinhabitats w8 "etled An Ar
loin.,thecmmn the- tricate fi d-Attorn eyGen eral Daugherty must from 1824 to 1834 will be the honor
om, they are technically intricabear Atthyeira of herpn st All second semester freshmen- and rou dinner.
Boston, Feb. 11-,(By AP)-The armonicallyunconventional. What be f thend 10 rep icresponsib ir members of the sophomore, junior and goae disnne
special committee of the amateur is even more important, they glow with votes for the Denb resolution Th senior classes who are eligible for seating are between the groups of
v athletic unfon named to consider the I beauty of a sort to which our ears arefor
ashetic nionhareddto cknCsiernthe eat yt accustoied. The appalIing republican organization fought to the positions on the editorial staff of The idents 80 years of age or over, olud
case of Charles Paddock, Caifornai not etacutoe. p b;I
sprinter suspended ast year by the volcanic energy and electric force of last to prevent adoption but went down Michigan Daily. A tryout meeting couity resiednts, city officials, coi
union, will take a telegraphic vote the little Etude show an original gen- In defeat after a parliamentary fight will be held at 4 o'clock tomorrow af- I officials, and local organizations.
tthis week on the runner's reinstate- ius at work, while the Rhapsodies an, almost without precedent in American ternoon in the publications reading1A pageant of over 100 grls to
ment, President William C. Prout of the Capriccio teem with strong muLsi- history. rooms in the Press building on May- held te inteyar is also plant
r the A. A. U. announced tonight, after cal ideas and eloquent expression. We !nard street. to mark the centennial.
a conference with Paddock. The Cal- found them infinitely more interesting Appoint Tarr ' Practical experience in newspaper
ifornian, in a formal statement referr- than the Liszt rhapsody. Dohnanyi's ork is offered to all persons desir- Poetry Edtes
ed to the A. A. U. president as a "fair inspiration by Brahms seems indubit- Daily News Editor ing to tryout. Those who have a gen-T
and just man". able although Johannee himseif would oral knowledge of the campus and Speaks Tom orro
able hopehPaddockhwnllsbeiqualifiedldcampus affairs are preferred.
"I hope Paddock will be qualified cetrainly be the first to attest his orig- Robert B. Tarr, '24, has been ap- IcmSus fasecrn semerr.
to compete at Paris year inality. pointed News Editor of The Daily for advanced standing who are interest- Hariet Monroe of Chicago will spe
the American Olympic team, Mr. The concert was well received. That ( the remainder of the year. He suc- ed in trying out for the business staff as the next lecturer on the Whims
Prout said. is about all one can say. An infeior ceeds J. E. Mack, '24, wMho has rsigned ' T ichigan Daily will call this series at 8 o'clock tomorrow night
artist parading virtuous antics would to accept a position in the Physics de- afternoon between 2 and 5 o'clock at ! Sarah Caswell Angell hall.
Gargoyle Issues 1 have exacted the last full measure of partment of the University. Tarr was' The Daily office in the Press building Miss Monroe is the editress of Po
devotion from the encore fiends. But formerly Telegraph Editor, and has and leave name and address. Ten ry magazine, one of the pioneeri
CallFor ryouts Mr. Dohnanyi is anm artist of the finer had three and a half years service on' tryouts who will begin work inmmedi- Iperiodicals devoted exclusively to I
(fiber and it seems that he must there- The Daily. ately will be selected. fr n o modern poetra thority
! Trout tedftheGanh fore be content with respectful atten- - - - f---smetyasben anuth odrity
T ryouts are wanlted for thle Gargoyle *''I .. *i, . _- . _ ., - . poetry and is one of the leaders of 'I