THE MICHIGAN DAILY where learn-' aInd where' givenl first' o ir of it, tage: nd( its H AIIF fl NFFRFNI served and deleg-ates were addresed by D a lt d F o d o th ud aeschool on the jideals of that school. F )( The hsicists Ithen went to the newj p; pysics build iing where they inspect-; The Week's News In Brief Germoany's entering the TLeague'of Nations wvill soon become an inmport- ant internal political issue. There is a wide spread feeling that such a movement would he to the best in- terests of the Fatherland. RADIO TO BRODST 'Fox Will Speak At 1 . ! Fer 770f11 - .2 tf1-3 ]iversity is W(F~ 9 !t1LOE www m z d #.I a W rm - r, ID. L. iu'u jwu ta a iscussion or Ailenging prospr ity I, willore-an1t'oeunior col~eg)problle n tea' reI bemeto lc hre inl-tron h ics in 1etlfa- (otnedfoEag n)It ws plredicted that the Americani )re lwc,,) liw NDivhore iw1~xpeinicds aud e no.Teci>~:,o lal r~ iti (itienspreer tIsed teir;onitrllaily wth equremet fr each 1 y paratly7.edlGreat Britain's shipping committee which is at present feed-i n daughtlers,. In the 'namie 01de-: ,1frr1! o.4junior colleges, pfor tet d'. hingfe750,0000 efnchre rngwl.hv cracy we owe it to one another, to ict cues prprttjtfed30,00eoesrng 1l0 bo1ksfor s(1 oreworking hours) g__y___ studen ts and( to'th wold f high- r tacher S, adequate library facili-' A itrong motemen sudrwyi education to-,give increasing recog- U )lE~liFT , aT"h l":1 ;ITI isadcoeato!ewe h n J~i o ofrec odsuste Russia, meeting with other nations' Ion to thevital facor of unier- MEET ELD HEIW E~TEEI)AYivers)i and the schools and colleges question of granting the EmhpireainteLguofNins(sai- y life-a1 persistent em~phas is upoln,---oft the tate. fuller measure of self-government. anent conference, threatens to make it) the hihetaluies." Over _) teaches of Phy;sics In the ________Ia complete failure. Instead of dis- 1ia s , 9 1lyinrg 'Friteruities) copieg: of the state met hebre yes-G The Frenc^ franc dropped to a newa' armament, she wants the privilege of IIr' PflhlflhouIIIs IflI Ifl> arming herself completely in the. Bal- rb, , dn rtriyhpe terday 'or thir emi-annual confer1 '' 11, I~ owpoinztof 2.80 to the dollar. v tar fro t1; canmitsanal the 11nin-ee cconve ning .1t 11F' ;D o'lekin "eVKJdUIItLLf lIVI irodrop came i the face of Poin- tic and Black seas, and a navy tonnage '5ity lnc thatradlites 'abt it iipi uld .T~f~I tIrfn e 's strong programn for the rehab- !equal to that given Great Britain in1 aiol('t t s report. h. f~rtell- Prof. GselofIW [N IM itto ftecuty'sfnacsadthe Washington conference.I tt t ticy brings aboi t 5 ~to ogy 7 ep De ave epne of fthe -'Premier's plan. Soviet leaders are in sympathy with the d:,isaceto .lasses, ailthoug-Elat to Variying ( Crculatory D-c CoJluiba, M. e.23-f ~'the formation of an autonomousjew-! Ice," hc. said. lie ha:d perform~ed inl which he kept; has been abandoned at the Uiniver- i of Poincare's government, as the re- This is the first constructive solo-' 1111 t vi the 'caue 1ma"y lhe, thne th1eher and lungt s ofI a dog function-' slty of M1issour i. T!his wag decided cult of the unpopularity of his taxat- tion of the Russian jewish prohlem to teniis rm1sn.tenegho- n ba nitring blood of othe-r upon by the student council of the ion program. Georges C .mnenceauhaecneuinea's ~leta en omc tceedg.Cluain s otevlm nvriy. T1he reason for their ,ac- has been mentioned as his successor.' f i!,s( so iportan1t in foring;the of blood a nd the blood pressure c1n~ tion wvas that the reporting of cheat-j A Federation of Intellectual Labor irts of theclace," 1the1Presidelnt be made in this way he said. g was considered disgraceful by the; The oldest building still standingi en raied i pi.Ti d. "!t 1 is ltgehr too) eas1y for D.Jn. ,.). Tear, of Nela laboratory stu(ients and that one who did so wasj above ground has been, found in BAb-1 bralinworkers' union will attempt to 1ni to Leciu alaw unlto themiselves oft Cleveland,. Ohio, then spoke on re-:looked upon as a "snitch".' ylon, four miles from Ur of the Cha- Ioi'ganize with similar bodies in other, ente aes fa r remnoved1 from cent advances in the study of radia- An amendment, however, was pass- dtees of Biblical fame. Its age is said countries. capsdsiln.Poe te- , tiits f hort electric waves and the ed by means of which~ 90 per cent of to make King Tut's tomb look like axt n ~oclasduties cannot be so read- ini'ia-red )wves=. Dr. Tear has suc- the students in any school of the un-ibit oif modlernl architecture. The Swedish foreign office madle aI genby the stdnts who aivc so: cessfiiliyicalred these two classes IVi'iesity coirlcl ire-install the system 'record for international activity last aa;the temiptation to .'cut'[ of waves with the Same instrum ent in that school, provided that they, France it is said, is willing and anx" year. It took' part in 36 international ix ()~ an itis n- ad ws te frstphyscis tothu sine~ a etiionsayng tat heyion topay er ar ebtto he Uit-conreses nd cntetios a conga sas eomsstonan t s ni 1(1wathefrs pyics'tutuuIsgnd( ettonsaigthtohe othoeayhr aldbttbternt-rsssanycn;ninaswlla .vnett u vrt h irr rove these waves to b~e o[. similar na-! wouild be willing to report violations, ed States, but she can't-at leanst n- five sessions lof the League of Na- a h1alf hur'sstd." tunte;. hS discussion weas of l1artic-i For the university as a whole, the, til she knows how she is going to b tons. Jh rt( ort is 1 seve ra lundred pages~ ular inter'est to the depal~irtment here system 'has been d'efinitely abandon- stand on reparations.Thsteofonuaisnteu- ;g. itdiscu',ses;fully th1e finantces as they aai-,t present mang ;nre-fe(,.ThsteofIndr iinheu- the Univer.;ity, pihe alnd holldi,seatch in. the lem field. 1t ,islte be- For the first time in post-war his- ique situation of having three presr- schoarsip, tand teresearch tha1,i', ofphyiit: tha.,t all thteseir, a -oulFb 2.A~oiy(frich- tory, Germany's Reichstag was forced (ients, all of whom have proclaimed1 i been calrnic:d onr here in the past tions fromt the elctrical, sound and l es mnade in AlaskIa (luring' an absenceI to close its mouth. Chancellor Marx themselves "de facto" rulers during I aI i' ight waves arcmethe saine except that;co' nearl" 30 year's was rev:ealed re- saji that if any one of his nu merous; the past several weeks. ----- °°-- the rad~r.iationsarc produced by i fier ~cenit 11(when Thomas iEmsie returned! decrees was (debated, he would dis-c ].araw eb. 2a. - Geoneral Sikon- ent. mean.Ito late the remiaindler of 1his life in the miss the assembkly. DAILY CLASSIFIEDS BRING a xnnlelaa nriSe o T ecniito dore tno~' fhsbrha6 rjy1i,1rli 1I EUT- cce dj G 'set ISosokaw'ski resigned. to - the Union wrhe, e -Imcheon :was iof 2 00.00i0. The queCstion' of the possibility of j ON LITTLE INVESTMENT Thousands were able to hear the Side Reform-insuin of Chica-"go, at first reports on the M1ihigaii-Purdu'le 7 c0 'lme tih t inL ;ahallauldi- and Wisconsin-Ohio basketball gae)1h, Fli Spi!i f'6 , ranlii;od eoda" when The Daily broadcast telegraph I i ,spiregadedas neIfft;,pom ic details prepared by its corre~spondi-cro!th oi- ents from the radiophone station A C-' nn eis absof this coun- BC, electrical engineering eat r n a orel soitdwt mnent of the University, last night. Thae teJeihyo ogu 'o Fort Worth. results of the hockey game played at; TexaS. -All Jewish stuident; invitedl. Ann Arbor and other confeirenc s c r s w e re g iv e n o u t a s w e ll. t Kia s a n u e d t a th y e e t e " l G !G E1 [ M transmit details of the Iowa game be;- ginning at about 11 'cock Monday, O B S MINNESOTA 3- night. The wave length of. StationCVB i28mers (ontilhinud rm Page O(ne) PERMISSION bIUNfoifrmatiCci j m y kept hi,, in n goit STUENTtviu SSMIINothie.ltlowi'c ie best wings to peCr- "unm this season. H~e ng: zndlin defeat the I thmsevesto lbe as It w as decided at a special meeting of the deans held yesterdly morningj to allow the use of Hill auditoriuml for an assemnbly to discuss the stu- dents' friendship fund. The assem- bly may be held anyi time after fourl o'clock in the afternoon or in the evening. The deans stipulated that no solicitation of funds be allowed inI the building, which stipulation con- forms to a university ruling. They al- so voted that it is not to he called a 1 convocation inasmuch as convocations are intended to be of strictly academ-1 ic character. Plymouth, Feb. 23.-The postal em-1 "'ployes have resumed work at the docks handling accumlated mnail from Amen- ica. 1 Thle su'lnunarvy Michigan Minnesota B3eresfordT,. W. lPond ((Capt.) Quirk lI.W. Olson Reynolds('. hggins Kahn (CaptQ y"). Gustafson Peter n H.1D. Alann Wel . Schadle SpareT(s: M1ic"higan -L~~i'ndtoml, Levi. Minnesota-- Thompson, Y oungbauer. Goal:: Yichiyan-Beresfordj (2), Quirk. AMinnesota, i'TIon, GulstafsonI. (,ho~Se Zurie 'oa , M11 'ita' MerlN, Febi. 23-Te okal Anzeig- e; says the repmuAann experts have dlecided on Zurich for the site of the proposed German Gold Note Bank, adding thA the, institu~tion will be op- en about ApYr 15. _M-_-----.- ML (STARTING SUNDAY) . " '" f G y l, r E who produced - ni4IiIiC11 0 of the man THEE MARK OF ZOR RO BLOOD AND SAND l 3 a f ' "Fre d STRANGERS OF THE NIGHT (Capt., Apljack ) . M~Aer ,ens 1 oI Featuring Ramon Novarro Barbara La Marr I .,.) / "the perfect triumph in lo.ver," ,fresh f ro'm his sensational Rex Ingramn's "'Scaram o uche." as the enchanting Guerita, 'who loved and died amid fierce, smouldering drama. WTILLIAM V. 1MONG as Pedro, the old smuggler; a scorpion with wide, angry nip pe"s. WALLACE acDONALD tro Capt. de Gas felar hunter of crime and of fair women. ROBERT EDESON t he star of "Strongheart" and "Soldiers of Fortune." EDITH RBERTS as the lovely Dolores, 'who belie'ved in her soldier' lo'ver. Adapted, by can version BESS of the MEREDYTH from B'ENJAMITN GLAZER'S Ameri- tnternational stage success by KARL :SCHOENHERR. t r 0 014- it - J a The Most Thrilling, Colorful Picture of the Year . -. t X ! i 4 .._....t r ,_ Y a i .f j J C l i w i {< .. ~ Vii.. t -.- .; d '.:n; i a- -- . 2 -.- .- ' i _ . : / ' Fn i Zd,: rt _ d , _ ay , .,. rd = .: T HE ALLURING STRAINS of the Tarantella, the intoxicating scent of flaming flowers, the madness of costly scarlet wine.-She was the 'light, bright tiger-moth, enchanting and appalling. .He wa a soldier-handsome, dashing, I A --. . t W i 4 I 4 d b yish, reciless- ?_ / r -'" ____ -t-- Love Ensnared Them in the Trapy They'd Set _s ... '1 -.--- . .......... 0 ,. -L SPEC!AL_ (THE (JlII(UNAL) -ALSO- 'I,]rncWieASON ie fTIN~